Beauty: Queen of Chess

Chapter 120


Leng Qisu's face was as pale as paper, and the blood on his lips still hadn't stopped and was dripping down. However, his expression was surprisingly calm, as if nothing happened. His dark eyes kept following the man who was being pinched as he walked away. The farther away the woman is, the more distant she is.

"Fourth brother! Don't look at it. You also know that when you lose your true energy, you must have no distracting thoughts! Otherwise, not only will it harm your body, but you might even go crazy!" Leng Qixi reminded him softly, a little unbearably.

peace in the heart

If you close your eyes and stop looking, can you really have no distracting thoughts

Just deceiving yourself, right

He curled his lips, looked at the figure in the distance, and slowly closed his eyes.


Leng Qiyi threw Mo Shuang onto the horse's back and jumped on it himself. Just as he was about to hit the horse and move forward, he found a woman rushing out in front of him. He stepped forward and grabbed the horse's reins to stop them. the way to go.

The woman was dressed in a maid's uniform, with willow eyebrows and almond-shaped eyes, a green nose like jade, and cherry lips like red pills. However, the corners of her eyes and eyebrows showed weakness. She pursed her lips tightly and looked at the two people on the horse with burning eyes.

"Linglong!" Mo Shuang was shocked.

How come she is here? And he appeared in front of Leng Qiyi in such a grand manner.

Too dangerous!

"Linglong?" Leng Qiyi slowly narrowed his eyes and looked at her with a hint of inquiry, "A maid from the Fourth Prince's Palace? Why did you stop my horse? Get out of the way quickly! Be careful of the horse's hoofs without eyes!"

"Linglong! Get out of the way, the prince is injured, go and see the prince quickly!" Mo Shuang scolded her anxiously, hoping she would understand.

But she seemed not to have heard, and stood there motionless, staring coldly at Leng Qiyi with her watery eyes, and suddenly said, "Bring the prince's antidote!"


It turned out that he was here to get the antidote for Leng Qisu! No wonder he is so reckless and fearless.

Mo Shuang curled her lips. In fact, she herself had just decided to return to the palace with Leng Qiyi, which was also her plan.

Since the poison in the crab apple cake was given by this man, this man naturally has the antidote.

But if Linglong wants it so straightforwardly, how can she possibly get it? It's completely asking for death.

Sure enough, Leng Qiyi burst out laughing, full of ridicule and disdain, "Why do you think I have the antidote, girl, and will I give you the antidote?"

"Just because I am the person the emperor is looking for! Just because I have what the emperor wants!"

She was still looking at Leng Qiyi for a moment, with a sneer on her lips.

Oh my God! Mo Shuang was horrified.

What does this say

Even for Leng Qisu, Leng Qisu wouldn't want to see her like this, right

It was really not a wise move for her to come out on her own after all the hard work had been done to hide it.

"Linglong, don't talk nonsense here!" Mo Shuang shouted sharply, then turned to Leng Qiyi and said, "Brother Yi, ignore her. Now Leng Qixi and Feng Xiaochen are treating Leng Qisu's injuries. We You have to take advantage of the opportunity and leave quickly! Otherwise, you won’t be able to leave!”

But Linglong didn't listen to her and didn't even look at her.

Mo Shuang knew very well that she was blaming her, blaming her for being too careful, blaming her for harming Leng Qisu.

I also felt helpless in my heart.

The same goes for Leng Qiyi. He heard that he was the person he was looking for and had something he wanted. How could he let him go so easily

"Miss, please speak more clearly! Maybe I can consider the conditions offered by the girl!"

"I am the woman named Ying that the emperor is looking for, Feng Qingying, the daughter of the Feng family!"

Leng Qiyi was visibly shocked, then his eyes lit up, and the corners of his lips slowly raised, "Ying? Feng Qingying? It's really hard to find a place through iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it! But, how can I believe that you are her?" "

Crazy, simply crazy!

Mo Shuang frowned and looked at her. It was too late to stop her!

In fact, looking at the current situation, it is useless to stop it in time. This woman is absolutely determined to do this.

Mo Shuang looked back at the three people in the distance, hoping that some action could be taken before it was too late.

Leng Qixi and Feng Xiaochen were still giving Qi to Leng Qisu, but Leng Qisu seemed to be looking here, too far away to see clearly.

It's strange, since you are looking here, how can you be indifferent when you see Linglong acting like this

Suddenly, she saw where Linglong was standing, and she suddenly understood.

It turned out that Linglong deliberately stood in a position blocked by the horse. Due to the viewing angle problem and Linglong's petite body, from where Leng Qisu and the others were sitting, at most they could see a little bit of the skirt underneath. Or not seen at all.

It seemed that Linglong had also thought about it and not let them know.

"I have in my hand a legacy from the late emperor that my father left behind. Is this important enough to exchange for the antidote with the emperor?"

Linglong stared straight into Leng Qiyi's eyes, not letting go of any of his subtle expressions.

She also discovered this thing today when she was sorting out Dr. Feng's belongings.

Doctor Feng hid it inside the scroll of a painting. If she hadn't accidentally dropped it on the ground when she was taking the scroll today, and the axis was cracked, she wouldn't have discovered the secret inside.

She couldn't help but look at it, and was shocked when she saw it.

It turned out that it was actually the late emperor's edict, which clearly stated that it was said to be located at the fourth prince, Leng Qisu! But later, it was Leng Qiyi who became the emperor, which shows that Leng Qiyi falsely passed on the imperial edict!

Her father knew that the real reason for the death of the late emperor was that he was killed by Leng Qiyi, and he held the real last edict of the late emperor in his hand. No wonder Leng Qiyi wanted to put their Feng family to death like this over the years.

When Leng Qiyi heard that it was the late emperor's edict, his expression suddenly changed, his eyes narrowed dangerously, and after looking at Linglong for a moment, he readily agreed: "Okay! I'll give you the antidote! You give me the edict!"

Although Mo Shuang didn't know what was written in the edict, seeing that Leng Qiyi wanted it so much, she guessed that it must be something very important. However, Linglong just gave it to him. Did she discuss it with Leng Qisu and the others?

But at this time, she could only be anxious, because due to Leng Qiyi's side, she couldn't act too much.

Leng Qiyi slowly took out an exquisite porcelain bottle from his sleeve, looked at Linglong with a smile, "This is the antidote, where is your edict?"

Mo Shuang originally wanted to reach out and grab it, but then she thought about it, this man was secretive and scheming, and he might not be the antidote at all. If she took action rashly, Linglong would not be able to get it, and she would never get it again!

So, she secretly decided to wait and see what happens.

Linglong also reached into her sleeves, slowly took out a roll of bright yellow brocade silk, and held it tightly in her hand, "Your Majesty, give me the antidote first, and then I will give you the edict to Your Majesty!"

"You are still negotiating terms with me!" Leng Qiyi sneered, full of disdain, "I am the king of a country, you have no joke!"

Seeing Linglong's determined look, his eyes flashed slightly and he said, "Forget it, I won't argue with you as a woman, I will give it first."

With that said, she threw the porcelain bottle in her hand, and Linglong reached out to take it.

"Where are my things?" Leng Qiyi stretched out his hand towards her, trying to take the brocade silk in her hand. Unexpectedly, the exquisite hand shrank suddenly and he took a step back. "Your Majesty, please wait a moment. I will give you this antidote." The prince has used it, and if it is really effective, the imperial edict will naturally be given to the emperor!"

With that said, he ran towards Leng Qisu.

Mo Shuang curled her lips, Linglong was quite smart, otherwise if she fought with someone like Brother Yi, she would only be played with applause.

"Dare you bluff me?" Leng Qiyi's expression changed and he flew up from his horse.

The antidote is of course fake.

Even if it were true, once the three of them regained their strength, he would not be able to leave, let alone take away the edict.

Therefore, strike first to gain the upper hand.

He landed in front of Linglong and reached out to grab what was in Linglong's hand.

Although Linglong was a weak woman, she was surprisingly tenacious at this time. She tightly protected the thing in her hand without letting go, and even lowered her head and bit Leng Qiyi's arm.

Leng Qiyi felt pain and instinctively let go.

Linglong ran forward again.

Leng Qiyi narrowed his eyes, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he raised the wind of his palm and slashed straight towards Linglong's back.

Mo Shuang was horrified. She put her toes on the horse's back and flew up. Before Leng Qiyi's sinister palm fell, he hit Linglong's shoulder with a heavy palm and pushed her away.

Because Leng Qiyi was seriously injured, Mo Shuang moved one step ahead of him, and his palm failed.

However, the exquisite and thin body was hit far away by Mo Shuang's palm force, and with an inertia, he went straight backwards.


Leng Qisu sat there with his eyes closed, letting the true energy of Leng Qixi and Feng Xiaochen flow into his body, trying his best to keep his mind clear of distracting thoughts.

But what flashed before his eyes were all the things he had experienced with Mo Shuang during this period of time.

In fact, he had already suspected her identity, hadn't he? It's just that he himself has been unwilling to believe it.

The so-called Tomb of Heroes of Wenwen Township! Sure enough!

When did Leng Qisu treat a woman like this

But in the end, he almost died at the hands of that woman.

His big hands clenched tightly. He gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. He swore that he would give back everything she brought to him bit by bit!

After an unknown amount of time, Leng Qixi and Feng Xiaochen slowly withdrew their palms. All three of them opened their eyes and suddenly heard the sound of fighting.

Instinctively following the sound, the three of them were horrified.

It’s Linglong!

Leng Qiyi and Mo Shuang haven't left yet and are besieging Linglong!

Mo Shuang struck Linglong with a heavy palm, knocking Linglong away. Linglong's body quickly retreated, and behind it was... .

Leng Qisu observed the surrounding terrain when he went up the mountain, and clearly knew that behind him was... a cliff!

Suddenly, his expression changed drastically, and regardless of the poison on his body, he shouted "Linglong" and flew up.

At this time, Mo Shuang also realized that she didn't know if she had used too much force or if Linglong was really vulnerable. She was pushed so far by him!

She quickly tapped her toes and flew up, trying to step forward and catch him.

But at this moment, a purple figure flew beside her. She turned her head and saw that it was Leng Qisu.

"King..." She felt happy and instinctively opened her mouth to call him, but before she could say anything, she felt a sharp pain in her chest.

She lowered her eyes in disbelief and saw the man's big palm hitting her chest hard.

"You vicious woman!"

This time it was her turn to fly out, like a withered leaf. Fortunately, Leng Qisu struck from the side, in a different direction from Linglong. She was thrown far away and landed heavily on the ground. .

A sweet and fishy taste went straight into her throat. She opened her mouth, and warm and bright red blood spurted out and splashed on the ground, like a blooming rose, which was shocking.

She raised her hand to wipe away the blood on her mouth, and suddenly she heard Leng Qisu's heart-rending cry, "Linglong—"

She was startled, ignored the pain, staggered up and looked over there, where was Linglong's shadow? All he saw was Leng Qisu lying there, shouting Linglong's name hoarsely, like a wounded beast, with bright red blood gurgling out of the corner of his mouth.

God, what's going on? What did you do again

She looked at her hands! My mind is blank!

At this time, Leng Qiyi walked towards her quickly, picked her up, jumped on the horse, "Let's go!"

The horse started running wildly. She turned around and saw Leng Qixi and Feng Xiaochen running towards Leng Qisu from a distance through Leng Qiyi's shoulder...

(End of chapter)