Beauty: Queen of Chess

Chapter 127


Mo Shuang followed an old nanny into Longyin Palace.

Because Leng Qisu was not there, the palace was very quiet. There were only a few eunuchs and a few palace maids, who stood there with their eyes, nose, nose and heart in mind, like wooden stakes.

The old mama pointed to her feet, "The rules passed down by our ancestors are that those who serve the emperor in Longyin Palace, except for the concubines who sleep with him, and those who are slaves and maids, are not allowed to wear shoes!"

As she spoke, she took off her shoes and placed them with those of other palace maids and eunuchs.

Mo Shuang shook his head and sighed, what kind of rule is this? It's okay now in the dog days of summer, but in the cold winter and twelfth lunar month in the future, how can I bear to be barefoot

Seeing her standing there without moving, the old mama's face darkened, "Those who are weak will not get good results in Longyin Palace, so hurry up!"

"Oh!" Mo Shuang quickly took off her shoes and followed her in quietly.

She couldn't help but think to herself, even if she was very nimble, she might not be able to reap the rewards in the hands of that man!

"Have you memorized all the rules I told you along the way?"

"Yeah, I remembered it!"

"Also, every day, the floors of the main hall, the middle hall, and the inner hall must be wiped with clean water, the dust on the objects must be wiped clean, and the flowers and potted plants must be watered. At night, the emperor must wait beside the dragon couch to serve the emperor in all aspects of his daily life. , at the fifth watch in the morning, I have to be responsible for waking up the emperor, waiting for the emperor to change clothes and wash up, and then go to court!"


The night banquet at Nagato-den went on until very late.

Mo Shuang stood in the Longyin Palace, almost falling asleep as she stood, until there was a loud "clang", the door of the palace was knocked open, and Linglong walked in holding a swaying Leng Qisu.

The evening breeze blew in with the suddenly opened door, and a strong smell of alcohol floated away.

Why did he drink so much? Mo Shuang frowned slightly.

I have always remembered him as a very self-controlled man, and I have never seen him so drunk.

Is it because you are too happy? Did he get his wish and become the emperor? Finally together with Linglong openly? Or was it because he successfully humiliated her

Just as he was thinking to himself, he heard Linglong shouting, "Your Majesty, be careful!" while waving to the maids, "Come and help the Emperor!"

Leng Qisu was so tall that she couldn't support him with his entire weight on her.

Mo Shuang was the closest and didn't react when he heard her shouting. He was the first to walk over and stretched out his hand to hold Leng Qisu's arm.

Leng Qisu's head rested on Linglong's shoulder. Bai Bi's face was red, and he half-closed his eyes, as if he had seen her, but not as if he had not.

Just when her hand touched his arm, he suddenly shouted vaguely, "Go" and waved his hand.

She was caught off guard and staggered back several steps before steadying herself.

He hates her so much? He was so resistant even when he was drunk!

Feeling unspeakably uncomfortable, she stood there and stopped coming forward.

At this time, several other maids had also arrived. Seeing her being treated like this, they all stood there not knowing what to do.

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you help me quickly!" Linglong panted.

Only then did several people have to bite the bullet and step forward. Unexpectedly, he didn't react at all and allowed everyone to help him to the couch.

Sure enough, he only does this to her!

Mo Shuang curled her lips, wondering why he had to let her hang in front of him if he hated her so much.

The palace is so big, why does she have to be a maid in Longyin Palace

Sighing softly, she raised her feet and was about to go to the desk to pour a glass of water when she suddenly heard the man on the bed say in a hoarse voice: "Don't leave!"

She trembled all over, thinking it was about her, and her heart beat wildly uncontrollably.

Pretending to turn back inadvertently, she saw Leng Qisu lying on the bed and Linglong sitting beside the bed. He held her hand tightly and closed his eyes slightly, as if he was dreaming or awake.

Just say how could it be me? Mo Shuang curled her lips mockingly, then turned around and walked to the desk, carrying a pot and pouring a glass of water, ready to send it over. However, seeing the affection between the two of them, she was afraid of being disturbed, so she put the teacup on the table again. On the desk, like other maids, she lowered her eyes and nodded and stepped aside.

"I have never been so happy as I am today! Don't leave, okay?"

Linglong blushed and looked at everyone with a shy face. Her watery eyes swept across Mo Shuang's face, then she turned to look at the man on the dragon bed with a twinkling eye, and laughed softly: "Well! Concubine, don't you? Let’s go, I, my concubine, will accompany the emperor!”

After saying that, he waved to everyone again, "You all, please step back! I will call you if anything happens!"

Mo Shuang pinched her palm tightly before leaving with a normal expression.

Because they had to wait for dispatch at any time, they had to stay outside the dormitory.

Although it was midsummer, the night wind was still very cold, and there was still a slight chill on her body. Mo Shuang couldn't help but fold her arms, raised her head, and looked at the bright moon in the sky quietly, feeling that her heart was so vicissitudes of life.

Because there was a middle hall and an outer hall separated, no matter how much she listened to what was going on inside intentionally or unintentionally, she still couldn't hear anything.

Because I couldn't hear it, I made all kinds of wild guesses. Because of my wild guesses, I felt my heart was suffering like never before.

After an unknown amount of time, the palace door finally creaked open as someone pushed it open from inside.

(End of chapter)