Beauty: Queen of Chess

Chapter 21


"The Queen Mother!" A palace maid walked in quickly, holding a snow-white cat in her arms.

The Queen Mother looked up, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she was extremely happy, "Little thing? Cui'er, where did you find it?"

"Go back to your Majesty, it's in the Royal Garden! I happened to pass by it and saw it lying on the grass basking in the sun!"

The Queen Mother chuckled and said, "The little thing will enjoy happiness, but I am so worried that I thought it ran out of the palace naughtyly!"

"Come on, come on, little one from the Ai family, I miss the Ai family so much!" As she said this, she stretched out her arms with a look of doting on her face.

"Yes!" The maid stepped forward and gently handed the cat into her hand. While she was stroking its snow-white fur, the thin tortoise shell on her fingers stretched out in front of its nose.

Suddenly, the cat's dark pupils turned scarlet, and with a sudden "meow", it jumped out of her arms, jumped straight towards Mo Shuang, who was sitting not far from the Queen Mother.

Things changed so fast that no one could react. Everyone was shocked and petrified.

Mo Shuang was shocked and quickly stood up to avoid it, but it was already too late. The ferocious cat rushed towards her face, and its sharp claws slashed across her cheek.

She screamed and covered her face, feeling confused.

It's not pain, it's not fear, it's panic, the kind of panic I've never felt before.

Because she remembered that there was a human skin mask on her face. Although the material was thin and tough, it had been scratched violently by the cat and had been damaged. When she covered it, she could clearly feel the wrinkles on the edges of her cheeks. .

I don't know if it's broken or just scratched

Her mind was racing, what should she do? Martial arts cannot be used.

The Queen Mother over there seemed to have just reacted, shouting: "Hurry up and catch the little thing, hurry up and catch the little thing!"

There was chaos in the palace.

That white cat looked completely crazy and had a strong body. How could they catch it? It said "meow" with its scarlet eyes and pounced on Mo Shuang again.

Mo Shuang quickly dodged, covering her face with her right hand, and her left hand in her sleeve moved slightly, calmly raising her breath, hoping to give it a blow.

Suddenly, two figures flew in.

One deep purple, one bright yellow.

The difference is that the purple figure is facing the cat, and the bright yellow figure is facing her.

The sound of the wind blowing from the palm, the sound of the cat whimpering and falling to the ground.

There was a sound of clothes flying and people in the palace exclaiming.

"Your Majesty..."

"Fourth Prince..."

The world was spinning for a while, Mo Shuang looked at the man hugging her and dodged to avoid the cat, and his eyes widened in shock.

Brother Yi...

Why did he show up so openly

Are you worried about her, for her safety

His lips moved, but not a single sound came out.

The man's eyes flashed, his big hand knocked off her hand that was covering her cheek, he quickly brushed her cheek, and then moved across her neck at lightning speed.

The movements were done in one go, in the blink of an eye, and no one noticed.

"Girl, are you okay?" He let go of her arm and smiled gently, as if he were banishing an immortal.

(End of chapter)