Beauty: Queen of Chess

Chapter 221



These three words, just these three words, not only made Chu Xunmo's heart tremble, but also instantly took the breath away from everyone present.

Everyone followed the sound and saw behind Chu Xunmo, a woman holding a silver sword, standing coldly, with white clothes and black hair, as plain as the drifting snow in the wind.

Who is it if it’s not Zizhuo!

She...isn't dead

She... is not dead

Time stopped at this moment, and everything in the world was frozen at this moment.

In the huge fire scene, the four figures were like four petrified sculptures. No one moved or spoke.

Leng Qisu's sword was pointed at Linglong, and Zizhuo's sword was pointed at Chu Xunmo.

A very shocking and strange picture.

Suddenly, Zizhuo moved his wrist, and a pleasant crisp sound was heard. In the quiet night, it seemed so abrupt and heart-stopping.

Everyone was shocked, and when they came back to their senses, they saw that the silver mask on Chu Xunmo's face suddenly split into two pieces, slid down, and hit the ground with another shattering sound.

A gorgeous and enchanting face was exposed in the air, so familiar.

Leng Qisu and Linglong were both startled, but not surprised. After all, they already knew who the person under the mask was.

But Zizhuo slowly raised the corners of his lips, half-smiling but not smiling, staring at that face with a pair of cold eyes, which were so deep that no one could see any meaning.

Chu Xunmo didn't move, just pursed his thin lips slightly and looked at her quietly with painful eyes.

He could have avoided the sword strike just now, but he didn't.

Because, he knew that even if he avoided it, it would only protect the silver mask on his face. It could only hide his face, but his person and his heart would still have nowhere to hide.

He knew that she was more than just Zizhuo.

That voice from Feng Xiaochen, that cold look in his eyes, and that superb swordsmanship belonged to only Mo Shuang.

She has restored Mo Shuang's memory.

So, she hates him, right? Hated that he had been charming and poisonous to her, hated that he used her to find the dragon ball, hated that he wore a mask and pretended to be another person.

In fact, he also hated himself and how miserable he had been.

However, time cannot be turned back. Some things are done when they are done, and some people are injured when they are hurt. They cannot be erased or turned back.

If he had to accept punishment, he wouldn't complain at all, it was just his own fault.

"Mo Shuang—"

A low, hoarse cry, with a slight tremor, seemed to have penetrated thousands of years and come from the distant sky.

It was another man, Leng Qisu.

Mo Shuang's heart trembled.

When she was Zizhuo, he had called her this countless times, but never before had she been shocked by this call today.

She moved her eyes away from Chu Xunmo's face and slowly looked at that person.

The man who longed for the stars and the moon.

The man she had deliberately tried to lure out.

Their eyes met, and both of them were shocked.

Mo Shuang couldn't express what she was feeling in her heart, she could only feel all sorts of surging emotions.

We haven't seen each other for more than a month, why do we feel like we have been separated for a thousand years

I'm so embarrassed that I don't know what to say, but why do I feel that one look is worth a thousand words

Stare for a long time.

She suddenly felt that life was really wonderful, and all kinds of modern eight o'clock bloody dramas were staged.

She just wanted to attract Leng Qisu.

But she didn't expect that Linglong and Chu Xunmo came, and then all kinds of truths that people never dreamed of were staged, leaving her not knowing whether to laugh or cry

Finally, Leng Qisu finally arrived.

what's next? What should happen next

She threw away the long sword in her hand and rushed forward into Leng Qisu's arms

She didn't, but suddenly raised the corners of her lips and smiled faintly at Leng Qisu, "Do you have to die before you come to see me?"

Leng Qisu stiffened.

No one saw the flash of pain in his dark eyes.

He pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Yes, I directed this play and was just waiting for you to show up." Mo Shuang looked at him with a self-deprecating smile on his face, "I should laugh at myself for being so miserable that I would use my own life and death to force When you see me, should you admire your hard-heartedness from the bottom of your heart?"

Leng Qisu remained silent, but she didn't care either.

"Am I despicable? Do you hate me, the biggest liar in the world, now? No matter it was Mo Zhuang or Zizhuo later, they were all lying to you. Even in the end, I wanted to see you. Do you have to lie?"

"I hate it too! I also hate myself like this."

She slowly withdrew the silver sword pointed at Chu Xunmo's forehead and walked towards Leng Qisu step by step.

Chu Xunmo was startled. He didn't expect her to be like this. He didn't know what to feel in his heart. He frowned slightly and looked at her back, which was moving gently and somewhat lonely.

"Aren't you unwilling to come out to see me? If you hate me so much, why do you still come? Why do you still tell them that I am your Leng Qisu's woman? Why do you still kill Linglong and say, anyone who has hurt me? You won't let anyone go? Why?" Mo Shuang kept walking, looking at his trembling hand holding the silver sword with smiling eyes. Seeing his thin lips tightening into a straight line, his smile became brighter, "Leng Qi Su, in fact we are all the same kind of people, people who can only deceive themselves and others!"

She smiled, slowly approached, stood only one step away from him, and looked deeply into his deep eyes.

Leng Qisu's eyes flashed slightly, he withdrew his gaze that had been fixed on her, slowly turned his face away, and frowned vaguely.

"Brother Shu—"

She murmured softly.

(End of chapter)