Beauty: Queen of Chess

Chapter 223


I searched for a while, but to no avail.

Mo Shuang began to ask the villagers passing by.

Ask one by one.

They shook their heads one by one.

At the end of the question, all the spectators in the village came out and stared curiously at her, a stranger.

She didn't care and started shouting at the door of every house.

"Leng Qisu, come out!"

"I know you're here!"

"Do you really have to die before you come out to see me?"

"Leng Qisu, come out!"

"Leng Qisu—"

She walked past one door after another, shouting at the top of her lungs, completely ignoring everyone who looked at her like a madman.

She curled her lips and smiled self-deprecatingly. She didn't look like a madman at this time.

Dressed in white, with her hair hanging down without any restraints, no one would think she was a normal person with this image and actions.

She walked forward along the alley in the village, like a wandering spirit, until she came to a ruined temple and stopped.

She didn't know why she stopped, but she had a strong feeling in her heart that he was close at hand.

The hands in her sleeves clenched again and again. She took a deep breath, opened the temple door and walked in.

The temple seemed to be in disrepair for a long time, and a smell of pungent dust came to her face. She raised her hand to fan her mouth and nose, and coughed a few times before she finally got used to it.

There are several Buddha statues in the hall, some with green faces and fangs, or smiling Maitreya, but they are all covered with thick dust, and old spider webs can be seen everywhere.

But other than these, there are no traces of anyone coming.

It seems that my sixth sense is wrong.

Also, how could Leng Qisu, a person who loves cleanliness and is so unstained, hide here

Shaking her head and smiling bitterly, she walked out.

After a while, behind a big-bellied Maitreya Buddha, a purple shadow moved slightly, and a person poked his head out slightly. It was Leng Qisu with flying sword eyebrows, bright moon lips, and a face like a crown of jade.

Seeing the woman's disappointed and leaving figure, he raised his eyebrows, his eyes were sad, he jumped out from behind the Buddha statue, quickly closed the temple door, leaned his back against the cold door panel, panting slightly, his face pale.

His body was indeed becoming more and more useless. He just used Qing Kung Fu and held his breath for a while, but he was so exhausted.

How could she find herself like this

Sorry, Shuang'er!

It's better to hate you than to hurt you!

After a while, his breathing gradually calmed down. He couldn't hold back the reluctance in his heart. He couldn't help turning around, leaning on the crack of the door and looking out.

Outside, she could no longer be seen.

His heart empty, he turned around and leaned against the door panel in despair, closing his eyes.

What are you doing

Obviously this is what he wants, so why is he so sad now that they are gone

"Shuang'er..." He murmured, feeling that his internal organs were twisting together in pain.

Suddenly, a woman's chuckle came, "The voice is too quiet, your Shuang'er can't hear it!"

He was startled and opened his eyes suddenly, and saw a person standing in the temple at some point. He was dressed in plain clothes and had black hair. He looked like an elf who could not eat the fireworks of the world. Who could it be if it wasn't Mo Shuang

She was tilting her head and smiling at him for an instant.


Leng Qisu's breath was stagnant. Hadn't she already left

He saw her leave with his own eyes, and what's more, he was still standing guard at the door.

"How did you get in?"

Leng Qisu's face condensed and he spoke calmly.

Mo Shuang didn't take it seriously, and looked at the broken window with a smile that no longer had any lattice.

Leng Qisu understood immediately and frowned slightly.

It seemed that not only was his physical strength plummeting, but his alertness was also so weak that he didn't even know someone came in through the window.

"When did you come in?"

I wonder if she saw him leaning against the door panel and panting

"Just when you were lying on the crack of the door looking!"

Leng Qisu felt relieved.

fine! fine!

By then, he had returned to normal.

"Don't you think this scene seems familiar?" Mo Shuang looked at him with a smile, his eyes were shining brightly.

Once in the Fourth Prince's Mansion, that night when she was jealous of him and Linglong, she closed the door and refused to let him in. He also entered through the window, took off his robe that smelled of Linglong, and held her in his arms to ask him, Have you changed your mind

Now she is just following the same pattern.

Of course, maybe he didn't remember it, but that didn't matter. What mattered was that she found him and he was right in front of her.

"Leng Qisu—" She walked over slowly.

"Don't come here!" Leng Qisu frowned and scolded in a low voice. He turned around and touched the bolt of the door with his big hand, as if he was about to open the door and go out at any time.

Mo Shuang shuddered and stopped. She suppressed the smile on her face and looked at his back for a moment, "What? Do you want to escape again? How could I not know that Leng Qi, who is omnipotent in heaven and earth? How long have you been so cowardly?"

The big hand holding the door bolt suddenly tightened, and the knuckles were exposed white. Leng Qisu closed his eyes, turned around, and glanced at her gently, "Mo Shuang, why do you have to press me so hard?"

"Hard to push each other?"

Mo Shuang was startled, as if she didn't expect him to use this word, her face turned pale slightly, but then she smiled softly, "It's not just to force each other hard, I even use such despicable means as cheating death." On. But, Leng Qisu, have you ever thought about why I do this? Is it because I was born to be such a pitiful, humble and despicable woman? "

"What do you want?"

"The truth!" Mo Shuang blurted out without thinking, with a firm tone and stern eyes, "Tell me the truth, tell me what happened?"

Leng Qisu's back stiffened slightly. After a long silence, he finally turned around slowly and looked at her, "Do you really want to know the truth?"

Mo Shuang pursed her lips and took a deep breath.

Yes, she wanted to know.

She wanted to know what this man was running from.

"Okay, you forced me to say it," Leng Qisu lowered his eyes and sighed, as if he mustered up a lot of courage, "The truth is that I don't want to be with you."

Mo Shuang's body swayed, and in a daze, she thought she had heard wrongly.

She opened her big eyes and looked at him in shock.

Leng Qisu's eyes flashed slightly, he pursed his lips, looked away, and sighed helplessly, "It's so tiring to be with you! Really, Mo Shuang, don't you feel tired?"


She was startled.

Of course she felt tired. How could she not be tired after being so deeply hurt by love

But these things can't stop love, can they

In the past, they could not love, thought love was not love, and went astray in various ways of love.

In the past, she was too ignorant and did not know how to cherish, which led to everything she is today.

Now, she understands, and she is ready to face her heart bravely.

Why does he want to let go

"Leng Qisu, I know you are blaming me. I'm sorry that it's my fault... But please don't do this..."

A deep panic surrounded her. She spoke incoherently with a trembling voice, but was interrupted by him softly.

"It's not important anymore!" Leng Qisu still kept his face turned away, not looking at her, his dark eyes not knowing where to focus, "I just hope you can let go and give me a way to survive and give yourself a way to survive."

A way out

What is the road to life

Doesn't he know that without him, there is really no way for her to survive

"So..." She licked her dry lower lip and spoke with difficulty, "So, you don't even want to go back to the palace, and you don't even want the world that you finally got?"

"Yes! I'm tired. Let Shiyi bear the burden of the country for me!"

Mo Shuang's feet softened and she took two steps back. She stretched out her hand to support the Buddha statue beside her to steady herself.

She looked at his handsome profile quietly, feeling so strange.

Is this still the same Leng Qisu who dares to take responsibility, dares to act, is calm in dealing with things, and is firm and persistent

This is not him.

Did she turn him into this

He said it was too tiring to be with her.

But why is she still as happy as ever even though she feels tired? There is laughter, there are tears, there is sweetness, there is bitterness, there is tiredness, and there is also tiredness that makes you enjoy it. Isn’t that what love should be like

However, it seems that he doesn't think so.

"So... you don't even want to see me for the last time?"

She doesn’t give up, she doesn’t believe it!

In the direction she couldn't see, Leng Qisu's eyes hurt, and he said lightly: "Yes! So what if we see him? It's just to increase each other's quarrel!"

"Then why did you go to the fire scene again in the end?"

"Guilt!" He turned his face and looked at her indifferently. Seeing her trying her best not to cry, he repeated it without emotion, "It's just because of guilt in his heart!"

Guilty? !

What a guilt trip!

Tears finally burst out of her eyes. She looked at him with red eyes without saying a word.

Although the medicine that gave people the illusion of a plague could not kill people, they still had to endure the pain. She deliberately asked him to come back, just to feel guilty!

Then did he feel guilty when he told Chu Xunmo that she was his woman

He pointed the tip of his sword at Linglong's forehead, was it also because of guilt

She really wanted to ask, but she didn't ask in the end. She was afraid that if he said yes, she had fallen to the dust and was so humble that she had to pretend to be dead to make this man appear. She didn't want to lose even her last bit of self-esteem.

For a long time, neither of them said a word. The temple suddenly became quiet, and only the deep and shallow breathing of the two people and their beating heartbeats could be heard.

Suddenly, she laughed softly, "Actually, if you don't want to be with me, why is it so complicated? If you had told me earlier, I would just leave. You can continue to be your emperor!"

After saying that, she walked straight to the door, coldly brushed off his hand on the door bolt, opened the wooden door, and strode out without pausing for a step. When she got out of the door, she started running away, her tears blown by the cold wind. Blow drying, she choked and breathless.

Pedestrians on the road stared at her curiously and pointed.

In the temple, Leng Qisu lowered his eyes, slowly raised the corners of his lips, and smiled lonely and desolately.

Sure enough, this method still works.

Suddenly, he raised his hand to cover his heart, with a painful look on his face. He hurriedly stretched out his other hand to hold the door lintel, and slid down to sit on a dusty futon beside him. He gasped with his mouth open, and thin beads of sweat broke out on his forehead.

Fortunately, she's gone.


At the door, a slender figure stood quietly, it was Mo Shuang who had gone and returned.

In fact, she didn't run far at all.

Looking at the man's trembling back, she bit the back of her hand hard to prevent herself from crying.

Did he want to drive her away

She won't be fooled!

Walking over gently, she knelt down, stretched out her hands and hugged him from behind, tightly, as if she never wanted to let go.

Leng Qisu's body froze, and something in his hand fell to the ground with a pleasant crisp sound. Mo Shuang took a look and saw that it was a small porcelain bottle filled with medicine. The reddish-brown pills in the bottle were scattered all over the floor.

"Leng Qisu..." she choked, and tears burst out crazily again, falling on his back and soaking a large piece of his clothes.

(End of chapter)