Beauty: Queen of Chess

Chapter 235


When he stepped into Longyin Palace on November 11, Leng Qisu was holding Mo Shuang in his arms, whispering something in her ear with an intimate and ambiguous movement.

Eleven was embarrassed for a while and wanted to step back, but his feet had already stepped in. He could neither advance nor retreat.

At this time, Leng Qisu raised his head and saw him. He was slightly startled, and then he smiled and said, "Brother Eleven is here!"

After saying that, he motioned for Mo Shuang to get up, and he also stood up.

Eleven smiled, "Fourth brother!" Finally, he looked at Mo Shuang and shouted, "Fourth sister-in-law!"

Mo Shuang stood there slightly absent-mindedly, wondering what he was thinking.

Leng Qisu smiled and pulled her hand, "Shuang'er."

Mo Shuang came back to her senses and smiled sweetly at Eleven, "Brother Eleven, long time no see!"

Eleven's heart finally relaxed, this was the fourth sister-in-law he knew.

The woman in Shiliting ignored him just now, looking very strange. He thought something had happened, or she was angry with him or something.

It seems that I am too worried.

"Fourth brother, you won't leave when you come back this time, right? You don't know that Shiyi can hardly bear it anymore."

"I'm not leaving!" Leng Qisu always had a beautiful smile on his lips, "You have worked hard during this period, Brother Eleven, now you should rest first! Spend more time with Ruxue and the children. "

"Yeah!" Eleven smiled happily.

"By the way, Brother Eleven, I have thought about it carefully during my training period. I want to organize the Imperial Guard well, so the tiger talisman in your hand..."

He hesitated to speak, seeming a little embarrassed to speak out.

Eleven was stunned, but then he understood and said with a smile, "The Tiger Talisman is in the study. Eleven will go and get it for Fourth Brother now!"

Leng Qisu smiled and nodded, "I will leave it to Brother Eleven for safekeeping after I use it."

Something suddenly occurred to him, "By the way, I got a sword by chance in Yanbo Town this time. The so-called sword is given to a hero, and I want to give it to the eleventh brother."

After saying that, he motioned to Mo Shuang beside him to get it.

Soon, the sword was taken over. When Eleven looked at it, he saw that the scabbard of the lightsaber was made of thousand-year-old dark iron. It was intricately carved, inlaid with gems, and was of excellent workmanship. You didn't even need to open the inside to know that it was a rare sword in the world.

"Fourth brother, this... Eleven deserves it!" Eleven was a little embarrassed. He looked at Leng Qisu and then at Mo Shuang, wondering whether he should accept it or not.

Mo Shuang's eyes fell on the sword, and her face was as dark as water. Leng Qisu looked at him with a smile and patted his shoulder, "If you can't stand it, who can? Go ahead!"

With this man, Eleven couldn't refuse anymore, otherwise he would seem unfamiliar, so he had no choice but to reach out and take the sword.

After thanking him again, he went out to the study room.


Night came as expected.

Nagato-den is magnificent and brightly lit.

All civil and military officials gathered together, and they were full of joy.

Leng Qisu, wearing a red gold dragon robe, sat at the top, with dragons and phoenixes, and a majestic appearance.

To his left sat Concubine Ying and Ru Jieyu, one in dark green and the other in lavender. They were all dressed up, but their expressions were different.

Concubine Ying looked down quietly, her lips slightly raised, and she maintained the most graceful smile.

Ru Jieyu, on the other hand, had a cold expression on her face, her eyes kept falling on the ground in front of her feet, and she didn't know what she was thinking about.

To the right of Leng Qisu sat the eleventh prince Leng Qixi, and below him sat in rows all the civil and military officials and concubines of the harem.

In principle, the only woman who could sit next to the young emperor in the palace was the Concubine Ying.

Because among the women in the harem, several were ranked above Ru Jieyu, but this man was famous for doting on Ru Jieyu, so everyone was not surprised.

The sound of silk and bamboo strings could be heard endlessly, and several voluptuous dancers danced in the middle of the hall.

Changle Weiyang.

When the song is over, the music stops and the dancers disperse.

The whole place fell silent.

Leng Qisu held a golden cup in his hand and looked around at the ministers with his dark eyes, "I am hosting a banquet tonight. I would like to express my special thanks to you all for working diligently with the Eleventh Prince on state affairs and sharing my worries during my period of retreat. ! I’ll do it first out of respect!”

After saying that, he raised his neck and drank the juice in the marigold in one gulp.

His Highness and everyone were so flattered that they immediately shouted "Long live". Finally, they all drank the wine in their glasses respectfully.

"Tonight, you and your ministers will have a great time together. All my dear friends, don't be restrained. Let's all drink to your heart's content!"

Leng Qisu's eyebrows were curved and he smiled brilliantly.

There was another shout of "Thank you, Your Majesty", and the dinner officially kicked off.

For a while, cups were pushed and cups were placed, and glasses of dendrobium were mixed with each other.

The emperor raised his glass and everyone congratulated, it was very lively.

I don’t know how long it took, but the wine was in full swing.

Leng Qisu suddenly picked up the golden cup and stood up, and the whole place was silent again, "I have been thinking about a problem these days in seclusion. Although our Nanxuan army is large in number, it is mixed with good and bad, and the gap between strength and weakness is too big, so I want to carefully Arrange it, General Li, I wonder if you can lend me the token of the Li family army temporarily so that I can coordinate the planning together and facilitate dispatch!"

Everyone was shocked, wondering what the young emperor meant.

It wouldn't matter if it was just a matter of arrangement, but I was afraid that he would release his military power over a glass of wine and want to get rid of General Li.

Also, the Li Jiajun is the largest force in Nanxuan's army besides the imperial guards. Which emperor in all dynasties has allowed such a big threat to be around him

But it doesn't make sense. General Li is a loyal man. For generations, people have taken loyalty to Emperor Nanxuan as their duty and are loyal to Nanxuan.

It shouldn't be the latter.

Thinking like this, everyone became more confused and looked at Leng Qisu, but he always raised the corners of his lips slightly, half-smiling, and could not see any meaning.

General Li stood up slowly during the dinner and bowed to Leng Qisu, "I am scared. The reason why my army is called the Li Family Army is because of the emperor's great kindness and favor to the Li family. This army was originally Nanxuan's army. , the emperor's army, why does the emperor need to use the word "borrow" for his own things?"

After making a speech that was neither humble nor overbearing, General Li took out the white jade token from his waist.

"General Li, you're welcome!" Leng Qisu smiled and motioned to Li Quansheng beside him. Li Quansheng quickly stepped forward to take it and handed it back to him.

"Come, all my dear friends, join me in toasting General Li!" Leng Qisu picked up the wine cup with high spirits.

Everyone also raised their glasses, and even Linglong and Mo Shuang, who had been sitting quietly, also raised their glasses.

But the smile on Linglong's lips grew stronger, while Mo Shuang remained expressionless.

Eleven beside him frowned slightly, holding a wine cup, looking at Leng Qisu's handsome face from the side, wondering what he was thinking.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" General Li smiled, picked up the wine cup and drank it all in one gulp.

Everyone also drank all the wine in their glasses.

Linglong slowly brought the wine cup to her lips. Just as she was about to drink, she suddenly caught sight of a familiar figure in white sitting in an inconspicuous place behind the officials, and that person's eyes were also hovering over the two of them in the palace. side.

Why is he here

Her heart trembled.

The golden lamp in her hand fell down without holding it firmly, and all the wine inside spilled out, soaking a large area of her clothes.

"Ah~" she breathed softly.

"What's wrong?" Leng Qisu beside him turned his head, looked at her clothes, and then at the golden cup that fell on the ground. He frowned slightly, and then motioned to Li Quansheng to pick up the golden cup, and then Get a new one.

Linglong's face turned pale, and she stood up in fear, bowing to Leng Qisu, "I didn't mean to do this, please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

Leng Qisu didn't care about her, he just waved to her and motioned for her to sit down.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to change my clothes first!"

Leng Qisu was stunned for a moment, glanced at her briefly, and then nodded in agreement.

Also, it is indeed indecent for someone who is the head of the harem to have a large area of wetness on his chest in public, in front of all the civil and military officials.

Linglong thanked her and walked out of the side door quickly.

Leng Qisu seemed to be in a very good mood tonight. He took Eleven down to the palace and toasted to the ministers one by one.

Everyone had never seen such a condescending emperor, and they were even more flattered and shouted long live the emperor.

For a time, it was true that the king was not the king, the ministers were not the ministers, and the king and his ministers were enjoying themselves together.

No one noticed that there was a lavender figure above the hall but disappeared.


Linglong was walking alone on the palace road when a cool breeze blew. It was a bit cold, so she tightened her clothes.

Because most of the palace maids, eunuchs, and guards had gone to the Nagato Palace, the palace streets were a little deserted. She didn't let the maids follow her. She wanted to be alone.

Because she was restless.

"Linglong" a man called softly from behind.

So familiar.

Her steps stagnated and she didn't look back. She also knew who it was.

She knew better that he would follow her.

"Why are you here?" She said coldly to hide her panic.

"What? Aren't you welcome?" As she spoke, the visitor had already walked up to her. It was the white-clothed figure she saw in the hall.

It was Chu Xunmo.

He smiled lightly and was extremely charming, "Concubine Ying can return to the palace, but Concubine Ying's brother can't go into the palace to ask for a drink?"

Linglong was stunned, pursed her lips, and was silent for a moment. Her expression slowly softened, and she raised her head and looked at him, "Brother, if you are really good for me, just leave! Don't come to the palace again."

As if he didn't hear her words, Chu Xunmo suppressed the smile on his face and asked seriously, "How could Leng Qisu agree to you returning to the palace with her? How could he forgive you?"

"What?" Linglong smiled bitterly, staring into his eyes for a moment, "Don't you want him to forgive me? Don't you want me to be happy?"

"You know it's not the case!" Chu Xunmo frowned and interrupted her coldly, "I'm just curious, what happened?"

Why did Leng Qisu easily forgive the woman who hurt Mo Shuang

Why did Leng Qisu suddenly take back General Li's military power

Why does Mo Shuang, who is sitting in the hall, look so depressed and lonely

In the end what happened

"What happened?" Linglong raised her head and smiled softly, "Nothing happened. I knew I was wrong. I confessed in front of him. I begged him to forgive me. He considered it because of our years of friendship. So you gave me one last chance. Can't you?"

"It's not impossible!"

Just weird.

Over the years, he got to know the man.

"Then why did you come to the palace to question me? Are you worried about me?" Linglong looked at him with red eyes, her eyes burning. Seeing that he was silent, she suddenly smiled, "Are you worried about my love for you? Isn’t it bad for people?”

Chu Xunmo pursed his lips and sighed softly.

"Am I this kind of woman in your eyes?" Linglong still smiled, her smile was bitter and sad, "Don't worry, I won't hurt her anymore, unless I don't want to live."

After saying that, she walked straight past him and walked forward.

Chu Xunmo stood there without moving, looking at her back for a moment, and suddenly said, "Linglong, in my heart, I am grateful to you. Thank you for your willingness to do Feng Qingying for me and the Feng family. I also I owe you, if it weren’t for me, there wouldn’t be the entanglement between you and Leng Qisu, and you wouldn’t be like this today. I sincerely hope that you will let it go and start over.”

Linglong paused, but still didn't look back.

After a while, I heard her cold voice, "I've been out for a long time. The Emperor will be unhappy if I don't go back."

Chu Xunmo looked at the retreating figure under the dark night and sighed lowly again.

(End of chapter)