Beauty: Queen of Chess

Chapter 47


Secretly raising his eyes to look at Leng Qisu, he saw his thin lips pressed into a cold straight line, as if he was angry, but he didn't seem to be angry at the same time. After a moment, he saw him raise the corners of his lips and smile coldly, "Love or not, that's the difference. Regarding this king, no matter how bad she is, she is still a princess, and I hope you will still give her the respect she deserves!"

After saying that, without waiting for Feng Xiaochen to react, he strode out.

Ye Feng on the side frowned slightly and quickly followed.

Mo Shuang pursed her lips and walked at the back.

Leng Qisu's face was condensed and he walked quickly, "Ye Feng, isn't there someone always guarding the backyard?"

"Yes, maybe... maybe the two guards guarding the toilet have gone to the toilet. I will go take a look now!"

"Well, if you neglect your duties, then..." Leng Qisu's eyes narrowed, and he uttered two words lightly with his thin lips, "Death with a stick!"

Mo Shuang was startled, thinking she heard wrongly, and pursed her lips, but did not dare to say more.

After Ye Feng left, only the two of them were left walking in tandem. Neither of them spoke. The surroundings were quiet except for the rustling sound of soft shoes on the ground.

However, this weird atmosphere did not last long. Leng Qisu went straight back to his Yumoxuan, she went back to her Youmei Garden, and the two parted ways without saying a word.


The night is getting deeper.

But Mo Shuang couldn't sleep any more. She lay on the bed with confused thoughts.

The unhappiness between her and that man about silk silk has not passed yet, and tonight it was added to the problem for no reason.

There is also the backyard that is not trespassing, and the formation of poisonous snakes spitting out the letter;

And the man in the backyard, Feng Xiaochen, Feng Xiaochen, his surname is Feng...

Her eyes narrowed suddenly. Could it be that he was from the Feng family

It's really hard to find anything without wearing iron shoes, and it takes no effort at all!

She was so excited about her discovery that she quickly summoned the magpie robin to tell Brother Yi the good news.

However, for some reason, when it was time to open her mouth, she hesitated.

There were two voices fighting fiercely in her heart. One kept reminding her of the purpose of this trip, while the other kept asking herself, is this really necessary

After struggling to the end, she chose to hide it for the second time.

The first time was the medicine pot for decoction, and she didn't tell anyone.

She knew that this was not something that should be done carefully, but she still did it. As for why, she herself could not tell.

Stayed up all night.

She fell into a light sleep at dawn, but before she could sleep for a while, the door creaked open and she woke up again.

Lily walked in with empty steps, holding on to the door lintel, her face was as pale as a piece of paper, looking at her on the bed with broken eyes, and murmured: "It's terrible, four or five hundred boards are not completely dead." , their skin was torn and their flesh was bruised, and they had to take another hundred or two hundred blows before the two of them breathed their last..."

Mo Shuang's breath was stagnant, and she felt a biting chill coming down from her head, quickly seeping into her limbs, and her hands and feet suddenly felt cold.


(End of chapter)