Beauty: Queen of Chess

Chapter 69


After another long silence, he suddenly turned around, faced her, and looked into her eyes for a moment, "Have you fallen in love with me?"

Mo Shuang's heart trembled, she didn't expect him to say this suddenly.

Has she fallen in love with him


But this man asked so straightforwardly, how should she answer

Saying he doesn't love her is no good. If he doesn't love her, he will definitely be suspicious of his deliberate approach to her.

Talking about love is not an option, because when he bought her back from Nu Ya, he had clearly told her that all he wanted was an obedient woman to sit in this seat for him, and it had nothing to do with love.

Since no answer is appropriate, the safest thing is not to answer.

So, she simply pursed her lips and looked at him blankly, silently, and tried her best to make her eyes look innocent and blank.

With his back to the moonlight, he couldn't see his face clearly, but he could only see his pair of black eyes that were as bright as stars in the sky in the dark night.

Suddenly, I heard him chuckle, "Why don't you dare to admit it?"


She still didn't know how to answer, but if she remained silent it would be too much, so she could only pretend to be so shy that she hesitated to speak.

"It's okay if you don't admit it!" Leng Qisu turned over and lay down again, moved his body and found the most comfortable seat, "Go to sleep! It's getting late."

Mo Shuang thought he was angry, but from his dull voice, there was no hint of joy or anger.

So another person was stunned for a long time, and then fell asleep lightly.


When I woke up again, the east was first exposed.

Slowly opening her heavy eyelids, every detail that happened during the night rushed into her mind. It was still dark, and the sight in the room was not clear enough, making her feel as if she was still in a dream.

She raised her hand and touched the pillow, and found that the person beside her was no longer there. She pushed herself up and sat up, only to feel that her whole body was falling apart and the pain was unbearable.

"woke up?"

She was surprised, not expecting Leng Qisu to be there, and quickly pulled up the quilt to cover her chest.

She has not forgotten that she is naked.

With only her head exposed, she looked around and saw a figure standing by the window, turning his head to look at her. He looked a little tired, as if he had been up for a long time.

When their eyes met, she felt a tremor in her heart. She recalled everything last night again in her mind. She couldn't help but blush, and hurriedly looked away. She couldn't tell what she felt.

He curled his lips, walked to the closet, opened the door and took out a piece of clothing, came to her, and gently put it on her shoulders, "Do you feel any discomfort?"

His sudden question made her startled, and then she blushed and said, "It's not bad."

I still remember that he once asked her this way. It was just a show that day, but I didn't expect that today, the two of them would actually develop such a relationship.

"After you get up, take a shower first and sit in the hot water to soak. It will feel better."


"After bathing, apply some medicine. I will order someone to deliver the medicine later."


Mo Shuang was terribly embarrassed and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in, but there was warmth in her heart.

"I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."


Mo Shuang then raised her head and looked at his back. She was dressed in a pure white coat, spotless, with a full head of black hair hanging lightly on the back of her head. She was tall and tall, dressed in white clothes, and her demeanor was as noble as an immortal.

At this time, he didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly stopped and turned around. Mo Shuang was so scared that Mo Shuang hurriedly looked away.

"By the way, don't you like goldfish?"


Mo Shuang was stunned and didn't react for a moment. It wasn't until she saw his eyes falling on a fish tank she threw in the corner that she suddenly understood.

The goldfish in the tank was put in on their wedding day to symbolize the joy of fish and water.

But she knew that the biggest purpose of putting this thing in was to cause people to avoid pregnancy.

A few days ago, she saw that this thing was of no use to her, so she threw it aside.

Unexpectedly, this man actually saw it.

Seeing that he seemed to be still waiting for an answer, she quickly said: "I like it. Maybe I was cleaning up the house two days ago and put the fish tank in the corner and forgot to pick it up."

"Then it's best! These are the rules of the house and must not be messed with. You are no exception."

His voice was very light, very light, as if he had discovered it casually and said it casually, but she could hear the determination and warning.

My heart was squeezed hard, and it instantly fell to the cold bottom.

She is no exception.

What exception

Pregnant with his child

As rational as she is, why wouldn't she let herself get pregnant with this man's child

Even without the goldfish in the tank, she would go out to buy medicine and take emergency contraceptive measures.

After all, no one knows how far they can go in the future, let alone that she cannot be irresponsible to her children.

However, this man's thinking and doing this still made her feel hurt.

It was only today that she truly understood why this man would not let any woman in the house become pregnant with his child.

(End of chapter)