Beauty: Queen of Chess

Chapter 70


It was only today that she finally understood why this man would not let any woman in the house become pregnant with his child.

He just wants Linglong in the future, right

When he opened the door, a chill rolled in. She shivered from the cold and couldn't help but shrink into the quilt again.

Quietly watching that figure disappear into the misty morning light little by little, I felt an indescribable feeling in my heart.


Leng Qisu pursed his lips and walked quickly towards Xiayuan.

The maids and guards who got up early saw him coming out of Youmei Garden early in the morning. Just like when they saw him carrying the disheveled princess into Youmei Garden last night, they were astonished again.

Oh my god, their prince actually slept in Youmei Garden last night.

What an honor is this

This man never stays with other women. Even if the bridal chamber is full of flowers and candles, no matter which woman he lets to sleep with him at night, he will return to his Yumoxuan no matter how late it is.

Sure enough, the princess is the princess.

As a result, all kinds of gossip spread around the house at the speed of light.

Some people say that last night, the prince and the princess were so passionate that they had a wild fight outside. They were disturbed by others and were dissatisfied with their desires. So when they came back, they had another big fight, which made the prince overworked and overslept. head;

Some also said that the princess was having sex with another man outside last night and was discovered by the prince. The prince was so angry that he took her back to the bed in Youmei Garden and tortured her all night long...

No matter which one it was, it was an indisputable fact that this man stayed in that woman's Youmei Garden.

As a result, all the women in the mansion who heard the news turned red-eyed one by one.



Leng Qisu gently opened the door and walked in, only to find that there was no one in the room.

The thin quilt was folded neatly, and he stretched out his hand to explore it, but he couldn't feel any warmth. It seemed that no one had slept all night, or the person who slept had been up for a long time.

He frowned slightly and looked around.

Where are people? Where will it go

Turning around, I saw a delicate figure at the door, holding the lintel in one hand and holding a bouquet in the other.

"Linglong" Leng Qisu's eyes narrowed, and he quickly stepped forward to hold her arm, anger rising in his dark eyes, "Where have you been? You are not in good health, why don't you lie down?"

Linglong looked at him with a pale face and smiled sweetly, "I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm not comfortable lying down all day. I saw that the magnolias in Yumoxuan were in full bloom these days, so I wanted to pick some and put them in the house." .”

As she spoke, she raised the bouquet in her hand and put it to the tip of her nose and sniffed it gently. She raised her head and looked at him with a smile, "Do you think it looks good, Your Majesty?"

Mulan is so white that it doesn't stain the dust, and it's so white that it dazzles people's eyes.

His eyes hurt, remembering the first time he saw this woman.

At that time, in the Feng family compound, she climbed on a magnolia tree, trying to pick a white flower on the high branch, but her foot slipped and she fell down with a scream.

Just in time, he passed by and he held her firmly in his arms.

I still remember that she was so scared that she cried, but she still held up the magnolia in her hand and asked him, "Does it look good?"

In order to relieve her nervousness, he teased her with a smile, "People are more beautiful than flowers."

She burst into laughter.

The memory is so vivid, like it happened yesterday.

Seeing that he didn't speak for a long time, Linglong's eyes were misty and she didn't know what he was thinking, so she called softly twice, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

He came back to his senses and smiled, "It's beautiful. People are more beautiful than flowers."

Linglong smiled and turned away, feeling sad and bitter.

She had been waiting at Yumoxuan last night, but the man had not come back. In the morning, she heard the rumors in the house. Although she knew that they were exaggerated, there were some things that she knew in her heart.

Putting the magnolia in a bottle, she turned around and said, "Why did the prince come out like this without wearing a robe? He is not afraid of catching the cold."

Leng Qisu was startled, and then he remembered that when he got up in the morning, he found that his robe was stained with Mo Zhuang's virginity blood, so he didn't wear it. He thought of going back to Yumoxuan to wear one first, but unexpectedly, he was walking While walking, I actually forgot about it.

Thinking of that woman, he felt confused again.

With his eyebrows slightly furrowed, he looked at Linglong and smiled, "I'm fine. You need to take good care of yourself first. Come and lie down first. I'll give you some Qi! Mount Manduo is in the capital. Nearby, Ye Feng has been traveling all night, and I think we can arrive today."

"Yes!" Linglong smiled and nodded. Just as she was about to say something, she saw a white dove fly in, flap its wings, circle twice, and land gently on Leng Qisu's shoulder.

"It's the night breeze." Leng Qisu narrowed his eyes, took off the note from the pigeon's feet, and unfolded it. There was a row of small words on it.

As he watched, his eyebrows slowly knitted together...


It was also when Lily heard the rumors in the mansion that she rushed into the inner hall of Youmei Garden in disbelief.

When she saw that it was really Mo Shuang, she was so happy that she jumped and laughed and gossiped incoherently about all the rumors in the house.

Hearing this, Mo Shuang was stunned for a moment, her face turned green and red, and she wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

After being said like this, how could she see anyone in the future

It's all that man!

But what can she do? It's just for the sake of being angry.

Perhaps it was because of the rain that she had been sneezing non-stop since morning.

This made Lily anxious. She hurriedly asked someone to call a doctor, but she couldn't persuade him no matter how hard she tried.

(End of chapter)