Beauty: Queen of Chess

Chapter 82


After an unknown amount of time, she finally felt somewhat recovered. She slowly opened her eyes, and suddenly she saw a dark shadow blocking her face, almost blocking most of the light at the entrance of the cave.

With his back to the light, he couldn't see the shadow's face clearly. He could only see a pair of rat eyes shining hungrily in the darkness.

"Who are you?" Mo Shuang was startled and quickly stood up defensively.

"Tsk, tsk, today's fortune is not small, there is another one..." The black shadow smiled lewdly, approaching eagerly.

Another one

Could it be Linglong

Her expression changed, and she instinctively raised the wind of her palm and struck the opponent head-on.

Obviously he didn't expect that a weak woman like her could actually do martial arts. The man was caught off guard, and Mo Shuang's palm struck him directly on the chest.

He groaned, clutched his chest, and took a few steps back.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, she quickly dodged, trying to get past him and escape from the hole.

The man was furious, his eyes suddenly turned red. He stretched out his hand to grab her and grabbed her back, and the two started fighting.

However, Mo Shuang was seriously injured, and now she could only rely on the physical strength she had just recovered from meditation. Soon, she gradually became exhausted and defeated.

Suddenly, she felt a pain in her shoulder blade, and she stood there completely unable to move.

She was shocked and screamed in her heart that she was actually being tapped on her acupoints by this man.

It seemed that today was less dangerous. Staring at the man in front of her with a lewd smile, she quickly thought of countermeasures in her mind.

"who are you?"

"If you dare to touch me, you will die an ugly death!"


As she watched the man approach step by step, her heart beat wildly, feeling helpless and desperate like never before.

Just when she thought the man was going to do something to her, the man suddenly bowed and carried her on his shoulders.

"What are you going to do?"

"For presenting you to our king, you can receive a large reward!" As he spoke, the man had already carried her out of the cave entrance and ran away through the grass and shrubs.


"Prince, we... seem... to have taken the wrong road. This is not the way down the mountain." Looking at the figure in white clothes in front of him, Ye Feng hesitated for a long time and finally couldn't help but ask.

Leng Qisu paused, turned around, glanced at him coldly, lowered his eyes at his feet, said nothing, turned his head again, and continued walking forward.

What's the meaning

Ye Feng was confused. Isn't this obviously the way down the mountain

After scratching his head, he also looked at his feet, and then he discovered that there were bright red blood stains on the fallen leaves under his feet, which were meandering all the way forward.

I see!

He knew that their prince was a cold person on the outside and hot on the inside. Even if he had an quarrel with the princess, how could he ignore her when she was so seriously injured

Smiling with relief, he quickly picked up the steps to follow, but unexpectedly, Leng Qisu turned around again and said, "Go down the mountain first and wait for me at the bottom of the mountain!"

Ye Feng was stunned for a moment, then thought about it, it was true that the young couple had a conflict, and it was really inconvenient for him to be together, but this would save him the embarrassment, and he quickly bowed and said, "Yes!"


Following the blood stains on the ground, Leng Qisu walked and walked, feeling extremely conflicted in his heart.

Afraid of walking too fast, catching up with her, and being resisted by her again;

She was afraid that she would be walking too slowly, she was so seriously injured, and if something happened she would have no one to take care of her.

Over and over again, he followed the blood trail to a cave.

There were withered grass deliberately piled up in the cave, and there were traces of people sitting on it. It was obvious that someone had taken a nap here.

The gravel on the cave wall rolled to the ground, and there were traces of fighting. It was obvious that someone had been here...

Suddenly, his expression changed.


After a bumpy ride, Mo Shuang was carried into a hole by a man.

The difference from the previous hole is that this one is not only dozens of times larger, it was also specially built, and it was built in a particularly luxurious and extravagant way.

The walls of the cave were all lit with torches, and the cave was as bright as day.

Along the way there were men standing with swords in their hands, all of them thick and ferocious-looking.

Seeing another woman being carried in, they all came over to have sex with each other. They laughed and booed: "Wow, Huzi, what kind of luck are you having today? Another woman has come back!"

While talking, he reached out and touched Mo Shuang's body.

"Don't touch me! Don't touch me!" Mo Shuang was extremely disgusted and shouted at everyone.

But no one was willing to listen, and they laughed even more wantonly, and some even held her breasts through her clothes.

There was a feeling of nausea in her stomach, and she wanted to resist but couldn't move. She could only stare at everyone hatefully, with fire almost coming out of her eyes.

It finally became clear in my heart that I had fallen into the hands of a group of bandits who ruled the mountain as king.

"Oh, she's still a thorny beauty! It's quite interesting."

There was another round of laughter.

"Where is the king?" The man named Huzi seemed to be used to seeing this, and asked indifferently while carrying Mo Shuang and continuing to move forward.

"I'm bathing and changing clothes! Your Majesty hasn't enjoyed the woman you just sent over yet! Here's another one, and we're worried that Your Majesty's body won't be able to bear it! Otherwise, let this woman be given to my brother for some entertainment? How? Hahaha~~"

"How much money can you give me?" Huzi glanced at everyone coldly and sneered, "Can you give me the same amount as the king gave me?"

Everyone wilted one by one.

At this time, they came to a very open place in the cave, and Mo Shuang was put down by the man named Huzi.

She noticed that although she was in a cave, the decoration here was like a palace, with all kinds of furniture, furnishings, utensils, and everything else. There was also a majestic and golden tiger-head chair right in front. It's so bright that you can tell at a glance that it was made with a lot of money.

Suddenly, a woman's slightly crying voice came, "No, don't come over, don't..."

(End of chapter)