Beauty: Queen of Chess

Chapter 88


It's not her.

The back looks so similar, it's not her.

Leng Qisu curled his lips in self-mockery as he walked. It was because he was too impatient and all he could think about was her, so he mistook other women.

Mozhuang, where are you

He raised his head and looked at the sky, only to realize that the rain was getting heavier and heavier, pouring down, and the world was covered in a gray curtain of rain.

He remembered that that day, it was also such a day, and it was raining so heavily, when he and she were riding horses.

She huddled in his arms against the car curtain and shivered with cold. He asked her if she could bear it. She said she could bear it.

It's like it happened yesterday.

Later, she braved the heavy rain to find silk for him, but he misunderstood her as a jealous woman and kicked her out.

Thinking about it this way, it was him who was hurting her all along, that time and this time too.

No wonder she was so determined not to come out.

The increasingly violent raindrops hit my face and flowed into my eyes, like a knife cutting me.

It's raining so heavily, so she probably won't come out onto the street. Let's wait until the rain stops.

Turning around, he was about to go back to the inn. Suddenly, a woman rushed towards him and ran straight into his arms.

He was caught off guard and saw that the woman was about to fall down due to inertia. He quickly stretched out his hand and hugged her waist dangerously.

When their four eyes met, they were all startled.

Both of their eyes were filled with disbelief and shock.

Time seemed to stop at this moment, and there were only the two of them between heaven and earth. She was half-lying up, leaning on his arm, and he stretched out his arm to hold her gently.

Stare for a long time.

After an unknown amount of time, Leng Qisu spoke first, his voice hoarse and trembling, "Mo Zhuang..."

The woman's body was shaken, her expression changed instantly, she straightened up with a cry of surprise, broke out of his arms, and ran forward, as if she had seen some ferocious beast and was eager to escape.


Seeing her resistance, Leng Qisu's eyes hurt, he was stunned for a moment, and he quickly chased after her.

The woman ran very fast, without caring, as if there was wind under her feet.

Is he that terrible

Isn't she even willing to give him a chance to explain and apologize

It's not easy to find her, but this time, he will never let her go!

Pursing his lips firmly, he tiptoed and flew up. At this time, the woman turned around at the end of the alley. When he landed gracefully, he suddenly realized that the woman was missing.

How could it be missing

He was confused, no matter how fast she ran, she couldn't run as fast as his Qinggong. Looking around, there was nothing in front of her except a small house with a single door.

Could it be


Mo Shuang sat in front of the bronze mirror and slowly raised his hand to touch his face.

The skin was as good as snow, the features were as picturesque as the face, and it was even more beautiful than the face in the human skin mask, but she felt that it was so strange.

Yes, living under a mask all the time, she almost forgot her original appearance.

No wonder Leng Qisu didn't recognize him just now.

She didn't even recognize herself.

Sighing deeply, she threw the mask in her hand into the drawer.

Now that you have decided to live for yourself, why do you still need the Laoshizi mask

Just think of it as being reborn!

She got up, put the herbs into a porcelain cup and crushed them. She took off her clothes and applied the medicine on her chest. Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door outside.

She was startled and asked warily, "Who?"

This is a private house and she has no one she knows well. Who could knock on the door

Hearing her voice, the knocking on the door stopped. There was a moment of silence, as if the person knocking on the door was hesitating. It took a long time before I heard the man's magnetic and deep voice, "Mo Zhuang!"

Mo Shuang's heart trembled, and the unfinished herbal medicine in her hand fell to the ground without being able to hold it firmly.

How did he find this place

Did he just follow her

It doesn't make sense, he said that he recognized the wrong person, and that the expression and eyes at that time were full of disappointment and he was not pretending. What's more, if it is confirmed to be her, she can be exposed on the spot, there is no need to chase her here.

Although she was confused, she couldn't think too much. She quickly took out the human skin mask from the drawer and quickly put it on her face.

"Mo Zhuang, I know you are inside. If you don't open the door, I will break in directly."

Mo Shuang's heart beat wildly, and she suddenly remembered that she had not put on any clothes yet. She quickly picked up the clothes and put them on, but felt that it was inappropriate. He had seen these clothes in the hospital and could not wear them.

But she also knew that the man meant what he said, and if he hadn't been concerned that she was angry, he would have just barged in long ago.

Seeing that the door was about to be knocked open, in desperation, she said coldly to the outside: "If the prince likes to use force, then just come in!"

The people outside seemed stunned and fell silent.

She curled her lips, quickly stuffed the clothes into the cabinet, and found something else to put on.

After hesitating for a long time, I felt that since it had been made clear that she was there, hiding in the room like this was not an option. What should be faced must be faced.

It's time to make it clear to him.

Taking a deep breath, she raised her hand and opened the door.

(End of chapter)