Became the Terminally Ill Supporting Male Lead’s Rabbit Spirit

Chapter 17


When she returned to her residence, Su Ci's cheeks were flushed with heat, and her pair of black eyes were bright, sparkling and watery, very charming.

She walked to the sofa and sat down quickly, "It's so hot."

It was midsummer and the weather was getting hotter day by day. There was no air conditioning in the living room, only a fan. Su Ci felt that the wind was hot.

Seeing Lu Zhe sitting down on the other side, she hurried over.

Maybe it was due to ALS, but Lu Zhe’s skin felt colder than hers, icy cold, like a big ice cube, and leaning against him could help cool her down.

"Lu Zhe, I want to eat peaches." When she just came back, she saw an aunt selling peaches at the entrance of the community, so she asked Lu Zhe to buy a few.

Lu Zhe was replying to Boss Fang's message. When he heard the girl's words, he glanced at her calmly and said, "Go wash it yourself."

"My hand was injured this morning while making breakfast for you." Su Ci stretched out the injured finger.

Lu Zhe looked at the thin wound on the girl's pink fingertips, which had disappeared, and said, "A finger injury doesn't prevent you from eating peaches."

Su Ci didn't feel that she was being shameless. She moved closer to Lu Zhe, her arm touching his, as if she wanted to absorb some of the coldness. "I can't touch water if I'm injured. I can't wash peaches. I can't hold a knife if I'm injured. I can't peel the peaches."

She looked at Lu Zhe pitifully with her black eyes, "I will be sad if I can't eat peaches. If I am sad, the injuries I suffered for you will heal very slowly. Can you bear it?"

After going around in circles, Su Ci just asked him to help her wash and peel the peaches.

Lu Zhe took back his phone and stood up. Without even glancing at the girl's watery black eyes, he said coldly, "If you want to eat, wash it yourself."

In just a few days, he discovered that if he took a step back, Su Ci would take a big step closer and would continue to push for more.

Lu Zhe vaguely realized that this was a very serious problem.

Watching the young man walk into his small storage room, Su Ci was a little stunned. Why did she feel that Lu Zhe disliked her

Humph, just wash it yourself.

The tail of her eye was slightly raised, and the small teardrop mole below made her look even more charming. Su Ci stood up proudly, picked up a peach and washed it herself.

The utility room is very small, and now that it has been converted into a room it looks even smaller.

Lu Zhe didn't have much stuff. He had already brought his computer, clothes, and some other miscellaneous daily necessities from his original room and placed them on a small cabinet. His clothes were piled on a chair, looking a bit awkward.

Lu Zhe was standing beside the folding bed, doing curls with dumbbells.

Time and again, the muscles in his arms became engorged with blood and tensed to the extreme.

The window in the utility room was open, but there was no air conditioning or fan. After just a short while, Lu Zhe's forehead was covered with sweat.

The boy was strong and sweat flowed down his angular face and fell into his collar, giving him a kind of silent sexiness.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Without thinking too much, I knew it was Su Ci.

Lu Zhe didn't plan to help her wash and peel the peaches. Su Ci was too spoiled, and he didn't plan to spoil her.

Lu Zhe continued to exercise.

Outside the door, Su Ci knocked a few more times, but the person inside still didn't respond. She kicked the door with her toes in anger, "Lu Zhe, where is the medicine box? My hand is bleeding."

The next second, the door opened.

Before Su Ci could retract her foot, her toes kicked Lu Zhe's calf.

The girl wasn't very strong, and the shoes Su Ci was wearing were light and soft, so kicking Lu Zhe's feet was just a tickle.

Lu Zhe ignored the footprints on his trouser legs. His dark eyes looked at Su Ci's hand. This time, it was really scratched and bleeding.

"Look, I'm really injured this time and I'm bleeding profusely." Su Ci pitifully stretched out her bleeding finger in front of Lu Zhe.

Lu Zhe: "How did you do that?"

Su Ci looked at him resentfully, shirking responsibility with a clear conscience, "It's your fault for not helping me peel the peaches."

Lu Zhe didn't say a word. He walked out of the room and went to get the medicine box.

On the sofa, Su Ci sat next to Lu Zhe and naturally let Lu Zhe bandage her.

Lu Zhe held her hand with one hand, and with the other hand he was using cotton soaked in medicine to wipe her wound.

The girl flinched her fingers as the liquid touched the wound.

Su Ci's hands were white, soft, beautiful and delicate. There was a scratch on her finger as long as a fingernail, like a mark scratched on a beautiful jade.

Lu Zhe frowned.

He didn't expect that Su Ci could hurt himself by doing something as trivial as peeling fruit. Lu Zhe felt that his perception of Su Ci being delicate was refreshed again and again.

Su Ci groaned in pain. She looked at the young man who was carefully treating her wound and said, "I am so miserable. I was injured this morning and now I am injured again. Am I going to be the unlucky little baby?"

Lu Zhe took the hemostatic patch, wrapped it around her slender white finger, and said coldly: "You are not unlucky, you are stupid."

Clumsy and stupid.

He is not good at anything and is the most delicate person.

Lu Zhe sighed and stood up to pack up the medicine box. He had clearly realized that what he picked up was not a cute little rabbit, but a small trouble.

Su Ci's eyes widened in disbelief. "Fugui, did I hear correctly? Lu Zhe said I was stupid?"

Fugui, who was released, was very excited and said, "Master, Lu Zhe thinks you are stupid, so don't give the marshmallow to him, give it to Fugui instead."

This was the first time Su Ci was called stupid, and she was about to agree to Fugui in angrily.

Lu Zhe sat down next to the sofa again, holding a washed peach in his hand. Because it was fresh, the peach was juicy, pink and white, and looked very sweet.

He took the small knife and started turning the peach quickly in his big hands.

In less than a minute, Lu Zhe had peeled the peach. He washed it again, then cut the peach into even small pieces, placed them on a small plate, and handed it to Su Ci.

How could Su Ci still remember the anger she felt the previous second? She ate a piece of peach with a smile, "Lu Zhe, you are so awesome."

The peaches are very fresh and taste sweet and crispy in the mouth.

Su Ci ate happily, and her little mouth became sweet. "What would I do without you?"

Lu Zhe did not respond to her casual flattery and got up to prepare dinner.

The next second, the hem of his clothes was grabbed by the girl's hand.

"Don't leave yet." Su Ci was still eating a peach and her voice was unclear.

" Um?"

"Kiss me first."

Lu Zhe: "You kissed me three times last night." No, you kissed him three times and bit him once.

All in all, she can at least last until tomorrow.

Su Ci didn't care how many times he kissed her yesterday. In her opinion, it was not enough. The more kisses, the better. Besides, she still had something to give him.

“This time it’s different,” she said.

Lu Zhe: "What's the difference?"

"Just give me a kiss and I'll know." Su Ci tilted her head back, holding onto the hem of his clothes with her fingertips.

Lu Zhe lowered his eyes to look at the girl on the sofa.

She had snowy skin and black hair, and wore a light blue silk dress. The soft fabric fit her body perfectly, and her red lips were stained with peach juice, making them moist and shiny. Even though Lu Zhe usually didn't pay attention to girls, he knew that Su Ci in front of him was extremely beautiful.

But she seemed unaware of it, and looked at him with her full black eyes, urging him to kiss her.

If he didn't do as she asked, she would look at him accusingly, as if he had done something incredible and sinful.

Lu Zhe's face was stiff and cold. He bent down, ready to casually kiss Su Ci on the lips to make her let him go.

The lip print fell on the girl's red lips.

With just a light touch, he tasted the juice on the girl's lips, and the sweet peach scent filled his nose.

Lu Zhe lowered his eyelids, hiding the expression in his eyes.

He raised his head and was about to leave, but the next second, the girl's hands grabbed his neck and pressed him back to her. Lu Zhe was caught off guard and his hands rested on the back of the sofa.

"Don't move." Su Ci said, kissing Lu Zhe's lips, looking at him steadily with her dark eyes. Out of Lu Zhe's sight, a ball of golden cotton candy entered his mouth and gradually disappeared.

Lu Zhe bent his waist, his whole body tensed, his eyes were extremely deep, and the veins on the back of his hand that was supported on the sofa were prominent. Unlike his cold lips, the girl's lips were warm and soft, making people want to bite them at any time.

The two lips touched for dozens of seconds, and Su Ci stepped back. "Do you feel anything this time?"

Lu Zhe met her dark eyes and stood up straight. "No."

"No?" Su Ci blinked, thinking that Lu Zhe would feel something strange.

However, he couldn't see what he ate, so it was normal for him not to feel anything.

No, what do you mean by no feeling? Being kissed by a peerless beauty like her, there should be some feeling, right

Looking at Lu Zhe again, the boy's face was stiff and cold, and his eyes were also cold. He really didn't feel anything.

Su Ci kicked Lu Zhe with her toes in annoyance, "Are you still a man?"

Lu Zhe glanced at her calmly with his dark eyes, then turned and left.

... ...

In the classroom, when Li Dongliang came to his seat, he actively greeted Lu Zhe, "Good morning, Brother Zhe."

Lu Zhe: "Morning."

Li Dongliang changed into a new pink backpack today. He opened the backpack excitedly and took out a small cage from it. There was actually a gray baby rabbit in it.

"Brother Zhe, look at my rabbit. It's so handsome." Li Dongliang pushed the cage in front of Lu Zhe. "Did you bring your little rabbit? I'll let my Tyrannosaurus Rex play with the little rabbit. The little rabbit will definitely like it."

Only then did Lu Zhe raise his head to look at Li Dongliang's rabbit.

The little gray rabbit in the cage jumped back and forth with a dull look in its eyes, looking a little silly.

Li Dongliang had already found a place to raise rabbits. Anyway, he didn't have to take the rabbits home. He proposed to Lu Zhe, "Brother Zhe, let's get married. My Tyrannosaurus Rex and your rabbit will definitely give birth to many cute little rabbits in the future."

Although the little gray rabbit is also easy to pet, he still envied Lu Zhe's little rabbit.

"What do you think? My suggestion is good, right? We two rabbits know each other well, so there is no need to find wild rabbits outside to mate." Li Dongliang even calculated how many baby rabbits the two rabbits would give birth to. Anyway, he could afford to raise them.

Lu Zhe glanced at Li Dongliang coldly, his tone was colder than Li Dongliang had ever heard, "Does it deserve it?"

Li Dongliang and Little Gray Rabbit looked at Lu Zhe in dumbfoundedness. Why did they have the illusion that they were deeply disliked

In the morning, after Su Ci woke up and ate the breakfast prepared by Lu Zhe for her, she went to the mall.

Because it was not the weekend, there were fewer people in the mall.

Su Ci went to the mobile phone store on the second floor and picked out a mobile phone.

Yesterday Lu Zhe offered to buy her a mobile phone, but thinking that the poor girl didn't have much money, Su Ci decided to buy it herself. After all, she had the 20,000 yuan given by the Fu family.

Su Ci didn't have any requirements for the mobile phone. She just picked one with a good appearance and paid for it, spending nearly three thousand.

In the past, three thousand yuan was not enough for her to buy a piece of clothing, but now she is suffering from the pain.

She is so poor.

After getting the new phone, Su Ci immediately entered Lu Zhe's phone number into the address book. She even asked him for it. In the past, people always begged for her contact information, but now, she asked Lu Zhe and he gave her the number, which completely reversed the roles.

So angry.

The boy was cold, hard, straight, and blind. Such a peerless beauty was hanging around in front of him every day and kissed him actively, but Lu Zhe was still reluctant.

He would only kiss her once or twice each time to keep her in human form. She wanted to kiss him more than once, but he wouldn't allow it.

Anyway, Lu Zhe is either blind or has problems with his aesthetic sense.

Su Ci would never doubt her own charm.

It was still early when she came out of the mobile phone store, but she didn't know if she had set the temperature of the newly installed air conditioner too low when she went to bed yesterday, so she caught a cold today. Her nasal congestion was a little heavy, her head was a little dizzy, and her throat was dry and uncomfortable. Su Ci prepared to go back and take some cold medicine.

At this moment, a little boy suddenly rushed out from the shop next door and bumped directly into Su Ci.

The new phone in my hand lost its balance and fell to the ground.

Su Ci:!!!

She quickly picked up the phone and found that the screen was not broken.

"It was you who couldn't hold the phone steadily just now. It has nothing to do with my son. If your phone breaks, don't blame my son." Over there, the little boy's mother came over and spoke first.

"Auntie, your son hit me. You should let him say sorry to me instead of rushing to help him shirk the responsibility." Su Ci said unhappily.

"The child was playing and accidentally bumped into you. How can you be so petty that you even bothered with the child?" The little boy's mother had a loud voice. She was especially upset when she heard the other person calling her auntie. She raised her voice even louder, "I look similar to you, how can I be your auntie? Do you have any respect for others?"

Su Ci glanced at the other person. He had big curly hair, a face as big as a pancake, and was wearing an ordinary striped shirt and trousers.

Tsk, Su Ci suddenly realized that she was not the most narcissistic one.

Where does this aunt get the confidence to think that she looks similar to her

"Auntie, you really know how to make fun of me." Su Ci raised her delicate chin slightly, and her words almost pissed off the middle-aged woman opposite her, "Please don't say you look like me, okay? I don't want you to lower my beauty."

Then, Su Ci's eyes fell on the little boy's hand holding the Superman toy. There was only a thin, red line on the life value at his wrist, with the words: 1 hour marked next to it.

Su Ci asked Fugui to come out, "How did he die?"

Fugui: A little boy was playing on the elevator, rolled down, and died from excessive bleeding.

Su Ci half-closed her eyes and said to the middle-aged woman seriously, "I won't hold you responsible for your son bumping into me just now, but as a mother, you should teach and take good care of your child."

The little boy was playing on the elevator and rolled down. The mother was obviously negligent.

The middle-aged woman held her son's hand and glared at the overly beautiful girl in front of her. "What's it to you how I teach my son? Do I need you to tell me what to do?" After that, she took the child away.

Su Ci stood there, watching the little boy pass by her, the red line of life value on her wrist faintly visible.

She held the phone tightly and sighed slightly.

After arguing with others, Su Ci felt her head hurt even more and her breath seemed a little hot. Could she have a fever

Su Ci was just about to touch her forehead to see if it was hot, when suddenly, she felt an itch on the top of her head and something seemed to be about to pop out on both sides.

For some reason, Su Ci had the same feeling when she thought about herself changing from a human back into a rabbit.

Oh my god, is she going to turn back into a rabbit right away

That's not right. Before going to bed last night, she asked Lu Zhe for a kiss twice.

The top of her head was becoming more and more itchy, as if something would really come out in the next second. She covered her head with one hand and looked around, but didn't know where the bathroom was.

Su Ci was so anxious that she had a headache. She touched her head and felt that something was really about to come out.


Covering her head tightly with one hand, Su Ci gritted her teeth and quickly walked into a clothing store in front.

Without having time to say anything to the female clerk, Su Ci directly picked up a few clothes from the shelf and asked, "Where is the fitting room?"

"That... over there." Before the female clerk could react when she saw such a beautiful girl, she saw her running into the fitting room with clothes in her hand.

Close the door.

Su Ci breathed a sigh of relief.

There was a full-length mirror in the fitting room. Su Ci stood in front of the mirror. She stared at it in amazement. A pair of rabbit ears appeared on her head!

Is she going to turn back into a rabbit

... ...

This class was a math class. The teacher did not give a lecture but asked the students to do a test paper.

Li Dongliang just filled in the first few questions on the test paper casually, and did not change the answers to the questions at the back at all.

He was secretly stroking his little gray rabbit in the drawer, looking at Lu Zhe beside him from time to time.

Not only did Lu Zhe not agree to marry him, he even disliked the ugliness of his little gray rabbit.

He decided to formally pursue Lu Zhe's little rabbit on behalf of his little gray rabbit. Anyway, he only recognized Lu Zhe's rabbit as his little gray rabbit's wife.

Lu Zhe had just finished the test paper when the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

He looked at the phone number and saw that it was an unfamiliar call.

Lu Zhe hung up the phone.

The next two seconds, the phone vibrated again and Lu Zhe frowned.

He glanced at the math teacher at the podium and answered the phone.

On the other end of the phone, a girl's pleasant voice came, "Lu Zhe, hurry to the clothing store on the second floor of the mall to save me."

Lu Zhe tightened his grip on the phone and stood up abruptly.

The sound of the chair moving backward attracted everyone in the classroom to look over, and they saw Lu Zhe running out of the back door.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Li Dongliang next to him was stunned. His deskmate skipped class in front of the math teacher

There was a small commotion in the classroom.

The math teacher slammed the podium with a sullen face, "Stop talking, and continue doing the test paper."

He walked to Lu Zhe's seat and saw the neatly written, fully filled-in test paper on the desk. Only then did his expression relax.

The math teacher put away Lu Zhe's test paper and glanced at Fu Baili, who was playing with his mobile phone and had not done his test paper at all in the aisle. There was really a big difference between these two students.

Lu Zhe ran out of the school, took a taxi to the mall, and then ran up to the second floor.

He saw the clothing store that Su Ci mentioned at a glance.

Walking into the clothing store, Lu Zhe saw the female clerk standing in front of the fitting room door, knocking on the door continuously, "Miss? Is there anything I can help you with?" The girl had been in there trying on clothes for almost half an hour.

Lu Zhe walked over quickly, "Su Ci."

"Lu Zhe, you're here?" Su Ci exclaimed in surprise inside the fitting room.

Hearing Su Ci's voice, Lu Zhe breathed a sigh of relief and motioned to the female clerk to move aside.

"Lu Zhe, I'm just letting you in." Su Ci opened the door a crack.

" Um."

Then, Lu Zhe pushed open part of the door and walked in.

The door was closed again, leaving the dumbfounded female clerk outside.

At this time, a customer came into the store, and the female clerk had no choice but to go and entertain the customer first.

"Lu Zhe, you're here." Su Ci was so anxious that she was about to cry.

Lu Zhe looked at the girl in front of him who suddenly grew a pair of rabbit ears, and surprise flashed in his dark eyes.

"What's going on?"

"Kiss me quickly." Su Ci moved closer to Lu Zhe anxiously, stood on tiptoes, and wanted to kiss him.

Lu Zhe was forced to step back. The girl's eyes turned red with anxiety, and she had a pair of pink and white rabbit ears. She looked cute and pitiful, and it was obvious that she was about to cry.

He leaned against the door, looking at the girl who was about to kiss him. There was a faint smile in his dark eyes, and he had to hold her waist with his hand, "Don't be impatient."