Become Stronger

Chapter 101: Become Strong in the West (17)


Strange as it may seem, it's clearly not the focus at the moment.

After the apprentice said those words aloud, the attention around them was focused in their direction. Xie Cheng could say that it was the person who was injured in the public eye, and everyone was an eyewitness.

Although this apprentice was not seriously injured, he lost his teeth and the amount of bleeding was a bit scary.

There was already a lot of talk about Xie Cheng hitting someone. Everyone was talking in a low voice, and the scene looked very chaotic for a while.

Among them, Silent Yan was uniquely calm. He methodically summoned the members of the reserve team who were present to carry them, and asked the apprentices of the Paladins and the Ministry of Magic to contact their respective leaders.

This matter is obviously not private. The person who walked with Xie Yujin must also be the heir of a certain family. Now he was knocked unconscious on the spot and lost such a big person. In any case, the other party will definitely want to find his place. Since It would be better to let the Holy See deal with this matter in the open.

Xie Yujin's eyes never moved away from Silent Yan's body from the very beginning.

He didn't understand what strange problems had arisen in himself, so he had to figure it out even more, not to mention that in such a world full of magic, he had to be more vigilant when there was something strange in his body and even his mind.

In fact, he didn't even know the other party's name, so he could only make the simplest assessment from the outside to observe.

At this moment, Silent Yan was standing beside Xie Cheng, who had kept his head down and had not spoken. Perhaps it was because he was the same age but was a bit taller than Xie Cheng. The same knights uniform was even more slender when he wore the same uniform. Without losing a sense of solemnity.

After reaching the reserve team, each member can have a sword of his own, and Silent Yan also has one on his waist, but Xie Yujin feels that he himself is far more like the one on his waist is blocked by a scabbard. With a sharp sword, his body is tall and straight, and he naturally has a different aura from the people around him, like a deterrent formed after a long period of training.

However, he himself reduced this unoffensive deterrent to a minimum, and used a gentle and harmless attitude to face all the people around him.

He lowered his head slightly and looked at Xie Cheng, even if Xie Yujin couldn't hear what he was saying, he could guess from the change in Xie Cheng's expression, he was probably comforting him.

Two other people he didn't know joined their conversation, and from the atmosphere, it was fun.

Xie Yujin couldn't believe that these people completely ignored the danger in him because of the harmless side he showed. Even if his vigilance and fear were unfounded, after careful observation, Xie Yujin could There is no reason to feel the black side of the other party hidden under the tenderness.

Intuition tells him that this person is dangerous, at least more dangerous than he has shown.

Even if it was just a psychological effect, Xie Yujin still decided to stay away from this person.

And Silent Yan has just calmed Xie Cheng's mental state. Xie Cheng has just awakened his fighting qi, and is in a state of mental and physical instability. In the plot, Xie Cheng's awakening of fighting qi is not now, and the consequences are far greater than now. more serious.

Fortunately, they were all there, so it was time to prevent things from getting out of hand.

Xie Cheng can hit anyone, but if Xie Yujin is touched, the pressure from the Xie family that Xie Cheng will only face in the middle and later stages of the plot will probably come earlier.

The Xie family is much more ruthless than Xie Cheng thought. After Xie Yujin and Xie Cheng completely feuded in the plot, the Xie family not only completely stood on Xie Yujin's side, but even put Xie Cheng to death several times and cultivated his fighting spirit. Xie Cheng was barely able to handle it, but now Xie Cheng, in the end, no matter who could crush him to death with one hand.

The current Xie family is still untouchable by Xie Cheng.

Thinking of this, he left Xie Cheng to Qi Zhuo and others, and walked towards Xie Yujin who had been standing far away from the beginning.

Interestingly, as he approached, Silent Yan could easily see the obvious nervousness of this young man. He clearly wanted to step back, but his willpower made him stubbornly stand in place, as if only the staff in his hand could give him a chance. He was a little comforted.

The whole person is filled with the words weak, pitiful and helpless.

"Let's send your friend to treatment first." Silent said, "I'll talk about other things when I wake up, okay?"

His tone is very friendly, and his attitude can also be said to respect him. After all, it is not easy for him to speak in such a calm manner just now that there was such a serious conflict between the Paladins and the Ministry of Magic.

From Xie Yujin's point of view, someone else must think that this person has a good temper and is a reasonable person.

But now it is Xie Yujin who is facing him face to face. The fear that comes from the bottom of his heart has already made him overwhelmed, and he has no time to think about whether the other party is really so good and beautiful.

He could only nodded cautiously.

Fortunately, the other party didn't want to continue the conversation with him. After knowing that he had no objection to this approach, he turned and left, which made Xie Yujin heave a sigh of relief.

The apprentice was finally diagnosed by the pharmacist of the Ministry of Magic, and the injury was not very serious, but the blood on his face caused a visual impact, and he subconsciously felt that the injury was serious, except for the loss of a tooth. There is basically nothing else, and the fainting is entirely psychological.

In such a world, as long as you have the money and you are willing to buy a little potion, it is not difficult to grow a new tooth, not to mention that the reason for the dispute between the two sides was heard by many people present. Both the Order and the Ministry of Magic deal with this in favor of having the initiative take responsibility for the beating and write a written review, while the other only needs to write a review.

The matter should have come to an end like this, but the apprentice found that he had lost a tooth after waking up, and he was speechless.

Cursing and cursing is nothing more than trash without magic qualifications.

But it just so happened that the heads of the Knights and the Ministry of Magic were on the scene that day. Originally, they wanted to see the specific injuries of the victims and determine Xie Cheng's responsibility, but they didn't expect to hear such a speech as soon as they came in.

No matter how many people of the Light God Cult have unrighteous views in private, they are bright, just and great on the open side. This kind of discriminatory language should not be spoken by the people of the Light God Cult. , let alone being overheard by them on the spot.

So the original punishment for Xie Cheng was changed. Xie Cheng no longer needed to do a written review. He needed to pay for the potion for treatment and a month of team labor. The apprentice was the basis for the written review. There was an additional two-month reflection period, during which I could not participate in any courses and activities of the Ministry of Magic, which was basically no different from confinement.

Xie Cheng's situation in the Holy Knights began to be much better than before because he beat someone. Originally because he had no magic aptitude, although he had been working hard, he finally entered the reserve army, but No qualifications will always be worse.

However, when he walked on the road now, he would meet other knights who watched the excitement and praised him for beating him well.

This is a relatively warm-blooded world. Xie Cheng's momentum is completely a copy of this world. After awakening his fighting spirit, it is difficult for him to suppress this momentum in his heart.

Silent Yan doesn't think there is anything wrong with this. After all, this world is a world where the strong are respected. It is normal for powerful people to be proud. Isn't the gods the best example

Over the past few years, Silent Yan has completely cleaned up the darkness that had accumulated in his body. It really cost him a lot of the world, and during this period he was unable to practice magic very well, so before solving this problem All the lessons he took were about swordsmanship, and it wasn't until the power of light within him stabilized with the power of faith that he set about taking up magic again.

The classification of magicians in this world is different from that of the Holy Knights.

Paladins may be graded according to their seniority, but after the magicians have experienced apprenticeships and become regulars, they are completely divided according to strength.

There are still many levels from the elementary level to the high level. At present, the highest level in this continent is the holy level. According to the records in the book, each level is a huge change in the magic power in the body. The magician can distinguish the opponent's level by the strength of the opponent's magic power.

This sounds similar to the power of the end of the world, but there are some differences.

There is no such division in the Paladins. In fact, Silent Yan thinks the setting of Dou Qi is quite suitable for knights who are good at melee combat. Unfortunately, the knights in this world cannot master such power, they can only use swords magic to aid in battle.

In fact, not long after he purifies the dark power, he already has the feeling of advanced magic described in the book. According to the standard of each rank, he should belong to the first rank.

At this stage, there are the most people, and the difficulty is not high. Often adult magicians can reach this level, and there are also many middle-level ones. The ones that really start to become rare and their strength will be pulled apart are the high-level ones.

The basic level is enough for ordinary knights of the Holy Knights, and there are very few apprentice knights who can advance in magic so quickly.

This also proves the criticality of the power of faith. It stands to reason that the time for Silent Yan to accumulate the power of light is much less than that of others, because most of the time he is using the power of light to purify the power of darkness, until he really has time. When he started to accumulate his own luminous power, it was time for him to prepare for the reserve team assessment.

It can be said that it is the existence of faith that makes him advance faster than others. After realizing this, he entered the reserve team and put all his focus on how to increase faith. The gold coins in this world are paired with It means nothing to him, and he doesn't need everyone who has helped him to thank him, even if there is only one person in a thousand.

For Silent Yan, whose current power itself is not strong, a person's belief power is precious enough, and the effect is also very impressive.

He gave food to the hungry, medicine to the wounded, and brought a glimmer of hope to all the despairing people. He pulled too many people in the abyss ashore, so in the second year he officially became a trainee knight, No matter how slow the growth rate is, the faith he has gained has gradually accumulated to a certain height.

Among them, the biggest contribution should be Qi Zhuo.

After he began to frequently receive beliefs from all over the world, Silent Yan realized that the God of Light should be able to perceive the source of belief, because with a certain level of belief, he began to be able to distinguish it.

And Qi Zhuo is very strange. As he grows older, not only has he not forgotten what happened when he was a child, he has not changed his thinking, but his faith has become more and more full.

It's just that what he said was always praising the God of Light.

If it is not true that he can feel the almost burning belief from him every time, Silent Yan will doubt whether he is mistaken.

After him, Xie Cheng also successfully passed the assessment of the apprentice knight. His fighting spirit has become more and more proficient in the past few years, but in order not to be discovered by others, he has been hiding for promotion. From the outsider's point of view It was as if he had beaten the others purely by physical fitness and swordsmanship.

A person without magical qualifications successfully became an apprentice knight. This incident has caused heated discussions not only in the Paladins, but even in the Ministry of Magic.

But Silent Yan didn't know if Xie Cheng was bad luck.

After becoming apprentice knights, they need to do more tasks, and the tasks will also be accompanied by certain dangers, so most of the time, apprentice knights and magicians team up to complete them.

In the year of becoming an apprentice knight, Silent Yan has never encountered a character related to the plot, but in Xie Cheng's first mission as an apprentice knight, he was not only assigned to a group with him, but also assigned to Xie Yujin was also in their group of tasks.

Since that incident, Silent Yan has not met Xie Yujin. After all, the Paladins and the Ministry of Magic are still far away, so it is not so easy to meet them if there is nothing wrong with them.

This time, he was assigned to the same group because of the task. He found that when all the apprentice mages came from the Ministry of Magic, only Xie Yujin had advanced to the primary level among these apprentice mages.

The knights rode on horses, and the relatively weak magicians sat in carriages.

Silent Yan noticed that just like the first time they met before, when he sat on the horse and glanced at the group of magicians, Xie Yujin tried very hard to hide himself behind others, trying to block his sight.

However, this would only attract his attention even more.