Become Stronger

Chapter 102: Become Strong in the West (18)


The gathering time of knights and magicians with tasks is basically the same, but after finding their respective teams, they have to disperse to complete their own tasks.

After the other magicians left with other teams one after another, there was no huge team of magicians for Xie Yujin to hide.

Silent Yan, who didn't pay attention to a person's movements originally, saw Xie Yujin who had no cover and got into the team's carriage for the first time, avoiding any eye contact with him throughout the whole process.

Silent Yan didn't react too much to this kind of escape that only he felt was very secretive. He consciously rode to the side of the carriage as protection for the magician.

The people in their team are all together, and it's time to set off.

There are many tasks assigned by the Holy See, ranging from investigating the conspiracy to stop the Dark God Cult or defending against attacks from different races, as small as assisting some people who seek help from the Holy See or the troubles of the town, and even some trivial matters or collection tasks. assigned to them.

However, the gathering task is different from when it was still an apprentice. It is no longer just gathering in a safe area outside the city, so these things can no longer be done by apprentices, but by apprentice knights or apprentice magicians with certain self-protection abilities.

If the tasks they were assigned this time are accurately divided, it should be a crusade task. In the east, a village with pure belief was attacked by monsters, and the crops were destroyed. The monster that attacked the village was a low-level monster called Tata. Warcraft, the only trouble is that they like group action, the task rating given by the Holy See is c.

Because the task is not difficult, the team that finally completed the task consisted of three apprentice knights and two apprentice magicians. At the same time, there is a special plant in the east that grows according to the season and will change its medicinal properties, which is unique to the east region. Plant, there happened to be a pharmacist who needed this plant and commissioned a task, so to be precise, there are two tasks in their group.

One knight is in charge of driving the carriage, and the other two knights are on the left and right to keep an eye on the surrounding situation.

After all, all the monsters in this world are wild. If they want to leave the main city where the Holy See is located, it is not impossible to encounter danger.

After Xie Cheng found out that he was actually in a group with Xie Yujin, he was extremely silent. He rode his horse and protected the right side of the carriage, but it was obvious that he was not in a particularly good condition.

Also silent is Xie Yujin.

As a weak mage character, Xie Yujin honestly huddled in the carriage, and there was another trainee magician with him. These magicians who basically had no physical training could just sit in the carriage all day. It was so shocking that it would kill them to let them ride their way.

But the magician's long-range output assistance is also indispensable. In many cases, they will even play a role far beyond the knights with better physique. The two sides can only be regarded as complementary.

Sitting opposite Xie Yujin was a very thin looking young man with a pair of round gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. He looked weak and easy to bully.

This person's name is Zhou Jinpeng. His family has been a top pharmacist for generations, but he gave birth to a son who is only interested in magic. Fortunately, Zhou Jinpeng is not the only son. He has two older brothers who stand up for him. As the youngest Child, the Zhou family chose to let him do what he likes to do.

In fact, Zhou Jinpeng's magic talent is really good, at least among the peers that Xie Yujin met, he was relatively outstanding, and Zhou Jinpeng's character was very good, not arrogant, not impetuous, and very modest and sensible, no one would hate him.

As for Zhou Jinpeng, this was his first mission since he became a trainee magician, and the first mission was to leave the Holy See so far, so he would inevitably be a little nervous.

Zhou Jinpeng noticed that Xie Yujin, who was supposed to be on his first mission like him, looked extraordinarily calm and didn't feel nervous about going out at all, and was immediately envious and admired.

In fact, he is not particularly familiar with this favorite of the Ministry of Magic. The only thing he knows is that Xie Yujin is a rare genius in the Ministry of Magic for a hundred years. And the reserve of knowledge far exceeds that of other apprentices of the same age.

From the time of apprenticeship to the present, they have all become apprentice magicians, and Xie Yujin is still the best in their class.

Zhou Jinpeng felt Alexander like this and a top student in the same group.

"That..." He felt that he needed to say something, but after Xie Yujin's eyes fell on him, Zhou Jinpeng became even more nervous, "Can I call you Ah Jin? Ah! You can also call me Xiaopeng... "

Xie Yujin looked at him for a few seconds, and Zhou Jinpeng almost wanted to swallow what he just said without thinking, and he said, "You can call it as you like. Since the Holy See has rated this mission as C rank, then There shouldn't be too much danger, so don't be too nervous."

Zhou Jinpeng and Xie Yujin had really little contact, and he was relieved to see him talk so well.

After relaxing, he spoke more easily.

"Well, and I heard that the knights in our group this time are the first among the apprentice knights. So far, there has been no failure in the mission. Plus you are here, there is definitely no problem with this mission!"

Speaking of which, he couldn't help but lift a corner of the curtain on the carriage window sideways, sighing, "But it's really worthy of the Holy Knights, obviously when I saw him in the library before, I thought he was more of a knight than a knight. It's like a magician, but after changing into a knight's uniform, wearing a sword and riding a horse, it feels completely different."

Xie Yujin followed his words and glanced out the window.

It's true that the man's whole temperament has changed a lot after he changed into the knight uniform, but from Xie Yujin's point of view, it is more like the sharp and lethal part has been more prominent, like an original An extremely dangerous person has a sharp weapon in his hand, and there is only infinite danger left except for the breath that strangers should not enter.

Probably only the wind dared to brush his cheeks recklessly, blowing his smooth black hair behind his ears, revealing a profile that was more handsome than those around him.

Looking at the man riding a white horse and wearing a knight's costume representing light and glory, no matter how scared he was subconsciously, Xie Yujin couldn't help but think, isn't this man a little good-looking

"I always think it's so handsome." Zhou Jinpeng looked at it more openly. "I also wanted to be a knight when I was young, but my physique was not good, and I prefer magic between potions and magic, so I joined the Ministry of Magic."

"I used to think that magicians were as handsome as knights, but now I think that knights are the most handsome!" Zhou Jinpeng sighed, "But I still like magic, maybe because I learned magic and it is close to magic. Only then will the unreachable areas be more handsome.”

Thanks to Zhou Jinpeng's words, Xie Yujin's even a little terrifying thought just now was interrupted, and he realized that he had been staring at that person for so long.

Fortunately it wasn't found.

He secretly rejoiced.

However, the sound insulation of a carriage is actually not very good.

Amu, who was in charge of driving the carriage, whispered to Silent Yan, who was riding a horse on the left, "Mo Yan, it seems that your popularity is not only in the Knights."

Silent Yan didn't pay much attention to it after listening to it, but said with a smile, "Aren't you more handsome than me, who became an apprentice knight by your own efforts, when everyone is not optimistic?"

Hearing what he said, Amu also remembered how he cried when he left the church when he was a child. At that time, some people threatened him and said that a timid God like him would definitely dislike him, and even the church believers didn't think about him. As long as he could stay in the Holy Knights, he would write letters to comfort him from time to time, but he didn't expect that in the end, he was one of the few orphans who stayed at that time.

To be able to successfully pass the reserve team and become an apprentice knight, from the outside world, he must be loved by the God of Light, so when he was 12 years old, the church where Amu originally belonged to choose a new official name for him, but Amu is still more used to himself. His original name, so people who knew him still called him Amu.

Amu actually didn't think he could become a trainee knight, he touched his nose a little embarrassed.

Xie Cheng, who was uncharacteristically silent, couldn't help but look at Amu. Before that, he didn't even know that these two people had known each other. After all, one was a genius surrounded by light, while the other had always been mediocre.

Xie Cheng knew from a very early time that Silent Yan didn't care about other people's talents or other people's family background, otherwise he would not help him when he was called by other apprentices.

Although he knew this was the case for a long time, Xie Cheng still felt that there was a huge gap between them, which made him unable to get along with him like Qi Zhuo or Bian Yang.

Perhaps it was his thoughts during his apprenticeship that influenced him.

Xie Cheng's only goal was to wait for Silentyan to become a knight and serve him as his squire. In his opinion, Silentyan was born to be worshipped. He had seen it sent from outside the city several times. Just last year, a young man who had been helped even found the Holy See, named Silently and expressed his hope to become his servant, and even said that he did not need any payment. Naturally it was rejected.

At most, this matter was just casually mentioned by the Paladins when they were chatting. But there was a sense of tension, even though he had already decided at that time that he wanted to become a powerful knight rather than someone else's subordinate, he still realized that Silent Word didn't need followers, and it was even possible that as long as he wanted it, it would be impossible. Frustrated by not lacking this one thing about him.

By the time they arrived at the village, the sky had completely darkened. After a brief inspection, they found that the damage caused by the attack on the village was not serious. They decided to pass tonight and trace the traces of the beasts tomorrow.

The village chief arranged for them to live in a house.

"I'm sorry, our village really doesn't have a very good room, this is the best condition we can..." The elderly village chief said a little ashamed.

"It doesn't matter. After all, we are here to solve the problem. You are already worrying about being able to stay."

Silent Yan speaks with a gentle and considerate tone, and even the village chief who had a little prejudice against this group of high-looking knight mages could not help but feel that he was too narrow-minded. , he leaned on crutches and trembled as he walked, "I'll ask someone to prepare some food for you, you can go to the house to rest."

After the village chief left, Xie Cheng was the first to get off his horse, unload his luggage, and even carry the luggage that Shen Moyan had brought with him.