Become Stronger

Chapter 115: Become Strong in the West (31)


A high-level magic item that hosts an elemental spirit and recognizes the master said that if you don't want it, you don't want it

The high-level magician who thinks he has seen the world only thinks that he has heard it wrong. After all, even if the elemental elves are excluded, this slate alone is a very useful magic item, not to mention the fact that he recognizes the master. Even the Holy See will not forcibly take it away from him.

As early as the first time high-level magicians saw the young man, they keenly felt that the magical elements in him had changed. This kind of change is very common among their magicians, and it is obviously the change caused by the advanced level.

Even if there is a young magician standing in front of him now, he will not be surprised at this age. After all, this world is not without geniuses, he himself is a genius who became a high-level magician at a young age. .

But the other party is not a magician, but a trainee knight.

To be able to become a middle-level magician at this age can be called a genius for ordinary magicians, not to mention that the proportion of magic courses is far less than that of magician knights

This young man will definitely become an excellent magician like him in the future, and an element elf who takes the initiative to sign a contract is even more powerful.

Now he voluntarily gave up ownership, no matter how he thought about it, it was a pity.

The slate in his hand was hot, and the high-level magician confirmed it again before putting the slate away. He asked, "Are you sure?"

The elf who hid in the slate did not expect this result, it is an elemental elf! Is there anyone who doesn't want to take the initiative to surrender? ! The magicians who were chasing him looked like they were following the Holy See's orders, but they knew how many they wanted to get a elf.

This is also the reason why it made a contract decisively, because it is sure that no one can refuse an elf, and it is better to start a contract with the human beings it likes earlier than to be brought back by others.

However, killing it did not expect things to turn out like this.

Is it not cute? Or because it has bad properties? ! It can be converted from a water system to a dark system, and maybe it can also be purified into a light system smoothly! It can also be rescued! Is it really okay not to? !

The elf who had sealed himself in the magic tool couldn't even cry across the slate, so he could only lie there silently and hope that its owner would change his mind.

It was impossible to change his mind, a degenerate elf would be of no use to him.

So the elf in the slate could only hear the ruthless and ruthless but charming 'um' of the owner it had just recognized a few minutes ago, and then it was killed by a middle-aged man in his thirties. The stinky man stuffed it into the bag.

Among them, Xie Cheng is actually the one that consumes the most. As a melee combat with frontal combat and covering the whole process, Xie Cheng's biggest consumption is mainly in the aspect of defense with vindictive energy. His level has not yet allowed him to Reaching a very mature level, whether it is the tense mental state of the battle or the extremely aggressive black mist, it has cost him a lot of physical strength.

Now that the incident is over, he immediately collapses on the lawn.

After this time, everyone clearly realized that they can no longer fully rely on the Holy See. It is not that the Holy See is unreliable. On the contrary, the Holy See's rescue came very timely. It's not just this time. As long as the mission is out, there will be various times. If you are lucky this time, there will be no casualties. Next time, you may not be able to wait for the Holy See's rescue.

Everyone has their own thoughts in their hearts, so that the way back is extraordinarily quiet.

Because the matter involved an elf who unilaterally made a contract with humans, the Holy See inevitably learned about the apprentice knight named Silent Word when he was thinking about how to deal with this fallen elf.

Originally thought that this was at most a means chosen by the elves to escape the fate of being captured, and they found a random person present to make a contract. A genius boy who has advanced to the intermediate level.

Just like the Church of the Dark God is troubled by the fact that there has not been a Holy Rank for many years, although the Church of the Bright God is powerful due to its large number of people, there are only one or two magicians who can truly reach the Holy Rank over the years.

No matter which side you are on, there is a lot of emphasis on talented people.

Even though the middle tiers were not yet at the point where they needed special attention, they sent a letter to the Paladins.

The next day, Silent Yan received a letter from the Paladins. The gilded letter paper and the wax seal with the Paladins logo gave people a very serious sense of solemnity. , and only in this world would people care so much about the sense of form.

The content of the letter was very simple. It gave him the time and place to go to the appointment on time according to the information marked on the letter. The inscription was the sub-commander of a knight order, which was considered enough attention for a trainee knight.

Only the Paladins can become the leader of the Paladins. It does not mean that the Knights of the Paladins can be called Paladins. In this world, Paladins are a specific title, representing only a few specific people. , Paladins have special evaluation criteria, and the most outstanding of these Paladins can become the leader.

At the same time, the Paladins will not hold the position of sub-head, and their position in the Knights is only lower than that of the Grand Head. They will each have their own separate tasks. The trainee has not seen a paladin for so many years, so we can see how difficult it is for paladins to meet.

There is nothing to complain about being invited by a branch leader whose status is only lower than that of a paladin. If someone else receives a letter, he may be frightened.

At the same time, Silent Yan received another letter from the Ministry of Magic.

This letter is much simpler, basically no nonsense, the letter is full of magic content.

Silent Yan handed over the magic items to the Holy See. Part of the reason was that he did not have the energy to purify a black and thorough elf. Baili and no harm.

Things he didn't like wouldn't stay with him, but he was really interested in that magic item.

The slate is just a medium. What is really interesting is the dungeon inside. It can be seen that this is a kind of space magic, similar to the storage ring, but the storage ring in this world can only store dead objects, but the slate is real. The space in which human beings can survive, and even the passage of the external speed should be similar.

It's a pity that it wasn't him who broke the magic teleportation circle that connected the stone slab with the outside world. He didn't have a chance to find out what kind of magic was engraved on the stone slab, so he specifically asked about this question on the way back. Xie Yujin, who broke the teleportation formation, asked.

Xie Yujin promised to write him a detailed written reference when he returned to the Ministry of Magic, which seems to be very detailed now.

When he looked at these things, he was always very involved, and he glanced at the letter sent by the sub-group leader and put it aside.

The roommates who were very excited when they saw the letter with the logo belonging to the Paladins gradually became less excited. No matter how serious it seemed to others, I didn't show any joy at all. Will gradually lose motivation.

Silent Yan has only left for a few days this mission. During these few days, Qi Zhuo, who is also a trainee knight, naturally has a mission to go out. When he comes back, it happens to be noon, which is the time for everyone to take a lunch break. It was found that there were still only two other roommates in the house, and just as he was about to ask the other person if he was on a mission again, he was pulled by the roommate for a popular science.

The main reason is that the parties concerned were too disrespectful about being summoned by the head of the branch, which led to the roommates who were still in the reserve team who were desperately trying to get excited but had nowhere to get excited, so when the other roommate came back, there was an immediate blast. 's drive.

In fact, it's not just them. Most of the people know that a letter from the Paladins was sent to them. After all, the apprentices, the reserve team and the apprentice knights live in the same area. The chances of Bian receiving a letter from the head of the branch are too small, and it is enough for everyone to talk about it once.

After being silent for a long time, he once again experienced the feeling of being noticed wherever he went.

He is already a celebrity in his own class. After all, he has implemented the tasks issued by the system very well in recent years, which is bound to impress everyone with a kind of tenderness and thoughtfulness.

This is indeed easier to make friends than his previous style. With more absolute strength than the people around him, there is no need for him to do any more. Whether it is reputation or favorability, it will only increase.

He was about to go to the location marked on the letter, and he made a lot of time ahead, but he met a lot of people who greeted him along the way.

But even so, he still arrived on time. After all, after entering the central area of the Paladins, there were no apprentice knights or people in the reserve team. Most of these people are people he has never made friends with, and maybe only a few of them have met when he was on a mission.

The place where the sub-group leader asked him to meet was like a reception room. After he knocked on the door and entered, he saw a man on the sofa dressed in a costume symbolizing the sub-group leader sitting on the sofa with a cup of black tea in his hand. After coming in, he smiled kindly and said to him, "Come on, sit down."

The head of the branch held the tea and watched the handsome young knight respectfully give him a salute. This salute is seen by almost everyone every day, and he is tired of seeing it. It looks so elegant and beautiful.

But the Paladins don't care.

He didn't want to waste his words on superfluous greetings, so he said straight to the point, "The Holy See said that you are a rare and very potential newcomer and thinks that you should not waste time in your current position, so I entrusted me to be a newcomer to you. Basic appraisal, and then decide if you are capable of becoming a full-fledged knight at your current age."

When the sub-group leader said this, he always paid attention to the boy's expression. He didn't see pride or joy on his face, but it was commendable. At least it showed that this boy was far more calm than his peers, and he was more concerned about the needs of the youth. It's a good thing for knights on the battlefield.

"But I don't think I know you very well, so now I want to ask you a few simple questions." He put down the teacup in his hand, folded his hands and leaned over seriously, "The first question, what are you holding? What kind of goal did you join the Paladins?"

People like him who have seen a lot can easily tell whether a person is lying or not. He is sure that as long as the young man in front of him tells a lie that goes against his heart, he can see it.

This is a simple and preliminary way of judging a young man's character. Even if he just answered 'in order to dedicate his strength to the God of Light', he can still hear the degree of piety in it.

Therefore, the sub-group leader maintained a smile on the surface, but in fact he was paying close attention to the expression of the young man in front of him.

This seemingly serious question didn't bother Silent Yan, he replied briefly and casually, "The target is the chief for the time being."