Become Stronger

Chapter 16: Become stronger in the last days (14)


Soon everyone realized that Ji Xiaojun had provoked Jiang Weiyuan. Originally, it was just that everyone collectively tacitly refused to help her, but now Jiang Weiyuan has actually kicked Ji Xiaojun out of the base.

All her belongings were stuffed into a bag and thrown outside the base. Ji Xiaoyun herself stood stupidly outside the gate of the base. After a while, she pulled the iron gate and cried for mercy.

In the end, she couldn't stop crying and started yelling. Fortunately, most of the places outside the base have been cleaned up by them, and there will be basically no zombies, otherwise she would have died so loudly.

She scolded enough to see that everyone in the base was indifferent, so she carried her own bag.

The dazed people didn't know what happened until they heard that Ji Xiaoyun was kicked out of Silent Yan's room last night wearing cool clothes. How dare you try to seduce Silent Yan

Fortunately, Jiang Weiyuan just happened to find Silent Yan, and Silent Yan happened to be not in the room, otherwise God knows if something will happen, most people who are afraid of Silent Yan will only deepen their fear after they really contact him, because They will find that Silent Yan is indeed as they thought, a cold-blooded animal, and these people have only one impression on this matter - Ji Xiaojun is so daring.

Silent Yan didn't go back to the base for one night. When he came back the next day, he felt that the people in the base couldn't say what he was saying, but when he really asked them what happened, they shook their heads desperately, only to say nothing. Said that Jiang Weiyuan had waited for him all night.

Sure enough, when he saw Jiang Weiyuan, the other party's face was really not very good, as if he hadn't slept well all night, he rubbed his temples with a headache, and only moved when he saw him.

"Where have you been?" Jiang Weiyuan asked.

"Go out for a walk."

Go out for a walk?

Jiang Weiyuan simply wondered if it was the end of the world in the eyes of the other party. After just experiencing two advanced zombies that almost threatened their lives, the other party could still hang out all night without returning for granted? He didn't even drive away!

Silent Yan is difficult to explain that his current interest in advanced zombies is far greater than this base, or that he has little interest in building bases, and he will stay here just for the sake of becoming the strongest man in the future. .

But now the system tells him that he has defeated the opponent, which means that the opponent has nothing more than the strongest in the future.

Originally, he thought that he couldn't let him die casually halfway because the other party had points to gain. In addition, compared to other people, the future strongest in this world was more attractive to him. So he chose to stay here.

When one of these two conditions is missing, Silent Yan's thinking changes. No matter how the task is completed, Jiang Weiyuan has no points. Whether he will die in the middle of the plot is not so important to him. It's important, under this premise, if Jiang Weiyuan can't live to be the strongest by himself, it's his own lack of ability.

Since he came to this world, Silent Yan has always been very eager, and it may be difficult to show it from his performance, but he does not want to stay in this world for a long time, and wants to complete the tasks of this world as soon as possible, then his own Strength also needs to be enhanced. Now that advanced zombies have appeared, more advanced zombies will appear in other places one after another, and the area where they are now will only be more.

According to Shen Moyan, now the Zombie King is more attractive to him than this base and even Jiang Weiyuan, but the Zombie King has not yet been born, and his own strength is not enough to deal with it. He has no time. Stay here every day to build a base

It is difficult for ordinary people in the last days to understand the idea of Silent Yan. Although everyone wants to become stronger, no one will rush to a dangerous place like him.

But Jiang Weiyuan somehow remembered that night at the gas station, and Silent Yan also acted alone without a word, in order to clean up the surrounding zombies and collect spar.

He only thought that this time Silent Yan was also collecting the spar of those ordinary zombies. After all, it has a great effect on improving the ability and advanced ability of the ability user, and he can also express his understanding.

"At least say something before going out next time." It made him worry all night, "You rest early."

"By the way, I changed you a room."

Jiang Weiyuan didn't say why he suddenly wanted to change rooms, and Silent Yan didn't ask. Which room he stayed in was the same to him, and the other melon eaters in the base would not take the initiative to explain to him. How to explain this kind of thing? Someone wanted to attack you at night, so Jiang Weiyuan moved your room to his side

Silent Yan had no objection to changing the room, and did not ask him why he wanted to change the room next to him, which made Jiang Weiyuan heave a sigh of relief.

The size of the base is expanding every once in a while, and their manpower is getting bigger and bigger.

Jiang Weiyuan, who said he wanted to build a survivor base, certainly would not limit the population of the base to those who survived in the nursing home. Every time they went out, as long as they encountered survivors, they would ask for their opinions before bringing them back. In this way, there are only a lot of people going to their base.

Although more people will consume more resources, the construction of the base will also be faster. After collective discussion, they have now sent people to work in rotation every day, taking the nearest town from the nursing home to the original town. The road was opened up.

Not only that, although the progress is relatively slow, they also built a wall around the farmland around the town, which may be a little worse than the high wall of the nursing home. After all, they are not professional, but it is enough to prevent ordinary people. The zombies walked into the farmland and destroyed the crops.

Now they have a large area of arable land, a lot of seeds, and the problem of water sources has been solved, as long as they keep going out to find new resources and survive the time for the first batch of crops to mature.

There is no doubt that the base was built very smoothly. In the process of looking for survivors, they even encountered other power users who had nowhere to go. Now there are many new power users in the base, most of these power users. It hasn't really grown up yet, but the more abilities there are, the more security the base has.

At the beginning, those who were pretentious and thought that the same abilities were not much worse than those who were beaten up after the provocation could not get out of bed, and there was no sound of resistance.

Although with the construction of the base getting better and better, there are more and more rules, but Silent Yan's actions are still very arbitrary. He would never be absent from every action he led, and the team that followed him would never be injured, so Silent Yan's behavior of leading the team to leave the base immediately after returning did not have any objection.

The person who has the most opinion on this in the entire base is probably Jiang Weiyuan. He found that Silent Yan's time at the base seems to be getting less and less, and the communication between them is also pitiful, only a few simple sentences before every action. exchange.

He instinctively didn't like it, and even got irritated by the discovery.

It wasn't until late at night that Jiang Weiyuan accidentally bumped into Silent Yan, who had just returned to the base and was seriously injured.

Jiang Weiyuan didn't even pay attention to the bloody wound on his body, grabbed Silent Yan's collar and pressed him against the wall. Went out.

"Didn't you consider me a brother?!" he asked.

It’s okay to act alone again and again, but the key silentyan never mentioned to him where he went or what he did, let alone whether he was in danger.

Just like this time, almost since Jiang Weiyuan knew Silent Yan until now, he has never seen him suffer such a serious injury. He just made a pulling action, and it seemed that the other party's wound was ruptured again, even if he borrowed it. In the moonlight, the blood oozing from the dark clothes could be seen.

Why can a power user be hurt so badly? Has he encountered advanced zombies

Silent Yan let him drag him without saying a word. He had no way to answer Jiang Weiyuan's question. If Jiang Weiyuan could also see the system list, he could easily see Silent Yan's devotion to everyone. All are 0, which of course also includes Jiang Weiyuan, who has been with him the longest, and Su Xiao, who bore him a little at first.

When he met Su Xiao, it was a period of time when he was tortured by the zombie virus when he first came to this world. Now that he is gradually getting used to it, the affection for Su Xiao that was originally due to instability has naturally returned to normal. state.

Jiang Weiyuan originally liked Silent Yan's cold appearance. After all, he knew that the other party was not really cold. He always showed up when he needed it, helping him and even saving his life. It is only good at expressing, and it is enough for him to know this alone.

But now he realized that he was wrong.

"Have you ever seen me in your eyes?"

Silent Yan looked at him calmly. The two were of the same height. When he looked at him, Jiang Weiyuan could just see himself in the eyes of the other party. Jiang Weiyuan suddenly realized that what he said just now was out of control.

"If you have anything, you can at least tell me, don't bear it alone if you are in danger. We are companions, not strangers."

It was too late for him to make amends. Even if Silent Yan didn't pay attention to this aspect, he realized what state Jiang Weiyuan was in at this time, and he seemed to have some eyebrows even after the sudden completion of the system task.

It's just that Silent Yan doesn't understand why Jiang Weiyuan likes him

What does he like.

The author has something to say, please be a little self-conscious.

The little train threw a mine Throwing time: 20180124 11:48:23

The little train threw a mine Throwing time: 20180124 11:48:27

The little train threw a mine Throwing time: 20180124 11:48:30

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The little train threw a mine Throwing time: 20180124 11:48:42