Become Stronger

Chapter 22: Become stronger in the last days (20)


This time, the confrontation with the zombies finally ended in victory. They didn't lose a single person. In addition to protecting the base, they also obtained an unimaginable number of spar, which is probably the happiest point for the power users.

Jiang Weiyuan was not stingy at all. After everyone counted the crystals, they were evenly distributed according to the number of participants. The number of their abilities was quite large, but even so, they fought zombies from late night until dawn the next day. Under such a base, everyone's spar is even more than all the zombies they have killed in the past.

"Hahaha, it's good to have this zombie tide a few more times." Someone joked.

He has never seen so many spar stones. Ability users rely on spar to advance. Before spar has become a currency in circulation, for them, spar simply represents an item that can be enhanced.

This corpse tide came suddenly, but they were well prepared, and it happened that all the powerful superpowers in the base were present, and there were even superpowers from the military base to help, so there was almost nothing other than physical overdraft. damage.

"How many more times do you want to come?" After a busy night, everyone was tired. After Li Yao took away her part of the spar, she found a place to sit and accidentally heard the person beside her. She couldn't help but refute what she seemed to say inadvertently, "If Brother Moyan hadn't informed us, this time we would be finished!"

It is no exaggeration to say that if the base breaks into that level of zombies in the middle of the night, it is not impossible for them to be wiped out. Without concerted efforts, their individual strength is really limited.

The man didn't get angry when he heard it. Li Yao was popular in the base, and basically no one would hate this straightforward and unyielding girl. He scratched his face and sneered, "Sister Li Yao, don't be angry, you see, Brother Shen is coming back anyway. Now, even if you come back a few times, it will be fine, you can still harvest a batch of spar with no casualties, when everyone can become powerful, the base will be safer."

The person on the other side who heard this hurriedly said, "Maybe the zombies will be cleared, and we can go back to the city."

Li Yao rolled her eyes, "You guys are poisonous."

How many people will there be on this earth before the end of the world? Not to mention the whole world, there are at least 10 million people in their city. In the end, they even bring the military base and their base, and the remaining survivors are nothing more than that.

So how many zombies should there be? Where is this clear.

But obviously they were just joking, so Li Yao didn't refute seriously, but they were right in one sentence, and the return of Brother Moyan really gave them a lot of confidence.

When he was at the base, Silent Yan gave the impression that he was very strong. No one could beat him in this regard until he left without saying a word. I heard that even their boss did not. When he came back alone this time, he seemed to have imprinted the word "powerful" into their minds again. Those zombies whose spar was broken in their brains represented that they were solved in silence. Those who helped collect the spar together know this. What proportion of zombies are 'without spar'

He almost killed nearly half of the zombies by himself. The black iron was fast and sharp as if it had a powerful weapon with autonomous consciousness. It could penetrate a fleeing advanced zombie in an instant. At that time, many people were too busy to fight The zombies in front of them, but they couldn't help but look there, as if that was what they aspired to be.

If Silent Yan did not meet the enemy with them, then their current situation may not be optimistic. For a while, they were grateful to Boss Jiang for taking precautions and left Silent Yan in time.

As for whether Silent Yan would continue to stay at the base, they did not dare to ask him, so some people quietly approached Jiang Weiyuan and asked carefully.

"Boss Jiang, will Brother Shen still leave?"

Jiang Weiyuan was the first to step into the battlefield, and he was also the one who took on most of the pressure. Just because he was the commander of this base, he had to shoulder more. After killing all the zombies, he endured fatigue and assigned everyone's tasks. After everything was dealt with, he was free to find a place to rest for a while.

When he heard this question, he raised his head and asked, "Why, you don't want him to leave?"

The man was stunned for a while, and then quickly replied, "Of course, how can you say that this base was built by the boss and Brother Shen, and thanks to Brother Shen this time, of course we hope that he will stay."

In fact, most people in the base don't know why Silent Yan suddenly didn't come back. Everyone knows that the other party likes to go out alone from time to time, but who knows that he never came back once he left.

Someone once speculated whether Silent Yan and Jiang Weiyuan had a disagreement. I heard that someone saw Jiang Weiyuan dragging Silent Yan covered in blood against the wall at night. The two seemed to be arguing about something.

After hearing this, they all felt that it was impossible, not to mention whether Silent Yan's character would argue with others, it was impossible for Jiang Weiyuan to beat Silent Yan with blood all over his body.

Maybe it's not good for their boss to say that, but as long as anyone who has had an ability to 'communicate' with Shen Siyan will know that if they really want to fight, their boss is not Silent Yan's opponent, if he is beaten with blood It is possible to change people.

In a base, leadership is more important than strength. Jiang Weiyuan's strength is more than that of ordinary people. In addition, he does have the talent to lead others, so no one will be inferior to another because of his strength. People questioned his position.

And no one dared to imagine what it would be like to let Silent Yan take control of a base—that base would probably become a well-disciplined army, right

This group of unnamed gentlemen are more straight-forward than those with names. No one thinks about Jiang Weiyuan's original thoughts at all. The result of their secret discussion after gathering together is that maybe he just went out a little longer this time. Will be back in a while.

It's coming back now, but it's not guaranteed that it will go on for months or even years.

No matter how stubborn this group of people is, they have to admit that when they are silent, they will unconsciously become more stubborn. If they can, they still hope that the other party will stay at the base.

"If you want to keep him, you have to think of a way." Jiang Weiyuan said, "You think of any way to make him stay here willingly."

When the man heard it, his face suddenly became bitter. Does this mean that even their boss can't do anything about it? That being said, he still decided to talk to someone else about it.

Before Silent Yan could figure out what happened to him, he realized that something was wrong with the people around him.

Everyone was helping to clean up the piles of zombie corpses outside the wall. Silent Yan removed the black iron that surrounded the original wall. The black iron was originally formed by his ability, and was scattered instantly after he put it away. There was no trace left in the air.

"Brother Shen has worked hard! Do you want to drink some water?" Immediately after he removed the steel fence, someone came up with a pot of water.

"I finally won a big victory. What kind of water do you drink? Of course you want to drink it! What kind of wine do you want to drink, Brother Shen? During this time, we found a lot of resources when we went out to find resources, and we met a survivor who could make wine. After a while, our drinks will not be a problem."

"..." Their hospitality was too sudden, Silent Yan looked at them for a while, and refused, "No, I'm not thirsty."

The two people were frightened for a while when Shen Moyan set their eyes on them. After all, they were both the people he beaten, and the psychological shadow was very heavy. In order to let the other party experience the warmth and bright future of the base, That's what let it go.

"You two go side by side! Brother Shen must be very tired after using his abilities all night. Would you like to find a place to rest?"

This time Silent Yan did not refuse. Although he is not too tired to rest immediately, the stinging pain of the corpse has begun to gradually increase. He can't just leave it alone, but he can't just check his body here." sorry to bother you."

The man was flattered, "No trouble, no trouble, this way, let's drive back faster."

While leading the way, he quietly gave the little friends behind him a sign of victory, and if he kept it for one day, he could keep it for the next day! Persistence is victory!

Chen Dian, who was stumped by the matter, only set his eyes on Jiang Weiyuan after Shen Moyan's figure completely disappeared. The man showed a very provocative smile to him after coming into contact with his sight.

He really can't control the military's ability user, but he can still find something for him. After all, this place is still his territory anyway.

Chen Dian's eyes sank. After he had settled the matter in his hand, he found Luo Zezhong in the crowd, "General Luo, I want to apply to stay at this base for a few more days."

After the leader pushed open the door, Silent Yan realized that this seemed to be the room he lived in before, and Jiang Weiyuan's room was next door.

There are no personal items in the room, but it looks very neat and clean.

The person who led the way obviously also noticed this. In order to reflect the goodness of the base and the importance the boss attached to him, the man specially explained, "This room has always been reserved for Brother Shen, and Boss Jiang will clean it himself every once in a while, my brother. Even if you don't want to clean the house for me, I think Boss Jiang must treat you as a real brother."

"Everyone in the base is brothers, but Boss Jiang has always been very kind to you Brother Shen! After Brother Shen, Boss Jiang frowned every day, and he smoked an extra box of cigarettes. These cigarettes are consumables..."

The man was a little regretful when he said that. He tried to see if Silent Yan was moved by his boss's love and righteousness.

After closing the door, Silent Yan sat on the bed, he took off his shirt, and his right hand, which had been disguised as a leather glove with black iron, was removed to reveal a zombie-like right hand.

It's not surprising that it has always been like this, but now the scope of the corpse has begun to spread, but after a while, the rotten trend has extended to his neck along his collarbone.

Because of this half-corpse state, Silent Yan has always had the habit of carrying spar with him. In the past, as long as the corpse absorbed the energy of the spar, the progress of the corpse could be restrained, but this time his right hand was rapidly absorbing the crystal. Shi Hou not only did not restrain the corpse, but intensified.

The energy in the spar is like nourishing the zombie virus in the body, allowing the rapidly spreading virus to cover most of his body in an instant. He experienced this kind of pain silently once, and that was when he mutated in the early stage of infection.

Now he is no longer the irrational one who would be tortured by the mutated pain, but this process of tearing and reorganizing the original inherent still makes him uncontrollably shed a cold sweat.

Although the pain this time was only a lot more than before, his thinking was very clear and he was not disturbed at all, which meant that he was at least not changing in a particularly bad direction. Fortunately, he triggered such a special situation in a closed room. If it was outside... the result would be unimaginable.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door in the empty and quiet room.

No one responded.

The people outside the door waited for a while, then knocked on the door again, and said, "I'm Luo Zezhong from the Empire Base. We talked once last night. If it's convenient for you, I want to talk to you about something."

Still no sound.

Luo Zezhong, who was sure that the other party should be in this room, suddenly had a bad premonition. The other party was resting in the room alone and didn't respond until now. Could it be that he was in danger? Even the ability user can't guarantee that there will be no flaws at any time, not to mention that the other party has used the ability for one night, normally it should have been almost consumed, and then encounter it again at this time...

He was worried that last night's zombie tide might be missed.

Luo Zezhong tried to open the door, but found that the door was locked. He had to use his supernatural powers. The flames that were different from normal fire instantly melted the door lock, but did not burn anywhere else.

He hurriedly opened the door, only to find that there was actually a zombie in the room, but Silent Yan was nowhere to be seen.

Even if the zombie didn't show the action of attacking him at the first time he came in, as a colonel who had been on the front line against zombies at the military base for a long time, his first reaction was to solve the opponent.

Just as the boiling flames rose, he was pinched to the ground by his neck, and Luo Zezhong didn't respond until the back of his head hit the ground.

How can zombies be so fast? !

Not only is it fast, but the power to hold him is also very strong. Before he could understand it, he suddenly found out that his ability could not be used!

Could it be that this is another further evolution of zombies after advanced zombies? If so, how could humans possibly win

He couldn't believe it, but at the moment he was like a fish on a chopping block, no matter how much he fluttered, he couldn't escape the knife.

As a former soldier, Luo Zezhong was of course ready to die, but it was a pity that he couldn't bring the news that the zombies might evolve again to the military...

He was in a heavy heart, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't see any movement from the zombie who was clasping his neck and pressing him to the ground.

Luo Zezhong couldn't help but look at the zombie, but found that the face that was almost no different from ordinary zombies was being repaired automatically. He watched helplessly as the face gradually returned to its original beauty. The only thing that didn't change back was the those eyes.

Luo Zezhong originally thought that Silent Yan was a person who was too cold-blooded and bloodless, but after the pair of dark eyes turned scarlet, the indifference seemed to turn into a kind of cruelty.

He looked down at him condescendingly, as if he could break his neck with a single hand.