Become Stronger

Chapter 26: Become stronger in the last days (24)


Silent Yan was silent, he is not a person who puts his emotions on his face, it is difficult to tell his thoughts when he does not speak at this time, the old senior who was waiting for his response did not speak for a while, and the whole hall instantly quiet down.

Several power users who were originally imposing were also disturbed during this long silence. Only the sitting senior and Luo Zezhong remained unmoved, waiting for his response.

"I can't do what you want," he said.

The moment they understood the meaning of his words, everyone was alert and ready to fight at any time, but Silent Yan did not move. The hall looked exceptionally crisp.

"The range that I can guide zombies is limited. It is impossible for you to want me to control all zombies to ensure everyone's safety." Silent Yan explained.

He gathered the zombies here because of his ability to attract zombies, not their subjective control. If he tacitly accepts that he has such ability, then the two sides reach an agreement, then he must show some sincerity , then as long as they encounter zombies who are not attracted by his powers on their way back, they will know this.

Even if they thought he just didn't plan to cooperate with them and therefore didn't control the zombies, five hours would be enough time for them to bring a large army back to trouble him.

Since they misunderstood so silently, I don't mind that their misunderstanding is deeper, but some unnecessary lies are superfluous.

The old senior stared at him with sharp eyes, as if he wanted to understand whether he was telling the truth or hiding.

But no matter how he looked at it, the other party acted too frankly, as if it was not worth mentioning to him, from the time they entered the building until now, only they were vigilant against him.

Although the Zombie King may not have such a meaning, his physical behavior can't hide it. Whether it is from his attitude when they came in or the tone of the conversation afterward, he has been observing that his old senior can It's safe to say that this person didn't take them seriously at all.

The old senior has completely stopped taking Silent Yan as a college student in Luo Zezhong's mouth. In his opinion, the other party is obviously a more dangerous person, and even if he used to be a human, he has no tendency to stand in the position of human beings at this time, of course. He also did not regard zombies as the same kind - there were scattered corpses under the densely packed zombies' feet in the zombie city.

"so you… "

"You don't have any conditions to talk to me for now, and I won't give you any promises, and I think you'd better hurry up and leave now." Silent words interrupted the old senior's long-awaited words.

At the military base, this senior has a very strong voice, and he has enough prestige. These professionally trained ability users have more or less admiration for him. At this time, seeing Silent Yan seems to be nothing more than one The appearance of a college student is so disrespectful to the seniors, and he is suddenly angry.

"Do you think you are very capable if you don't want to fight with you, sir?! How old do you think you are? All the power users in our base—"

Silent Yan didn't move, he didn't even feel angry because of those few words, his face was still as calm as usual, but the person who spoke was still swept away.

Everyone didn't even see what was attacking them, and they only heard the sound of a heavy object hitting the wall. Then they saw that the person who was speaking was pulled and flew to the wall, and instantly lost consciousness and slipped from the wall. to the ground.

No one has the leisure to seriously check whether the person is still alive. They quickly distanced themselves from Shen Moyan for the first time, even the old senior who seemed to be still from the beginning and seemed to be unshakable no matter what. They all evacuated immediately, and he did not know when there was a wooden crutch in his hand, which contained rich energy, which should be his ability.

The culprit who attacked their companions landed on the table at this time, and they saw clearly that it turned out to be a zombie!

Those of them who can come here with the team have faced advanced zombies themselves. They know what the speed of advanced zombies should really look like, and it will never be as fast as this one!

If all advanced zombies were like this, then human beings would have been defeated long ago.

At this time, the advanced zombie, which is obviously beneficial to other zombies, squatted on the table of black iron and looked at them eagerly. Although the zombies have no human language and no human expressions, they can be seen from its state. - It's angry.

Its anger was in stark contrast to the silence that was so calm throughout.

Everyone realized that this zombie was actually protecting a human being!

No, maybe Silent Yan, who has been designated as the zombie king by everyone, is no longer a human in their eyes. As a zombie king, it is normal to be protected by zombies, but the meaning behind it is also Make them shudder.

Because this not only means that the other party really has the ability to control zombies, but also means that this evolved zombie, which is very likely to be an advanced zombie, can understand their words!

The old man, who had doubts about whether Silent Yan could really control zombies, was shocked at this time. Maybe other people saw this scene and thought of the difference of this zombie, but his perspective of seeing things Different, in his opinion, the more terrifying person is the young man in front of him.

It's not scary to just control the zombies. The scary thing is that the zombies in front of them don't appear to be manipulated. They voluntarily submit to the opponent's hands.

what does that mean? It means that the appearance of silent words gives zombies the ability to think for themselves.

People who are good at brain supplementation are particularly easily frightened by the content of their own brain supplementation. Although this old senior has no expression on his face, his heart is already turbulent.

Silent Yan didn't expect that the zombies would come and attack people suddenly. His eyes stayed on the furious zombie for a moment, and finally he reluctantly touched its tail - only it looked like it could be touched.

"Go back." Although he said so, he didn't mean to blame it in his tone.

Everyone could hear that he was indifferent to the fact that the zombies under his command were hurting people. The zombie who wanted to let himself be as fierce as a beast was a little reluctant on the surface, but he obediently got off the table. Before it left. Looking back at them, he seemed to be considering whether to settle them together before leaving.

In the end, it obeyed Silent Yan's order and jumped up to the second floor.

After it left, no one dared to check the injuries of the seriously injured companion, because the person who had easily dominated everyone's actions had not spoken.

"I haven't finished my words yet." As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone's spirits instantly became tense, for fear that he would say something like 'If you don't leave, you won't have a chance to leave again'.

The villains in the movie always talk like this, which means they will be silenced.

"If you don't leave now, you probably won't be able to leave in a while."

The rest of the people were suddenly desperate, but fortunately, the old senior who watched few movies asked, "Why do you say that."

"In less than five hours, this red cloud will disappear."

The old senior doesn't know the meaning of the appearance of the red cloud. According to the information he has obtained so far, the appearance of the red cloud should have nothing to do with Shen Siyan. After all, when Luo Zezhong first encountered Silent Yan, he was not in the most Under the bright red cloud, "What will happen if the red cloud disappears?"

"After the red cloud disappears, the zombies under this red cloud will be advanced." He dropped a heavy bomb without any obstacles. "Of course, advanced zombies are also included."

Silence speaks the truth. Red Cloud only appeared because of the advanced level of the Zombie King. If you guessed correctly, the first wave of zombies was attracted by Red Cloud, which had the most abundant energy just after it appeared. of.

Since that red cloud appeared, Silent Yan never doubted the possibility of him finding the wrong zombie. Only the zombie king would have such a sign before he advanced, no matter how stupid it looked.

At present, it has not fully evolved. Although the whole is much stronger than advanced zombies, if there are more than three or more level 3 or 4 power users, then it may die.

As far as silence is concerned, it is still very fragile, and he can squeeze it to death with one hand.

After careful weighing, the old man left with his people. He had to ensure the safety of the soldiers who were waiting for orders outside the fence, not to mention that this conversation was not fruitless, he got more than he thought. The importance of intelligence is different in everyone's eyes, and some intelligence that others don't care about can even save their lives at critical times.

Luo Zezhong seemed a little hesitant before he left. He was the only person who had contact with Shen Moyan before. To be honest, from the conversation just now, he thought that silent Yan did not change his temperament because he became the zombie king. If he could Team up with them…

As soon as he thought about it, his eyes met the zombie who didn't know when it started crouching on the railing on the second floor. Just like Silent Yan had always thought, the zombie was neither docile nor cute, it looked It is as ferocious as all advanced zombies, and after adding more aggressiveness than advanced zombies, the feeling is only terrifying.

Luo Zezhong didn't say anything in the end. He helped the seriously injured companion, and he was relieved when he found that the other party was just unconscious and not life-threatening.

Why would a zombie keep its hands on a human? You don't have to think about it, because that zombie also knows that Silent Yan has no ill will towards human beings.

He didn't know if he should be relieved by such a discovery, but at least it wasn't the worst yet.

Luo Zezhong and the others returned to the helicopter, and before he could ask for the next step, he heard the dignified old senior turn on the communicator and contact the headquarters.

After listening to the report on the formal procedures for a while, he actually heard that the other party had asked the headquarters for the right to use the missile.

"Never let the zombies go further!"

In the last hour before the red cloud disappeared, a very obvious mutation occurred in the sky, the bright red cloud became dark, and after a thunder and lightning, blood rained in the sky.

Silent Yan did not pay attention to the situation outside, he was guarding the zombies who were about to face the advanced stage.

Since the red rain fell, the zombie that had swayed its tail as soon as it encountered the spar completely lost its strength. It curled up on the ground, and the blood that should have been solidified a long time ago became active again. With little fresh blood, it looked out the window weakly.

Silent Yan followed its gaze and immediately understood.

The zombie that lost too much blood could not move at all, so Silent Yan reached out and took it out. The first time he stepped out of the building, the red rain fell on him, and the red color looked exactly the same as his eyes.

After he put the zombies on the ground outside, the blood rain that fell on the ground instantly seemed to have found its target, and quickly rushed to the zombies who were experiencing advanced pain. The old blood was drained and fresh blood was replenished. This kind of alternation doesn't look easy, at least the zombies in front of him seem to be more painful.

While enduring the pain, it couldn't help but move towards Silent Yan's direction. Its hand grabbed his arm, and the zombie's sharp claws easily pierced the human skin, flowing down Silent Yan's arm. , for a while he couldn't tell whether it was the rain of blood from the sky or his own blood.

He almost indulged it in its grasp.

The sudden and abnormal behavior of people who have never let it touch in the past is obviously not because it is pitiful and soft-hearted for a while. The zombie knows this very well, but it still does not let go.

It held onto the straw that would kill it.