Become Stronger

Chapter 343: Become stronger in another world (96)


Silent Yan woke up in an unfamiliar room. He looked at the unfamiliar environment around him calmly, and glanced at his clothes. The clothes that originally belonged to Shilu were changed by him at some point. Down, he is now wearing a very common golden lion costume, and a black robe to cover his tail and beast ears, which is completely different from the lion.

His position was on a bed, and judging from the surrounding arrangement, at least it wasn't the enemy's territory.

There were some traces of folds on the other side of the bed, and it seemed that someone other than him had been lying there, but there was no other person's body temperature there, so he left early.

Where is this place? Why is he here

Before, he did meet with the people of the Tiger Country as Shilu, and then drank the wine.

After drinking and then what

When he thought that he had a certain buffer time for being drunk, in fact, he was already drunk, and the delirious Silent Yan couldn't recall what he did after drinking. At that time, he seemed to remember what Duan Ze had said to ensure that I won't say nonsense when I'm drunk, so I can drink a little with confidence.

When he was in the Western Fantasy World, he had to drink a lot of alcohol before he became unconscious, so he thought that if he only drank a little, the symptoms might be relieved.

So it doesn't even work at all

It's now a little difficult for him to recall the symptoms of the first drink, which makes him feel a little bit of a headache.

His physique is really inconvenient, even if there is no such thing as alcohol in the empire, but almost every world he has experienced has alcohol, and he has to find a way to solve this problem.

As soon as the idea emerged, the door was pushed open.

He didn't even hear anyone's footsteps before the door was pushed open, which means that the sound insulation of this room is very good, at least with his current hearing ability, he can't even notice it. I am afraid that the face has undergone some processing.

Just as he was self-reviewing his previous actions that were too ill-considered, he also saw the appearance of the person who pushed in the door.

At that moment, it could not be said that he was relaxed, or his mood became a little strange.

Silent Yan would not feel that he was lucky enough not to cause any accidents, and he could really reveal it in one stroke. After confirming that his situation was very safe, he began to think about solving the problem of his extremely poor resistance to alcohol.

How could Duan Ze, who pushed in the door with breakfast, know what Si Yanyan was thinking? He was originally very nervous because he did something wrong the night before, and he was thinking about what to say when the other party woke up all the way. , How to find out if the other party has the memory of last night, but who knows that the person who came in has already woken up.

It doesn't matter if he wakes up, why is his expression more solemn after seeing him

Although the little friend has very few expressions in private, perhaps the other party does have some trust in him, so Duan Ze can occasionally see some signs from the subtle changes in the other party's expression, realizing that the other party seems to be thinking about something, Duan Zezhang The first sentence I opened my mouth was a little stuttering: "You, are you awake?"

What nonsense is this? !

Hearing his voice, Silent Yan raised his head slightly, looked at him sideways, and gave a soft "um" as a response.

Although he didn't know why he appeared here with Duan Ze, if he was here, at least he could be sure that the other party was absolutely harmless.

He clearly has the status of the king of the Golden Lion Kingdom in this world. It stands to reason that no matter what he wants, as long as he gives an order, someone will do it for him, but now this man is holding the meal and carefully placing it on the table in the room. , then took a bowl of hangover soup and pulled up a chair beside his bed and sat down.

"Drink this first, how do you feel now? Are you uncomfortable?" Duan Ze, who was guilty of conscience, was staring at him and subconsciously looked away, forcibly looking for a new topic, "Speaking of which, your alcohol intake is really bad. It's too dangerous."

Silent Yan stared at his face for a while, and then realized that Duan Ze seemed to have a pretty good family background, and he probably hadn't served anyone since he was a child.

In the past, Silent Yan didn't pay attention to these. It would be better to say that no matter how high-ranking people stand in front of him, it makes no difference to him. These people who have nothing to do with him are doing good things. Whether he suffered or suffered, it had nothing to do with him.

That is, he didn't remember until now, it seems that Duan Ze has often stayed by his side like this since he knew each other.

He couldn't say why, but his heart softened, but he didn't answer Duan Ze's question just now: "I'm trying to figure out a way to solve this problem."

solve this problem? Solve what problem

Duan Ze was puzzled at first, then suddenly shocked!

"Is there a way to solve?!"

It seemed a little strange to react so strongly to him, Silent Yan glanced at him before holding the bowl of sober soup and said, "In terms of the system, there should be nothing wrong with this level of problem, but the transformation of the body should cost a lot of points. , some are not worth it."


There is a problem that the system can't solve!

Duan Ze, who only realized this, was shocked.

Although poor alcohol intake is a bit of a hassle for those who need to constantly travel to different worlds to complete various tasks, it would be a pity to change the system like this, right? ! If it weren't for the fact that his little friend's alcohol intake was astonishingly bad, when would he have a chance to see the other side's cute and undefended side!

Say something shameless!

he! Still want to see!

"Yeah, the points can be used to do more useful things. I feel that it is too wasteful to spend extra in this regard." In order to cover up his selfishness, he grasped the key point in the other party's words and climbed up the pole, "And It’s really time to have to drink it, and when something happens to it, it’s better to let the system correct it, and maybe it won’t happen again in the future?”

It's not unreasonable to say that, Silent Yan accepted Duan Ze's statement.

Although he was dizzy, in fact, because he only drank a small cup, there was no alcohol smell on Silent Yan's body. After a simple grooming, he sat down at the table and ate the breakfast prepared by Duan Ze. While listening to him explain what happened yesterday.

Silent Yan, who understands that he is here because he subconsciously thinks it is the safest place, is not particularly surprising, but emotionally it feels somewhat unfamiliar, as if he has taken emotional actions for the first time in his life. Unfamiliar and new to him.

"Nothing else happened yesterday?" Knowing that he was a little bit aware of the aftermath after being drunk yesterday, he completed the finishing work of the meeting before coming here, and Silent Yan was relieved, otherwise he would have to think about other things. There was a way to end the incident, but fortunately instinct worked.

Hearing his question, Duan Ze sat up instantly, and he shook his head again and again: "No, no, there is nothing else!"

This overly obvious reaction made Silent Yan hesitate whether to continue the question. He thought about it and asked, "What did I do?"

"No, no! It's better to say what I did!"

"what have you done?"

Seeing Duan Ze's desperate look, Silent Yan slapped his forehead suddenly, and fell into a rather desperate atmosphere because of his outspokenness.

Seeing how depressed he was, Silent Yan thought for a while and said, "You can do whatever you want, so don't do this."

He originally wanted to say that seeing him was sad, and he seemed to feel a little sad, but before he could say anything, the person in front of him suddenly raised his face, and his fisted hand covered a shy, flushed face. , the king of the Golden Lion Kingdom was simply shaken to the point of being visible to the naked eye.

"Stupid, idiot! How can you say something so embarrassing!!!" Duan Ze worked very hard to keep himself from escaping from this chair, and he felt a little restless just sitting here.

Perhaps it was because they hadn't seen each other for quite some time, and the emotion of being confessed not long ago was turned up again not long after it had settled.

What was different from his reaction was the silent words that said these words. After he finished speaking, he lowered his eyes and stared at the breakfast in front of him, and said very calmly: "I said that I like you, so what's wrong with those words?"

"Why is it a shame to say what you think?" he asked rhetorically.

Even though his heart was beating fast, Duan Ze still admired himself for having the time to distract himself. Does Silent Yan mean that he can do anything to him because he likes him

wait! than this!

Something is wrong with this guy! ! ! This guy is very wrong! ! !

Would a normal person say such a speech that looks like a love story without changing his face? ! Is this a love story? ! It's not his personal fantasy or misunderstanding! ! !

Help! He's not good at dealing with this kind of thing!

"Although there were some miscalculations at the end, yesterday's harvest was quite a lot." After such a long time from waking up to now, Silent Yan has basically revisited the conversation with the Tiger Clan yesterday in his mind. After sorting out the key points, "Unfortunately, there is no time to verify. The Tiger Clan and Shilu have decided to attack the Leopard Country. If nothing else happens, the Tigers will find a way to put all the blame on the Golden Lion Country for this attack. , so as to achieve the contradiction between the Golden Lion Kingdom and the Leopard Kingdom."

No matter what he thinks, he doesn't think that the Tiger Nation really has a win-win deal with Shi Lu, just like Shi Lu talked to him privately and tried to cooperate with the Leopard Nation, the Tiger Nation must also have its own considerations, and for the Tiger Nation In terms of the biggest gain, it is no different from the war between the Golden Lion Country and the Leopard Country, and they reap the benefits of the fisherman.

As for how to do this...

Just as Shen Moyan was thinking about this, he noticed that the people around him seemed to be a little too quiet.

Looking up, what he saw was Duan Ze's expressionless face.


"Apologize to my heartbeat just now, you bastard!!! qaq!"