Become Stronger

Chapter 344: Become Stronger in Another World (97)


Although he didn't understand what was going on, Silent Yan honestly followed his wishes and said sorry, but Duan Ze, who should have gotten his wish, turned even more silent, which made him puzzled. untie.

When watching idol dramas, Duan Ze often felt puzzled because of the quarrel between the two protagonists in the play. One of them had bowed his head but the other party was even more angry, but now he can fully appreciate the protagonist in the play. mood.

This kind of feeling that although the other party has sincerely apologized, but has no idea where the problem lies, is really irritating.

But what can he do? ! Of course, I can only choose to forgive him!

Duan Ze covered his face with one hand, but his thoughts began to drift in another direction.

It's kind of cute to say that you don't know why you're apologizing, but you still apologize...

If this were the former Duan Ze, I am afraid that he would never be compatible. He would one day think his little friends are cute one after another. After all, this is a guy who has absolutely nothing to do with cuteness.

I have to say that this world is still quite spiritual. Duan Ze's eyes fell on the man who seemed to be eating silently because he didn't know what he did wrong. To be honest, Silent Yan's appearance and the characteristics of the black panther are quite good. His black hair fell on the side of his handsome face, forming a strong contrast with the light gold with his slightly drooping eyes, coupled with his originally quiet and indifferent personality, it was uniquely endowed to bring out the hunter of the night. Elegant and calm temperament.

There's nothing wrong with saying there's no inconsistency.

Like... like a big black cat...

"What you said before, the plans made by Shilu and the Tiger Kingdom tomorrow..." Duan Ze, who accidentally equated his friends with cute little animals, was ready to reveal the previous topic and shifted the focus of the topic to On business.

After he finished speaking, he found that his little friend seemed to glance at him, and then he started talking about his discovery yesterday.

Perhaps it was the previous association that played a role. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that that glance was very much like a cat that had made trouble at home. After the family returned, he carefully observed the expression on the owner's face.

Duan Ze gradually began to think that something really went wrong with his head, or why would there be such an outrageous fantasy, the other party was the person he had ever seen who didn't care about other people's faces, and Silent Yan said face to face Is there less time for people? I haven't seen him really care what other people think.

Immediately afterwards, the other party's remarks that could be called love words naturally appeared in his mind.

In this way, it seems that because he likes him, he only cares about his emotions.


The silent words stopped, and his face that had been expressionless in private for many years indeed showed a bit of worry, and all of this was because he had witnessed Duan Ze turn his red and smoking head with his own eyes. smashed on the table.

"…Are you okay?"

For the first time, Silent Yan, who had never reviewed his own behavior in this matter, began to try to recall every word he had said since he woke up, trying to find out why Duan Ze became so strange.

It's just that he didn't find a definite answer anyway.

It was not the first time that he said things like he liked it, and it was impossible to cause any impact. Other than that, it was a very ordinary communication. Even if he didn't say anything about the plan of the Tiger Country, he would stand in Duan Ze's place. From his standpoint, he should have some eyebrows, so he wouldn't have such a big reaction.

After thinking about it and finding no answer, Silent Yan could only stretch out his hand and put it on the forehead of the man who wanted to bury his face in the table.

I don't know if it was because of the cold environment. His hands were a little icy, but Duan Ze felt his face warmer.

no! He can't continue to be passive like this!

"So what do you think next?" Duan Ze, who had decided to make his heart firm, worked hard to learn the good qualities of his friends - expressionless.

His efforts were not seen by Silent Yan. On the contrary, he seemed to have found nothing, so he naturally withdrew his hand, and followed his words to talk about the topic and got back on the right track.

Since the purpose of the Tiger Kingdom is most likely to cause a conflict between the Golden Lion Kingdom and the Liebao Kingdom, then he cannot be allowed to destroy the city walls of the Liebao Kingdom smoothly. In any case, it needs to be blocked.

The Tiger Nation has set the time for tomorrow, but since they want to provoke the conflict between the Golden Lion Nation and the Leopard Nation, then on this occasion, it will be difficult for the Tiger Nation to get out if they really make a move. The actual situation will become that after receiving the order, only the people of the Golden Lion Country will conduct the actual attack, and the Tiger Country will remain silent.

And in order to ensure the authenticity, the Tiger Kingdom should really have sent people to stay there to ensure that even if Shilu sent people to investigate and verify, nothing would go wrong.

If that's the case, it's better to follow Shirou's plan.

"Shi Lu wants to unite with the Leopard Country to wipe out the Tiger Country. If that's the case, then just go according to his idea." Silent said, "I will contact the people of the Leopard Country. Only with Shi Lu's identity as the commander, When the time comes, the troops sent by the Golden Lion Country to attack the Liebao Country will cooperate with the Liebao Country and subdue the soldiers of the Tiger Country who are ambushing not far away. In this way, the Tiger Country will become the common place of the Golden Lion Country and the Liebao Country. enemy."

"But in this case, the people of the Tiger Nation will definitely point their finger at Shilu, who cooperated with them but betrayed them." Duan Ze couldn't help but worry, "Aren't you in any danger?"

Wen Yan silently raised his eyes and said lightly, "What do they have to do with Shilu and me?"

"..." What you said is very reasonable, but from Shilu's point of view, it is too dog.

Duan Ze drank silently: "Shlu will cry."

Speaking of it carefully, did that guy originally want to join the gang with silent words, but he was deceived and didn't know, and he was knocked unconscious and thrown to him without any precautions

Sure enough, you can't easily believe what a good-looking man says.

Silent Yan finished breakfast, and when he looked up, he saw that the person beside him didn't know what to think, and his face was blushing quietly.

He couldn't help frowning and said worriedly: "Are you feeling unwell? Do you want the system to check it?"

"Have you never been beaten for talking like this?" Duan Ze asked sincerely.

Since Shi Lu was detained in Duan Ze, it was very easy to pretend to be him again. The only troublesome thing was to cover up his whereabouts and leave Duan Ze. After all, the role played by Silent Yan has nothing to do with Duan Ze. It is not complicated.

In order to facilitate Silent Yan to change into his own appearance at any time, and to put on the vest in time, Duan Ze simply took a tube of blood from Shi Lu and gave it to him. The tool is naturally produced by the system, and the system has nothing to do with this kind of thing. The points required for ordinary items of special use have always been relatively cheap.

Due to the limited time, the first thing Silent Yan had to do was to get in touch with the Leopard Country.

It is of course the most convenient to directly contact the king of the Leopard Kingdom, but this is too weak for the people of the Leopard Kingdom, so Silent Yan contacted the legion commander. After all, this is the territory of the Golden Lion Kingdom. , It is a very difficult thing to exchange information in this situation, but it is not difficult for Silent Yan who has the identity of Shilu as a cover.

At the moment when there is no king to manage the Golden Lion Kingdom, Shilu, the brother of the king, has a lot of power. It can be said that all the soldiers sent to the Golden Lion Kingdom for assistance are under his control. Silent words are quite easy. put yourself in a suitable position.

It just doesn't mean that he will use the same method to help the legion commander meet him easily. If he does, the other party will easily notice something. Silent Yan does not intend to make Shilu's identity and Leopard Country reach a friendly relationship. .

Of course, this is also partly because even without his special assistance, it is not very difficult for the legion commander of the Leopard Country to get from the Golden Lions to the appointed place. The Leopards are good at it. Stealth action, let alone the leopard clan with great power.

He didn't wait long before the window was pushed open.

A gust of wind blew in from the window, and then the window was blown shut by the wind. It seemed like a process of only a few seconds, and the man who had only seen a few times but had an impressive impression had already entered the room.

According to the situation, he arrived here smoothly without attracting any attention.

"Five minutes." The legion commander glanced at the tea on the table and didn't seem to want to take a sip. "I have to go back in five minutes."

The guards of the Golden Lion Kingdom are quite strict. Although he found an opportunity to escape, he had to go back before the Golden Lion Kingdom noticed.

Thinking of this, his eyes couldn't help but fall on this compatriot who is somewhat unfamiliar to him. There are actually many compatriots outside, but because they are the same family, they trust each other 100%? Perhaps for most Leopard clans, it is a matter of course, but for him, it is a little unrealistic.

It can be said that the legion commander did not trust this man named Silent Word very much, but since their king decided to entrust this task to him, he could only absolutely obey the king's orders.

In fact, from his point of view, there are many strange things about this man, even if they meet only a few times.

In order to escape from the eyes of the people of the Golden Lion Kingdom, even he has spent a lot of effort, but on the contrary, this also means that this person who can also appear here to meet him has done the same thing as him, And he seemed to do it more easily, and even had time to make a pot of tea in advance.

There are too many mysteries about the mercenary that the king had brought in. Whether he can fully believe what the other party said, he has to hear it before he can make a judgment.

"Then let's make a long story short." What did the legion commander of the Leopard Country think of him, it didn't matter to Silent Yan, he said with a gentle smile, "I have a little bit of information about the Tiger Country for the time being. News, if there is no accident, the Tiger Nation will attack the Leopard Nation tomorrow, and now their manpower should be ambushed nearby."

Hearing such words, no matter how calm people are, I am afraid there is no way to keep calm.

The man who had not changed his face immediately frowned, and he said, "Is the news reliable?"

"Of course." Compared to the other party's reaction, Silent Yan seemed to be much calmer, but his tone was sincere and calm, "Actually, the reason why the Tiger Country invited the Leopard Country to assist the Golden Lion Country is not that much of me. It is clear that they have joined forces with the royal family of the Golden Lion Country and want to take this opportunity to cause a certain blow to the Leopard Country."

Even though the Leopard Clan, who originally regarded the Tiger Clan as their enemy, knew that the Tiger Nation was uneasy and kind, they couldn't really calm down when they heard it: "That bunch of damn..."

Silent Yan interrupted the anger of the legion commander in time, and he comforted: "The royal family that joined forces with the Tiger Kingdom is a man named Shilu, but after my understanding, the king of the Golden Lion Kingdom doesn't seem to want to join forces with the Leopard. The meaning of the country's hostility, in order to show sincerity, the king of the Golden Lion Kingdom has sent reinforcements to the Liebao Kingdom, and they will arrive tomorrow at the latest."