Become Stronger

Chapter 349: Become Stronger in Another World (102)


In an instant, the expression on Shilu's face became very beautiful.

Silent Yan stood, and Shi Lu was almost sitting against the wall when he was handcuffed. He lowered his eyes just enough to see Shi Lu's face who raised his head when he heard the sound, although Shi Lu was a very good at hiding. A person who incites others by himself, but in this case, his face still showed a bit of confusion and hesitation involuntarily.

Are you hesitating whether or not to pretend to be with him

This will inevitably make people feel a little funny, but it is not without reason when you think about it. After all, from Shi Lu's point of view, he has no idea why a Leopard clan would help Qin Jie, and it is more likely that Qin Jie passed What means to bribe the other party, if this is the case, then he can coerce and lure people into his own camp.

Such a possibility is not impossible, but what Shi Lu could not have expected was that the two did not have any interest relationship, even from Qin Jie (Duan Ze)'s point of view. It is enough to take the Lion Kingdom back, and there is no need to keep silent to do something that may involve risks.

The lion clan and the leopard clan think about each other, which is probably completely impossible in Shi Lu's eyes, so he did not speak out the first time, and the language was brewing in his heart, waiting for the other party to speak first and then judge by the information conveyed by the other party. the current situation.

Silent Yan saw this from his seemingly calm face that didn't even show any resentment, so he laughed, squatted down in front of him kindly, looked him in the eye, and said first: " I'm in a hurry, and it would be great if you could cooperate."

"What do you want to know from me?" Hearing what he said, Shilu didn't know that the other party came with a purpose, but now he is trapped here, let alone resisting, it is very difficult to even move, the most Knowing what it means to be a junjie, he made his tone less blunt and said, "If it is something I know and there is no threat to the Golden Lion, I will tell you."

Up to now, he is still pretending to have the golden lion country in his heart. Obviously, he has concluded that even if Qin Jie uses any means to win over the other party, the nature of the tyrant will not change, so he insists on himself in this situation. Personality is the most important thing.

His eyes locked tightly on the man in front of him, not letting go of any expression on the other's face.

At first, he only regarded the other party as the "victim" sent by the Leopard Nation to communicate with the Tiger Nation. After all, the risks associated with such dangerous work are self-evident. An ordinary Leopard Nation soldier is just a soldier of the Leopard Nation. It's not that he can easily shake his mind with two or three words.

In the beginning, he was indeed very smooth. After the initial rejection, the other party gradually listened to his own words, and even rejected the current situation of the Golden Lion Kingdom as he wished, and developed sympathy for his experience.

It's just that all this seems to be his illusion now. The other party not only didn't put on a suit, but even deceived him, and he doesn't look like an ordinary soldier of the Leopard Kingdom. His soldiers were far more united than outsiders imagined, but at this time, he, who was in charge of communicating with the Tiger Kingdom, had a relationship with the King of the Golden Lion Kingdom, either because the Leopard Kingdom meant that he had betrayed him.

If the Leopard Kingdom really wants to reach a consensus with the King of the Golden Lion Kingdom, they won't just tie him here for so long. In other words, will the soldiers of the Leopard Kingdom betray him

Shilu pondered all kinds of possibilities. The black-haired man in front of him was not like any Leopard clan he had ever seen. He did not have the inherent arrogance of the Leopard clan, and he was even calm and rational enough to think about coming to the Leopard Country. Why send a fourth-order orc to act as a correspondent, isn't it good to place such an important combat power in a more important part at this moment

While thinking so, the man in front of him finally spoke up.

"The king of the Golden Lion Kingdom was once plotted and turned into a powerless cub. You should know about this, right?" Before Shi Lu could clear his relationship, Silent Yan said with a smile, " After all, you did it, and it would be weird if you didn't know it."

Shi Lu's expression remained the same. He didn't expect the other party to mention this, and his mood that was not so relaxed became heavier, "How did you know about this?"

He didn't think that Qin Jie's character would talk about it all over the place. After all, for these ethnic groups who respect the strong, it is a very shameful thing to be plotted against and lead to a weak state for a long time. , which is also one of the reasons why Shilu is so reassuring and bold.

"Information is something that will be introduced to everyone's ears through various channels. It is not surprising that someone will know about it." There is no airtight wall in the world, even in a different world where information transmission is not so developed, This is also universal, and there is nothing wrong with him using it to prevaricate the other party, "I'm curious, how did you do it?"

What kind of potion can instantly turn a fifth-order powerhouse back into the cub period, even if it has finally slowly returned to its original appearance, but the strength has not been completely restored.

This kind of potion is indeed recorded in the setting set given by the system, but this potion is more like a specific magic item than a potion. It only has a name and function, no formula or source, as if It is a one-time consumable that is only one in the world.

Shilu finally fell silent, and he kept his mouth shut and seemed reluctant to talk more.

Seeing his attitude, Silent Yan's mood not only did not become heavy, but he felt very happy about it, and asked again in a brisk tone: "Do you still have that kind of medicine in your hand? How did you get it?"

"No." Shi Lu answered this question quickly, "This is the treasure that exists in the treasury of the Golden Lion Country, and this is the only one."

This lie as if to lie to a six-year-old child made Silent Yan show extremely hypocritical helplessness. He stood up, no longer looking at Shi Lu who was silent, and instead focused on the cell hanging on the wall. on the torture device.

He doesn't have such interest, but in some worlds for some reason, he has used it a lot, but he doesn't know if his hands have been born after so long.

Suddenly no one spoke, Shi Lu couldn't help but began to pay attention to his actions quietly. Seeing him walking straight towards the wall where the torture instruments were placed, a chill rose behind him. A gifted orc, the torture of a four-star orc can't help but be a problem. The worst thing is that if he loses the ability to move here, his plan must be officially declared shattered.

Although Shilu panicked, it was his concern about the possibility of affecting his plan to restart. In fact, he was not worried that under the severe torture, what he didn't want to say would be revealed.

He may not have much to say in terms of force, but when it comes to willpower, there are few lions who can beat him. No matter what, he is still a lion. The competitive spirit hidden in his bones makes him extra confident in this regard. .

He looked at Silent Yan as if at home, and picked up a whip. The whip was naturally made of a special beast material, glowing with a faint purple light, and the pair lining the dimly lit cell held its hand. Pale and slender.

Just whipping is nothing to their carnivores.

Shi Lu was a little relieved that he had chosen the most gentle torture tool. He saw that the man who was looking at the whip in the dark seemed to have no idea what he was thinking, and he smiled and licked him. The sharp fangs and the golden beast pupils glowed with a terrifying dark light in the darkness.

"This is your last chance not to waste my time."

Under the plain and gentle warning, Shi Lu, who was clearly ready, felt stiff all over for some reason, and panic rose in his heart that even he didn't understand why.

However, he still killed the original statement.

"Something that doesn't exist at all, no matter how hard you push it, it won't suddenly exist."

Wen Yan Silent Yan couldn't help but chuckle: "It's really strong."

Shilu lay dying on the ground, wondering why he hadn't lost consciousness.

Obviously the severe pain in his body has already made him unable to support his spirit, but his thinking is extremely clear, every inch of pain seems to remind him of the terrible reality, obviously the other party has stopped, but his body is still. She shuddered spontaneously.

The sound of footsteps that were not too loud in the empty cell seemed to be stepping on his heart, and he almost subconsciously trembled as soon as they sounded. No matter how painful his body was, he tried his best to curl himself up against the wall. , just want to stay away from the existence that will make him fear.

Just in the next second, his chest was slammed on him. Compared with the pain caused by the wounds, Shilu was more panicked about what the other party was going to do, so he didn't even dare to make a sound of pain. Say no more, the extremely arrogant race behaves like a docile domestic dog when someone steps on it, without any resistance.

"Do you remember anything now?" Silent Yan asked calmly again.

Just hearing his voice was like being deprived of oxygen, Shi Lu opened his mouth and trembled: "I-I see, please don't continue..."

He was apprehensive for fear that such an answer would not satisfy the other party, but he did not dare to say anything more than that. This person has no basic compassion at all, and he clearly promised to tell him everything, begging for mercy a long time ago. But he didn't seem to hear it from beginning to end, and it was only now that he was given the opportunity to "listen" to him.

Shi Lusheng was afraid that if he lost this opportunity to confess, he would suffer a more terrifying end. Under the anxious wait, the few seconds became extremely long.

Finally, he heard the man's slightly smiling response: "Good boy."

Obviously, there is nothing wrong with any word, and even the tone is gentle and gentle, but Shi Lu was so cold that his hands and feet were cold, and he didn't dare to say even half a sentence in response to this compliment. Tell each other everything you know, no matter how small or small.

When Duan Ze finally waited for the silent words to come out, he saw that he seemed to be wiping his hands with something. Although there was no trace on his body, the air was filled with a strong smell of blood from the open door. .

Before he could ask what happened, Silent Yan begged him for a drop of blood.

Duan Ze honestly stretched out his hand, pierced his finger and dripped a few drops of blood into the container produced by the system and handed it to Silent Yan. As soon as his blood reached Silent Yan's hand, he put it aside.

Duan Ze blinked, watching the other party carefully sterilizing his fingers, and then he gently affixed the Band-Aid that seemed to be exchanged from the system, and then picked up the container with a few drops of blood and turned to leave. stunned.

He stared at the Band-Aid on his finger in surprise.

Is this guy so gentle