Become Stronger

Chapter 350: Become Stronger in Another World (103)


When Silent Yan returned with Duan Ze's blood, Shi Lu immediately flinched when he heard the sound of him entering the door. It's not that his willpower is really so weak. One side is overly skilled.

In terms of torture and interrogation, he has not only personally implemented it, but has also carefully studied the materials in the system that gathered countless empirical and theoretical techniques from various planes, and he has always kept these memories and has not forgotten them.

The degree of innocence in different worlds is different, and compared to ordinary human society, the orc world, which is a bit pure, is not comparable to the experience method brought by the most malicious worldview in thousands of worlds.

Shi Lu's ability to maintain consciousness is entirely due to the "mercy" of silent words, which reduces a lot of means that people in this world can't bear. In addition, the types of torture tools are also very limited, far less than the various worlds he has studied. The special creatures, if it is those things, I am afraid that only one of them is needed, and anyone here can collapse in an instant.

After all, Silent Yan is not a devil, and he will not do things like wasting points to find the system to exchange such things.

He put the blood bottle close to him, Silent Yan threw a cloak in front of Shi Lu, and untied the shackles for him.

Shi Lu obviously experienced a huge mental trauma. He was extremely afraid of the person in front of him. He held his breath and even felt a very oppressive suffocation in his chest. From the tension brought by the spirit, his throat itch, and then he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

He tightly clasped the shirt on his chest and forcefully suppressed the rest of his cough. Now he is careful no matter what he does, for fear of angering the person in front of him, but his blood still splattered on the other's clothes. , even just a little bit made him almost collapse, and panic eroded his entire brain.

If it was replaced by anyone who saw this gentle and elegant man who had always behaved to the outside world, he would not help but be moved, but the person in front of him was Silent Yan, and Silent Yan was not soft-hearted. If you really want to say it, he can't even be called a good person. Maybe he was a good person in the past, but he has decided to become a person who will do anything to achieve his goals a long time ago.

Silent Yan considered whether he could give up everything he could lose for the purpose, but the answer at that time doesn't seem to be applicable now.

He didn't pay too much attention to the little blood on his clothes, but Shilu's panicked appearance made him frown slightly.

Shi Lu, who had been watching all his expressions, noticed that he was obviously unhappy, and immediately shuddered. He used all his brain cells to think about what made the other party unhappy. It was his own blood that stained the other party. clothing? Or…

"I have some things that I need you to do." Silent Yan looked at Shilu, who didn't respond even if he untied the bondage, and said in a bit of embarrassment, "Wouldn't it be of no use if you were so scared?"

Shi Lu is not such a stupid person. He lost at the very beginning because he didn't understand what kind of person his opponent was. It would be fine to say that he was taking it lightly or being too confident. If an ordinary soldier from the Leopard Kingdom approached without investigating, and tried to be clever, he probably wouldn't have been in the current situation so quickly.

Therefore, he quickly derived what the other party wanted to convey from Silent Yan's words. For a while, he didn't have the time to think about what kind of devil this person was, so he immediately followed the other party's meaning and did everything he could. Possibly make yourself look calm.

The restraints on his hands have been taken off, and it seems that he has no intention of continuing to lock him, which means that he is given a certain degree of freedom of movement.

Sitting against the wall for so long that when Shi Lu wanted to stand up, not only did his wounds hurt, but even his legs felt weak. Unsteadily fell on the opponent. He leaned against the wall cautiously, realizing that the injury on his body did not affect his basic mobility.

For a moment, Shilu felt unbelievable. Not long ago, even every breath was like the aftermath of a catastrophe. The feeling of suffocation that seemed to be about to die but was not dead was still deeply imprinted in his mind.

As a result, he now told him the pain that made his life worse than death, but it didn't even affect his actions.

Silent Yan didn't even think about what Shi Lu was thinking, why his face suddenly faded with blood, he had already greeted Duan Ze, so he simply let Shi Lu put on a cloak and a hood and took him straight out .

It's easy for him to come in alone, and when he goes out with one more person, he can't use the original path. Duan Ze has long thought of this, so he arranged a path for him to leave early to ensure that there is no road along the way. Anyone will find out.

When the unbelievably honest Shi Lu in the cloak walked in front of Duan Ze, Duan Ze subconsciously rubbed his nose, and he felt that the strong smell of blood was barely concealed in front of him. .

Duan Ze looked at his little friend, and Shi Lu was not injured at all when he was detained here. He is naturally the most aware of this. It is not difficult to guess why there is such a strong smell of blood now. The only one What is unclear is the reason for this.

"The smell of blood on his body is too heavy, do you want to cover the smell with something?" Duan Ze didn't ask in the end, and gave Silent Yan full confidence.

Silent Yan listened to his question, but he didn't give Shilu his eyes at all. He said, "No, it's still useful to keep it."

it works

Duan Ze, who originally wanted to give 100% trust to his friends, who didn't ask him if he didn't take the initiative, suddenly became curious, but he was just curious and didn't plan to say more in front of Shi Lu. what.

Duan Ze didn't know what Silent Yan wanted to do, or whether it was necessary to hide their relationship from Shi Lu, so he simply took the safest way and held the air of belonging to King Qin Jie of the Golden Lion. , Wei Wei nodded arrogantly and said with dignity: "This matter is left to you, this king believes in you, you will not disappoint this king."

After Duan Ze finished speaking, he felt that he might look stupid, even if he acted in front of outsiders, in Silent Yan, who knew exactly what he looked like, he might look like an idiot.

But for the smoothness of the small partner program, this... This little autism is still acceptable!

Looking at the furry lion in front of him, he became shy just after showing off his might. Silent Yan's expression softened a little. He took the other party's hand, and under Duan Zeqiang's dignified, but in fact dumbfounded gaze, he leaned over and respectfully stood in his face. A kiss on the back of the hand.

"My pleasure, King."

After he finished speaking, he naturally let go of his hand, raising his eyes and seeing the lovely expression of the person he loves. At the moment when the eyes met, the arrogant Wang Cai seemed to finally find his voice. , pretended to cough lightly, and said seriously: "You just understand!"

Shi Lu didn't dare to look up without authorization to speculate on the expressions of the two people present. He could only listen to the conversation and try to analyze the relationship between the two people.

At first, he thought that Silent Yan must be an undercover agent that Qin Jie spent a lot of money digging from the Liebao Kingdom, but now it sounds like the relationship between the two is more like a real monarch-subject relationship, but how is this possible

Would a leopard really truly take the lion as king

What method did Qin Jie use

Shi Lu thought about it and couldn't come up with a reason, until he was really taken out, and he didn't choose the most reliable answer from "the grace of saving life" or "the grace of knowing encounter".

Shi Lu once said that the potion that prompted Duan Ze to be deprived of his power and turned into a cub as soon as he came to this world was obtained from the treasury of the Golden Lion Kingdom. But not in the treasury, to be precise, in a passage leading to a certain ruin in the treasury.

The treasury of the palace is not easy to enter, because there are people guarding it everywhere, but now the Golden Lion Kingdom is in a special situation, and its garrison strength is far less than before. In addition, using the identity of "Shlu" to transfer the manpower through sound transmission crystals in a short time, I think It's not difficult to bring someone in.

Although he originally had a strong fear of the person beside him, Shilu, who was breathing fresh air after coming out of the cell for a while, finally calmed down a little, and at the same time he calmed down, showing an obedient and obedient attitude On the one hand, he was actually thinking about how to escape along the way.

The strength gap between different ranks of orcs is very large. It is impossible to escape in front of Silent Yan. If he escapes once, he may be caught and his legs will be directly broken. He does not know that the other party needs to be able to move. If it is the former, if you are lucky, you can escape once, but if you are unlucky, his importance is not so strong, and it is not impossible to die directly.

Shirou decided to find out what the other party was trying to do before finding an opportunity to escape.

It stands to reason that a potion that can turn a high-level orc directly into a cub and lose almost all of its power can be called a god-level potion. If it is circulated on the market, it may not only cause high-priced snatch, but it may even directly set off a war.

Shi Lu was not stupid enough to provoke all parties directly, so he chose to use this potion on Qin Jie's body, trying to take the throne from him, and he himself was not that powerful, so he needed so many messy schemes to toss.

If you find an organ from the treasury, you can open a secret passage. This secret passage is not not recorded on the system map, but there are not many secret passages in the palace, and the map of the palace shows only the area occupied by the palace. Who would have thought that one of the secret passages was not Leading to the outside world, but leading to a ruin that has never appeared in the plot

The process of moving forward in the dark passage is very long, and after a long time, they have come to the end.

It's just that the end is not the ruins that Shilu said, but a closed round stone gate.

"Such a pattern was mentioned in the records, and this should be the relic left in this continent, and this door is the entrance." Shilu took the initiative to introduce with a wink, "But even I have always been No way to open it was found."

Seeing that Silent Yan didn't seem to have any intention of stopping him, he walked a few steps to the stone gate, and picked off the only remaining flower growing on the stone wall beside the stone gate: "This is what you're looking for, It's just the last one."

Silent Yan's attention was not on the flower. He saw that there seemed to be a certain shape of groove in the center of the stone gate, and the shape seemed a little familiar to him.