Become Stronger

Chapter 356: Become Stronger in Another World (109)


Silently said that it doesn't matter how the people of the Tiger Nation are treated, as if Duan Ze just said a word, it is a matter of no psychological barrier to wipe this race from the mainland.

Duan Ze has never thought of exterminating the entire clan because he was targeted by some people or some groups. It is only natural for Duan Ze to be bullied on his head and return it to him. The biggest difference from Silent Yan is that Duan Ze felt One degree, he can't do everything so extreme.

What makes Duan Ze strange is the abnormality of his little friends. After all, in his cognition, Silent Yan is almost a model of not letting others use any value to achieve his goals. The value of a dependent country is rich enough, and this The troublesome consequences of the complete destruction of the kingdom are even more obvious.

No matter how you think about it, that guy isn't the type to ask for trouble.

Is it because of being hypnotized by props

After such a period of time, Duan Ze has calmed down somewhat from the straightforward and embarrassing confession of Silent Yan. Although he still feels a little embarrassed in retrospect, he is not unable to recognize the current situation. .

They have known each other for a long time. They are hard-core partners in the flowing world. Duan Ze knows how rational and cold-blooded the other party's way of thinking is.

Although Silent Yan once solemnly said that aside from the effect of the hypnotic props used to confuse the system, from the analysis of the situation, he liked him, but from Duan Ze himself, who was a man at the time, it was obvious that things were not so good. simple.

Duan Ze thinks that Silent Yan may care about him and take care of him because he likes him, and maybe there are some... direct, straightforward sweet words, but it is impossible to put aside rationality just because he likes it.

So it sure was the hypnotic prop that had some influence!

The single mother and child love Xiaobai thinks that he has rationally analyzed the reasons, and decides to protect the rationality of his little friends in his own way.

If Duan Ze has some mind-reading skills or has more experience in love, he will know that for some people with special experiences, the important people in front of them are far more valuable than any interests. After all, Silent Yan has long decided not to do it and regret it after losing it. The matter is over, even if it makes Duan Ze feel better, it is enough to make him feel that the troubles caused by the disappearance of the Tiger Nation from this continent are insignificant.

"It's too easy to dispose of them casually." Duan Ze, who felt that his little friends were deeply influenced by the props, said, "Don't you think they still have a lot of value to use?"

Duan Ze has a sense of pride in being a teacher and educating children, and at the same time, he is very cute when he speaks earnestly about how to deal with the tiger country.

Silent Yan on the other side obviously didn't know what he was thinking. Hearing what he said at this time, he followed suit: "What do you want to do?"

It is not only those clansmen that the Tiger Nation owns, they also occupy the resources around the territory. The resources do not necessarily have to be obtained by all the members of the Tiger Nation alive. It is not a problem for Silent Yan to send someone to collect them, so for him The only hidden danger in the disappearance of the Tiger Nation is the public opinion on this continent.

No matter how strong the world is, it cannot easily accept an existence that wipes out its race from the world after defeating an opponent. If necessary, Silent Yan already has some basic ideas. It is not impossible. deal with.

It is a pity that Duan Ze did not confirm this choice. He seems to want to make the best use of everything and punish those who should be punished. The Tiger Clan who did not participate will be residents of the dependent country, and they can continue to live while opening new trade lines.

How could Silent Yan not be able to hear the meaning behind his words? To put it bluntly, he was still thinking about him inside and out.

He couldn't help sighing, the voice seemed to reach the other side, and soon Duan Ze's puzzled voice came from his ear, asking him what was wrong.

"Nothing." Silent replied casually.

Immediately after the opposite side also sighed, Duan Ze said lively and a little melancholy: "You like me too much now, don't be afraid! If there is any problem during this time, I will take care of it!"

Never let those hypnotic props affect the completion of your mission!

Silent Yan on the other end of the communication was at a loss, but there was nothing to correct in those words, so he finally just hummed, and cut off the communication after communicating all the matters that needed to be confirmed.

When their own kingdom is ruled, most of the orcs on this continent will not choose to escape. After all, their home is there, and the orcs who want to become wanderers will always be in the minority, but they just change their rulers. That's all, as long as time is long enough, they will have a chance to retake their kingdom.

Because of this idea, the people who controlled the Tiger Country didn't put much effort into it, and they didn't think the new leader would kill them all at one word, so the situation was quite stable for a while.

Silent Yan picked a few principals to take away, so that he could serve as an important witness in the judgment. At the same time, Shilu, who was seriously injured and comatose, was also taken away by him. What if the protagonist was not present in such a case.

The trial of Shilu was held almost the same night that Silent Yan stepped into the Golden Lion Kingdom.

It's not that Duan Ze doesn't want to let his friends rest, but the people of the Golden Lion Country can't wait that long. The amount of information contained in their conversation that day has already spread among the people. , it must be given as soon as possible.

The Judgment Hall is not commonly used. It is almost an independent building outside the palace. Fortunately, staff will be arranged to take care of it regularly, so it can be used at any time when needed.

Its area is large enough, and the clansmen of the Golden Lion Kingdom are almost full of bystanders. This is a meeting related to the internal issues of the Golden Lion Kingdom, so the Leopard Kingdom only has the legion commander and several of his subordinates to participate as one of the parties involved. , the Tiger Kingdom is only a few who were escorted by Silent Yan.

When Shi Lu was escorted up, there was an uproar around him.

Because he looks so badly injured, and his dying appearance makes it very difficult to tell whether he is still alive or not. Of course, if they know that he was severely injured by the king of the Tiger Kingdom, they will be amazed that he is still alive. alive.

Of course, Silent Yan didn't plan to let Shilu fall into a coma like this. He was indeed seriously injured, but after continuous treatment, his life was no longer in danger. At this moment, it was just the body's instinct to preserve the physical strength to repair the body and did not wake up.

In other words, as long as his body is aware of the danger, he will naturally wake up.

He was standing in the middle of the courtroom, and the eyes of everyone around him were almost focused on him, and he could see his every move clearly. Yan gave up his place.

This kind of behavior made many people wonder what the identity of this black-haired strange Leopard was and what role he played in this incident, which made their king give him such treatment, and everyone could see it The attitude of their soldiers towards him was clearly respectful.

Before they could figure out a reason, they saw that the black-haired Leopard clan stretched out his hand and clasped Shi Lu's neck!

When Shi Lu was escorted up, he was in a coma. When he was taken to the center of the trial hall, he was unchained and chained to the trial chair in the center. With his neck tied, he was almost lifted up by brute force. , but his limbs and waist were tightly bound to the seat, so that in an instant his already pale face showed the pain of suffocation.

The lions who were watching couldn't stand it anymore. They wanted to know the truth, but before the truth was exposed, Shilu was still in their eyes as a compatriot who had an absolute status with them day and night, but cared about them and loved them. Where could he be? This kind of place is treated like this by an outsider

There was a commotion at the table for a while, and there were dissatisfied voices everywhere.

However, the seat of the trial hall and the center have a special barrier, which was established to prevent bystanders from interfering with the trial, so they couldn't stop the scene in front of them, and they couldn't help but put their expectations on the king.

But to their disappointment, their king sat firmly on the top of the judgment seat, unmoved by the sight in front of him.

It was followed by panting, followed by a struggle.

Before Shilu coughed up blood on his arm, Silent Yan let go of his hand.

Shi Lu, who fell back into the seat, coughed out a mouthful of blood as expected. He took a big mouthful of air and opened his eyes like a catastrophe.

The surroundings were unusually quiet, enduring the pain on his body, Shilu tried to recall what happened before.

If it is said that among all the participants, who is the most unclear about the situation.

Then it's probably Shroud himself.

The moment he tried to reach out to Silent Yan, he lost control of all the situation. When Silent Yan used his identity, he was detained and had no way to know the situation of the outside world, and when he came out No one told him how things had changed.

Until he entered the Tiger Kingdom, he lost control of his body inexplicably, and then he was seriously injured by the King of the Tiger Kingdom, and lost consciousness again. Until now, he woke up and was here.

Of course he recognized where this place was, there was no doubt that it was the Judgment Hall of the Golden Lion Kingdom.

But what exactly happened? Under what circumstances was he pressed into the courtroom for what reason? A lot of blood loss and oxygen loss at this time made his brain unable to analyze the state as usual, and he could only pray that things did not develop in the worst direction.

As long as there is no conclusive evidence, Shilu has a hundred ways to defend himself. After all, it is a fantasy to believe that he, a third-order orc, tried to murder the fifth-order king of the Golden Lion Kingdom. It was stupid enough to confess him. If the Tiger Kingdom, which was in a delicate situation, was found to have joined forces with other kingdoms to murder one time, I am afraid that the situation will be even worse in the future.

Shi Lu, who has always been good at acting, can only passively wait for others to speak this time, so that he can grasp more information and strive for the greatest advantage for himself in the next dialogue.