Become Stronger

Chapter 357: Become Stronger in Another World (110)


Sitting high, Wang Chui stared at him for a while, and when he saw that he didn't speak for a while, he said coldly, "Do you speak for yourself or I will speak for you?"

Shilu lowered his head, cold sweat running up his back unconsciously.

Even if the other party accuses him of all the guilt, at least he can know how far the other party has information now, instead of putting the decision in his hands as he is now.

Of course, Shi Lu can pretend that he is not clear about his guilt, but in this way, he will have much less room for refutation. If he encounters a crime with solid evidence, he will lose the opportunity to prove his innocence. Means he lied from the start.

So he closed his mouth and avoided Wang's question in public.

But up to now, with the evidence in Duan Ze's hands and the witness provided by Shen Moyan, he doesn't have to care about Shi Lu's careful thinking. There is no room for overturning in this trial, and Shi Lu's thinking is nothing more than trying to fight with Shi Lu. The air fights wits and courage.

"Then let me speak." Duan Ze took the manuscript handed over by the soldier by his side, and his eyes fell on the first item on it, "You privately transported the materials from the Golden Lion Country to the Tiger Country, and this matter is yours. Admit it?"

Hearing this, the surroundings suddenly became noisy again.

Although he is not clear about the current situation, but when he lost consciousness, this information may have already fallen into the hands of the other party. Shi Lu realized that this was probably a conclusive evidence, so he was silent. After a moment, he nodded.

"I plead guilty."

For a time, all the clansmen of the Golden Lion Country could not believe it.

Of course, they realized from the beginning that this trial meant that Shilu had done something unfavorable to them, of course, it was not ruled out that their king wanted to get rid of him, but they didn't expect Shilu to be fornicating with the tiger. country!

Now the golden lion country is in a special situation. The holy crystals on the city walls have been destroyed. The whole city is busy with repair work. The tribesmen who are sent to collect holy crystals also directly lead to the shortage of internal manpower. What kind of resources are there in such a situation? Even if there is no war at this time, this is a crime that can be severely punished.

Silent Yan could see at a glance what Shilu was thinking.

Admitting such a crime did take a lot of risk, but he probably thought that he could still get a chance to make excuses from it. After all, from Shi Lu's perspective, he probably couldn't imagine that there would be people from the Tiger Nation participating in this trial.

As soon as Silentyan's eyes fell on Shilu, he saw that he stiffened in vain, and it was not until Silentyan's eyes moved away that he relaxed his breath again.

If there was PTSD in this world, Shilu would probably know what his current state was. When he saw Silent Yan, his body almost instinctively shuddered, even if it was just being stared at, he subconsciously wanted to Avoiding, trying to find a place to hide where no one can see.

Those thoughts that once thought that the other party was easy to control and wanted to make good use of Silent Yan had completely disappeared, and he didn't even have the time to regret his hasty and reckless behavior.

Even if he is detained in the center of the courtroom at this moment, it is far better than staying so close to this person.

Duan Ze noticed that Shi Lu was shaking, but he didn't know why the other party was in this state, was it pretense or panic in the face of the crime? But none of these matters.

"Poisoned the king by despicable means, split the members of the Kingdom's army to form a second force, tampered with the list of expatriates, and sent a large number of people in the name of the king during the shortage of resources in the Golden Lion Kingdom, and united with the Tiger Kingdom to destroy the outer city walls of the Golden Lion Kingdom. Broken the Holy Crystal..."

Every time the king above said a crime, the noisy voices around him became quiet for a few minutes, until they were completely silent at the end.

"The United Tiger Nation took the opportunity to cause a conflict between the Leopard Nation and the Golden Lion Nation, and would like to take this opportunity to inflict heavy damage on the Golden Lion Nation. What do you want to say about this?"

Shi Lu quickly sorted out the current situation. He really did not expect that the other party had already understood this point, but this did not make him give up struggling.

His appearance was originally gentle, and everyone's impression of him was that he was gentle and easy-going. In addition, he was in a state of embarrassment at this time and looked extremely harmless, so that no one treated him in the first place. The crime was condemned, and everyone wanted an explanation from him.

"I don't understand..." Shilu's voice was weak and confused, "What good will this do for me? The Golden Lion Kingdom is defeated, how can I get the trust of the Tiger Clan as a member of the Lion Clan? Qin Jie, I I don't understand why you think so..."

Before anyone else felt that his words made sense, Duan Ze said, "That's naturally because you want to take my seat."

With a look in his eyes, he took a step forward in a moment of silence. He was already being watched by many people, and they were all impressed by what happened before. Now that he makes a move, everyone's attention is instantly attracted to him.

"I was hired by the Leopard Country to participate in this aid to the Golden Lion Country, and the reason was the strange invitation sent by the Tiger Country."

Why is it said to be weird? Everyone present knows well that the sudden assistance when the relationship between the three kingdoms is not good is very suspicious. After listening to his simple words, someone soon realized the reason why the Leopard Kingdom Reason for hiring an "outsider" of the same race.

"During the process of assisting the Golden Lion Country, this person from your country came into contact with me by chance." Silent Yan glanced at Shi Lu, who had not said a word since he spoke, and continued, "This gentleman named Jin Someone in the Lion Kingdom colluded with the Tiger Kingdom, and wanted to work with the Golden Lion Kingdom against the Leopard Kingdom, and invited me to reach an agreement with the Leopard Kingdom to control the King of the Golden Lion and let him have control over the Golden Lion Kingdom at this time. ."

"Fortunately, I got the opportunity to communicate with the King of the Golden Lion in time. The King of the Golden Lion is willing to support the Leopard Country to a certain extent and dispatched enough personnel, which made the Tiger Country's raid on the Leopard Country fail. The representative of the Leopard Country, that is, the commander of the army, can serve as a witness."

The named legion commander nodded slightly: "This is indeed the case. Thanks to the assistance of the Golden Lion Kingdom in this matter, the Leopard has not caused a large number of casualties in the country."

When the conversation came to this, Duan Ze took over: "Then I invited Mr. Shen to cooperate with the Leopard Country and invaded the Tiger Country. Thanks to the Tiger Country's strength, a large number of troops were dispatched to prepare for the attack on the Golden Lion Country. Another part was used to harass the Leopard Country, so the cooperation was very smooth. It was because of this that I learned during the interrogation after the fact that the attack on the Leopard Country was not intended to capture the Leopard, but to arouse the Leopard. hatred between China and the Golden Lion."

"Therefore, by inspiring the Leopard Kingdom and using the Tiger Kingdom to attack the Golden Lion Kingdom together, I put pressure on this king, and secretly tried to reach an agreement with the Leopard Kingdom, which would severely damage the Tiger Kingdom and suppress this king's power in the Golden Lion Kingdom. You who stood up in the end became the hero who protected the Golden Lion Kingdom, with the approval rate of being able to sit on the throne even without high-level power, I am afraid that is what you think?"

Shirou was completely stunned.

He obviously did not expect that the king, who had always been short-tempered and could solve it by force, could understand the matter to this point, and he did not expect that the Tiger Kingdom would be captured

Shirou even wondered if he himself had heard it wrong.

The king of the Tiger Kingdom is a real fifth-order powerhouse! It is said that Qin Jie's power has recovered after capturing it? ? Or…

Out of the corner of his eye, he paid attention to the man who had been standing beside him all the time, and after explaining some of his previous affairs for the king, he did not continue talking.

Could it be a silent speech...

At first, Shi Lu just wanted to find a person who could talk to and control the Leopard Kingdom, so as to connect him with the Leopard Kingdom, then a soldier with a high rank would just meet the requirements.

His purpose is also the same as what the other party said. The Tiger Country may think that its purpose is to simply cause a conflict between the Liebao Country and the Golden Lion Country, but he does not know that what he wants is an alliance with the Liebao Country, which will hurt the Golden Lion Country. Under the premise that he led his tribe and the Leopard Kingdom to join forces to conquer the Tiger Kingdom, then his throne would be guaranteed.

Who would have thought that this "ordinary soldier with good control" turned out to be an existence specially hired by the Liebao Nation, which means that his first cognition was all wrong, or even deliberately guided by the other party.

From what they said, sending the lion clan to sneak attack on the Leopard Country also failed, and even became a friendship between Qin Jie and the Leopard Country...

"Do you have any evidence for that?"

The last hope is that the capture of the Tiger Country was just a lie Qin Jie told to put pressure on him.

In the next second, Shi Lu's hope was dashed. Duan Ze waved his hand and let the representatives of the Tiger Kingdom be brought up. As a defeated vassal state, the two representatives who were brought up were imprisoned and acted like prisoners. At a glance.

Many people recognized that these were the senior members of the Tiger Nation, and they had seen them when they had contacts in the past, and their arrogant appearance was still fresh in their memory.

Based on the testimony of the two Tigers, the guilt of Shilu's private cooperation with the Tigers is a sure-fire fact.

There are even lion clans in the palace that they have seen Shi Lu leave the palace with a lion clan covered in blood and unknown identity, suspecting that the seriously injured lion clan was sent to the tiger clan for fun.

Although he has never done such a thing, Shilu has absolutely no room for excuse.

The chance he thought he would turn over didn't exist from the very beginning. Realizing that this trial was just a public execution that was doomed from the beginning, Shi Lu laughed sarcastically. He raised his head and stared at Duan Ze above. He said coldly, "If I had the same power as you, I would do better than you."

All kinds of scolding sounded around early, they scolded Shilu for not knowing what to do, scolded him for betraying their trust, betrayed all the clansmen and betrayed their compatriots.

If this matter is not exposed, what will happen to their families in this melee? What is the probability that their parents, wives, children and even friends will survive? It's crazy to sacrifice a lot of people's lives just to ascend to the throne!

The anger of the people around him could not be conveyed to Silent Yan's ears. He stood beside Shilu, who was trying to vent his anger at the end, and said coldly: "If he only has third-order power like you, he will not. Do the same thing as you."

Shilu was shocked, and for the first time in this trial, he met the eyes of Silent Yan, and then he heard him say.

"Of course, there is no if in this world."

"You don't have the qualifications to become a king."

Duan Ze couldn't hear what Silent Yan said to Shi Lu. He only felt that Shi Lu seemed to be completely defeated in an instant. He no longer had the strength to vent his anger at him before, and he fell on the seat. It seemed that the abuse around him could no longer enter his ears.