Become Stronger

Chapter 358: Become Stronger in Another World (111)


The powerful Tiger Country became a vassal state.

Yin Sihan heard about this from the people around him. If there is a specific time and place in the surrounding area, then when he went to the tavern in the Monkey Kingdom to drink at night, he learned from the discussions of the surrounding orcs. of.

He naturally has his own purpose in the Monkey Kingdom. In fact, in order to obtain a reliable source of information, and an intelligence businessman who can cooperate for a long time in the future and will not be turned against the water because others bid higher, Yin Sihan has spent a lot of energy. .

The lemurs that Yin Sihan brought with him when he came were at best a stepping stone to negotiate with the Monkey Kingdom, allowing him to negotiate directly with the high-level officials with justifiable reasons. In terms of the personality of the entire tribe of the Monkey Kingdom, he wanted to rely on them. Capturing a few of their kin, and letting them do things for themselves completely, it is impossible to make friends with oneself.

As he had guessed, the king of the Monkey Kingdom also took the principle that any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem. For the compatriots caught by foreigners, their first reaction was naturally to use money to redeem people.

But at the same time, they also clearly knew that the real purpose of people like Yin Sihan who came in the name of the White Rabbit Kingdom would not be as simple as simply wanting money.

People of different races have different personalities and different ways of doing things. As the country with the most intensive intelligence, the Monkey Kingdom has only a lot more people coming and going than other places, and they have seen far more foreign races than any other. As for a race, what virtue is the Rabbit Clan of the White Rabbit Country, they know very well, and what is the intention of the Wolf Clan that represents the White Rabbit Clan who came here, basically, they have a bottom line in their hearts.

Why would the Rabbit Clan, which is very defensive about carnivores, send a Wolf Clan, who has never had a good relationship or even a very bad relationship, as a representative

This may have some stereotypes about the race, but from the perspective of the Monkey King, it is obvious that there is no reason to be coerced, or that he has been completely deceived.

What is the specific reason? At the same time that they saw Yin Sihan, the intelligence network of the Monkey Kingdom has already reached out in this direction, and it will not take long for Yin Sihan's situation to be seen here.

It's just that before that, the Monkey King, who was good at any transaction, seemed to be very friendly and paid a "thank you fee", and at the same time gave "you can ask the Monkey Kingdom for help when you encounter difficulties, as long as it is the information they know." Tell him truthfully" such a frivolous promise.

The Spirit Monkey Kingdom is almost the race that Yin Sihan has met in this different world most like those he has ever been in contact with. Of course, he can hear the perfunctory promises made under this promise. As long as it is information that the Spirit Monkey Kingdom does not want to reveal, they will You can say that you don't know, even if they are said to have the strongest intelligence network, but who stipulates that they will know everything? It's not that they say it if they want to.

In order to obtain long-term information exchanges with the Monkey Kingdom, and even if he wants to obtain the right to monopolize certain information by spending money, Yin Sihan has spent a lot of time and energy, even with the fact that he has not communicated with Bai Yun for several days. .

Even if Yin Sihan aimed to get close to Bai Yun and gain the trust of the White Rabbit Kingdom, he was really surprised by Bai Yun's cleverness and sensibleness. He naturally felt that Bai Yun had an extraordinary affection for him. However, in this case, just because he showed that he was very busy recently, Bai Yun never took the initiative to contact him without complaining, and had been silently waiting for him to contact him.

To be honest, after seeing all kinds of people in the original world, Yin Sihan realized how precious a person as pure as Bai Yun is like a blank piece of paper.

He decided to be a little better to Bai Yun when he went back.

Thinking about it this way, after another night of busy fighting with the monkey clan, I just wanted to find a place to relax, and the spirit of the Monkey Kingdom is also famous for its wine, so Yin Sihan naturally stepped into the tavern. .

Who knew that such an exciting news would be heard.

The Tiger Country has become a vassal state

Even Yin Sihan didn't dare to think that he would focus on carnivores from the very beginning, so he would start from the relatively weak White Rabbit Kingdom. Of course, in terms of his ultimate goal, whether it was herbivores or carnivores, they would become The power under him, but it will never be easy or so fast.

His first reaction was which player did it? Captured the Tiger Country

Based on Yin Sihan's research on this place, although this continent once had a very chaotic and dangerous period, but now the overall situation has stabilized, and the power of the entire continent has stabilized. It should not be inexplicably suddenly powerful. The power falls.

An outsider must have intervened.

Although Yin Sihan is conceited, he is not blindly conceited. Although he has his own forces to assist, and he has the memories of a lifetime to pave the way for his future actions, he is not 100% sure that no one will do it. Better than him, maybe there will be someone with talent and luck higher than him, one step ahead of him.

After having such an idea, Yin Sihan almost immediately focused his entire attention on this matter. He tried to pretend to join in the fun to inquire about the details of the matter from the people around him, but was told that they didn't either. More understanding, the only certainty is that this information is true.

"It's not worth it to go to an intelligence dealer to buy this news." An orc in the tavern said drunkenly, holding his glass, "Since it was captured and became a vassal state, it won't take long to know that the tiger clan is now Which force is the leader of the tiger, they can't bite such a big piece of fat and watch it, as long as you know which kingdom the Tiger Kingdom will serve next, you can know what's going on, it's just a matter of time."

Of course Yin Sihan knew that it was only a matter of time, but in the eyes of someone like him who wanted to accomplish something big, time was something that money couldn't buy. If he got the information a day later, he would be less than the person who knew the information. got a head start.

Fortunately, his luck is not bad.

Yin Sihan has enough reasons to believe that if he is not in the Monkey Kingdom at this time, but in any other country, I am afraid it will take a few weeks to get the news.

Except for areas with particularly developed information, the speed of information transmission in other parts of this continent can only be said to be based on fate.

Although he was not the first to know the news, he was also the first to get the information, which was enough, and the rest was to find a way to figure out the specific situation.

It was getting late. Of course, Yin Sihan had no way to disturb the royal family of the Monkey Kingdom at this time. Other intelligence merchants might know a thing or two, but Yin Sihan's every move in this country was followed by the Monkey King. Instead of buying it privately from other intelligence dealers, he might as well ask the Monkey King directly for advice tomorrow, and he can also explore his attitude towards this matter.

So although his heart was extremely impatient, Yin Sihan still resisted and went back to sleep. He woke up the next morning, just to appear less urgent in front of the King Monkey. He ate breakfast and went back to his routine. After staying at the shop I would go to for a while, I set foot on the road to the palace.

But Yin Sihan was destined to not get the answer he wanted.

Just because of the issue about the affiliation of the Tiger Nation, even the Tiger Nation itself still can't figure out the situation.

Of course they know who killed their king. Even if they want to find an opportunity to take revenge and regain control in the future, they still need to pretend to be obedient. At this time, it is violent, I am afraid that the country will not be completely wiped out all at once.

But the problem is, they only know who the person who surrendered them is, but they don't know what the forces behind that person are.

If Silent Yan was a member of the Liebao Country, then they would naturally become a vassal of the Liebao Country, but the problem was that he was just a helper hired by the Liebao Country. Obviously, the Liebao Country would be with him after the incident was over. There is no relationship.

Now they can be said to be wagging their tails and don't know who they are wagging at.

Regarding this, the Leopard Kingdom and the Golden Lion Kingdom are very concerned. The Tiger Kingdom has always been their enemy and is powerful. Although it is not clear what means Silent Yan used to win the Tiger King's life in a very short time. However, this is also the result of the fact that the Tiger Nation sent a lot of troops abroad in order to plot against the other two countries, resulting in insufficient internal strength, and the timely support of the Leopard Nation, and the combined effect of various circumstances.

If the Tiger Nation is out of control again, it will not be so easy to conquer again.

They don't know what the silent words of the parties think, but the King of the Golden Lion is very happy to give the promise that no matter what happens, even if the Tiger Nation fights back again, the Golden Lion Nation will make all-out reinforcements to help him calm down. .

Seeing that the Golden Lion Country intends to make good friends with Silent Yan, the Leopard Country, which has already promised to be there, will naturally not waste such an opportunity and follow up quickly.

So it seems that there may be a tendency for the two countries to join forces to suppress a weak country today, but when this "weak country" is a dependent country, the situation will be a little different. Of course, their commitment is just a private verbal agreement, and will not be rumored. , but at least when such a thing happens, the weak and small kingdoms in the outside world will not panic too much.

After all, they are only supporting their friends, not two powerful nations working together to suppress a "weak" kingdom.

The Leopard Kingdom knew very well that Silent Yan had its own forces behind it, and they investigated this when they found him, so when the legion commander found Silent Yan, he bluntly asked whether he would take the Tigers against him. State as a subsidiary force of his power at hand.

Silent Yan did not think about this plan.

It's just that the forces behind him are not as powerful as the outside world imagined. Whether it's the dog clan or the players who were forcibly sent here from another world, the former is too simple, the latter is insufficient, no matter which one is able to. Suppress the capital of the Tiger Clan.

Once the Tiger Clan understood this, they could be torn apart almost as soon as he was away.

So for this question, the answer given by Silent Yan is yes.

"Let them be attached to me personally, won't you?"

Faced with such an answer, while being intimidated, the Legion Commander inevitably had an idea in his heart.

One person is one country.

When the personal power at his hand is strong to a certain extent, whether the entire continent will no longer be divided into racial kingdoms, there will be only one king in the entire continent, and there will also be only one country.

Soon the legion commander shook his head, and couldn't help but feel that his idea was naive and ridiculous.

No one can do that.

This person's name has only been spread recently. If he really has the ability to do such a thing, his name should have been known by everyone earlier, just like those high-level powerhouses that no one knows about, not Only now did he break out of his own power.

After all, it doesn't always seem that he appeared in this world out of thin air recently.