Become Stronger

Chapter 360: Become Stronger in Another World (113)


Duan Ze especially wanted to find a few more sets for Silent Yan to show him. Who doesn't like to look handsome and wear all kinds of clothes, if possible, he would like to take a camera to take pictures and keep them forever.

It's a pity that there is no camera in this world, and he couldn't pull this face down and let Silent Yan take off this body and put on other clothes.

As a mercenary hired by the Leopard Kingdom, Silent Yan has no position to stay here for too long. Of course, there is no problem for him to stay in the Golden Lion Kingdom, but if he stays here all the time he spends his time with their dynasty, So from the outside world, it might have other meanings.

Even if they know that Silent Yan, as an important participant in this time, has given considerable help to the Golden Lion Kingdom, it does not mean that a foreigner can casually see their king and talk to their king on an equal footing. .

This is naturally clear to Silent Yan, so he has maintained a just right distance from Duan Ze from the very beginning. This time he came here just to say goodbye. It happened that the person sent by the Leopard Kingdom to deliver things arrived. As soon as he came, he heard Silent Yan went to the palace to say goodbye, so he simply sent the things to the palace of the Golden Lion Kingdom, and the previous scene happened.

After packing up, Duan Ze suddenly thought: "If you say goodbye, just use the crystal communication and I will know it, you don't need to make a special trip."

"I just want to see you." Putting the rest of the things into the tail ring, he explained quietly, "It won't delay you for too long, I'm ready to go now."

Duan Ze was caught off guard and hit the red heart, even though he knew that the second half of the sentence for Silent Yan was simply describing the fact that he was going to leave next, but he couldn't help but feel a kind of pitiful, cute and distressed. illusion.

So he obediently stretched out his hand and hugged it, completely unable to restrain the feline habit and rubbed his ear against Silent Yan's ear.

According to past experience, most of the time the other party will let him do whatever he wants.

So this time Duan Ze also decided to take it as soon as he saw it. He hugged and hugged and rubbed it. He was content to let go of his hand, but he didn't expect that when he just let go, his waist was hit by a hand. Fastened tightly.

The gentle touch lightly fell on his ear. Just when he thought Silent Yan should let go, the other party's goal seemed to have shifted again. Duan Ze only felt a warm breath brushing across his neck. , for a moment he was stiff and did not dare to move, and closed his eyes subconsciously.

Maybe it was because he was holding Silent Yan's clothes too tightly, showing that he was nervous, or maybe Silent Yan didn't plan to do anything at all.

All in all, Duan Ze was saved.

After heaving a sigh of relief, his first reaction was to say stubbornly: "I'm closing my eyes, will you show me this?"

If Duan Ze was given a chance, he would definitely advise himself, who used to be addicted to surfing the Internet, not to imitate other people's rude words, be a good person, and stay away from Internet memes.

His waist was still buckled, but his sight was blocked by the other hand. Just when he wanted to ask what this was for, his lips were covered, and Duan Ze, who was pure and powerful, instantly crashed. .

He suddenly didn't know what to do at this time, should he close his mouth or open his mouth? ? ? How is it written and filmed on the books and on TV? ?

Silent Yan was relatively calm. He pressed his lips to his lips and asked calmly and restrainedly, "Is this okay?"

"...Yes, yes." Duan Ze's voice trembled as he answered, his mind went blank, and only after regaining consciousness did he realize what question he had answered.

He couldn't help licking his dry lower lip, trying to distract himself.

"Could it be more?"

Duan Ze found that Silent Yan was like an extremely restrained, conservative and rigorous doctor. Every time the doctor pressed a place, he would ask the patient whether it was in pain, but Silent Yan had to ask his permission in advance no matter what he did to him.

Although this is a very good quality, it is really embarrassing!

Could it be that he has to ask the other party to kiss him deeper and longer, it doesn't matter if he hurts, he has to say that he wants to be closer, to be hugged, to become closer, all these must be determined one by one Can it be done? !

When he thought that such a conversation might happen in the future under the circumstance of... Duan Ze didn't know whether he was ashamed or annoyed, and with unprecedented courage, he pulled down the other party's hand and grabbed Silent Yan. Pulling the collar down, he slid up on his own.

The lions who sent the silent words out of the palace noticed that this important VIP who had helped their kingdom through the crisis came out with injuries, and they couldn't help but worry whether their cruel king still couldn't suppress his stinky temper, facing the noble. The benefactor moved his hand.

Considering that Wang's temper is really bad, although he has the heart to defend himself, he wants to maintain a friendly relationship between the two sides. After all, the other party now has an entire Tiger Nation as a force. It's not good to be stiff, but he doesn't know what to say.

The lion soldiers didn't think of a word until they sent the person to the gate of the city.

On the contrary, the driver who had been waiting outside the city gate for a long time was outspoken, and when he saw Silent Yan, he asked curiously, "Mr. Shen, why is the corner of your mouth broken?"

"I bit it by accident." Silent Yan raised his hand and touched the corner of his mouth, which no longer bleeds because of the strong physique of the orc, thinking that the feline's teeth are indeed sharp.

Hearing that, the lion soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.

So it wasn't their king who did it!

The stone in his heart fell to the ground, and the lion soldiers sent off the benefactor in a happy mood. It was not until Silent Yan's carriage drove away that he returned to work briskly. Although the traitor's matter was resolved, the Golden Lion Kingdom was busy rebuilding. There's still a lot of work to do, so get to work now!

There were not only Silent Yan on the carriage, but also two tiger clans from Tiger Nation.

Although Silent Yan had never met these two tiger clansmen, they were both high-level executives, and they were both captured by him from the Tiger Country as witnesses for the trial.

The two of them were too impressed with the day when the king was killed. Some of their powerful compatriots died under the sword of Silent Yan. They killed the king with fifth-order strength by one person, and then used another Human power suppressed everyone present.

Power is awe-inspiring, but when that power is too much beyond comprehension, then there is nothing but fear.

Sitting in the same compartment with him at this time, the two tiger clans did not dare to let out the atmosphere, and they were locked in their respective corners, as quiet as if they didn't need to breathe or move.

"Tell me about the situation in the Tiger Country." Silent Yan didn't think about their mood. It would take some time along the way. He couldn't sit around empty-handed, so he just opened his mouth and hoped that these two people could give him some useful information.

With the status of these two tiger clans, the information they know is almost the same even if they are not comprehensive. That is to say, although they did not participate in Shi Lu's plan, they probably know very well about the cooperation between Shi Lu and the Tiger Country. .

The two tiger clan looked at each other, obviously no one wanted to speak first, until Si Si Yan showed a little impatience, and only one person opened the first mouth when he saw that the situation was not good.

The later progress is much easier. One person said that the other person is not so nervous, and can make some supplements along the way.

Half of what they said could correspond to the introduction about the Tiger Kingdom in the silent speech system, which at least showed that most of their content did not lie. Of course, he didn't care whether they were really lying or not. After all, these things waited until the Tigers Naturally, he will understand, on the contrary, he can figure out the thoughts of these two people through this conversation.

Silent Yan does not believe in the loyalty brought by fear. Such loyalty is destined to be short-lived. As long as they forget the feeling at that time, various thoughts will soon emerge.

Of course, he didn't intend to just throw it away because of the power he got.

Listening to them supplementing his understanding of the Tiger Country for him, the journey didn't seem so boring, at least it seemed to be a lot faster than the last time he went to the Tiger Country.

Although it was said that he had come here once, Silent Yan was already familiar with entering the Tiger Country.

There was no one blocking his path at all, and the residents of the Tiger Nation who were doing their own things almost stopped their work when they saw him, and spontaneously stepped back to make way for him.

Obviously, the residents of the Tiger Country already know what the current situation is, and even if they are not convinced, they maintain the most basic obedience on the surface.

Of course, there were also those who had a fiery temper and rushed directly in front of him, shouting that he should remember to close the doors and windows when he went to bed at night, otherwise don't blame him for not being able to wake up in the morning.

After listening to Silent Yan, he laughed, and he calmly said: "Then I have to put you under my nose, otherwise I'm afraid I won't sleep well at night."

He restrained his smile and gestured coldly to the Tiger Clan who followed him.

"Grab it."

Everyone was taken aback by the fact that he didn't intend to act like a tyrant with them at all.

Although it is rare to be a subject country in a defeat, it is not completely absent. Most of the victorious kingdoms will do enough good people to ensure that the subject country will not treat them badly, so that the subject country can be willing Do things for yourself.

In the end, the other party didn't seem to care at all.

There was a riot in the crowd immediately, but they were quickly suppressed by the two tiger clan around Silent Yan. As high-level people, they naturally have a lot of deterrent power. In addition, they are not low-level and there are tigers around. The soldiers of the clan, even if they want to resist, it is difficult to succeed, let alone there is no reason to start against their compatriots.

The thoughts of the two senior Tiger Clan leaders were completely different from those of the ordinary residents of the Tiger Country.

There are still many high-level leaders of the Tiger Nation locked up in the prison of the Tiger Nation. Among them, there are many lucrative positions. As long as they perform well around this black-haired Leopard, they will naturally be promoted. This is comparable to joining forces now. It's good to deal with this common enemy. After all, if the old foxes in the prison are released, it will not be so easy to get the status faster.

As long as they become this man's confidant in a short period of time, gain trust, and find their weakness in the end, this Tiger Country is not theirs, and even with their limited authority, is it possible for them to directly become the King of the Tiger Country