Become Stronger

Chapter 361: Become Stronger in Another World (114)


But all these tiger clans who are sitting in high positions have their own plans, and they have their own calculations in their hearts.

The tiger clan who shouted at the beginning was captured by the soldiers effortlessly. He was held on his head and humiliated as if he was a prisoner, and followed behind Silent Yan who had walked towards the palace a long time ago.

The people around saw this scene in their eyes.

While carnivores admire power, they also understand that power alone is not enough. They must have certain means, or excel in other aspects, in order to stay on the throne for a long time.

Obviously, the person who controls the power of their country now has the most basic qualities - no mercy to the rebels.

It wasn't until this time that the surroundings were really quiet.

The original tragic situation on the main hall of the Tiger King's Palace has been cleaned up, and it is no longer possible to see what kind of bloodbath it has experienced here not long ago, just as magnificent and resplendent as the original.

After seeing the main hall as the facade of the palace, Silent Yan lifted his legs and walked towards the prison.

The two Tiger Clan who had followed him from start to finish also quickly followed, and the accompanying soldiers also guarded the entire journey. Of course, they were not guarding the outsider Silent Yan.

Silent Yan believes that if the Leopard Kingdom and the Golden Lion Kingdom are not pressing together now, I am afraid they are more willing to tear him to pieces here, of course, they must be able to do it.

The prison of the Tiger Nation is a tall tower built separately outside the palace. The rotating stone stairs can make people dizzy just by looking up. Now, the Tiger Nation once had the highest authority and the most fighting power. A group of people were all imprisoned here.

Many of them were seriously injured by Silent Yan, and they still haven't recovered their basic mobility.

This is also the reason why he can go here so calmly and alone. Now his situation is only a little bit closer to breaking through the fourth rank and reaching the fifth rank. The subtle changes in this realm have a huge difference in actual use, even if they are facing each other now. Without the blessing of the fifth-order beast soul in the fourth-order, he can also ensure that he is in an invincible position with the absolute upper hand.

It can be said that at present he will not lose to any orcs of the same rank except the real fifth-order orcs, and now a large number of fourth-order orcs in the Tiger Country were severely injured by him on that day, and they are not a threat at all.

As he stepped on the stone stairs, he wondered why those kings asked their subordinates to escort people from the prison to the main hall for questioning if they had any problems, instead of going to the prison in person. It was really hard to find someone at this height.

Thinking of this, he didn't bother to go any further.

Every 5th floor, there was a floor where the jailers rested. He found a chair and sat down, signaling the guards to bring everyone who was in the hall that day to this floor to see him.

One of the two tiger clansmen who had been following him bravely approached Silent Yan, bent down beside him, and asked in a low voice, "Are you really going to call them all here? You need to know this place. But there are no safety measures, and if there is a riot…”

Silent Yan raised his eyes and looked at the talking tiger, and recognized that he was the first to speak when he was in the carriage. Say something in front of him, and then have the courage to take the initiative to put forward his own ideas after he clearly gave the order.

"Almost all the people who were in the main hall that day were high-ranking clansmen from the Tiger Nation. Although you are very powerful, it is safer to be careful or interrogate alone... What do you think?" After he finished speaking, he carefully observed the silence. Yan's face, seeing that his face did not show dissatisfaction because of his eloquence, he increased his strength, "If you want, you can ask them anything you want, you can leave it to me to do it, within three I will arrange for you all the news and results you want to know and send it to you in the coming days."

Regarding this sudden loyalty, Silent Yan did not express his position, but seemed to be suddenly curious about this person, and asked, "What's your name?"

"The subordinate's name is Zhao Li, and he manages some financial relations for the Tiger Country." Seeing that he was obviously interested in himself, Zhao Li couldn't help but feel overjoyed when he saw that his goal had been achieved, "I am absolutely trustworthy for my subordinate's ability to handle affairs, as long as I have used you It will be clear."

Who knew that his voice fell, but there was no response.

Silent Yan seemed to have completely forgotten about this person, and calmly flipped through the roster at hand. It recorded all the prisoners who had been imprisoned in prison in the past three years. It turned out that the prison roster of the Tiger Country was changed every three years. Book.

Thinking of these irrelevant contents, the tiger clan, bound by shackles one by one, was soon brought to this level.

Because Silent Yan asked for the people who were in the hall that day, so when everyone was brought in, this floor would not be crowded, but as Zhao Li said, such a group of equal waiting If the orcs who are not low-level riot at the same time, the consequences will be disastrous.

But the situation that Zhao Li was worried about did not happen, and he also realized why this man was so reckless.

The time they were detained was not short or long, but it was not long. Unlike Zhao Li and another Tiger Clan, they were not brought out to have the opportunity to walk around, breathe air, and communicate with people.

For them, who believe that power is far superior to everything else, they have witnessed the symbol of power being destroyed so easily. Even if they unite, they can only die at each other's feet. Even if they receive basic treatment, they are still alive. Being held in a dimly lit prison and unable to do anything, they most often recall the fear of the day when life was at its closest to death.

And now.

They were brought out, but they were brought before "fear".

No one made a sound at all, let alone a riot. The almost instinctive conditioned reflex of the body at the front made him want to step back, and the people behind obviously didn't want to be squeezed into the front row.

So the picture became a bit ridiculous for a while, these carnivores representing strength were like mice meeting cats, huddled against the wall.

"You don't have to be so nervous." The initiator smiled and didn't look aggressive. "I just wanted to chat with you. After all, we will be a family for a long time in the future."

The milder Silent Yan's attitude was, the more frightened the group of orcs who had seen his methods.

No one dared to believe what his family said, and no one dared to refute his family's remarks.

"Although the Tiger Country is now being taken over by me as a dependent country, this does not mean that the Tiger Country does not need to maintain its original operation, so I hope you can volunteer for some necessary positions, and you can rush out without fear of death under such circumstances. I still appreciate you for raising your weapons to me."

Everyone who heard him say the words "I'm not afraid of death" trembled. If they were in a beast-like state, their tiger hairs would probably stand up.

"Zhao Li."

He was suddenly called without warning, Zhao Li was frightened, and he quickly stood up and responded respectfully, "Yes?"

"Didn't you say that you can do anything as long as I ask you?" Silent Yan maintained good patience and said, "Then can you ask them for my thoughts? I hope you can let them know that this is not a problem. Terrible errand."

Having said that, those who turn their minds a little faster can know what situation Zhao Li is facing right now.

Of course, he hopes to get the reuse of Silent Yan, so that he can gradually control the Tiger Country in the next time. He can indeed do many things for Silent Yan, but there is absolutely no such thing as now, in front of two In all respects, stand in the enemy's position to convince your compatriots!

If he did, what would other people think of him? Wasn't his position going forward very bad

Silent Yan, who has always been patient, doesn't seem to want to linger any longer. He reminded in a lukewarm tone: "It doesn't matter if you don't do it well, there will always be someone who does it well."

This sentence seemed to give Zhao Li a wake-up call, and he no longer hesitated.

Indeed, now that the Tiger Kingdom is in the hands of the other party, as long as the other party is willing, they can naturally find countless ambitious people like him who are more obedient than themselves. If it is not good for people like Silent Yan, how can they not have someone they can use? He brought his own people over to take over, wouldn't it be worse than it is now, and he'd lost his best chance.

These newly brought Tiger Clan obviously don't know what kind of conversation happened between Silent Yan and Zhao Li, but from the conversation just now, they at least clearly realized that this guy is obviously trying to please each other.

Zhao Li is also a willing go out, and things will be much easier after making up his mind.

"You don't need to panic, this lord is not as cruel and wicked as you think. In fact, the truth is just the opposite. This lord is only to prevent someone from hurting his friends. The Tiger Nation has implemented some punishments." He stood in front of the tiger compatriots and recounted with emotion, "The fact is that, except for those who participated in collaborating with the traitors of the Golden Lion Nation, this lord did not harm us anything. People's lives, and they did not rely on the power of the Leopard Kingdom and the Golden Lion Kingdom to get rid of us together!"

"Doesn't this prove the kindness of this lord? He can obviously do this, and he doesn't even need to use external force, he can make us lose any leeway to fight back! But he is willing to give us a chance! "

"My lord chose us who are more familiar with this country than our own people. Our kingdom is still run by ourselves, but the leader is different, but the other things have not changed. This is not only an opportunity, but also an opportunity. A good plan to make our family members and the residents of Tiger Nation feel at ease and not be overwhelmed and panic!”

The more Zhao Li said, the more he felt that what he said was very reasonable. He turned around and wanted to get a compliment or affirmation.

Silent Yan met his expectant gaze and affirmed with a smile.

"Yeah, if you refuse to die now, your family will be very sad."

"That's not good."

When he smiled and said these cruel words, he looked like a complete villain.