Become Stronger

Chapter 363: Become Stronger in Another World (116)


The Tiger Kingdom is a kingdom that has been completely corrupted from the inside. Silent Yan has realized this a long time ago, but it is also unexpected for them to do so to their own people.

Due to the influence of geographical factors, there are alien beasts of equal order higher than themselves everywhere, so the low-level tiger clan rarely leave the tiger country without any problems, which means that all their sources of life depend on the supply of their country, then Logically speaking, it should be fairly fair that one pays labor and one pays money, but the control of this degree is different for each kingdom.

Such carnivorous races basically do not need to grow plants, so the only source of income for the tigers without combat power is manual labor, but this situation hardly exists in other kingdoms, whether it is the Golden Lion Kingdom or the Leopard Kingdom. , have their own set of structural frameworks that can solve the low-level orcs to maintain a normal life, not like the Tiger Kingdom, the low-level can't even use their savings to eat something good on some special days, because they don't get high-quality food channel.

The key is that none of these low-level tiger clans have an opinion on this, they all take it for granted.

Under the guidance of Song Xiaohu, Silent Yan found that the residents of the Tiger Country were also very particular about the living area. Since it is a powerful country, there are no slums, but after comparison, it is almost possible to tell the difference from the difference in residential buildings. The people living inside are low-level orcs or middle-level orcs.

"So as long as there are high-level children in the family, will the living conditions also rise with the tide?"

Silent Yan looked at Song Xiaohu, who was obviously able to ignore him most of the time, and roughly understood why Song Xiaohu was so close to the central road when he first entered the city. I am afraid that there are middle-level or above at home. Brothers.

The Tiger Country is indeed rich, but the rich are all those in the palace.

Even if the race has a natural carnivorous viciousness, but in terms of talent, this continent does not mean to favor certain races. In other words, the proportion of the same class is still the same. It is the vast majority. What the Tiger Kingdom is doing now is to concentrate all its wealth on those few people, plus the atmosphere of the entire kingdom, so the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

After getting a general understanding of the situation at the grassroots level of the Tiger Country, Silent Yan put Song Xiaohu back. To his surprise, on the way he dragged Song Xiaohu to visit, he did not see his family or three other brothers. came out to beg for his forgiveness.

Leaving this little accident behind, Silent Yan found the person in charge of the inspection of the surrounding area by Wang Guojun, and he took him around the Tiger Country to learn about the resources and differences around the Tiger Country. distribution of animals.

After understanding what he wanted to know, Silent Yan quickly gave the first task.

On the grounds that he wanted to help the Golden Lion Country, he sent a team of people to a holy crystal point about six or seven hours away from the Tiger Country for mining operations. Together with randomly selected residents of the city, a five-person team of three with two is responsible for hunting two-tier prey on a low-level map separated by an area.

This order immediately caused a considerable reaction.

Ordinary residents are only first-order, and those who are slightly capable of second-order are only the most common soldiers. Most of the high-ranking people are seriously injured and many are sent to collect holy crystals. The so-called three belt two, It's just three second-orders with two first-orders. Even if there are third- and fourth-order tiger escorts when passing through the intermediate map, what about when they come back

If you want to bring a lot of resources back to China, then frequent round trips are inevitable. Will there be so many middle and high-level orcs escorting them all the way? Obviously impossible!

They wanted to resist, but the senior leaders of the Tiger Nation in the past seemed to be different from what they thought. They didn't respond to this order, and they even loosened up because the order had nothing to do with them and was just tossing the low-level guys. in one breath.

Now they have all benefited. Although it is difficult to have a good impression of the victors as a defeated country, it is currently impossible for them to anger Silent Yan for some low-level clansmen, unless they master the Achilles heel of the opponent. They can 100% inflict heavy damage on the other party, otherwise as long as they do not endanger them, they are willing to turn a blind eye.

Even in unimportant places, it is not impossible to do a small favor to win the trust of the other party.

Therefore, the resistance of the low-level people was not conveyed to Silent Yan's ears at all. Before they started to make trouble, the high-level people first suppressed all the voices of opposition with an absolute level difference.

The people were helpless, and when they left, they prepared the worst plan to die.

Fortunately, as Shen Moyan made this request, they were escorted by a Tier 3 and a Tier 4 soldier along the way, and they finally arrived at the low-level map safely.

When they arrived at the low-level map, they were undoubtedly relieved. The low-level map meant that there would only be first- or second-order alien beasts here. Second-order with them.

Without the worry of their lives, they couldn't help but relax, and the thought of whether they should simply escape was temporarily suppressed.

They chose an area according to the requirements and built a wooden house enough for five people to live in. With the help of the fourth-order orcs, the work of chopping wood was as easy as cutting tofu.

These first-order and second-order people never dreamed that one day there would be middle and high-level orcs to fight for them, just to build a place where they could temporarily live.

The most astonishing thing is that none of these middle and high-level tiger clans showed any complaints. In the past, they would never look directly at those low-level compatriots, but now they cooperated unexpectedly, which made them involuntarily rise up. A feeling of flattery.

After waiting for all the preparations to be completed, these middle and high-level soldiers who were only responsible for escorting them to the placement here handed them a list.

"This is the task that the adult has set for you."

So they found that the list was in units of weeks, and listed the exotic animals and plant species that they needed to collect or hunt for a whole month, which meant that they would not be able to go back within a month

"What about daily necessities and food? We didn't bring enough resources to last a month!"

"This is a low-level map. Food can be self-sufficient through hunting. As for daily necessities..." The fourth-order tiger clan in charge was official, "This is not within our scope of responsibility."

"You guys just listen to that person's orders like this?" Finally someone couldn't help it, but because of the fourth-order power, he didn't get started, and he was full of momentum but no confidence, "Are we your compatriots or that guy? Is it your clan?"

The Tier 4 Tiger Clan, who had always been following orders, finally couldn't stand it anymore. He had always been a high-ranking person who had been questioned from a low-level class. Said: "If you guys are too useless, we will be reduced to the point of working for foreigners? Isn't it because you low-level wastes are holding back!"

Seeing that no one was talking at last, he shook off the man and returned to the Tiger Country with his team to complete the mission.

Only the low-level Tiger Clan, who were in a sluggish atmosphere, looked at each other in dismay. In the end, a Tier 2 Tiger Clan stood up first, picked up the list that had fallen on the ground, and said, "Anyway, let's start with the above, at least it's not endless. , as long as it arrives a month later, you can go back.”

Everyone was helpless, but it was the only way. They studied the goals on this list and planned how to complete the tasks for the first week.

There are many situations like them. After all, Silent Yan did not only send this team. He combined a lot of empty second-order orcs with the first-order orcs in the town and sent them out of the city, in order to prevent people from Wanting to escape halfway, he made sure that everyone in the city had someone to care about, and could not freely act according to their own ideas.

There is no need for any means, the current Tiger Nation will not act according to his ideas honestly, of course, there will be no need to do so in the future.

As soon as the one-week deadline came, the Tiger Clan stationed on the low-level map welcomed a new batch of guests. From the perspective of race, it seemed to be the Rabbit Clan. The other party was only five people, but brought a whole three carriages.

"Hello everyone in the Tiger Country, I'm a businessman from the White Rabbit Country." The leading rabbit tribe politely took off the hats they wore to cover the wind and sand during the journey, and said amicably and politely, "According to the agreement, we will collect the fees. For the goods in this transaction, please forgive us that we will not be able to deliver the money until after we have counted them."

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, they do see on the list that the settlement is once a week, but they don't know if this settlement is to trade with these rabbits.

It was not until the headed Rabbit Clan said Silent Yan's name that they let go of their basic vigilance.

According to the requirements on the list, the prey they hunted has already been processed. At first, they arranged for different levels to go hunting according to the different types of beasts. Later, because they had to deal with the materials on the prey, Therefore, most of the time, the second-order hunters go hunting, and the first-order tigers stay in the wooden house to deal with the bodies of the alien beasts.

The materials placed in front of the Rabbit Clan were all processed materials. After the inventory was completed, the Rabbit Clan promptly delivered the reward.

Low-level tiger clans like them in a powerful country rarely have the chance to have access to such an amount of money at one time, but as long as they think that the money has to be handed over after a while, they are not in a good mood.

Just when they thought that the group of rabbits would leave after they owed the goods, they didn't expect them to bring the carriage behind them and said, "We brought some necessary or non-essential supplies, you see. If you need it, you can buy it from us, of course, for Mr. Shen's sake, the price we give is absolutely favorable."

This is probably one of the most embarrassing situations in the life of this group of tigers. It is really difficult for them to say that they have no money.

The rabbit has been a businessman for many years, and he has seen all kinds of customers, so he can tell from their expressions why they are troubled, so he caredly said: "That's right, accept the task. It is also very common to go out hunting without carrying cash with you, but didn't Mr. Shen tell you that the money just now was paid to you separately as a reward for your replenishment?"