Become Stronger

Chapter 364: Become Stronger in Another World (117)


Pay them separately

Could it be that the other party is really a good old man? Give them all the remuneration, but take nothing for yourself? How is this possible

In this case, as a businessman, he is always willing to sell a small favor to his future long-term partner.

Businessmen have their own business sense, not only in terms of prices, but they also pay great attention to the acquisition of information, so even if they live in a very comfortable trading environment for a long time as a rabbit clan, their mastery of intelligence is far better than their own. Others in the same area come much more abundantly.

It didn't take long for the Tiger Nation to become a vassal state, and it didn't take long for them to get into the ears of the merchants. Although even the Monkey Nation has no specific information, just looking at the situation in front of them, no matter how stupid they are I also know who the Tiger Country has fallen into.

At this time, the Rabbit Clan couldn't help but worship their boss. Although it was just a small-looking dwarf rabbit, they knew such a character and received such a large number of long-lasting transactions. It was amazing, and at the same time they realized that this trade partner was absolutely untouchable.

If you can't afford it, can't you just flatter yourself and please

The Rabbit Clan headed lightly coughed, and after attracting the attention of the Tiger Clan in front of them, they said, "Perhaps you didn't get a clear explanation, but as a transaction party, Mr. Shen's side did explain it like this."

He sideways showed the carriage behind him. Of course, the materials provided in it were more than that. They were all folded and stored in storage bags, enough to supply dozens of groups of five-member tiger clan teams like them.

"We don't pay you all the money, the rest will be handed over to Mr. Shen by us after counting the total harvested materials, and the rest will be paid by Mr. Shen for you. The remuneration for you." The Rabbit Clan explained, "Perhaps it shouldn't be said from the standpoint of businessmen, but the remuneration you received has far exceeded what Mr. Shen received. If you let me do it, it will definitely not be like this..."

His last sentence was extremely soft, but it was clearly heard by the Tiger Clan with a keen sense of hearing.

It's just that now they don't have the time to be angry with the speech that they want to use them to make money, because they are a little overwhelmed with the money on hand.

After the initial confusion, they quickly realized the importance of replenishing supplies. After all, according to the list they received, the next three weeks will not be easy, and the things that need to be used during this period must be replenished. Otherwise, there will be problems in normal life.

At first, they wanted to divide the money into five parts, but considering that almost all the things to be purchased were for public use, they decided to buy them first, and then divide them equally if there were any remaining.

Rabbit merchants have a complete range of goods, and ordinary daily necessities do not cost much. For necessary consumables, the most expensive are condiments and ingredients.

Originally, they wanted to fill their stomachs by hunting first- or second-order alien beasts in the wild as they had planned before, but when they saw that there were third- or fourth-order alien meat in the goods brought by the Rabbit Clan, They were a little bit cautious involuntarily.

But the remaining money on hand may only be enough to buy third-order meat for one person, which is already luxurious enough, let alone fourth-order meat.

At this time, the Rabbit Merchant added with a smile: "The price of exotic beast meat is actually related to the difficulty of capturing them. The price of the most affordable fourth-order meat on the market is not so unaffordable, as long as you save two or more according to the current progress. I believe everyone can buy it in three months.”

He is not the kind of businessman who only works in the White Rabbit Country. As long as his boss, Geng Ming, receives a long-distance order, it is basically carried out by someone like him. Of course, the Tiger Clan has encountered a lot of people like this, but it is really rare to see these people who are obviously poor.

With the only impression of the Rabbit Clan to those Tiger Clan who have had contact with them, almost all of them are high-ranking and generous, and the most important thing is that their tempers are worse than the other, and it is not uncommon for them to attack weak orcs from time to time. matter.

So that it is difficult for him to have a good impression of the Tiger Clan.

After getting in close contact with the low-level tiger clan like now, he clearly felt that there might be something wrong with the Tiger Nation, but curiosity in this aspect is often fatal, and in the end he chose to become a ignorant. His partner, he did not express any curiosity about these strange things in front of him, and did his best as a businessman to sell products that might be a bit extravagant to the low-level tiger clan in front of him.

Anyone who can remain rational will understand that consumption is linked to their own consumption level, and they can better maintain their balance of payments by not pursuing expensive and luxurious and not so necessary commodities.

But for the tiger country with serious class, the low-level tiger clan has no chance to save money to buy high-quality exotic animal meat of middle and high level, and the tiger country is surrounded by middle-level areas. If it is not prepared for not returning to China for a long time, They hardly ever leave their country.

And now or in the future, there is a high-quality meat in front of you that you will not have the opportunity to taste. For a complete carnivore, this is the ultimate temptation that is irresistible.

Silent Yan quickly received the reward sent by Geng Ming. When we first met, the other party claimed to be the number one businessman in the White Rabbit Country, which was not an exaggeration. He was able to organize the manpower so quickly and provide such a large amount of necessities. The merchants may not be able to do it for a while.

The Tiger Kingdom has become his subordinate, so he naturally has no reason not to use it, but silence is not enough to let the people who work under him work in vain. The original morbid structure of the Tiger Kingdom came to him naturally. It is necessary to correct it.

Originally, Tiger State had its own stable trading channel, but since nearly half of the low-level orcs have been sent out by Silent Yan, it has directly caused the basic production to fail to keep up with the original supply efficiency.

It was only now that the senior management noticed this problem, and put forward to Silent Yan the idea of whether to recall some people first.

Silent Yan just smiled and said: "You should not ask me these questions, but ask your king."

So everyone was forced to think of the lucky man who was silently said to pass them on to the throne. For Zhao Li, they can be said to be gnashing their teeth. On the basis of aptitude and strength, which of them would be better than others? Is he bad? Just because he was lucky and found the opportunity to photograph the horses, he suddenly became the king of the Tiger Kingdom!

Absurd, simply absurd!

Zhao Li, who also felt absurd about the whole thing, had a different feeling. At first, he indulged in the excitement and joy of holding power, but soon he found that no one was afraid of him at all. It was someone else, the one who put him on the throne.

So he inevitably began to worry and tried his best to show his authority in front of everyone, but the results were often unsatisfactory.

But things are always different.

When the questions raised by the people are thrown to him by Silent Yan, his decision becomes the crucial key. Sometimes he even wants to refute that person's decision in person to reflect his rights, but every time When he touched the other's eyes, he shivered involuntarily, and honestly guarded his duty.

It's the same this time.

"I don't think it's necessary to recall." He said so, of course, seeing the faces of the big men who used to be arrogant and pretentious in front of him in front of him changed their faces. He was so angry that he wanted to tear him apart. .

Because at this time his answer represented the attitude of that person, no matter how angry they were, they could only accept that that person could easily take the lives of fifth-order powerhouses, and he could also raise his hand to kill them.

The situation of the Tiger Country needs to be discussed in the long run, and Silent Yan started to prepare for the construction of the Hound Country.

The happiness of the Hound Country met the requirements early, but the prosperity was not so easy to increase. Silent Yan guessed that this might require them to carry out some activities with the outside world, but the current state of the Hound Country is really a bit " ashamed to meet people."

In the transaction with the Rabbit Clan, he placed an order for some building materials, and the first batch should be delivered soon.

The other is the player.

Although the environment around the player's city is relatively safe, after all, they are a group of ordinary people who have never received professional training. If they are attacked by alien beasts, I am afraid they will soon collapse as before.

This is also the reason why Silent Yan sent a part of the tiger clan to dig up holy crystals.

Like those originally complete kingdoms, the metropolis spends a lot of money to install the Invincible Holy Crystal on the city wall, and the high-level orcs enter the soul power to disperse the alien beasts that may come to attack, and the mineral vein of the holy crystal is not. There are many, and mining is difficult, so the price is expensive.

He didn't expect to be able to harvest in a very short period of time. If it doesn't work, it's not an option to spend money to buy ready-made ones. It's just that there are very few quantities on the market, and the price is indeed prohibitive.

But what he didn't expect was that soldiers rushed to report to him not long after.

"My lord, a strange cave has been dug in the holy crystal mine, do you want to continue digging further?"

Since he had no interest in the throne of the Tiger Kingdom, he chose a king for them himself, and there was no way to call him king or majesty, so they could only choose another title that showed respect.

Silent Yan has not carefully studied the sacred crystal ore, but according to the description given by the system, there is no mention of what cave the sacred crystal ore will be connected to, and it may be a nest dug by an alien beast.

It took some time to arrive at the scene, and Silent Yan realized how appropriate the strange description of the soldier's mouth was.

It is a cave with a huge slope, and the slope is smooth and smooth. It is almost certain that as long as it falls, there is no possibility of returning to the original path. It is dark inside, like a monster hiding in the dark, ready to devour unknown people at any time. An adventurer who tries to find out.

It is impossible to dig deeper, and Silent Yan is even ready to ignore it. He does not have enough curiosity to continue to take risks to get a chance or die.

But at this time, the system came out after a long absence.

[System prompt: The Hound Country has encountered an unknown crisis, and the mission to revive the Decayed Kingdom is likely to fail. ]

Silent Yan's steps to leave suddenly stopped.

When will the system take care of this kind of business