Become Stronger

Chapter 367: Become Stronger in Another World


The soldiers in the city didn't know why the people's attitude changed suddenly, and Silent Yan, the most contradictory center, didn't care much. He quietly received the news from the Monkey Kingdom and arranged for the development of the Hound Kingdom. schedule.

When their companions were arrested, almost everyone in the Hound Country was restless. If it wasn't for the silence, I'm afraid they would all want to rush into the Spirit Monkey Country to find a way.

Originally, Silent Yan didn't set any tasks for them, and now they have to make some tasks that need to be done within a limited time to distract their attention. more troublesome.

In addition to this, he was looking in the system mall to see if there were any items that could ensure his safety.

To be honest, he is not quite sure whether it is necessary to spend a lot of points to exchange for an item that can offset a death in this world. All the situations he has encountered so far have not made him think that such consumption is necessary, after all As long as he is injured, the system can quickly repair it for him, and he is afraid of immediate death. The problem is that if it does happen, then he is afraid that he will not have the time to use the props.

I don't know if he really has no bottom for that cave. Even if he is allowed to go to the high-level map alone, he doesn't feel as unsure as he is now. However, the system's sudden intention to divert his attention made it very difficult for him to think about it too simply.

Let's just mark the items that can save lives first, as long as the time to enter the outside of the system mall is equivalent to a pause, so as long as his reaction is not too slow, there will be no major problems.

There is an easier way.

In fact, he still has Duan Ze's blood in his hand, and there are no items in the system that can be set up for quick teleportation based on blood. Due to the need to obtain the opponent's blood and the fact that it is a one-off, the points that need to be consumed are far less than offsetting. Props of death are expensive.

As for whether to bring more people, he hadn't considered it.

To put it horribly, if the danger is so dangerous that he has to help him, then others will just die in vain. Although he is a fourth-order now, he is completely integrated with the fifth-order beast soul at the moment. , is almost the top of the fourth-order, and the gap from the fifth-order is very small. How many fifth-orders are there in this continent

The specifics really have to wait and see.

Before that, Silent Yan had prepared some things that might come in handy. His tail ring was enough to hold one hundred cubic meters of storage space. Although it couldn't store living creatures, it was enough for anything else. .

Silent Yan arranged the next action here slowly, but the Spirit Monkey Kingdom had a complete fallout.

You must know that almost no one knows what Silent Yan did in the Monkey Kingdom, and now no one does not know that there is such a person as him, and some people who have tried to please him have tasted it. Sweetness, I suddenly said that I don't plan to have any business dealings with the intelligence dealers of the Spirit Monkey Kingdom. No one can easily accept it.

They don't even know where the rumor came from.

In other places, I am afraid that it will be treated as a rumor, but the situation in the Monkey Kingdom is different. They are completely accustomed to this model. You are welcome to say that too many of them are good at spreading news quietly. , it is difficult to be sure that this is really not the other party's instigation.

So those intelligence dealers who didn't want to disturb the other party specifically began to try to contact him, and soon they found out that the contact channel they finally got was cut off unilaterally by the other side, and they couldn't get in touch at all!

So it's true!

For a while, they wanted to scold people, but it was not the silent words that blocked them, but the culprit who made him unhappy and caused things to develop like this.

For the intelligence dealers whose interests are paramount, Silent Yan is the top supplier who can provide them with fourth-order exotic beast materials at any time! It can be said that it is not an exaggeration to be a big gold lord.

They who have actually been in contact with each other are also very clear that they would do such a behavior. In fact, it is not necessarily that the other party is really unwilling to cooperate with them, but they are really angry when they are angry. To put it bluntly, they want to see their attitude towards this matter. , If you handle it well, everything is easy to say. If he is not satisfied with the handling, then he may really say goodbye to them.

If he has the strength to provide a large amount of materials for fourth-order exotic beasts for a long time, such a person cannot be short of money no matter where he goes. If he wants to, he can rely on a certain powerful country. At that time, the money will naturally not be earned by the intelligence dealers like them. For the other party, they are actually only one of many choices.

It is precisely because they know that the transaction relationship between them and the other party is not equal, that they are so angry that there would be such a moth in such a sensitive state!

The intelligence agent who was the culprit didn't have fun for a few days, and found that something was wrong.

Although he also sells information for a living, there is a big class gap in their line. He has also heard that a man with a large supply of goods suddenly appeared in the Monkey Kingdom a while ago, but he is also very self-aware. The middle man is not something that his middle- and low-level intelligence businessman can easily approach. Even if he succeeds in approaching, he will soon be interfered by other people. At that time, his power is not as good as the other party.

It is because of this self-knowledge that he only acts on those simple-minded guys who are isolated and helpless at first sight.

How much can a canine mercenary sell for

While thinking about it, he laughed at the stupidity of the dog clan. He actually believed that he really owed him money, and he was willing to work and pay off the debt. It was no wonder that the dog clan would build their kingdom in such a remote location on the mainland.

It didn't take long for it to be happy, and even before a buyer could be found, the development of things became out of control.

First of all, there was a problem with his intelligence source. Almost all the information he received had various errors. In the end, he could only end up with compensation. Those buyers were not soft persimmons. After getting the wrong information, they immediately began to question them. Due to his business ability, several of them simply interrupted possible future cooperation with him. For them, there are so many intelligence providers in the Monkey Kingdom, but he is not inferior to him.

Immediately after that, several of the places he planned to settle in were occupied, and intelligence dealers often could not be placed in one location for a long time. Almost most intelligence dealers did not have long-term fixed stores.

At first, he thought it was bad luck, but when he tried to find it again, he found that there were no vacant shops willing to sell it to him, and the reasons were also very strange.

At this time, he finally came back to his senses.

Someone maliciously misled his sources and was clearly targeting him.

In this intelligence battle, the outcome is often obvious. The fact that the opponent can instantly seize all his intelligence sources and ensure that he does not receive any real information in the future has already shown that the opponent is far stronger than him.

But the problem is that he doesn't even know who is targeting him, but if the other party discloses a little information, he can also find a way to seek forgiveness from the other party and prevent things from getting worse.

The most taboo thing for intelligence dealers is intelligence mistakes. For someone like him, the accumulation of signs is a long time, but the long-term intelligence mistakes during this period have caused him to lose a lot of customers, and it will not take long for his business to grow. It's all over!

Just when he was overwhelmed by this first-ever dimensionality reduction blow, he suddenly found that the dog clan he put up for sale soon had interested buyers.

He was immediately mixed with joy and worry. He was happy that he could finally get a little in the account in the past two days, but he was worried that he didn't know whether the transaction would be successful or not, and it was very likely that it would continue to be disturbed.

To his surprise, there were quite a few people willing to pay for the dog clan.

This made him happy, and the businessman's sensitive sense of smell immediately realized that this was a good opportunity to make money. He did not hesitate to raise the original price, and the original lease and sale with a term became a one-time higher price. sell out.

There are so many kingdoms in this continent that the laws of each kingdom are different, and there are very few rules in the Monkey Kingdom that restrict them from trading and making money. Relying on this, he is afraid that the other side will go back and quickly formulate it. Contracts are not the same as selling intelligence. If there is a contract for the sale of intelligence, it will become the buyer's handle. In the monkey country with loose laws, the contract of selling mercenaries can become evidence of paying for the money and delivering the goods.

After signing the sales contract between the two parties, the "goods" themselves need to sign an "employment" contract.

Both sides were very excited. On the one hand, they thought that as long as someone got into their hands, it would be a huge favor. On the other hand, they thought that a mere dog could sell for such a high price. Bless him.

But when he returned to the house where the dog was imprisoned, he found that the people inside were gone.

In order to ensure that the other party would not have the psychology of rebellion and resistance, he specially placed him in a new room, saying that it was impossible for him to escape by himself, because he was sure that the door had been locked and the other party had been tortured. hands.

So who stole people? !

The buyer who came with him to "see the goods" one step later saw the ugly expression on his face, and realized that things might change, he couldn't help frowning and said coldly: "What? After signing the contract, is it possible that you want it now? Tell me it's out of stock?"

"No... this... is someone..." He suddenly tried to explain, sweating profusely, "give me some time."

"I don't care what reason you have. If you don't deliver it, you will pay ten times the contract price." The man didn't know what to think, and showed a slightly sarcastic expression, "You should understand this rule?"

This is not only a rule, but also clearly written in black and white on the contract.

The man turned pale instantly.

Received news from Ke Yi that Xiru met Chao Yi smoothly and the two sneaked into the intelligence dealer's territory and got them out. Now they are on their way back to the Hound Country, Silent Yan I know this is probably over.

"The guy seemed to be negotiating a deal with someone when they went," Ke Yi said, "I really hope that bastard's business goes to waste!"

Silent Yan smiled and said with relief: "I'm afraid he would rather not have this business at the moment."

"Eh? What does that mean?"

"Take good care of people, don't run around and contact messy people casually during this time." Silent Yan casually classified Bai Yun as a messy person, "I have something to do, and I may not be able to contact them at any time."

Ke Yi felt a little guilty when he heard the words. After all, it was the trouble they caused, and this time it was finally solved by silent words, so he immediately reassured him, and he was about to write him a letter and swear a poisonous oath.

After making sure that there was nothing that he needed to deal with at any time, Silent Yan finally left the Tiger Country alone, and went to the cave that couldn't be seen at a glance.

At this moment, there are no soldiers from the Tiger Country guarding the surrounding area, and he evacuated all the people who originally mined the holy crystal here, so when he came here, he was the only one in the entire mine.

The naked eye could not estimate the depth of the cave, so Silent Yan first lit a torch and threw it down the black bottomless ramp.

Originally, I could only see the ramp that was no more than half a meter in front of me. When the torch was thrown down, it finally lit up a little bit, but the fire of the torch was quickly extinguished, not because it fell and was extinguished by dust, but instead. It was as if something had snuffed it out while it was still in the air.

Is it lack of oxygen? Or is there something else