Become Stronger

Chapter 368: Become stronger in another world (121)


Even if Silent Yan has a certain advantage in the night vision of the current race, the premise is that there is a certain light source underneath, rather than complete darkness.

However, according to the previous situation where the torches were extinguished as soon as they were thrown, there was no guarantee that there would be creatures that would be aggressive towards the light source.

Thinking this way, Silent Yan didn't take out any lighting tools for the time being. After waiting, if it's really dark enough that even the night vision ability of cats can't be adapted, then I'll use the system store to see if I can add some night vision goggles or something. things to assist.

The cave looks pitch-dark at first glance. If you are a little claustrophobic or dark phobia, you may not be able to imagine entering such a place, but for Silent Yan, it is no different from entering such a cave and entering an unknown map, no matter what. Whether the map was bright or dim, there was only one thing in common for him.

Without hesitation, he descended the cave along the steep slope.

If you change to any one who has no ability, I am afraid that you will have to roll and climb all the way to the end as soon as you go down, just because the angle of the downhill is very large, you will not be able to grasp the balance if you are not careful, and you will not be able to see clearly in the darkness. In the current situation, it is very likely that you will panic if you scare yourself.

It didn't take long for Silent Yan to touch the smooth ground along the ramp.

To his surprise, the moment he touched the ground, the scene in front of him also became brighter.

It is obviously a cave with no light source, but everything around it can be seen clearly. There are golden light spots like particles suspended in the air. Maybe this is the source of the things that can be seen in the cave. It's just that Is a tiny spot of light enough to illuminate an entire cave

Silent Yan glanced up the ramp down the ramp. At this moment, the top of the ramp was as dark as before looking from the outside to the inside. It was difficult to imagine that there was an entrance.

It is very interesting that there are still some plants growing below. Silent Yan stayed for a while and did not touch these plants with unknown functions. Instead, he remembered the appearance and color of these plants in his mind. The continents of other worlds are not like ordinary ones. In the modern world, it is entirely possible for plants to grow without sunlight or water, and it is not surprising that they grow under caves.

Just as he was about to go deeper, he heard a scream.

The sound of something slamming to the ground behind it was accompanied by the muffled groan of a man's voice.

Silent Yan looked back and saw the raised dust and Song Xiaohu with pain written all over his face. He did not show much surprise, nor did he ask the other party why he was here. Instead, he was silent. He stared at Song Xiaohu for a while.

It's not that he didn't notice that someone was following him, but he didn't care too much.

The cave where the holy crystal lode is located did not appear suddenly. As long as it is not an additional product caused by the fusion of world consciousness with another world, then it should have existed in this world for a long time. There are many alien beasts in the location, and the mining cost is high and the profit is low. It is very likely that many orcs of this generation have not paid attention to this cave, but even so, he is definitely not the first person to enter this cave.

This is a cave that anyone who finds it can go down anytime, anywhere, so what if someone follows him? If you want to follow him into this cave, as long as the space inside the cave is not so complicated, the other party will definitely be exposed to him soon, and the threat will be dealt with at that time. I thought so.

He just didn't expect Song Xiaohu to follow him.

This mine is not close to the Tiger Country, and it took him half a day to come here. Although he didn't particularly want to get rid of anyone, he just kept the horse at a normal speed, but Song Xiaohu, who was only a Tier 1, could actually follow him all the way. It's great here too.

How did he not get eaten by the middle-level alien beasts on the road

In fact, Song Xiaohu was really lucky. He followed Silent Yan all the way and successfully avoided all risky plants or exotic beasts, and due to the different work and rest rules of exotic beasts in different regions, he did not encounter any attacks. He followed it all the way to the mine so safely, and after seeing the other party go down the cave, he hesitated for a moment, and immediately jumped down.

As a result, I inevitably fell a dog and ate shit.

The worst thing is that he still fell in front of the other party, not to mention shame, just stalking and being caught directly made him want to find a hole to get in, but obviously he is about to face a more terrible result than shame. .

The other party was a man who dominated the Tiger Country with bloody means, how could he let go of those who followed him.

He is dead!

Fortunately, Shen Siyan looked at him for a while, then shifted his attention, and then proceeded to do what he had planned to do—continue to explore the depths of the cave.

He didn't have to guess Song Xiaohu's purpose for following him. Almost as soon as he recognized his identity, several possibilities appeared in his mind. Among them, the most likely one was that the other party didn't trust him and accidentally looked at him. When he left the city by himself, he followed up on his own accord.

It's outrageous to put it on other people, but in terms of Song Xiaohu's behavior pattern, this is the most likely answer.

Song Xiaohu still doesn't know that his behavior pattern has been completely figured out by the other party. He was already prepared to face death, but he regretted that he had not been more cautious. , He waited for a while and thought that the other party had left a distance, but he didn't expect the other party to be still in the same place. This was his biggest mistake.

He lowered his head, staring at the ground at first, then fearing death, trying to close his eyes to resist the panic, he heard footsteps, it was like stepping on his nerves .

Only with hindsight, he found that the footsteps were gradually moving away.

Song Xiaohu raised his head sharply, only to realize that the other party didn't care about him at all, as if he didn't notice him the whole time, he had already walked all the way.

As Silent Yan went deeper and deeper, the surrounding mud walls were gradually replaced by stone ones. The walls were artificially carved with complex patterns. .

Perhaps because of deliberate memorization, Silent Yan soon discovered that the texture and texture of these stone walls were quite similar to the hidden ruins in the Golden Lion Kingdom that Shilu took him to. The underground ruins of the Golden Lion Kingdom are more than one place on this continent, or the two ruins are originally one, and the underground of the main continent is a palace that has not been explored.

Is there such a possibility

Although the orcs of the other world do not like the habit of over-mining minerals as much as the human beings in the modern world, no one knows that there is a palace under the whole continent, no one knows about it, right

No, it's not completely unknown, at least in the records of the Golden Lion Kingdom, there is clearly a record of "the remains left on this continent", but since the key to the gate could not be found, the people of the Golden Lion Kingdom were only Simply hide the ruins.

At the same time, the information about the ruins under the secret passage of the Golden Lion Kingdom was also blocked by the system. Just like this cave, he could not check it on the system map.

So about clues about the existence of ruins under the continent, will the Monkey Congress, which has the most concentrated intelligence, know anything about it? At this time, the local people's intelligence will be much more effective than the system. Silent Yan was about to contact Uncle Chen when he found that his voice transmission crystal lost its effectiveness and became unusable.

So he gave up contacting the outside world now. Judging from the current situation, Uncle Chen may not be able to access this kind of information at the level of the Spirit Monkey Kingdom. After going out, he has to contact the higher-level monkey tribe. This is a systematic hope. The existence that he can ignore should also be top-notch in terms of the value of intelligence.

While thinking about some arrangements that need to be made after going out, he continued to move forward.

Song Xiaohu, who was behind him, thought that he had already been exposed, so he didn't hide it, and simply followed a short distance behind him.

He couldn't be as calm as Silent Words. In fact, since entering this cave, anxiety was the strongest emotion in his heart. Of course, he knew that as a first-order, he acted recklessly and was courting death, but he really had no way to forgive the man in front of him. A man sent out from his family.

In his family, only the eldest brother is second-tier, and the rest are at the bottom. Originally, everyone was comfortable in the kingdom with their own labor in exchange for necessities of life. Although their lives were not as good as those of the middle and high-level people, at least they could not survive. question.

But now this guy has not only replaced their original king, but even sent his family out of the city with a single word, to work and hunt alien beasts for him!

It was really hard for Song Xiaohu to imagine whether his family could really come back alive. He didn't regret at all provoking him on the street at first, but he only regretted why he didn't kill this guy with all his might! Even before, because of the gentle attitude of the other party when he took him to visit the Tiger Country, he had a little change in his opinion, thinking that he was not really that cruel, but that he was simply too naive.

That's why he immediately followed him when he saw him leaving the city. With his current status and status in the Tiger Kingdom, it was impossible for him to leave the city alone. Would a king act alone? Of course not, there will always be people around the king who serve him.

So he immediately realized that the other party must be doing something that cannot be discovered by others.

In order to catch the opponent's pigtails or weakness, he followed all the way here, and even summoned the courage to go down the cave that looked terrifying.

Song Xiaohu has never contacted his family. He is afraid that the third- and fourth-order orcs who sent the family away will monitor them. If he contacts without authorization, there may be problems. So now, he has no intention of contacting others to rescue himself. go.

When he saw Silent Yan walking in front of him and took out the sound transmission crystal and seemed to be preparing to contact someone, he immediately pricked up his ears and tried to hear some useful information, but he didn't expect that the other party had no contact, just took it out and then It was put back again shortly after.

Song Xiaohu was a little strange, and then he had a bad premonition.

He took out his own sound transmission crystal and tried to contact a neighbor at random, but as expected, the sound transmission crystal did not respond!

Can't contact outside here

And it is obvious that the other party has just discovered it, which means that he is also entering here for the first time? Just looking at the opponent's posture, it is obvious that he has no intention of returning to the same path, and is still moving forward.

Song Xiaohu finally couldn't help but be the first to speak: "Hey!"

As a result, the other party didn't take care of him at all.

I don't know if it was because I thought it was dead, but now it's fine, but the uneasiness caused by the unfamiliar environment and the inability to communicate with the outside world even surpassed the fear of the person in front of him. Song Xiaohu couldn't bear to go deeper. In the cave of natural integrity, he couldn't turn around and walk by himself without saying a word.

So he hurriedly took a few steps, trying to pat the other party and let Silent Yan focus on himself.

"I said you listened to people, is there obviously something wrong here?! Where do you want to go..."

Song Xiaohu wanted to pat the other person's shoulder, but he didn't expect that this person seemed to have eyes behind his back, and he turned sideways to avoid him a second before touching him.

With no one blocking him, he saw that the road in front of him was no longer flat. The ground just a step away from his feet seemed to be torn apart, and he could fall to the death of ten people from the depths below.

And he was also dizzy for a few seconds because of the lack of action, and the sudden height difference in front of him instantly surged with a huge sense of weightlessness.

In just a few seconds, he had already found that his body was falling down uncontrollably. Only at this moment did Song Xiaohu see that there was a very deep pool below, and he couldn't tell the depth of the water level, and there were no steps around him that he could climb to the shore. , even if he fell into the water from this height and didn't die, it was impossible for him to climb back up alive.

Just when all his thoughts were lost and only fear remained in his heart, a sudden force grabbed his neck.

Song Xiaohu only felt a pain in the back of his neck, and then he was suddenly pulled back and threw it back to a safe ground.

The man who saw him as nothing from the beginning to the end opened his mouth and said the first words he said to him today.

"You're too much of a hindrance."