Become Stronger

Chapter 369: Become Stronger in Another World


Obstruction, obstruction

Song Xiaohu opened his mouth, but he couldn't think of anything to refute for a long time.

He still has lingering fears about the situation where he almost died just now. If it wasn't for the other party who saved him, he would have fallen and his life and death would be unknown. It seems that there is nothing wrong with him being in the way.

Although he has always been clear that the person in front of him killed the king and suppressed all the middle and high-level compatriots, so that those compatriots who are extremely powerful in the eyes of their low-level orcs cannot say a word of disobedience, he has always been Tell yourself that the other party is extremely vicious and is not a normal person at all, but what is the truth

In fact, when he initially collided with the other party and uttered wild words with obvious malice, he originally thought that he must be dead, but in the end, he was only arrested and led the other party to visit the entire Tiger Country.

Until now, even if he was found to be stalking, Silent Yan didn't really do anything to him. This attitude could not be said to be kind, but it was definitely enough to condone, so that he almost forgot his initial judgment, and intuitively began to think that this person did not So terrifying, I just got carried away and started subconsciously.

At this time, it was as if the person who had endured them all the time finally lost his patience, revealing a shred of his true colors, even if it was just a little bit, it made him feel cold all over his body.

"You... You..." Song Xiaohu didn't know whether it was because of the fear of nearly dying just now or the fear of facing the person in front of him, only to find that even his full voice was trembling when he opened his mouth.

"I just wanted to remind you that something is not right here!" he finally said through gritted teeth.

In fact, he has other things to say, such as thanking the other party for saving him, for example, the place in front is very dangerous to look at, it is best to go back, but perhaps it was the subconscious opposition in his heart that made him choose this slightly aggressive one. tone.

Silent Yan didn't really want to pay attention to him, he observed the cliff with huge gap in front of him.

The current situation is that the depth of the pool below is unknown. If it is deep, the road underneath will not be so easy. Not completely impossible.

Seeing that he was completely ignored, Song Xiaohu finally calmed down.

He was a little guilty and guilty.

He will be the first to rush out at the very beginning and say those words of seeking death to the new tyrant who is not afraid of death. It has already shown that he is a very straightforward person. Since many things are black and white in his eyes, Song Xiaohu must not be able to ignore the fact that his life has indeed been saved.

It's hard for him to show affection to an obvious enemy, but he can't continue to have a bad attitude towards his savior.

After a while, he saw that Si Si Yan was obviously not ready to go back, and he observed the appearance around the cliff at the entrance of the cave, and couldn't help but said, "You can go back! With your current... rights, all the soldiers of the Tiger Nation will be deployed over here. It's not a problem, it looks too weird here, it's too risky to go forward alone!"

Anything that is too risky is simply dying.

Even if they go out hunting, they seldom fight alone. Such a cave, which is full of unknowns at a glance, is obviously not easy. Besides, this cliff - now Song Xiaohu can clearly see the opposite side of the cliff, on the higher cliff. There is an obvious hole in the wall. Obviously, unless you can fly, it is impossible to go to the opposite side.

Song Xiaohu thought that the other party would ignore him, and he wasn't going to go back. No matter how complicated his senses were, he couldn't let his savior be alone in such a dangerous place, but he didn't expect Silent Yan to take the time to say a word to him.

He said, "If you can't be quiet, do you want me to shut up for you?"

This sentence is still somewhat deterrent, at least Song Xiaohu really didn't speak.

He didn't leave either. To be honest, after thinking about it carefully, he knew that he couldn't leave even if he wanted to. The steep slope at the entrance was impossible to climb again with his first-order strength.

Silent Yan picked up a stone on the ground and threw it into the pool under the cliff.

To his surprise, the pool was not deep. The stone was thrown from this height and fell into the water, and soon he heard the sound of hitting the ground. Of course, the sound was not so obvious, but the excellent hearing of orcs was in this kind of sound. Especially useful at times.

If the water pool is deep enough, then the possibility of hidden dangers cannot be ignored, but now it seems that this is only less than half a meter above the ground, and it may not be called a water pool.

So is it possible to go down first, cross the distance from the opposite bank, and then find a way to reach the hole above the opposite side? Of course, even if the water depth is only half a meter high, it does not rule out the possibility of small aquatic animals underneath, but compared to the deep pool, both the mobility and visibility are much higher, and the safety is also higher.

It's really hard for him to take things that have something to do with the system lightly.

Just when Shen Moyan thought so, a little star light suddenly floated around him. These golden light spots have always existed since entering the cave, and they were suspended in the air to illuminate the main cave.

But originally these light spots were only rare, but at this moment they seemed to come up from the ground out of thin air.

Song Xiaohu was startled by this sudden situation and subconsciously moved away from the area with dense light spots. He seemed to want to pull Silent Yan in the center of the light spot to evacuate together, but before he had time to move, his mind first appeared in his mind. The scene where he was said to be in the way, his movements froze all of a sudden, and he didn't know if he should do extra things.

Silent Yan was not as reckless as Song Xiaohu was worried about, he subtly retreated a little distance, just so that he stood in a position that was obviously not the center of the gathering of light spots, behind him was the wall of the cave, even if there was any impact, it would not be possible to He knocked down the cliff.

Those light spots kept gathering and gradually formed the shape of a person.

The strange thing is that this continent should only have orcs, but the human shape formed by the light spots obviously does not have any beast ears or tails. It looks like the most ordinary human beings, but soon there are new light spots on the side. Gathered together, forming a humanoid shape that could see the characteristics of the orcs at a glance.

Not only that, but more spots of light began to appear.

Silent Yan thought it was an attack method at first, or maybe it was the protection measures of the cave because he was alarmed by the action of throwing stones into the pool, but soon he found that the human figures formed by these light spots had no intention of attacking, Can't even touch myself.

Their movements look very human, like golden silhouettes based on videos of real people.

The movements of these humanoids are almost the same. They all walked to the edge of the cliff, and then made a posture of looking down. Some humanoids were afraid of heights, and even sat on the ground with weak legs.

Immediately after Silent Yan, he saw that the first human figure to appear took off at the edge of the cliff. There should be nothing in front of it, and jumping like this would only mean falling into a pool.

Could it be that that was its purpose

Just when Silent Yan was about to observe the behavior of the human figure, trying to find a way to decipher it, the human figure actually floated in the air after jumping, or more precisely, it was like climbing on something.

The human figure quickly climbed up on the thing that could not be recognized by the naked eye in silent words, and stood firm.

This humanoid jumped onto the second platform quite skillfully. Of course, these platforms were invisible to Silent Yan, but this did not prevent him from subconsciously remembering those positions.

Just when he thought that the doll would jump on the third platform as before, he didn't expect that the place where the doll jumped up and finally landed seemed to really be empty - it just fell.

Silent Yan initially predicted that the pool below was only half a meter deep, so the human figure that fell into the pool was not completely submerged. The light spots on the body are spreading, and the human figure that was originally an adult has gradually turned into a juvenile silhouette. From a teenager to a child.

The water depth of half a meter was already a bit uncomfortable for the child's body, and as the body became smaller, the human figure struggled and fluttered.

Silent Yan didn't know whether the human figure turned into a baby in the end, because it was soon completely submerged in the pool of water.

Before he could think about it, the other humanoid began to repeat the very similar actions to the previous one. After they fell from different positions, he somewhat confirmed some conjectures.

The human figures formed by these light spots should be people who have been here before. Their movements at that time were recorded, and when other people came here and triggered some conditions, they would be played automatically.

If this is some kind of game, Silent Yan may understand it better. After all, the game will naturally provide various clues for players to clear the level, but in a real world ruins, the "clearance images" in front of them are a bit weird. .

And if the content of the image is real, then it means that the water pool at the bottom here has the effect of rejuvenating people, but the difference is that it has no restraint. If there is no way to break free from the water pool, it will go back to the time when people were never born. status.

So it was obviously only a half-meter-high water pool, and so many people fell and disappeared without a trace. In a normal place, there should have been piles of corpses below.

So what about the platform where the humanoid climbs

Is it real or is it just that he can't see it

Silent Yan threw a stone at the position of the first staircase. The stone seemed to hit something in mid-air, made a crisp sound, and then fell into the pool with inertial bombs.

There is indeed a platform that he can't see, but a new problem has arisen. How did the first person climb up precisely when he couldn't see it at all? No, not only the first person, but the first human figure. After reaching the second platform, I made a mistake when trying to go to the third platform. However, some of the other human figures successfully reached the fourth or even fifth platform, so those people should be able to see the platform.

Let's not talk about why he and those people are treated differently in such a place, but since he can clearly see the platform, why would he step down and fall