Become Stronger

Chapter 37: Become stronger in the entertainment industry (10)


Chen Hongming, who is known as the little prince in the playground shooting game, played abnormally.

"Come and play, I was a little dizzy on the roller coaster just now." Chen Hongming made an excuse and sat on the small stool next to the booth.

As soon as he sat down, his somewhat frozen brain began to work again.

What was that conversation just now! Is his Mandarin not standard enough? 25 Is it so easy to mispronounce 'love me'? Are they like

It's so fucking similar.

Chen Hongming covered his face in despair. If he had known earlier, he would have stopped fighting for the order of the C name. It was normal for a celebrity to scramble for a C. Fans are self-loving. As an idol star, as long as they don't express their attitude, it doesn't mean anything. , But now his fans must feel that he is gaygay, his image of a straight steel man has been destroyed.

The scene just now must have been recorded by the program team, what was his expression at that time! !

Chen Hongming tried his best to recall his expression at that time, but before he could remember a single star, he felt that something touched his hair.

He looked up, and in front of him was the teddy bear that he had missed several times in a row.

Silent Yan looked at the scorecard in his hand, and their progress was actually quite good. It was also in order not to make the gap between each group too large, so from time to time, staff would sneak over to inform the progress of other groups.

Only then did Chen Hongming realize that not only the teddy bear, but also the hoops next door tossing the ball had already been covered, "So fast?"

What these game booths focus on is the calculation of a distance, position and strength. It just so happens that these are the things that the last world used to use the silent words of power to do best. It is not difficult for him to win these chapters.

Chen Hongming didn't see it, but the show crew who had been secretly filming recorded the whole process. If it wasn't filming, these photographers would all want to shout 666. If the negative comments were not too serious, it would have sucked a lot. powder.

The closer the time is to the evening, the less easy it is for the guests to be exposed, so in the second half of the recording, almost every group speeds up. After all the projects have participated, the only thing left is the Ferris wheel.

At this time, it also happened to be six o'clock in the evening, and the game was over to be stamped and counted.

Everyone was called back by the staff who followed the filming all the way, and finally gathered together, and the host counted the stamping status and online voting of each group, and made the final score statistics.

The time is limited. In fact, the stamping conditions of each group are similar. No one thought that the only difference was in those game booths. Unlike large-scale amusement projects, the minimum requirement for stamping a game booth is to get a grand prize.

Among the three groups, only Silent Yan's group has all three chapters covered, and most of the other two groups have only one chapter covered. Originally, Chen Hongming thought that the other two game booths were relatively simple, but looking at the seals of the other two groups It doesn't seem so.

The final score statistics are very obvious. Whether it is the online short film voting or the number of stamps in the playground, the silent Yan group is in the lead. They are the champion group in this issue. In addition, according to the online voting, Feng Ye is the audience that the dubbing is the best. 's guests.

Most of the prize money won by real stars like this will be donated by the show team in the name of the guest, and the substantive reward is about the exposure in front of the camera.

When Zheng Hong came to pick up the silent words and went back, he asked curiously.

"You and Chen Hongming hyped C? Was it the two of you who discussed it yourself?" He didn't think that with Chen Hongming's personality, he would listen to the arrangement of the show team, and it seemed that it would not be easy for someone with the character of Silent Yan to use C hype as a selling point. .

"What c?"

"Don't you read Weibo?" Originally thought that Silent Yan would pay attention to Weibo no matter what, but listening to his tone at this time, it was obvious that he didn't know anything about online topics, Zheng Hong couldn't believe it, " Didn't you notice that Shen Leqi's shooting all day today was not quite right?"

Of course, Silent Yan noticed it. It was hard for him not to notice the people around him. The surrounding didn't just refer to the people he knew. He habitually observed everyone, but Shen Leqi's transformation had nothing to do with him. influence, so he did not show any reaction.

Maybe it's because he doesn't know much about the world yet. Listening to the manager's tone, he doesn't think it's a big deal. The abnormality seems to be a serious matter

Silent said that he clicked on the Weibo of the original owner's mobile phone after a long absence. The last time he clicked, the comments on Weibo were full of attacks on him, and the content was almost meaningless, so he didn't pay attention to it anymore. What you see is an increase in the number of fans.

The original owner is an actor no matter what, even if it is not popular, Weibo originally had more than 10,000 followers. Later, the incident related to Shen Leqi suddenly increased in number of black followers, and everyone followed him for the convenience of scolding him. Weibo.

The last time Silent Yan saw it, the number of Weibo followers was about 50,000, but now, after only three days, the number of followers has soared to more than 200,000.

Black fans and fans owned by the original owner are not counted in the side quests required by the system. According to the exchange ratio between fans and points in the system, if 150,000 are pure fans, they are only 150 points.

After clicking on the comment, Silent Yan realized that their group was called the '52 group' by netizens. After seeing this, he somewhat understood what Chen Hongming's sudden request meant, and also understood that he had misunderstood the other party's meaning. .

This has fully demonstrated how important it is to grasp the latest information in this world for the first time. Only by keeping up with the speed of topics on the Internet can you understand what people around you are saying.

Zheng Hong also said at this time, "You'd better swipe Weibo every day when you are resting. I'm not encouraging you to fish, but you should pay more attention to being a star."

"It will take some time to get to your house. You can first look at the recent hot searches to understand the current situation." They have no assistants, so Zheng Hong, who is an agent, can only drive by himself.

He couldn't help feeling bitterness when he was driving by the car window. Which star would not even deserve an assistant, but Huayu named him silently. Is this a priority or a stocking

It's not like the upper management of China Entertainment forgot to assign assistants, right

Zheng Hong was thinking about whether to go to the company to apply for an assistant. While driving, he glanced at Silent Yan who was looking at his phone seriously in the rearview mirror.

It is obvious that the other party is an adult. At this time, he is holding a mobile phone and leaning on the back seat with his slender legs and folded his legs. He also exudes an air of mature men every minute, but Zheng Hong has a sense of immediate vision when he is leading preschool children. .

All in all, two words, worry.

Now the online evaluation is finally a little better. Judging from the short film shot in the reality show, Silent Yan's acting skills seem to have indeed improved a bit. If this continues, it may gradually become popular.

Zheng Hong is a very practical person. He doesn't like to do things with no prospects. Now that the stocks that have fallen below the limit are picking up again, he is also a little more motivated.

The first phase of the reality show set off an upsurge of 52 groups of C fans on the Internet. The C fans who participated in the topic discussion and the fight on the Internet were eagerly looking forward to the second phase, but found that the second phase was dull compared to the first phase. There is a lot, the general content is the process of dubbing the actors, and the leisure and entertainment links arranged by the program team, there is no candy they want to watch.

Fans who are conscious of the coldness of the circle and want to hold a tight group, try to find even a little interaction from the second episode to talk for comfort. If there is no sugar, they can only try to watch the first episode a few more times, and cut a few more. Share small videos with each other.

Until the third episode aired, the fans who originally planned to join the teaching of Amway's painter wife to produce food were completely blown up, because they found that their two cute male gods did not need others to produce food at all, they produced their own food. It's 10,000 times sweeter than what the fans produce!

As fans, of course they know what the phrase 25 refers to when Chen Hongming said. Among them, there are not only 52 groups of fans, but also 25 groups of fans, but there are not many, and they are overwhelmed by a large number of 52 fans.

"After silently saying 'love you', I feel like a nympho, I just smirk at the computer screen"

"The nympho upstairs is me."

This comment is followed by countless 1s.

The fans sitting in front of the screen were almost overwhelmed by the girl's heart, holding their faces and smirking all the time.

When they saw Silent Yan who took down the doll without much effort, held the doll with one hand, touched Chen Hongming, who looked down and didn't know what was going on, and when Chen Hongming looked up blankly and looked at the teddy bear, their girl The heart has reached its peak.

"Who is this little cutie!"

"Isn't Silent Yan too flirtatious? He looked cold but silently won the doll that Hong Ming wanted before."

"Yes, yes! There are more than one prizes! This Teddy is the one that Hongming has never knocked down before!"

"He didn't get the prizes for the hoops and tosses next door, only this one!"

"Am I the only one who thinks the gesture of touching the head with the doll is very gentle? If my boyfriend has this half of the flirt, I'll be satisfied."

So people were talking about the third issue, and suddenly a comment grabbed everyone's attention.

"Have you noticed that Silent Yan has only smiled at Hong Ming in these three whole reality shows."

! ! ! ? ?

C fans who were stuffed with candy by their cute male gods saw this comment and immediately cheered up and re-read the first to third issues, and it turned out to be true!

Ooooooo! 52 Dafa is good!

You can't underestimate any fans who have almost gone through the situation of running out of ammunition and food. They can discover new food from almost any angle. The first three reality shows were dissected by them like a sweet love trilogy, allowing passersby Fan couldn't help but became curious, and after being curious, he threw himself in.

The scale of fans is growing day by day, but in fact the contact between the parties is very small.

After the reality show ended, Silent Yan got busy. Zheng Hong's motivational end was terrifying. He seemed to see that Silent Yan had a cure, so he kept arranging training courses for him. The heat surged up, and even more announcements were sent to the door.

Zheng Hong is picky, he originally wanted to choose a campus-themed film to let Silent Yan gain fans first, but he doesn't know why he suddenly remembered what the other party once said about his goal of becoming an actor, although Zheng Hong only felt that at the time. He was so ambitious, but now he hesitated for a while, and finally chose a suspense drama.

This kind of film is a test of one's strength and luck. Luck can bring fire to the film, and good strength can also bring fire to the film, but luck is too evil, and strength is not something that can be practiced in a day or two. , It really depends on whether it will rise or not, but the small-budget film has a short shooting cycle. It can be said that it can hone your acting skills in a short period of time, and it is also the most suitable for silent words at present.

After Zheng Hong made a decision, he planned to go to Silent Yan and ask him for his opinion. Although he is the manager and has the right to make decisions directly, if the artist himself is unwilling to act, it does not seem to be very good to force someone to act.

What's more, in the announcement of this suspense drama, the producer wants to be silent and play the villain, and many actors are unwilling to play the villain.

During this period of time, Silent Yan was still in the practice room. Zheng Hong calculated the time and found that it should have been after class before he went there, but before he could knock on the door, he heard Shen Leqi's voice coming from the door.

Sometimes C fans are really blind. Once they like someone, their perspective of looking at things will also change. Now most fans have become C fans or simply become silent fans. Remarks that are not conducive to him will subconsciously resist.

What's more, there are those fans of Chen Hongming who are not cute. After clearly knowing that the other party is a good friend of his idol, these fans also joined the ranks of protecting the shortcoming.

Originally, there were only a few controversial topics about Silent Yan on the Internet. It was nothing more than abandoning brothers and family to pursue fame and fortune and poor acting skills. Now that acting skills have obviously made great progress, the sunspots naturally pointed the finger at it. the former.

After arguing and arguing, a fan said casually, "How do they look like brothers? Who knows if Shen Leqi touched porcelain! Has there been an identification certificate after the DNA test? Because a paparazzi report can prove that Shen Leqi is a relative of Silent Yan. younger brother?"

This remark was immediately supported by fans who protect shortness, because they studied it carefully and found that although the two people were both surnamed Shen, they really didn't look at all imaginable.

Only when facing the person or thing they like will they use their full power of observation and patience to try their best to justify the person they like. These things that they didn't pay attention to or thought about have been picked up bit by bit. .

Shen Leqi has been anxious for the past two days. Seeing that the public opinion has become more and more fierce, even his own fans have him and asked him to show a blood certificate to slap his face.

Where did he get the proof

Zhou Wenyao went abroad again during this time, and will not be able to come back until next week. In desperation, Shen Leqi could only come to Silent Yan for help. For Zhou Wenyao's sake, he should also help him.

"I really don't know what to do, now only you can help me!"

Zheng Hong wanted to push the door open when he heard this from outside the door. Although he didn't know what their situation was, he would never let Silent Yan agree to such a mentally retarded request.

Just as he put his hand on the doorknob of the practice room, he heard Silent Yan's reply, as simple and clear as ever.

"Don't help, get out."