Become Stronger

Chapter 370: Become stronger in another world (123)


His eyes fell on the golden human figures that kept trying to move forward, and while remembering their movement trajectories, he pondered the strangeness of them.

Because there are always people who will advance farther than others, according to their landing sites, it is not difficult to find that the distance between these platforms is not so outrageous that normal people cannot reach, but under the observation of Silent Yan, those human figures will always There are deviations in places that are obviously easy to cross.

It is also a platform with a distance of only one meter, but some people will jump several meters at once, and some people will only jump less than half a meter and then fall straight down.

Is there really someone who can't grasp the distance of only one meter

Those who jumped out several meters at once, no matter how good their physical fitness is, they will not deviate so much. Is there a real problem with physical coordination, or is there some external factor affecting them

Silent Yan looked at it for a long time, until he finally saw a successful case from the human figure.

He memorized the specific positions of the last few platforms, and brought a handful of stones in the tail ring, so that when he was in mid-air, he could confirm its correct position through the collision between the stones and the transparent platform.

Song Xiaohu has also been observing the human figures who have problems with how they look, so after Shen Moyan grabbed a handful of stones on the ground and put them away, he almost immediately guessed what the other party wanted to do next.

He didn't stand on the edge of the cliff and watch the final fate of the human figure that fell into the pool, just like Silent Yan, he just subconsciously guessed that all the people who fell were dead.

For a time, his mood was somewhat complicated. With Song Xiaohu's usually upright personality, he stopped it a long time ago. It doesn't matter whether the other party is the common enemy of the tiger clan, he is the type who can't sit back and ignore the danger that is obvious at a glance. What's more, he still owes the other party a life-saving grace.

Instinct made him want to stop or persuade, but instinct made him keep his mouth shut.

He wasn't sure if he spoke indiscriminately again, whether the other party really had such a good temper to give him another chance, or for the sake of his kindness to be more tolerant to him.

Intellectually speaking, although the other party's attitude towards him is not cold or indifferent, it can even be called indifference, but in fact, it can be seen that he has a little moral code of conduct, otherwise he would not be able to stand like now. Random thoughts here.

But the instinct of animals makes him decisively alert in the face of danger, and the sixth sense that allows beasts to survive in the wild tells him that it is best not to talk too much at this moment, the patience of the person in front of him may not be as good as his performance. came out so good.

He hesitated for a while, but spoke again.

"Is there anything I can do?"

Although Song Xiaohu is upright, he is not really stupid. Of course, he knows what Silent Yan means to be quiet. The other party is obviously the type that he decides to do, and he will not be shaken no matter how others stop him. He just persuades him blindly. In the other party's ears, there was indeed only a screeching noise.

So he never mentioned the matter of persuading the other party to go back, and only hoped that within the scope of his ability, he could play a role.

While Silent Yan repeated the calculations in his mind to confirm the position in the space, upon hearing these words, the brain's conditioned reflex gave him a message that he really needed a guinea pig who might die.

Even if he has figured out all the platforms that are invisible to the naked eye in mid-air, as long as he doesn't understand why those human figures fell for no reason, it means that he still does not fully understand the whole thing, and he is still in a state of half-understood. It is dangerous. If someone who is in the same situation as him at this time walks first, the fault tolerance rate will be greatly reduced.

Of course, judging from the success rate of those dolls, the survival rate of advancing without understanding the rules is also pitifully low.

But when Shen Siyan came back to his senses, he immediately put the thought behind him.

"Not yet, stay here and don't move," he said.

There is a difference between not caring about the life and death of others and purposefully letting innocent people die in vain. He is not so despicable.

After confirming that there will be no mistakes and ensuring that he can quickly open the system mall to teleport away after a mistake, Silent Yan jumped to the first step.

Going up to the first platform was much easier than he thought. There was indeed a feeling of stepping on something under his feet, but when he looked down, he could only see a deep pool of water from the bottom of his feet, just like walking on an absurdly high transparency. on the glass bridge.

Instead of rushing to the next platform, he threw stones to make sure the position of the second platform didn't change.

The change in the position of the platform is one of his guesses. Otherwise, there is no way to explain why so many people can see the platform but still fall into the puddle. If it is not the control of those people, then it may be the platform. Displacement occurs at some point.

The first stone successfully collided and fell at the position he expected, so he threw the second stone, and the result was the same, until he threw the tenth stone, and the stone fell without hitting anything.

The situation was different from what he thought. It was not that the position of the platform had changed. Instead, the stones thrown at the same angle of force seemed to be unloaded, and they were exhausted in the middle, and they did not reach the place where the second platform should be. Location.

From Song Xiaohu's point of view, he could only see that the other party had been using stones to test the position of the second platform. For some reason, he threw more than ten stones and still didn't hold back. He didn't want to sit still, for fear that according to the This way of throwing the other party's stones will not be enough sooner or later. He took out a storage bag and squatted down and started to pick up the stones.

After throwing nearly fifty stones, Silent Yan finally found a pattern.

Taking 30 seconds as a unit, every 10 30 seconds, that is, five minutes later, the stone thrown will lose its accuracy, and the time range of losing accuracy is about 60 seconds. The moment of being thrown out of control, if the situation of people is the same as that of stones, then it can explain why so many people stumbled and fell into the pool.

Standing on the platform, he himself cannot feel any difference in the 60 seconds, so it can be assumed that the platform will not be affected, which can be regarded as a kind of protection for the people on the platform or can be said to be a This is misleading, the platform is the same as him all the way here, which means that the problem lies in the space other than the platform above the pool under the cliff. There may be a special airflow that cannot be detected. In this world view, it is some kind of air flow. Special regional phenomena are not impossible.

If you have time, Silent Yan doesn't mind spending more time to study what's going on here, but the premise is to ensure safety. Obviously, the current conditions cannot meet the above two points, so he decided to fight quickly. .

Compared with the human form, the animal form is more convenient in this situation. With the agility advantage of the Leopard Clan, it is not difficult to cross all the platforms to reach the opposite cave within five minutes, it is better to say There should be more than enough time.

Song Xiaohu had just picked up a bag of pebbles, and was about to throw the bag to him before he got on the second platform, but when he looked up, he saw that the man with black hair and black eyes had turned into a beast at some point. .

Although the orcs are very accustomed to the animal shape, it is more convenient for them to communicate and do things in the human shape. Moreover, only the human shape is more suitable for using various weapons and tools when going out for hunting, so the use of the animal shape is very rare. Even Song Xiaohu has rarely seen the animal form of the Leopard Clan, and occasionally the Leopard Clan from the city are in human form.

The black panther could tell from the appearance of the power that it was poised to unleash under the glossy hair. He lowered his body, and his golden beast pupils stared coldly and intently at a certain position in the air as if there was nothing there. It was as quiet as a hunt, even Song Xiaohu couldn't help holding his breath.

I don't know what the other party is waiting for, and there is no action for a long time.

In such an atmosphere, Song Xiaohu didn't dare to open his mouth for fear of disturbing the other party. He held the storage bag full of stones in his hand. has arrived.

His attention was just distracted by the thoughts in his mind. In mid-air, the black panther that floated in the air moved, like an arrow from the string after charging, purple mixed with orange air wrapped around the black panther. The leopard's vigorous and powerful feet jumped onto the second platform almost instantly without stopping at the same time, adjusting the direction like lightning and shooting to the next position.

Song Xiaohu was frightened when he saw it.

There is nothing in the air outside the cliff. Of course, according to the previous golden human figures, he can also know that there are platforms in the sky that they can't see, but the number of these platforms is not so small, and it is impossible to see. Under the circumstance of obvious effect, it is simply unimaginable for him to advance at such a speed.

Could it be that the other party already remembered all the locations just by the time before

Is it possible to do such a thing

No, if it is this person, it is not impossible. The world under low-level and high-level cognition is very different. What he thinks is completely impossible may be a trivial matter for high-level orcs.

After the initial trembling, Song Xiaohu noticed something he hadn't noticed before.

Using the beast soul can increase the power of the orcs to achieve some things that are usually impossible to do, so it is natural for the opponent to use the power of the beast soul when speed, strength and skills are required, but as we all know, the beast soul of the fourth-order orc is purple. , while the beast soul of the fifth-order orc is orange, and the black panther's feet are covered with purple and orange soul energy.

Is it the fourth order? Or level five

If Song Xiaohu knew that Silent Yan had dug up their former king's beast soul and swallowed it, I'm afraid he wouldn't be so confused as he is now, and at least he could draw some conclusions that could convince him.

What happened in the main hall, the high-level Tiger Clan present kept silent in unison. It was not that they really surrendered and wanted to help the future leaders to keep secrets, but that if this incident became a big one, they would have nothing to do with them. any benefit.

An orc can dig out the soul of another orc and absorb it as his own power.

What is this concept for those of them who can't

It is definitely an unimaginable horror. With such an ability, it is almost impossible for him to have the bottleneck of strength, and their king is a fifth-order powerhouse. He can easily kill a fifth-order powerhouse, then this Who else on this continent can beat him

The Tiger Clan, who are not stupid, thought of this almost immediately. If they revealed this "secret", then the orcs in the whole continent would surely panic, but not everyone was like this. The good Leopard Kingdom and Golden Lion Kingdom admired the strong, and under such conditions, their alliance might be even closer.

Under such circumstances, even if other orcs can't bear the existence of such a power far exceeding their power, and think that they are threatened and want to eradicate each other, things will never be so easy to do, because there will always be followers around the strong. proponents and supporters.

So, if the final result leads to this, what will happen to them who spread this "secret"

The high-level tiger clan are not willing to try this possibility at all.

As long as people have weaknesses, they would rather spend time looking for this weakness. After all, before the other party appeared, they never thought that a fifth-order powerhouse would be killed so easily. Everything is impossible. It's not so impossible, it will take a lot of time, but relatively during this time they can be sheltered by the existence of the power far exceeding the fifth-order orcs, this transaction is guaranteed to be profitable.

It is because of this that not only the Leopard Country but also the Golden Lion Country, and even all the Tiger Clan compatriots who were not present at the main hall did not know what happened in the main hall. They just regarded it as the most ordinary savage power grab .

As for Silent Yan, the color of the beast soul at this time is also caused by the indigestion of the fifth-order beast soul. It is impossible to directly achieve the upgrade by swallowing the fifth-order beast soul, so the power reserve at the fourth-order stage reaches a certain level. When the threshold is reached, the remaining fifth-order soul energy that cannot be digested will wander around his beast soul in another way.

Although it won't cause a big impact, it will occasionally reveal clues when using it, and it will easily cause others to notice. He can't control this.

Silent Yan has already covered half of the distance in a very short time. The distance between the cliff and the cave on the opposite cliff is not only a straight line, but there is also a considerable gap in height. The way to remember the footholds on the way.

Only one minute has passed, which is more than enough.

At this time, there was a sudden turbulence visible to the naked eye between the empty cliffs, and a shattering sound came from somewhere, like the sound of some underground creatures digging the ground and trying to climb out.

When the ground shook, Song Xiaohu subconsciously supported the wall next to him. This kind of obvious sign of something going wrong made him immediately want the other party to come back quickly. Who would have thought that when he looked up, he realized that Silent Yan seemed to have not noticed it at all. This abnormality is normal, the speed does not decrease but increases without any pause and hesitation, and moves at a faster speed than before.

Maybe it would take less time to go straight forward than to go back the same way.

After realizing this, Song Xiaohu began to stand on the spot and worry about himself. The golden human figures around him had disappeared at some point. He tried to stand further from the edge of the cliff and looked down, only to see on the opposite bank. A rock somewhere on the cliff kept making sounds, and he moved the beast ear standing on the top of his head to ensure that the sound came from that direction.

Although it is only one step now, Song Xiaohu's night vision is not bad. Through the dim environment under the cliff, he can clearly see the place that seems to be about to be cut open, only to see the gravel rolling down there, and then exposed A piece of red thing, as the opening of the hole got bigger and bigger, it was finally clear what it looked like.

Is that... a snake

Song Xiaohu would be a little confused for a while. The red piece was obviously the snake letter in the monster's mouth. After the snake-like body slipped out of the hole for a distance, he saw the other party stretch out its lizard-like claws and firmly clasped the wall.

Just when he subconsciously thought it was an ordinary giant lizard, secretly glad that at least it wasn't a flying beast, he saw that the back of the lizard was covered with a thin film. When it completely climbed out of the hole, the thin film seemed to be supported It was broken, and a pair of butterfly wings broke free from it. In this extremely deadly atmosphere, the butterfly-like wings looked gorgeous and extraordinary.

Although there is almost no chance to go out to hunt, there are some basic knowledge of exotic animals recorded in the collection of Tiger Country. They also need to have a certain understanding of the materials of these exotic animals to make handicrafts, but Song Xiaohu has racked his brains without thinking. A strange beast with such characteristics was dug out.

But he knew that this alien beast had wings, which meant it was very bad.

The unknown strange monster climbed the wall, and the cold-blooded animal's vertical pupils locked onto the existence trying to invade its territory. It spread its wings and trembled, and slammed its heavy body, and it was instantly easily caught by the frivolous pair. Its butterfly wings are brought up, its speed is very fast, but it is a little worse than the beastly silent words, but it can't stand it and only needs to sprint towards the target.

Soon the distance between the two was narrowed a lot.

As soon as Song Xiaohu gritted his teeth, he untied the storage bag in his hand, took out the stone in it, and pinched it in his hand. After making up his mind, he threw it at the monster that was not too far away from him in mid-air, but the stone was too small to hit. Target.

But his actions also seemed to have caught the monster's attention, and its actions obviously paused.

Song Xiaohu simply tightened the mouth of the bag, held the whole bag upside down in the palm of his hand, and threw it at the slow-moving monster. This time, he successfully wiped the monster's wings.

He has already thought about it. He hates living things that are unclear. Since someone else saved his life, no matter what his original position is, he is mentally prepared to repay the other party at the same price. It's only a little short of reaching the cave on the opposite side, so as long as he can buy a little time, it can be considered a help.

Of course, it is possible that his current behavior is unnecessary in the eyes of the other party, but who cares about him, he is an adult, and he has long known the well-known truth that he has to pay for his behavior, not to mention that he may not It will be cold, as long as you turn around and run deep in time, with the size of that monster, you shouldn't be able to get in for a while.

Song Xiaohu was destined to be too naive. When he saw that the monster turned around and was about to rush towards him, he turned and ran, but soon a thing about two as thick as him slid into the hole. Roll him out.

Only then did he notice that this lizard-like beast with butterfly wings had a tail like a scorpion behind it!

Silent Yan of course noticed the situation over there, but what he didn't expect was that when he was ready to waste a little time on this strange beast, it was rare to keep quiet, and not long ago, he threatened him not to die at night. Close the doors and windows and be careful that Song Xiaohu, who will never wake up in the morning, will suddenly come forward.

He still has a little experience in knowing people. From the very first time he saw this person, he knew that Song Xiaohu must be a tiger clan who can't hide his heart and can't hide his thoughts, and is so simple that people are speechless. He would pick this person to take him to visit the Tiger Country, and what he heard from such a person was far more credible than what those senior Tiger clan leaders had carefully analyzed and told him.

What made his attitude change so dramatically? You must know that he will follow him all the way and confess that it is because he is hostile to himself. Could it be that he thinks he owes his kindness to him just because he was caught casually

Repaying kindness is a relatively unfamiliar quality to Silent Yan, because he rarely makes himself owe others' kindness.

At this moment of thinking paused, the monster that curled up Song Xiaohu with its tail had a new movement. From Song Xiaohu's face, it could almost be seen that he had no love for life and was determined to die, but he didn't expect it. The monster didn't want to chop him up or devour him, it swung the scorpion tail around Song Xiaohu, and then threw it violently towards the pool below.

This height is not low. I wonder if Silent Yan gave him inspiration. He transformed into a beast shape in mid-air in a hurry. The soft limbs and excellent coordination ability of felines allowed him to quickly adjust his state in mid-air, and finally He fell into a puddle with a result that, although embarrassed, did not lead to a direct fall to his death.

The pool was only half a meter deep, and even a beast-shaped tiger with all fours on the ground could reveal the upper half of its body so that it would not be submerged.

After he fell into the water pool, the monster had no intention of attacking him anymore. Song Xiaohu was relieved when he suddenly felt that the water level seemed to be rising continuously. Soon he could only flutter four claws in the water pool. Do dog crawl.

He raised his head to keep his head above the water, and his mouth let out a soft ooh like a cub.

Song Xiaohu suddenly found out in horror.

It's not that the water level has risen, it's that he has gotten smaller.