Become Stronger

Chapter 374: Become stronger in another world (127)


In Song Xiaohu's eyes, the time in the cave was only a few hours, and no one told him after he regained consciousness. In fact, it had already been a whole month outside.

In this month, the situation in the Tiger Nation has changed dramatically.

The most intuitive is that there is a huge contradiction between the low-level and the middle-level.

The reason for this contradiction is that the one left by Silent Yan before he left seems to be innocuous to the top, but to the bottom, it is an outrageous order to squeeze their residual value regardless of their life or death.

At first, of course, they were very angry, and let the first- and second-tier expatriates for a long time, not to mention starvation, this month's living supplies alone would not have any guarantee, how can so many resources be brought back to the Tigers? country? Obviously, the other party regards them as consumables, and is squeezing their final value.

But after the first week, people one after another received contact from the family members who were sent out, and learned that the situation there was completely different from what they thought, not only the third- and fourth-order escorts who had arranged to escort them from the beginning. The residence was built, and a week later, a caravan that had clearly contacted them in advance came to them to buy and sell.

In the first week, most of them were obviously in disbelief and doubt, but after the second and third weeks, the low-level tiger clan who were sent out gradually had more money on their hands. The share left to them has really become their own asset.

Realizing this, before the tigers leave at the end of the fourth week, they will save a lot of money in addition to buying daily consumables, and buy some in the Tiger Country. Something that doesn't work.

It's a pity that no matter how complete the caravan's materials are, there are always aspects that cannot be taken into account. Some tiger tribes did not buy what they wanted. The leading businessman said that they will prepare other materials they need next week. If it is inconvenient If you come to trade, you can entrust a friend, and these materials will be kept for two weeks.

These tigers suddenly regretted, if they had not been suspicious at the beginning, expressed what they wanted a week earlier, and now they can buy it before they go back!

What they want to buy is not only what they need for food, clothing, housing and transportation, but also some special medicinal herbs that are helpful to their family members. These medicinal herbs can only be bought by the middle and high-level tiger clan in the Tiger Country, and they are expensive and even more expensive. It is far less cost-effective to give the helping Tiger Clan some hard work.

The regretful Tiger Clan immediately set their target on the next group of compatriots who came to pick up their class.

The relationship between the low-level tiger clan is good. After all, they are not high-ranking members of each other, and they always need to help each other in their daily life in the Tiger Country.

They quickly contacted the city through the crystal, and the residents who had been skeptical about the news of the previous days were immediately infected by their anxious and excited emotions. The next batch of expats.

There are also third- and fourth-order tiger soldiers who are responsible for escorting the second batch of expatriate candidates across the intermediate map to the low-level map, and then hand over with the teams stationed in the cabins at various locations.

This time they don't have to help build the cabin, and the house built last month is reused by the next group.

The second batch of tiger clan saw the first batch of compatriots experience a month later, all of them were red, and the ones with storage bags looked nothing special. Looking forward to the next month.

They are a race that is good at hunting, because the low-level can only rely on labor to obtain the necessities of life in the city, which has suppressed them for too long. Even the low-level map is not 100% dangerous for the first-order orcs, not to mention There are three second-order orcs in each group of them. As long as they don't act foolishly, safety is not a problem at all.

Soon they also got a list. Different from the gloomy atmosphere when the first group arrived, the second group of tigers were eager to try.

And after the first batch of reluctantly sent back to the Tiger Country, the residents of the city truly and thoroughly believed that what happened in their mouths was true.

"So it's not to use the low-level to make money, on the contrary, is it actually creating an opportunity for the low-level to become self-reliant?"

Someone suddenly said that.

Everyone instantly felt empowered, and some people thought it was impossible, but when they really enjoyed the supplies brought back by their families and ate a little bit of meat that they usually worked hard for a whole day, they felt a strong sense of unreality. More and more I couldn't help but think about that sentence.

Is it because they think that everything is not so easy to get, so they can't believe that someone will pay for them for no reason

But what if someone really just wanted to help them

This kind of thought spread among ordinary residents in an instant. The second group of people who left kept in touch with their family members who were still in the city. They exchanged their situation with each other, and at the same time asked what the first group of people had. Can be replaced or need to pay attention to something.

For a moment, everyone felt that life had a little hope, and it was no longer static.

The only ones who can't understand this kind of emotion are the high-level Tigers. The high-level people don't care what the people below are thinking. For them, acting according to Silent Yan's requirements is just a means to stabilize him temporarily. After all, such a powerful person They can't afford to provoke them right now.

I just don't know why that person suddenly disappeared from the Tiger Country one day. Of course, they wouldn't naively think that the other person was killed. No matter how they thought, they left temporarily because of other things.

Even this is a good opportunity, and the senior management immediately seized the opportunity and prepared to make some small moves.

Their actions instantly had a violent collision with the residents of the Tiger Country whose inner balance had already been tilted. It was also when this first conflict occurred that the high-level officials realized that the other party was obviously not there, but they did not know when they won the hearts of the people.

The high-level people of the Tiger Country are accustomed to using absolute power to suppress, and they don’t know how to appease the common people. In their opinion, the resistance of the low-level clansmen is just like being bitten by a mosquito. It doesn’t hurt or itches. They take it for granted The most accustomed and good means to resolve this conflict.

As a result, what they did not expect was that the rebound was even more powerful.

It is impossible for them to kill their compatriots in the same kingdom, even if some people don't care, but there are many family members of high-ranking clans among the low-ranking people. If they really hurt the lives of these people, there will definitely be some high-ranking people. The clansmen also stood on the other side, and by that time they would have no advantage at all.

In the past, if the low-level people were disobedient, they could directly cut off the other party's supplies. The surrounding area of the Tiger Country was full of intermediate-level maps. If the low-level clansmen ran out, they would die. After a long time, they would naturally obey. But now there are many low-level people. The clansmen brought back a lot of food, and they were not the rulers of the Tiger Kingdom. It was impossible to cut off the way for the expatriates to return to the city or interfere with their hunting. After all, this was an order from Silent Yan. Not only did they fail to execute, they also stumbled, with disastrous consequences.

When Song Xiaohu came back, the two sides were at a stalemate, and no one could take the other's state.

With his temperament, those kindnesses that all depended on the brain to make up for the fact that they were just a head start could not impress him, but Song Xiaohu had a chance to get in touch with Silent Yan. He didn't believe what others said, but he did. See for yourself.

What happened now, in his opinion, just verified his opinion. The grown-up was far more selfless than he thought, thinking of them, he unknowingly stood in line.

Although Silent Yan's expectations for the pointer were somewhat disappointing, he had to admit that the role of the pointer was not completely absent.

He is not the same as Song Xiaohu when he was degenerated into a cub by the water pool. Although his body size has become smaller at this time, the power in his body has not changed. That is to say, compared to the water pool, the pointer has the ability to backtrack certain things and isolate them individually. Provides precise control where certain parts do not change.

With this kind of power, to be honest, it's quite a bug.

After all, this means that if someone can control it, then anyone's beast soul can be instantly degraded to a state that has not been activated, even a fifth-order orc can be turned into waste in an instant.

This state is a bit like the effect of flowers obtained at the entrance of the underground ruins of the Golden Lion Kingdom.

It is precisely because of this that Silent Word was born. There are more than one underground ruins, and it is even a little outrageous. The entire continent underground is connected to each other. Such speculation.

There was no other exit found in the cave before, and it was probably just because he didn't spend too much time looking for it. At that time, he had been turned into what he is now by the pointer. Even if the power is still there, he still wants to act as before. more laborious.

If necessary, you can go back again, and then the information on the Snow Leopard Country that was originally commissioned by Uncle Chen to investigate was also sent over.

In fact, Uncle Chen had already collected it earlier, but Silent Yan completely cut off contact for the whole month. He has not finally contacted anyone until now. By the way, he also told him about the abducted dog clan. the fate of the intelligence traffickers.

The result was nothing different from what Silent Yan had guessed. Of course, there will be some friendship among the intelligence dealers, but once a loss in business is involved, such friendship is not enough. Of course, all his shops were detained on charges that would not be taken seriously in the Monkey Kingdom, and all his business transactions were blocked.

It was even designed by his peers to owe a debt, and escaped from the Monkey Kingdom overnight in order to escape the debt.

"But even so, he can't escape far. No one can escape the money owed to the people of the Monkey Kingdom without paying it back. There is no place on this continent that extends farther than the intelligence network of the Monkey Kingdom." Uncle Chen talked while talking. He took a puff of cigarettes while talking about the communication. The quality of the tobacco was very good. He originally wanted to keep a friendly relationship with his trading partner and wanted to send a bag to Silent Yan, but later he remembered that the other party didn't smoke at all.

"Actually, it's nothing if you can't catch it." Silent Yan said casually.

If the Monkey Kingdom didn't catch it, he would have to take the trouble to do it himself.

Although he was somewhat aware that Silent Yan was different from what he thought at first, to Uncle Chen, the other party was still a young man much younger than himself. He didn't smoke or drink so much that he felt that this man was cunning with the spirit monkey country. The guys are very different.

So he was afraid that Silent Yan would feel guilty because of this, so he added: "Don't sympathize with this kind of person, if you hadn't noticed it earlier, your friend would have been betrayed by now, and he would have been sold by then. No guilt, just happy to count the money."

After speaking, Uncle Chen was not going to give him a chance to refute, and quickly turned the topic to another matter that he cared about a little bit.

"By the way, why does your voice sound different, you have a cold?"

"Maybe it's because my body is getting younger."

Uncle Chen was delighted: "Hahaha, you are so humorous, alright, let's do this first, take care of your health and contact us if you have anything!"

Duan Ze, who had been on the sidelines, saw that he hung up the communication in silence, and immediately said proudly: "Although the sound transmission crystal will affect the function of some technology products by using the animal soul as the medium, the technology is still invincible, and there is no hidden content at all!"

"Why do you tie a ribbon on the voice changer?" Silent Yan took off the voice changer produced by Duan Ze's modified system, "It's too eye-catching."

"No no no, as long as you put on a red bow-shaped voice changer, you can add a BUFF that makes you invisible to everyone. In the animation I watched, a primary school student used more than a thousand episodes without revealing anything! There is no purchase in the system, let's Remodeling it manually should have the same effect!"