Become Stronger

Chapter 376: Become Stronger in Another World (129)


Duan Ze didn't have the courage to look at Silent Yan's expression at the moment. He took the test paper and answer sheet with a smile on his face. Although he had never been a serious student on Earth, he had watched a lot of film and television works, no As for how to use the answer card, I don't know.

The answer sheet provided by the player does not require him to fill up the options with a pen. Because of the workload, they simply gave him a blank piece of paper, thinking that if he is a serious player, he should know how to write on it. Answers, not to mention they don't have any strict formatting requirements.

This group of players also carefully prepared tables and chairs at the city gate, so that those who want to take the entrance exam can sit there and answer the questions.

Duan Ze sat on the chair with the test paper, put the paper on the table and looked at the general questions of the test paper, and found that the questions in the test paper were basically divided into three categories.

The first category is in abbreviated translations, followed by fill-in-the-blank questions, followed by short essays of unlimited word count.

Just after he glanced at the general question type, Yu Guang noticed that Silent Yan just reluctantly climbed into the chair, he sat obediently beside him, and seemed to understand that it was a bit difficult to read the test papers on the table, so he didn't move at all, just Ask him with his eyes if he needs help.

But no matter how you look at this topic, you are better at it.

Duan Ze was very skeptical. When any question in it was placed in front of Shen Moyan, who was far away from all entertainment projects, he could only be confused. For example, in those abbreviations, that is, translating the abbreviations into Chinese, what yyds, zqsg , kdl…

It's easier to fill in the blanks. Duan Ze easily filled in the underline behind the words Migrant Worker, and then wrote Oli to the back of the word "refueling". The whole set of questions is full of online golden sentences.

A small composition is to write something casually based on "driving".

Silent Yan watched him write for a long time, and finally couldn't stand the loneliness and lay on the table. He stood up and glanced at the test paper: "I want to use it to distinguish players from aborigines, and it can also prevent someone from cheating."

People who can fill in the first few items can almost already rule out whether they are real players or not, but they can’t bear to see the answer secretly. It's easy, but this kind of open-ended questions are different. If there are exactly the same answers, you will naturally know who copied who. If players can make sure that the answers to each part of the sheet are different, then the accuracy rate of screening players can also be improved. rise.

He looked at Duan Ze's pen and wrote the sentence "Take a trip with me.jpg" on this question.

Duan Ze's test paper passed immediately after the player at the door saw it. Before he entered the city, he suddenly thought of the words of the player at the door, and smiled at the cub beside Shen and stretched out his hand: "Xiao Moyan, lead holding Dad's hand."

Although it is not advisable to judge people by their appearance, Duan Ze really couldn't control the thought of wanting to tease him when he saw such a small one who had to raise his head even when he looked at him. ! I don't know if the body will become smaller and the character will become cute, although it is also cute!

Silent Yan didn't know what he was thinking at all, just thought he wanted to follow the guesses of the players at the gate of the city and play a pair of ordinary players in the city as father and son, so he stretched out his hand and took it up without any resistance.

And said obediently: "Okay."

Help! It's so cute even when it's smaller!

He is not the only one who thinks so. The players who come to this continent because they play Yin Sihan's so-called holographic game, even if they are not adults, are at least high school students. Such a small child, so small, I'm afraid I don't know how to control the game cabin.

Immediately, some players came together. I wonder if the people who were put into the city were all companions who had a common experience, so they were a little familiar with each other.

"Is this your child?" After the player asked Duan Ze, he bent down and asked Silently, "My little brother can play games at such a young age~"

Just as Duan Ze was about to say something, the cub already grabbed his pants.

The smaller Leopard cubs were more aware of their own advantages than Duan Ze thought, only to see the cubs sticking to the "elder's" legs, raised their heads and asked curiously and confusedly, "Games? Is this a game? "

The player was trembling at the heart of this delicate black-haired Xiaozheng, she immediately said in a coaxing tone: "Yeah, as long as you stay here, then everyone will work together to defeat the evil forces, and you can go home after the game is cleared. ~”

This is nothing but a white lie told by an adult trying to coax a child into peace of mind.

Silent Yan followed her words and showed an ignorant expression that seemed to understand but did not understand. He pulled Duan Ze's pants and said in a degenerate voice, "Dad, do we want to live here?"

Duan Ze was about to respond, and he pulled back in time, showing some hesitation.

"This... We don't quite know what's going on here, and to be honest I'm not very sure."

After hearing this, the player looked very understanding: "I understand, I understand, but it's really hard to find a solution to this situation except for us to unite, and it's not that we can survive without a single person outside. A good player, but a lot of people are powerful!"

From the different dresses of the players who want to join, you can see how they are doing in this world, and the father and son in front of them are obviously well-dressed, and they are desperately running here with most of them. There are fundamental differences between players and players in this category. These players have more options. If they think that there is no benefit to joining them, they will naturally leave.

If possible, of course, they would like more players to join them. In fact, since the number of players increased, their unease due to the unfamiliar environment has finally disappeared, and they are more invested in building and recruiting new companions. In the action, the avatar is incompetent.

"Well, let me show you a tour! Many places are under construction, but they have begun to take shape, and there is absolutely no problem with a sustainable and stable living life."

Next, the player took them on a general tour of the construction in the city.

This place is much better than when Silent Yan left. It is indeed a good idea for players to recruit more people. The more people they have, the faster they build.

Players don’t work with wages like they did in the world. Now they are building a place where they can live for a long time in the future. They are a group of people who have been addicted to games all the year round. In addition, after coming to another world, their physical fitness is much higher than before, no. Then there is a man who runs out of breath after two steps, and has no internet or computer and TV, so their enthusiasm for construction is ridiculously high.

It was originally said to be planted, so the area to be opened has been basically perfected, and the seeds have also been planted. The plants on this continent are different from normal earth plants, and the harvesting period is also completely different. There are several pieces of land that can already see crops. Sprouts came out.

The construction of houses is the slowest, and the number of players increases much faster than the speed at which they build houses, so soon the original rule of one player per single house was changed to a four-person room.

"Anyway, when I was studying, most of the lodgings were four-person beds. When I was studying, I used eight-person beds, so it was okay." The player said while introducing, "After the other constructions are completed, the residential area will continue to be expanded, and the house will be loose by then. One room for one person can be achieved.”

"And here is the cafeteria." The player pointed to a house that was obviously much more spacious than other buildings, "The restaurant drawings they gave were too small, so we expanded it, and players basically don't cook by themselves. , the uniform meal time allows players who can cook to cook, and this size can also satisfy a large number of players eating at the same time.”

"If there are not enough seats, I will pack it back, but the cutlery must be returned before the next meal."

Their operation is not enough to implement the pay-for-hire model, so basically they do what they are good at.

"There is also a blacksmith shop. In fact, some players have contributed manuscripts to video sites all year round, but there are no machines here. If it is purely manual, I don't know whether the blacksmith shop is useful or not, and there is a carpenter shop there..."

Although there are intelligence dealers who will send free technical support and labor to help Silent Yan, most of them are actually the players themselves, and their construction speed has exceeded Silent Yan's expectations.

In contrast, he was even more worried about whether they would be abducted again in the Hound Country.

"And there is our hunting team." The player introduced. "Players who have activated the beast soul and have certain abilities are responsible for hunting out of the city and bringing back supplies... Ah, that's the captain of our hunting team over there."

The player shouted at the other side, and even waved.

Then Duan Ze saw a person running over. In Duan Ze's view, the other party was an ordinary stranger, but in Shen Moyan's view, he was quite familiar. Isn't this just chasing him all day long and shouting? Is there a middle-two disease with a "mentor"

He didn't even need to think about it to know how the team leader of the other party became.

In fact, as Silent Yan thought, as the number of players increased, when the players were preparing to form a team responsible for going out to hunt, Chu Erji raised his hand very enthusiastically and expressed his desire to become the captain.

This is clearly risky, and leading the team is also a matter of great responsibility. Everyone has no idea of volunteering for a while. Seeing him speak out first, no one has any opinion.

"Is he a newcomer? Do you want to go with me to see how to hunt?" Chung II was full of aura, and those who didn't know him might really think he was quite a leader.

The two "newcomers" present were not particularly interested, but the other party did not consider the possibility of being rejected.

"It's not impossible if you want to see it! Let's go! Let me show you a hand!"

The second disease is full of confidence. Since he has been the captain of this hunting team, he doesn't know how long he trains himself every day! If there is a camera to follow along with the editing and BGM, he will definitely be the hero of the hot-blooded comics!

In fact, for him, hunting first-order alien beasts is no longer a problem at all, and he also faintly feels that there is a force on the verge of erupting in his body. The second-order disease conjectures that this means that he is about to advance!

Duan Ze followed him out of the city with Silent Yan. They originally wanted to take a look at the construction of the players, but now they should also see what they should see. After the other party has finished showing, they will find an excuse to leave, although I am a little sorry. The friendly introduction of the player.

The second sickness took them to the middle of a dense forest. This is the nest of some kind of rabbit-shaped beast. They are characterized by fast speed and will actively attack people, which saves him the effort to find prey, otherwise if Wouldn't it be embarrassing if you couldn't find it for a long time.

He pulled out the sword at his waist and nervously waited for the rabbit-shaped beast hiding in the bushes.

He didn't let him down soon, the rabbit-like agile beast swooped out of the bushes.

"Look at me!"

The second illness was ready to go, but it was probably because someone was watching that made him a little nervous. The alien beast rubbed his sword and jumped over from his side, and then rushed straight towards the weakest among them. people.

In order not to hinder the first-order hunting, Silent Yan and Duan Ze deliberately restrained their high-ranking breath.

At this moment, Silent Yan, who inexplicably became the target of the alien beast's attack, raised his eyes. He looked at the alien beast that was rushing straight towards him, raised his arm and hit him casually. on the trunk.

I saw that it died in an instant.