Become Stronger

Chapter 377: Become Stronger in Another World


The second sickness was instantly dumbfounded.

He stared at the first-order alien beast that fell from the tree trunk to the ground and didn't move, and then turned to stare at the Zhengtai cub who seemed to be barely above his knees, the latter was expressionless as if nothing did not happen the same.

It was Duan Ze who noticed that the atmosphere was not quite right, so he quickly reached out and picked up the cub Shen from the ground and put it in his arms, smiling and trying to make a sloppy eye: "Oh, there will still be rash beasts hitting the tree trunk by themselves, isn't there a The idiom is to wait for the rabbit! Occasionally, the rabbit will bump itself into nothing..."

It happened so suddenly, Duan Ze didn't pay attention to whether the other party saw the scene of Silent Yan's actions.

But how can things be so simple.

No matter how unreliable it was, Zhong Er Bing led the player team for a long hunting life, and he had a lot more experience than other players. After he missed the shot, he instinctively chased it. The movement trajectory of the alien beast, where might I miss it.

It's just that Duan Ze somewhat underestimated the degree of the second-year middle school disease.

He only met the person in front of him with a clearly tangled and struggling expression. After a long time, he didn't know what to think, and walked in front of him a few steps - to be precise, the cub in his arms, Shen, showed A cautious expression.

"Could you be..." He said with a sullen face and a solemn tone, "Isn't this look like you really look like?"

As soon as the second sickness opened, Duan Ze's heart lifted, and Silent Yan, who was held in his arms, looked calm. He knew the player in front of him better than Duan Ze, and instinctively told him that the other party couldn't say anything serious.

Sure enough, the next sentence of the second sickness was—

"It must be because of your strength that you have escaped the shackles of time to have the appearance of a child! But in fact, you are a hidden master of the world! This time when you came outside, I heard that there was a strange The kingdom is recruiting people, I wanted to find out, but I didn’t expect to meet a martial arts prodigy like me, and I suddenly shot because of the idea of trying to test me, and I wanted to see if I would arbitrarily despise and question others because of my appearance!”

The more he spoke, the faster he spoke, and his expression became brighter: "Obviously, you now find that not only is I not such a person, but also that I have told you something, which is enough to show that I am talented and intelligent, and you must have developed the heart of cherishing talents. But I have already been under my mentor's door, and I cannot betray the mentor's teaching! I'm really sorry! I can only refuse you!"

Silent Yan, who was named, didn't think that the other party really respected him, but he was deeply involved in the drama. At this moment, he was probably caught in the "male protagonist who won the appreciation of the world with his honest and decisive attitude". "In the play, you can't extricate yourself.

Seeing that Duan Ze was so embarrassed that his brows were tightly wrinkled, he was speechless. Thinking not to waste time here, Silent Yan leaned on Duan Ze to hold him at the same height as the second sickness's line of sight, and said calmly. : "Your heart is not calm, and your sword is not stable. I have a method that is a little rough, but it works quickly."

Having lived in the crowd of players for so long, it has been so long that no one can take his style of painting. For a while, his eyes lit up, and he quickly echoed: "That's right, I often feel this way recently. A powerful force is accumulated in Dantian, but I can't control it! I'm willing to try any method you have!"

Zhong Er disease didn't hide it at all when he used the beast soul. Silent Yan could see at a glance that his beast soul power had indeed reached a critical point. It could be seen that he was working hard, but when he described this feeling , the words are so exaggerated that when a normal person hears it, they will only think it is a middle-level speech.

According to the theory of Silent Yan during this period of time, when the strength reaches a certain stage peak, it can be forcibly upgraded by artificial means.

Just let the other party think that he is really dying and can't get away with it.

"Are you sure?" he confirmed again.

The middle school is full of ambition.

"Go up the mountain of swords and go down to the sea of fire! As long as I can become powerful, I will show you the hell!"

Duan Ze took time to look at Silent Yan's expression, wondering if he had been with him for a long time or if he really knew enough about him. But he happened to see some subtleties of unknown meaning in those calm golden eyes.

At the same time, he also felt that the flag of the player in front of him was a bit too strong. If you say this to someone like Silent Yan, don't cry when you are really sent to hell! Asking twice how to think is a bit scary idea!

In fact, Silent Yan's hands were even more merciless than Duan Ze imagined. He probably thought it was worth trying but he didn't want to spend too much time, so after the second time he got the affirmation that going to hell didn't matter. Silent Yan directly removed the joints of his limbs.

The body that looks soft and inconvenient to move is very quick and decisive when he shoots. He seems to be very familiar with every structure of the human body. In the blink of an eye, the second disease completely lost any ability to move.

At this point, he only had a little panic, because Silent Yan's technique was so good, he didn't even feel pain.

What made him realize that something was wrong was that he was being dragged by the collar to somewhere in the forest, his limbs could not move, but his head could still move, and he saw a huge piranha.

This piranha is far more ferocious than the piranha in a zombie tower defense game I once played, with sharp minions and oily green saliva hanging from the tip of the scarlet tongue, the vines around the piranha are tightly entwined The surrounding trees seemed to tell others that once they stepped into this area, they would be instantly preyed on.

"Hey, you wouldn't be..." Duan Ze felt that he had figured out Silent Yan's thoughts.

Silent Yan interrupted what Duan Ze wanted to ask. He said to Zhong Er disease, who was gradually starting to panic, as if he was assigning a task: "To survive on your own, you can either upgrade or die."

Seeing the panicked player being swallowed by the piranha, Duan Ze couldn't help but want to hold his forehead.

After confirming that the second disease had been swallowed, Silent Yan began to explain: "This alien beast does not have the habit of tearing up its prey. They will swallow the prey whole, stimulate the prey with special gas in the body, and finally digest it with gastric juice. The whole process It only takes 10 minutes, and the gas stimulation is unbearably painful from about 5 minutes, but not fatal until about 7 minutes."

In essence, the only chance to advance is the unbearable 2 minutes in the middle. By the 7th minute, he has to fish out the person, otherwise the next time the digestive juice is poured in, it will be fatal.

"Is it really necessary?" Duan Ze was a little confused, "He's just an ordinary person."

He has no pursuit of power at all, and he often cannot understand the meaning of an ordinary person making himself suffer in pursuit of power. In Duan Ze's view, this is just a player who is a little bit of a middle school. Anyone will take his words as a middle school. It's a joke of illness, rather than believing it to be true and forcibly pushing him into the fear of death in order to advance him.

In fact, as long as you follow the plot stably, after the two worlds are connected, the player can return to his own world without facing any danger from another world.

"I'm also a normal person."

Duan Ze heard Silent Yan's calm narration.

"Enjoying a brief period of stability, so when something happens, I become inactive." He took Duan Ze's hand and asked, "Setting a position for yourself, is it really a smart way to be content with the status quo? ?"

Duan Ze almost immediately remembered the memory that he had mistakenly entered. His brain gave countless ways to refute, such as they had a system that was forced by force, and for example, Silent Yan had a reason to act. , and that player has neither a deep hatred nor enough talent to support an idea...

But in the end he didn't say anything because he actually understood.

What motivates people to act should always be what they want, and when people are forced to move forward by something, they just have no other choice, and Silent Yan does not think the latter is more worthy of serious consideration than the former.

"He and Yin Sihan are in the same world. They are both human beings. Yin Sihan can think of ruling both worlds, so what can't he do?"

Duan Ze seldom listens to Silent Yan mention his past events, even if it is just a short sentence, he still has a sense of nervousness about stepping into a minefield, and the uncontrollable pity and distress that floods into his heart, if he can. He really wanted the system to send him to that time in his memory, at least to be by his side during the most difficult moments.

Seeing that the atmosphere became heavy, Duan Ze cleared his throat and changed the subject: "I didn't expect you to actually value him?"

"Not really." To Duan Ze's surprise, Silent Yan resolutely denied it, "It's just that he said so, so let's give it a try."

There is no way to inform the other party in advance with this method, because once you know that you will still be rescued in the end, then there will be no sense of urgency in your life, and this kind of forced upgrade with external force will not succeed.

Silent Yan is very disappointed that there is no way to implement it on himself.

He suddenly thought of something, and turned around to entrust Duan Ze with a chance. If he had the opportunity, it would be better to put him in a similar situation without his knowledge. After all, Duan Ze's current fifth-order ability should not be a problem to have more fourth-order alien beasts. Even for him, it would be difficult to use too many system items at one time. By the way, the system mall has to find a way to lock it.

Duan Ze immediately rejected this suffocating proposal.

As soon as 7 minutes arrived, Silent Yan immediately split open the stomach of the man-eating flower. To their surprise, the second sickness did not faint from pain. He still retained his consciousness. When he saw the light, he finally opened it with great difficulty. His eyes narrowed again.

"Is this the Holy Light? I feel that I have broken through the terrifying force that suppressed me. It seems that I have broken through the original me and reached a realm where I can see what mortals can't see."

Duan Ze twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly, deeply feeling how superfluous his original worries were.

This person's nerves are not ordinary.

"You're just advanced." Silent said briefly.

After being picked up and drank the recovery potion, the middle-two diseased joint immediately jumped up and down. Surrounded by the silence that almost killed him, he said respectfully, "Are you tired? Do you want to carry you on your back?" "I don't know if it's a breakthrough. Because of the barrier, I feel that my whole body is full of strength now!" "Being a teacher for one day and a father for life, although it is only a small effort for you, but it is like a mountain for me! Please let me call you a master!".

Silent Yan was so annoyed that he simply knocked the person unconscious and dragged him back to the city.

While walking around the city gate where the player was about to leave, he felt the pocket watch in his arms suddenly move.