Become Stronger

Chapter 378: Become stronger in another world (131)


It's not that I haven't tried how to use this pointer. To put it bluntly, there have always been several methods of using props. Whether it is simply operating the pointer on the pocket watch or inputting soul power, it cannot be driven, which means that I want to. There must be other ways to use this prop accurately.

It was the first time that a pointer that turned into a pocket watch made a movement on its own.

Their footsteps stopped abruptly.

"There's nothing special here." Duan Ze looked around and saw only the city walls that the players worked hard to build. Due to the limited time, the height of the city walls was not very high, but it was enough to stop ordinary orcs.

Silent Yan took the pocket watch in his hand, and the pointer that used to be like a normal clock has become like a compass, pointing straight in one direction.

Players have the habit of maintaining patrols, but now the population in the city has increased, and people are watching everywhere, so the patrolling people have relaxed their vigilance somewhat.

Duan Ze easily climbed the city wall along the pointer. The height that is more than enough for ordinary people is not worth seeing for fifth-order people. There are no other people on the city wall. Duan Ze stretched out his hand because of height. Silent Yan, who couldn't get up, was pulled up.

The direction of the pointer points to an underground cave under the city wall, which is obviously dug out by the players through guidance.

With Duan Ze's adult figure, it would be too conspicuous, so this task was left to Silent Yan in the cub state to complete alone.

Silent Yan changed back to the shape of a beast. The black panther, who had originally looked at the mighty and powerful panther, looked more like a small black cat at this time. He lightly jumped off the city wall and quickly got into the dark cave.

There are some oil lamps for lighting hanging in the cave. Players piled a lot of materials under this, but no one was left to guard. After confirming that no one was there, he returned to normal human form, took out his pocket watch, and found the pile in the direction of the pointer of the pocket watch. A box in the corner.

Judging from the packaging of the things stacked in this corner, those boxes that look a bit too luxurious cannot be afforded by the players themselves. I am afraid that most of them are bribes sent by businessmen.

In the end, Silent Yan found the cause of the pointer reaction in a small box.

Inside the box is something that Silentyan has never seen before, a piece of Wuwang Sacred Crystal that has not been injected with power. This thing is so "ordinary" that Silentyan can't help frowning for a while.

To say that the connection between the two is completely unexpected is not the case. After all, the entrance to the cave when the pointer was found is at the vein of the holy crystal, but it is clear that the pointer does not respond to all holy crystals. The city wall of the Golden Lion Kingdom It has been built almost, and the new holy crystal has also been injected with power again, and it is placed on the city wall as a barrier against the attack of alien beasts and put into use.

You must know that from the moment Silent Yan entered the territory of the Golden Lion Kingdom until he left, the pointer did not produce any reaction, so what is the difference? Is it only reacting to the holy crystal that has not been injected with soul power

Silent Yan reached out and took out the holy crystal from the box. Just as his fingertips touched the surface of the holy crystal, the holy crystal burst into a dazzling white light, and the entire cave was instantly illuminated.

The movement in the underground was noticed by Zero One Ten, who was taking over the shift according to the time. He should have come here for half an hour at night, but just now he saw the player who was supposed to be guarding the cave playing cards at another player's house, and he knew The other party has left early again. Although they are not in any danger at present, they should be more careful about where they put the supplies.

Zero One Ten is a soft-hearted person, so he simply went to take over early, so he saw the scene of the dazzling white light in the cave.

Worrying that something happened to everyone, he rushed down immediately. At this time, Bai Guang had already disappeared without a trace. He followed the passage all the way in, and finally saw Silent Yan who had not seen or contacted for a long time. , Zero Ten felt relieved in an instant, and sure enough, there was no problem with the surrounding inventory.

The original panic was immediately replaced by joy. He trotted to meet him and greeted: "Mr. Shen, you are back? Why didn't you contact us in advance? We couldn't prepare anything!"

Silent Yan glanced at Zero Ten, whose face was full of joy, and confirmed for the second time the fact that he had changed back from the height of his sight. The holy crystal in his hand that had not been used before seemed to be wrapped in a golden streamer. , no doubt it absorbed the force of the pointer attached to him.

Zero One Ten also noticed the box in Silent Yan's hand and the golden spar in his hand.

"Ah, these were sent by the merchants who have been here to help us." Zero One Ten said, "It's all for you, Mr. Shen."

Of course, they know that no one will send things over without any reason. These things are naturally given to silence. Players can't distinguish the value of these things, so they can't use these things arbitrarily, so they sum up the things in private. They are all piled up together, and I will leave it to him to decide when Si Siyan has time to come back.

"I'll take this first, and I'll bring some back to you after a while." Silent Yan put the holy crystal that could no longer play a protective role back in the box, and put the box into the storage space of the tail ring, knowing that Ready to leave after a meeting.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Zero Ten hurriedly said: "If there is anything we can help, please speak up, the construction here has begun to take shape, and everyone's safety has been basically guaranteed, if you need manpower , we must be there anytime!"

"There is indeed one thing." Silent Yan suddenly remembered, "Someone passed out near the city gate, you go find someone to bring him back."

"Eh? Ah, yes!"

"And I need you to do some work for me."

The work that Silent Yan has taken over from the intelligence mongers has always been restrained to a certain limit, and now it is obviously time to give them some sweetness to let them understand that he is a partner with sustainable exchange value.

On the other hand, both the players and the dog clan of the hound country need a stable enough source of income. The clan of the dog are born with lack of roots, but they are used to seeing all kinds of scams on the Internet and can receive fraudulent calls from time to time. For world players, it is not known how much better than the dog race to guard against some people and things.

After all, Zero One Ten is also an employee of Yin Corporation. Given Yin Corporation's business status in modern times, Zero One Ten is much better than ordinary people to work there. It is safest to let him try it first.

His commission, Zero Eleven, accepted it without even thinking about it.

He immediately set off to rescue the person who passed out at the city gate in Silent Yan's mouth. Zero One Ten thought it was a new player who came to them and wanted to join them but was attacked in the middle, but he didn't expect to faint in the city. At the door is his acquaintance.

Zhong Er was woken up by the disease, and when Zero Ten saw him regain consciousness, he quickly asked, "What's wrong with you? Did you encounter an attack?"

I don't know if it is still in a state of unclear brain, but after waking up from the second sickness, he gave him a smirk and said, "This is the education of love from the master, and the treatment only for the protagonist, you know. ?"

"Master, did you mean Mr. Shen?" Zero One Ten subconsciously ignored his nonsense and grasped the main point of his words, "What are you doing, Mr. Shen is such a good-natured person? Couldn't resist beating you?"

"Master is master, mentor is mentor, we can't generalize, they are all my wings!"

Zero Ten: …

What to do, even his fists are hard.

Duan Ze was sitting on the city wall, holding his head and using the mini system to check the men's and children's clothing in the mall with great interest. This was the first time he had discovered the benefits of the system. It seemed that he had brought together top designers from all over the world. The clothes for children are also exquisitely designed. There are uniforms of various formal occupations, ancient costumes of various dynasties, and unique costumes of different worlds, which make people want to drag them all into the shopping cart.

He was looking good and was thinking about which set to choose for his little friend to put on. There was a sound of landing behind him. He didn't think much about how the cub's body climbed up the city wall by himself and placed the order. He got a set of little lion one-piece children's pajamas, and just as he happily held up the newly released children's clothes sideways to prepare for display, he was stiffened by a pair of long legs, and his movements suddenly stopped.

Silent Yan looked down at Duan Ze, who was sitting on the edge of the city wall and stared blankly at him, his eyes fell on the mini lion pajamas in his hands, he was silent for a while, and reached out to take it.

"For me?" He looked at the size, it was indeed the same as when he became younger, so he politely said, "Thank you."

"No! What are you doing?!" Duan Ze jumped up from the city wall in an instant, and he gestured in disbelief, "Why?! Where did I go, such a cute little cub! That cute one would hug my leg and shout Daddy's cub is gone without saying... "

He was so excited that he forgot how bizarre the thinking of the person in front of him was.

He was hugged in the next second, and then he heard the calm and low voice that had recovered from his adult body clearly calling out a father in his ear.

The golden lion king, whose ears were red for a long time, stuttered and couldn't say a word, was half-hugged and mounted on his horse in a daze. It was not until they came to the forest near the edge of the snow field that the temperature dropped in vain to make his face warm. Cool down.

Damn, no matter how you think about it, he is too bad! The other party doesn't know how to write the word shame at all! How can I win such a person!

Silent Yan had contacted the Hound Country in advance before leaving. The Hound Country is not far from the player's location, and the distance between the two sides is almost the same as the area where the Sheep Clan is located, so they arrived after a while. At that time, the people of the Hound Country had already arrived early.

They did not intend to enter the city. The five dogs led by Dai Si obediently led their horses and waited at the gate of the city. On the side were the soldiers of the sheep tribe who found mercenaries and wanted to welcome them in. Obviously, the sheep The soldiers of the tribe were having a headache because these dogs were standing at the gate of the city alive and unwilling to move.

The dog's keen senses allowed them to discover their arrival faster than the gatekeeper's sheep, so that Duan Ze saw a group of dogs wagging their tails in their direction from afar.

Duan Ze involuntarily whispered: "How many dogs do you have?"