Become Stronger

Chapter 384: Become Stronger in Another World


Yin Sihan thought of countless ways to deal with the past in an instant, but considering that this is something that cannot be concealed for a lifetime, if Bai Yun is convinced by some excuses now, then when he can't hide it in the future, no matter how good he is He could no longer gain Bai Yun's trust.

Not taking the initiative to explain and lying when asked, the severity is different. Yin Sihan has not considered whether the importance of Bai Yun to him is comparable to the follow-up problems that will be caused by exposure at this time, but he does I have a good impression of Bai Yun, and if possible, I don't want to be hated by Bai Yun.

On the commercial battlefield of intrigue, Yin Sihan has never met a person as pure and kind as Bai Yun. He hesitated before saying, "I'll explain to you when this matter is over."

He needs a moment to think about it.

Bai Yun's expression instantly became disappointed, but he nodded obediently, and then he remembered the question that Yin Sihan asked him before, so he replied: "I want to stay here, and I will meet Mr. Shen after the end. Let's go to Hound Country together to apologize."

Yin Sihan nodded, but did not stop him.

For some unknown reason, his last glance before leaving fell on Silent Yan. When looking at the pair of golden beast pupils of the black panther clan, Yin Sihan somehow had a bad premonition.

To avoid long nights and dreams, he set foot on the road back to the White Rabbit Country without further delay.

So in the Snow Wolf Country, there were only the silent man and Bai Yun, who was brought by Yin Sihan but was alone at this time.

The Snow Wolf King thought for a while, but reluctantly made a friendly gesture and asked, "Do you want to arrange accommodation for you?"

In his vision, they came together, and Silent Yan would naturally stay here until Yin Sihan came back with the news, so as the host, and he might need to cooperate with the other party in the future, he could not Do not show a little attitude.

Who knew that the person in front of him refused.

"We have other arrangements, so I won't bother you here for a long time." Silently declined and asked curiously, "However, are you really going to move?"

Hearing him ask this question, the Snow Wolf King's expression suddenly became subtle: "Aren't you two of a group? Is it possible that you have better attention now?"

Hearing this, Duan Ze also pricked up his ears and curiously wanted to know what a good way his friends could do. He really didn't believe that Silent Yan, who gave the credit to him, would have no purpose.

Even Bai Yun looked at Silent Yan curiously. Of course, he believed in Yin Sihan's ability very much, but when he heard the words of the Snow Wolf King, he also subconsciously believed that the other party would have a better solution.

"'s nothing, I just asked out of curiosity." In the end, Silent Yan didn't really say anything, "Then I wish you all the best."

Seeing that he was not going to say anything more, he was really ready to leave with the obedient dogs, Duan Ze hurried up and asked in a low voice, "Is there really no other way? If that's the case, why bother? Specially asked Yin Sihan to do this?"

In Duan Ze's opinion, Yin Sihan had to go back and ask the king of the White Rabbit Kingdom, but he had to go back and ask the king of the White Rabbit Kingdom, but he said that if he managed the same plan, he could directly send the Tiger Clan of the Tiger Kingdom to be the labor force, and he was the top leader of the Tiger Kingdom. The leader, the most important thing under his hands is free labor. Why should he give up such a good opportunity to establish friendly relations with the Snow Wolf Country

"If they are willing to move out, then for Snow Wolf Country, the problem has been solved, and one solution to the problem is enough." Silent Yan replied patiently, "I asked Yin Sihan to do it because he has been following It's too much of a hindrance."

Duan Ze was shocked.

So he thought Silent Yan was too sinister!

Bai Yun couldn't help but tremble with the rabbit ears who were listening carefully to their conversation. He didn't mean to eavesdrop, but the two of them didn't avoid him at all. They are also afraid of hearing what they shouldn't hear, causing them trouble.

Aside from his nerves most of the time, Bai Yun is not at the level of understanding human words, so he can perceive the truth of the matter from the words of the Snow Wolf King, "to the compatriots" and Yin Sihan's reaction to these words. .

Bai Yun was far more sad than he seemed, because in the end Yin Sihan was not willing to give him an answer directly, but instead used an ambiguous attitude to make him wait. Of course, Bai Yun couldn't wait for an answer, but Anyone with a little snack can see that Yin Sihan doesn't think that answering him will be more important than what he has to do now.

Not long ago, he secretly made a comparison in his heart. Under such circumstances, he couldn't help but assume that if it was Mr. Shen, he would definitely explain it to him immediately, right? After all he seemed to care about him so much.

After the emotional loss, Bai Yun gradually began to have other worries, and he noticed other more important issues.

He originally took Yin Sihan home because he mistook Yin Sihan for the dog clan, giving Yin Sihan a chance to contact the royal family of the White Rabbit Kingdom, and he really seized this opportunity, and now everyone trusts him. He, even Bai Yun's family, liked Yin Sihan a little more than himself. He didn't think it was a big deal at first, after all, he was not likable in the family.

But if Yin Sihan's identity as a dog family was a lie at first, then did he have another purpose in approaching the royal family of the White Rabbit Kingdom

The wolf clan and the dog clan are completely different, so everyone knows that the dog clan is a very loyal and upright group. It is also because of this that Bai Yun trusts Yin Sihan so much, but the wolf clan is different.

When Bai Yun thought that the attitude of the Snow Wolf King just now was obviously not very good, Bai Yun became frightened. At this time, when he heard Silent Yan, it was obvious that he did not have a good relationship with Yin Sihan, and his bad feeling became even more obvious.

On the one hand, they are deceiving their lovers who are unwilling to tell the truth until now, even if they have not yet reached a formal relationship, and on the other hand, they have saved their lives. He felt at ease and trusted benefactor.

If there is a steel scale in his heart, Bai Yun has already completely leaned towards the side that belongs to his benefactor.

He's not the type that is good at hiding his emotions. Most of the time, he just doesn't dare to say anything, but maybe the two people in front of him made him think they were good people, so he was unexpectedly bold.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Yin a wolf? Why does he keep lying to me?"

Chewing other people's tongues behind their backs is somewhat unethical, but Duan Ze doesn't care about it, he simply said: "He is, why do you even need to ask? Of course, it's the dog's identity that makes it easier to move around in the White Rabbit Country."

After Duan Ze finished speaking, he felt that the rabbit in front of him was about to cry. He didn't want to make people cry twice in a row.

Who knew that Silent Yan was the same as not seeing a weak boy who was about to cry, and his indifference seemed to block all voices.

It wasn't until Bai Yunqiang held back his tears and asked, "Does Mr. Shen hate him?", he focused a little, thought about it rationally, and answered him slowly: "I don't hate it, but I'm not. There should be a lot of people out there who hate him."

Silent Yan and Yin Sihan do not have any deep hatred, but those players who were implicated here, if they were given a chance, it is estimated that they would all want to strangle Yin Sihan.

How many people have been forced to separate from their family, friends and loved ones, this is a sin that Yin Sihan cannot fill no matter what.

When Shen Sihan left the Snow Wolf Country and was going to work in the Snow Leopard Country, the players were finishing a round of condemnation against Yin Sihan.

Those players who usually go to work and school are already very tired, and their only hobby is to play games when they go home. They have to do physical labor every day, so the culprit to build their own shelter is Yin Sihan.

In addition to work every day, the players who gathered together have to scolded the name from time to time, and even those who used to work at Yin's and now work with Yin Sihan, they did not fall behind.

Their situation is much better now than when they first came. Many people have no way to forget that they did not enter the game cabin that day, but they were suddenly teleported from their homes to the panic of the game world. Some players were lucky enough to be sent to the city. But most of the players are in the wild, being chased by alien beasts and seeing the fear of a player being killed but not turning into data, as if they really died, they still can't forget it.

And now they have at least a safe place to live, and food and clothing are not a problem. This is fortunate, but it does not mean that their hatred for the Yin family has disappeared. Many people are thinking about exercising and becoming stronger. Beat him, Yin Sihan, shit.

Because some people have already taken the initiative to lead the team to go out hunting, and the number of times is more, people are not so afraid of going out hunting. Even more people think that a middle-aged person can easily hunt. Apply for going out.

There are more players willing to enter the wild map, which means that the materials in the city are also enriched. They don’t need Silent Yan to help them arrange. They themselves began to try to catch first-order alien beasts, try to keep them in captivity, and be cautious. Players are responsible for arranging the architectural design of captive alien beasts, just to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

At the same time, they also exchanged a mineral map from the merchants who have been supplying them with materials and technologies.

For players, the most important thing in the game is of course level and output, so how does a game improve attack? In addition to the level, there is only equipment. When it is difficult to increase the level of the beast soul, it is the easiest way to increase the level of equipment. They can only capture the first-order alien beasts, and they can be cautious enough and lucky enough. Grab some second-order, and there is no way for higher ones, so the only way left is to make money to buy higher-order materials.

The players are very grateful that Silent Yan saved many of them that day, and also thank him for providing such a place for them. Most of the construction can be achieved thanks to the contacts of the other party, so the players do not want more Trouble him, they began to think of their own methods, and after thinking about it, the most convenient way to make money in the game is life skills.

Life skills are generally divided into collection and manufacture. Manufacturing is not so easy for urban mortals like them, but collection is different. They can also collect materials from alien beasts, and they can learn it with just one or two trials. After all, hunting requires luck, and not everyone has such hunting ability, so players turn their heads and think of the other two common gatherings in normal games - gathering plants and minerals.

They are already planting plants, so the players put their attention on minerals. They found a lot of mines through the map. Maybe because this map is not very valuable, it is also marked with some basic minerals. But it is enough for players, and higher-level nature also means more danger. They only need to start collecting basic minerals first, and it is enough to have an additional income and a source of materials for making equipment.

Players who do not have mobile phones or computers and cannot connect to wifi cannot surf the Internet, so their motivation to do things has also increased wildly. They quickly arranged collection personnel. In order to ensure the safety of their companions, they also brought players with certain combat power to accompany them. .

The mining work went very smoothly, and the players soon had the first batch of mineral income, so the expatriate hunting players also had new equipment and weapons made of new minerals.

Progress and gains fueled their motivation until one day one of the players cut a wall in the mine.