Become Stronger

Chapter 385: Become Stronger in Another World (138)


Silent Yan entrusted to investigate the information of the Snow Leopard Country a long time ago. The main reason is naturally because of the task at hand, because he does not know how much points he needs, and it is his responsibility to accumulate as much reward as possible in this world. primary work.

Of course, he had already obtained the information of the gerbil country earlier, and the reason why he dealt with the snow leopard country first was because the commission and the information happened to be sent at the same time, and the destination was so consistent.

The situation in the Snow Leopard Country is not complicated. The reason why it has become a decaying kingdom is thanks to the White Bear Country. There are not many of them. Under the circumstance that the White Bear Country has monopolized the dominance of the snowy beasts, it can only be said that it is reluctant. If they could maintain normal survival, if they didn't really like the cold environment, they would have evacuated long ago.

The reason why they haven't thought about changing to another suitable residence is actually similar to that of the Snow Wolf Clan. They have fewer people than the Snow Wolf, and it is even more difficult to move out.

Just like when Yin Sihan faced the Snow Wolf clan, he would make the conversation go smoothly because of the preferential treatment of the same clan. After entering the Snow Leopard Country, Silent Yan was also the one who was least guarded by these snow-white leopards.

It's just that their conversation didn't go well, because Silent Yan didn't want to waste time going around in circles, and straight to the point, he said to the king of the Snow Leopard Kingdom: "You guys should be dying, right? Instead of consuming it like this, why don't you listen to me? proposal."

The king of the Snow Leopard Kingdom is not as irritable as the Snow Wolf King. He can even be called calm. Under the snow-white beast's ears, the silver-gray beast's pupils are slightly narrowed unfriendly. Obviously, he can feel it even if he doesn't express it directly. Beneath his calm exterior was his dissatisfaction with the rude remarks of this unexpectedly visiting compatriot.

Fortunately, his patience is not bad, and he has enough concentration.

Although the other party's words are straightforward and unpleasant, and their attitude is extremely arrogant, it is indeed their problem. If there is really any good method, it is not impossible to consider.

"If you say so, it's best to have some advice worth listening to." The Snow Leopard King wondered whether the other party was sent to support the Leopard Kingdom, but they had never sent information to the outside world, nor had they communicated with the Leopard in all these years. There is no reason for the state to receive sudden help from the other party.

The atmosphere when talking with the Snow Leopard King was completely different from that when he was negotiating with the Snow Wolf King. I don't know if the former was irritated by Silent Yan in the first place. Under that calm appearance, there was a completely unfriendly atmosphere. Bai Yun clearly felt that. In a more dangerous and urgent atmosphere than the latter, he timidly shrank behind Duan Ze, and when he raised his head, what he saw was Duan Ze's gesture of turning a blind eye to the tense atmosphere.

In fact, it may be more appropriate to say that he does not understand the atmosphere. The time since he realized it is not short. Duan Ze has cultivated an inexplicable trust in Silent Yan for so long. He always feels that anyone may overturn the car, but his family Friends don't.

This overly optimistic idea made him not only without a sense of crisis, but even produced a kind of leisurely watching the play from the perspective of a bystander. Of course, the initial force value he was matched with in this world made him not have to worry about any problems at all.

Bai Yun didn't know this. He compared his and the other's completely different reactions to the same thing, and involuntarily began to feel a sense of envy and yearning.

He also wants to be bolder and stronger, and not always hide behind others when it comes to things.

If it wasn't for the fact that it would be a little disrespectful to take out snacks here, Duan Ze would have wanted to eat melon seeds on the spot. He didn't notice the messy thoughts in Bai Yun's mind at the side, and only listened to the conversation between Silent Yan and the Snow Leopard King. The conversation gradually heated up.

In fact, the other party's emotions began to become intense, and Silent Yan was still the same as before, his tone sounded calm and irritating.

Duan Ze carefully distinguished their conversation, and found that Silent Yan's proposal was actually similar to Yin Sihan's. He also suggested that the snow leopards move, but what he proposed was to move them from the current snowfield to the nearest side. A mid-level area on the same snowfield.

The reason why the Snow Leopard Kingdom was judged to be a decaying kingdom was that they were extremely lacking in both human and financial resources. The shortage in this area was very serious, which made it lose to the White Bear Kingdom in the battle for the dominance of the territory. The words in the ears of the Snow Leopard King are undoubtedly humiliating to them.

What happens if you let them live on a mid-level map? Indeed, that area is close enough to where they are now. If they want to move there, they can spend time every day to build it first, wait until the infrastructure is completed, and then change the address. It is also very convenient to move things at the same time.

But what is the concept of an intermediate map? For a small country like them without holy crystals as a protective barrier, they are undoubtedly going to die. No matter how good the snow leopard clan is at hunting, they will not be all warriors.

"That middle-level map has not been occupied by any ethnic group, and the number of supplies and exotic animals is not a problem." Silent Yan said calmly, as if dancing on the opponent's nerves, "Of course I will give reinforcements in terms of manpower, but I still hope You can reach a cooperative relationship with us, and the materials in the snowfield area are relatively precious to the outside world and are good commodities."

This time, the Snow Leopard King finally understood the other party's plan, and he immediately began to admire the courage of the person in front of him.

It can be said that they are complete strangers, without any human relationship, and they are just the same as the Leopards to have a compatriotism, but under such circumstances, the other party dared to say to him so blatantly that it is equivalent to "you two." Move away and work for me", is it ignorance or fearlessness

This way of talking without detours shows that the other party is not willing to waste too much time in negotiating. The Snow Leopard King sneered before being interrupted.

The black-haired leopard clan in front of them who offended them seemed to know what he was thinking, and greeted the dog clan who followed him, saying: "Perhaps you know that the snow wolf clan frequently traveled to and from the snow field and the forest not long ago, and accidentally put the middle-level snow field in the snow field. The alien beasts brought into the forest area have caused trouble for the sheep tribe, and we came here just after completing the commission of the sheep tribe."

Although the Snow Leopard Clan and the Snow Wolf Clan do not violate the river water, they are not completely oblivious to the movements of neighboring countries. Of course they know about it. The Sheep Clan has sent people to the Snow Wolf Country many times to negotiate, hoping that the Snow Wolf Clan will take responsibility. Sending high-level personnel to help collect the medicinal herbs to clear the curse, but this was impossible for the Snow Wolf Nation, which had insufficient personnel, so it was not unexpectedly rejected.

They also know that there are fourth-order alien beasts multiplying in the forest area. According to him, they have solved those fourth-order alien beasts in the forest? With just so many people

The Snow Leopard King was a little more patient. Before he opened his mouth to express his doubts, the dog clan had already dug out their storage bags and poured out the exotic animal materials that had been sorted and bagged.

Although he doesn't often go to the intermediate area, the Snow Leopard King is also a fourth-order orc. When necessary, he will organize soldiers to go to the intermediate map for some necessary collection work. Of course, he can recognize what kind of beast these materials come from. hand.

His expression couldn't help but change.

No one will be so bored that they buy these materials in large quantities just to deceive them. The materials of Tier 4 exotic beasts are expensive enough, and such a large quantity is meaningless to trick them into moving.

"...It's too risky to move into an intermediate map." At this time, the Snow Leopard King has completely calmed down, and the situation in front of him has made him fully understand that the person in front of them is not joking, but really wants to do it. .

His tone was hesitant, because he wanted to know if the other party had something to rely on to ensure their safety.

Anyone can see the softening of the Snow Leopard King's attitude. Silent Yan smiled and reassured: "I will be responsible for the construction staff. Before the construction is completed, I will also equip you with fifth-order holy crystals, which is enough to guarantee you. Residential security is not a problem.”

"Regarding hunting, I hope you can lend me some hands."

A country like them whose only purpose is to eat enough and not starve to death, it is impossible to buy holy crystals, which means that the Snow Leopard country has to guard against the raids of alien beasts in low-level areas from time to time, which is why they can’t live in the intermediate level. regional reasons.

The holy crystals were initially blank, and the grades of those who injected power into them were divided into different values. The fifth-order holy crystals meant that a fifth-order orc had to inject power into it, while the fifth-order orcs had to inject power into them. Almost all the kings of powerful kingdoms, unless it is for their own kingdom or owe some favor, it is impossible to spend this effort for others.

The Snow Leopard King, who was stunned by the fifth-order holy crystal, hesitated and asked why he needed manpower.

"Are you going to get used to hunting in advance?" The very experienced dog clan replied, "Our tutor is good at leading a team to leapfrog hunting. If you try it, you will definitely be addicted to it!"

What? Leapfrog hunting

The snow leopard king's stern face showed a bit of confusion. He looked at the black-haired leopard clan who stopped talking after being called a mentor. For a time, he only felt that the development in front of him was a bit bizarre.

"What if you tried it as if you were cheated?"

"What if they lied to you?" said the king of the White Rabbit Kingdom.

This is why Yin Sihan deliberately concealed his race, approached the rabbit race as a dog, and was reluctant to reveal his true race. Although these rabbits were simple, they seemed to be naturally vigilant against the wolf race.

Just like now, he clearly has a good impression and status with the king of the White Rabbit Kingdom, and he is trying very hard to persuade him, but when he hears that the other party is the Snow Wolf family, the king of the White Rabbit Kingdom does not agree.

"I can guarantee that nothing will go wrong."

"No, this matter is absolutely impossible! There is no discussion!"

The king of the White Rabbit Kingdom cruelly refused.