Become Stronger

Chapter 387: Become Stronger in Another World (140)


The original plan fell through halfway. Although it did not affect Yin Sihan's ultimate goal, it still had an impact on him to some extent, and the impact was more psychological.

It was the first time that he faced such a thing. In the original daily life, Yin Sihan has been a child of someone else's family since he was a child. He doesn't need to prove to others how good he is, just like even if he is not the eldest son in the family , and also became the heir to the Yin family, because everyone knew how good he was.

Having a good family background makes Yin Sihan seldom meet people who will not give him face. He is indeed better than his peers, and his family background also makes him walk on the road in the early stage of life more than ordinary people. Easy and smooth.

This will undoubtedly give Yin Sihan a very relaxed feeling in his life. All he needs to worry about is how to leave others far away. When he has no worries at all, things tend to think of his expectations. direction of development.

That mysterious walking stick was almost the first accident in Yin Sihan's life, and the first time he entered another world and died was the first time he experienced the taste of failure, but God loved him so much that even if he died, there would be no This demise gave him a chance to start over with his memory.

When Yin Sihan discovered that what happened after the death of other players was different from his own, he began to feel that he was probably loved by God, so he could have such luck.

But he still began to act cautiously, only because the death had impressed him too deeply.

His prudence has made his actions all the time smooth, and almost all the goals he wants to achieve can be accomplished smoothly, and what happened in the past few days can be said to be the first time Yin Sihan has experienced since his death once to the present. defeat.

The Goat Clan's mission was a step late, and the negotiation with the Snow Wolf Clan also ended in failure. Now he still has to inform the White Rabbit King about this. It is conceivable that his support was finally rejected by the Snow Wolf Clan, and the White Rabbit Clan refused. How angry the king would be.

Yin Sihan was not going to tell the truth, he decided to use the excuse that he persuaded the Snow Wolf Clan not to enter the forest area to hunt again.

The White Rabbit Country doesn't need to deploy manpower, and the Sheep Clan doesn't need to move away to avoid possible future dangers. It seems that there is nothing that Yin Sihan needs to intervene in the snowfield, but he is not going to leave just like that.

At this point, he has already figured it out a little. He can only get things wrong when he meets that man. Although it is the Snow Wolf King's own problem to change his mind temporarily, but the Snow Leopard Kingdom suddenly made such a strange move, why? I can't get out of my relationship with that person.

He needs to know what Silent Yan is planning in Snow Leopard Country, and if Silent Yan is there, then Bai Yun who is with him is naturally there, Yin Sihan has to take Bai Yun away before he returns to White Rabbit Country, and he has to convince Bai Yun Yun kept a secret for him.

Yin Sihan didn't plan to sneak away. Before leaving, he and Shen Moyan got along fairly peacefully. Since it is very likely that Silent Yan is in the Snow Leopard Country, then as a "friend", it is normal for him to go into the city to find someone in an open and honest way. .

Just arrived from the White Rabbit Country to the Snowfield, Yin Sihan didn't get off the horse for a long time, and then he got on the horse's back again.

Seeing him in a hurry, the Snow Wolf King noticed that he didn't seem to be planning to return to his life. Realizing that this might be a good opportunity, he hurriedly said, "Wait."

"Is there anything else?" Yin Sihan was puzzled.

"Are you going to Snow Leopard Country?"

Yin Sihan tightened his fingers on the reins. He obviously did not expect that his actions would be so easily guessed by someone who had only met a few times. At the same time, he also heard the other party's meaning from this question. .

No one likes to be used, and Yin Sihan naturally doesn't like to be someone else's tool. He understands that even if he refuses, it's useless, so he takes the initiative to say: "Yes, I'm going to find my friend, what do you want? together?"

The Snow Wolf King didn't feel the embarrassment of being punctured at all, and he calmly agreed.

In this way, two people with different plans in their hearts set out on the road together. The king of the Snow Wolf Kingdom should have someone to serve him when he left the city, but this time his purpose was not pure, and bringing too many people would be detrimental to the action. There may be trouble, he only brought two trusted followers.

Yin Sihan's face was polite, but his heart was completely opposite to what he showed. He hated this state of looking at other people's faces and actions.

But when they really arrived in the Snow Leopard Country, Yin Sihan found out that the starting point was the same as his - rather than his silence, the treatment in the Snow Leopard Country was just like his.

The people from the Snow Leopard Kingdom knew that he was here for Silent Yan, and they let him in easily, but when they saw the Snow Wolf King, they clearly expressed their shock. They obviously didn't understand why the lord of a country would be so low-key. suddenly came to visit.

The Snow Wolf King was also rude, using Yin Sihan to say that he and his purpose were the same, and that he wanted to see the silent words.

This made the soldiers of the Snow Leopard Country embarrassed, until their king personally allowed them to enter the city smoothly.

It is because they are only a small remote country that the king himself went to a neighboring country and was stopped outside the city, and the Snow Wolf King was obviously because of some other plans, so he could bear his temper. Otherwise, with his temper, he would have taken care of the soldiers at the door, and he would have already entered the Snow Leopard Country with his hands.

As Yin Sihan expected, Bai Yun was really here.

As soon as Bai Yun saw Yin Sihan, he subconsciously showed a happy expression. He was about to run towards him, but he didn't know what to think, and his footsteps stopped in the middle. throat.

He watched helplessly as soon as he saw him not long ago, the attitude of the young man had obviously changed. Yin Sihan knew that this was probably because of his concealment. Holding him in his arms, he said with concern: "Is there no accident when I was away? I miss you very much."

Bai Yun was buried in Yin Sihan's arms, blushing as he listened to his sweet words, and replied in a low voice, "No, it's safe with Mr. Shen here."

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Yun felt the arms around him tighten a little. He just thought that Yin Sihan was really worried about him, and before he could be moved, he heard the other person ask, "Where is he? I just need to find him for something."

"He's at the snow leopard clan's practice ground..." After Bai Yun finished speaking, he felt the person holding him let go. Seeing that Yin Sihan was about to leave for Silent Yan, he grabbed it. Yin Sihan's arm asked eagerly, "Shouldn't you explain it to me first?"

When Yin Sihan Yuguang saw the Snow Wolf King, he didn't plan to wait for him at all. Hearing Silent Yan's whereabouts, he immediately raised his legs and walked in the direction of Bai Yun's finger. He quickly pressed Bai Yun's hand and said : "Give me some time, I'll explain to you later."

Before Bai Yun could respond, Yin Sihan hurried away.

In an instant, Bai Yun's mood to catch up disappeared without a trace, and his heart was filled with disappointment. Never before has he clearly realized that he is of no importance in Yin Sihan's heart.

It seems that giving him an explanation is never the highest priority, and anything else can come before him.

Since he was a child, Bai Yun has never been taken seriously, so he cherishes Yin Sihan's unusualness towards him, but when this relationship is clearly contrasted, other concealment and deception that he ignores are even Perfunctory, it seems to make him particularly distressed.

Bai Yun couldn't help but think, did Yin Sihan really approach him because he liked him

Yin Sihan had already accelerated his pace as much as possible, but was delayed by Bai Yun for a while, and he was still a beat late, plus he didn't know much about the Snow Leopard Country, and by the time he found the practice ground, the two sides seemed to be over. a conflict.

The situation in front of him is strange, the Snow Wolf King seems to be provoked. He couldn't stop biting the neck of the man in front of him.

And the man who angered him was the exact opposite.

Yin Sihan pursed his lips and looked at Silent Yan, who was sitting steadily, with a heavy heart. He didn't know what he did to make the Snow Leopard Clan treat him so respectfully, whether it was in the seat specially prepared for him in the practice ground. The chair, or the snacks and tea that can be enjoyed at any time over there, all show the importance the Snow Leopard Clan attaches to this person.

One of the two parties in the dispute was standing, while the other was sitting calmly. For a time, people had the illusion that they couldn't tell who was the king.

Obviously, the Snow Wolf King also understood that his momentum was at an absolute disadvantage.

"Don't you understand what this king is talking to you?!" The Snow Wolf King suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the collar of the man in front of him, trying to use brute force to pull him up from the unsightly chair, talking to him like this Sitting presumptuously, there must be a limit to no one!

Before his hand had time to exert force, the man grabbed his wrist one step ahead, not weaker than his strength and directly stopped his next move.

"I hope to communicate well, and don't do anything casual." Silent Yan said with a good temper, "My request is very simple, and if you can't accept it, it's your business."

This attitude of not taking him seriously at all made the Snow Wolf King feel offended in an instant. No one dared to speak like this in front of him. has reached its limit.

Yin Sihan saw that purple soul energy, representing the fourth rank, had already appeared on the king's body. It was obvious that he was about to do it. He secretly thought that it was not good, but he had no time to stop it. The Snow Wolf King, who was accustomed to being a hunter, would not Giving the prey he was about to attack a chance to react, the surrounding snow leopard clan also wanted to stop it when they saw the soul energy, but the attack had already fallen on Silent Yan in an instant.

What happened next was something that Yin Sihan couldn't believe.

The arrogant Snow Wolf King was beaten like a dog.

To describe it as a dog might be a little sorry for the other canines on the practice ground, but the severely injured Snow Wolf King huddled up on the ground, his fluffy gray tail was sickly and motionless, and even the wolf ears drooped. It looks like a real dog.

Poor and helpless.

The unsympathetic instigator bent his knees in front of the wolf king, as if nothing had happened, with a calm tone as always.

"Can we communicate well?"

The half-dead Snow Wolf King lay on the ground for a long while before he hummed and choked out a response.
