Become Stronger

Chapter 388: Become Stronger in Another World (141)


For a time, the entire training ground was extremely quiet, and the Leopards who were doing their own exercises also stopped their movements, as if only the cloaked Canines were as stable as old dogs, and they were not surprised by the development in front of them.

The dog's overly direct thinking mode made them realize that Silent Yan was so powerful that he could do almost anything, so they had to put the words "Omnipotent" on him. In this case, they just beat him up. A king of the Snow Wolf Kingdom doesn't seem to be surprised.

But in the eyes of others, things are not so simple.

As we all know, the power of orcs has always been clearly divided into levels, and the differences between different levels are huge, but the difference between the relative levels is not so outrageous.

And what's happening now is like hitting them in the face they've always known.

Anyone who sees their hands can clearly know that these two are undoubtedly fourth-order, and the color of soul energy cannot deceive people, but the one-sided situation makes the whole situation extraordinarily weird. The opponent of the same rank is too relaxed, and this ease makes him look like a fifth-rank is crushing the fourth-rank.

I had just experienced the power of Silent Words two days ago, but for the snow leopards, the shock at that time was far less impressive than seeing the overwhelming force of the same rank.

No one made a sound for a while, and almost all of them were madly recalling whether they had done any offense to this person in the past two days.

For the snow leopards who pay attention to strength, the power to crush the fourth-order infinitely close to the fifth-order is already enough to make the other party become a hegemon, and it is not so impossible to become a king. If this is the case, they have to be more careful. Treat each other, because it is very likely that this person has power far beyond their imagination.

It seemed that only Duan Ze looked at the Snow Wolf King who was beaten on the ground, and he took a breath of cold air with empathy from the pained look.

He looked at Yin Sihan, who was a step too late and couldn't get in. The man with a leading role in this world stood there without saying a word, as if he had been hit badly. The Snow Wolf King was even more dejected.

Yin Sihan had never felt such a complete loss.

The one who was beaten up in front of so many people was obviously unable to resist, and the one who had lost all face was not himself, but for the first time he realized how big the gap between him and that person was, and how his unilateral hostility all along seemed to be. How stupid.

He had to hold back his temper and deal with the king patiently. In the eyes of the other party, he was just an ordinary character. This confidence did not depend on any external force. It was just because the other party was strong enough, so he could play with his normal attitude. Conversation, even if the other party violently attacks, they can easily subdue them. This is a reliance that is facilitated by strength.

How about yourself? Even negotiating with the Snow Wolf King, it was because of his identity as a wolf clan and the backing of the rabbit clan and sheep clan behind him that he could have enough confidence to make his own demands, but even so, his affairs did not go ahead. So smooth.

The plans that have been steadily progressing, the gradually increasing forces, seem to be just his self-righteous satisfaction.

In other words, if anyone from another world has such achievements, he will not have such a gap, but it happens that he has the advantage... Is it possible that the achievements are the same as he guessed before

Ever since Silent Yan was able to report the state of his scepter, Yin Sihan had vaguely guessed that it was very possible that Silent Yan had also seen the appearance of the scepter in its entirety.

Then there are only two possibilities. One is that Silent Yan is the real original owner of the scepter, but it is difficult to explain why he has never tried to take it back. The other is that Silent Yan is actually the same. Because of the one who was born again with the scepter.

There are two scepters? Or things are not so complicated. It is possible that the other party also saw the scepter in his dream and came back to this world with his memory, so the development of everything deviates so much from his memory. This is the original The reason why the man who was willing to sacrifice himself in order to save him, after starting all over again, drifted away from him.

If it is the latter, then Yin Sihan really lost completely, because the silent words of the previous life can be said to be killed one after the other with him, and there is no difference between the two people's understanding of other worlds.

Yin Sihan seems to be a person who has never failed. After his first experience of failure, he naturally developed self-doubt. Even if the cause is even something that has nothing to do with him, he is now beginning to wonder if he can really achieve it. Ambition begets strong skepticism.

He even wondered if his success all the time had depended on Silent Yan not interfering with him. If he really turned against him one day, would he be able to beat him

In sharp contrast to Yin Sihan's heavy and abnormal psychology, it was the person who was beaten.

The Snow Wolf King has never been so embarrassed in his life, but he is not as angry as others think. It is better to say that after the person in front of him showed the power of crushing, he was in a lot of excitement. Seeing that person How to see how pleasing to the eye.

There are really too few fifth-order powerhouses, and the Snow Wolf King has never had a chance to meet him in his life. He was talented enough from a young age to be smooth sailing. He was beaten mercilessly by his opponents of the same rank like this. , for the first time.

He only felt that the black hair that originally looked featureless now looked like a fine satin, which was helpful to hide in the dark and looked elegant and noble, and looked at the golden pupils without a smile. The awe-inspiring power of staring at the prey will make the enemy shudder, and the strength contained in the shoulders, waist, and even the line of the tail is elegant and beautiful, so that people can't fault it.

Couldn't find a better orc than this!

Being stared at so closely by a wolf, Silent Yan inexplicably sensed an uncomfortable aura from his sight. He stretched out his hand towards the Snow Wolf King, and saw that the mighty Snow Wolf King buried his head. , The shoulders seemed to tremble slightly because of fear, the furry beast ears that were exposed outside stood up excitedly, and the big and fluffy wolf tail behind him swayed wildly uncontrollably, revealing the owner's mood.

This kind of silent speech felt very familiar, he withdrew his hand without saying a word, and lost all interest in the next conversation.

Duan Ze, who was training the snow leopards, wanted to ask his little friend why he was leaving now. When he turned around, he saw the unbeaten Snow Wolf King crawling up from the ground with all the injuries and trembling. He patted it. The snow on his body, for some reason there was a bit of disappointment on his face.

Under the circumstance that the wolf was obviously not quite right, Silent Yan was going to go to the Snow Leopard King to deal with this matter. I don't know if it was his illusion. He always seemed to meet a lot of guys who like to be beaten. These People are often beaten, but they are more satisfied than good communication, which is very strange.

The reason why the Snow Wolf King came to him was not surprising. The only thing he didn't expect was that Yin Sihan did not succeed in preventing the Snow Wolf King from running here.

If the identities were replaced, Silent Yan felt that he would never give the Snow Wolf King a chance to know the external situation. The composition of the Snow Wolf Kingdom was quite simple, and its scale was not large. Who could be responsible for the investigation in the snowfield? It can also be easily filtered out.

In a situation like this, it couldn't be easier to spread fake news with a little trick.

Not only did Yin Sihan not do this, but he was unable to stabilize the opponent after that. What was interfering with his actions? Or is there any special reason

For Silent Yan after understanding the plot, Yin Sihan is different from all the protagonists he knows. He is a person who, by himself, has finally controlled two worlds from scratch in a different world without any background. , Perhaps Yin Sihan himself could not have imagined that he has a fairly high evaluation in Shen Sihan.

But this has nothing to do with him. His negotiation with the Snow Leopard Country is very smooth, and the method of putting the actual results in front of the other party is very useful. There is an opportunity to get rid of the control of the white bear country in front of them, even if they need to reach a long-term cooperative relationship with another person, they will not give up in vain.

And not to mention Snow Wolf Kingdom, who would choose the former if they moved away or hunted medium-level exotic beasts that could stay and stay safe for a long time

It was because he smelled such a possibility that the king of the Snow Wolf Kingdom would find him. Silent Yan did not object to the increase of partners who could cooperate. If the other party really wanted to join, there was nothing wrong with it. It's just that the conditions he put forward seem to be unacceptable to the Snow Wolf Country.

Helping the Snow Leopard Country to establish a new base at the border of the low-level area is not because of the special concern for them, but the desire to hunt in the snow field in the intermediate area for a long time. A location that is close to the target area without hindering the transaction through the low-level area is very important. The importance of it, so to be precise, he is not helping the Snow Leopard Country, but establishing a necessary stronghold.

So under such a premise, it is obvious that establishing a stronghold is enough for him. Saint Crystal is not so easy to get a lot of things easily, and Silent Yan is not going to spend too much manpower and material resources to help Xue. Wolf Kingdom also established a site, very simple, because it was unnecessary.

If the Snow Wolf Country wants to join the transaction between Silent Yan and the Snow Leopard Country, they will have to settle in the Snow Leopard Country. Based on the principle of first come, first arrival, the Snow Wolf Clan must be below the Snow Leopard Clan in the Snow Leopard Country. Wang couldn't accept it, not to mention the timed and quantitative transaction shares that Silent Yan asked for and the profits he needed to extract from it. How could the Snow Wolf King accept the condition that he was almost working for others for free? So there was a big fight scene.

For Silent Yan, the cooperation of the snow leopards in the snowfield is enough. Whether the snow wolf clan wants to join is not important, so he simply throws this question to the snow leopard king.

Today, the Snow Leopard King's attitude towards Silent Yan cannot be said to be a 180-degree change, but it has also undergone a great change compared to the original. It is like changing from a stranger to a friend worth making.

When Silentyan found the Snow Leopard King, the other party was also walking towards the training ground. Although he let the Snow Wolf King enter the city, according to Silentyan's previous request, they had a lot of work to do at the moment. He couldn't get away from meeting him in person for a while. What was the purpose of that person? By the time he had dealt with the matter at hand and rushed in the direction of the other party, he had already missed the most exciting part.

Even if he didn't know that the person on the other side had brought down an opponent of the same rank not long ago, for the Snow Leopard King, the same rank alone was enough to make him pay attention to the opponent. Shamelessly angry.

It is understandable that several ethnic groups in the vicinity will pay attention to each other's movements, but the attitude of coming to the door arrogantly and expressing that they want a share of the pie is too condescending!

Although the Snow Leopard Country is not in a good state of existence due to various reasons, it is not that others can hold back the provocation and not get angry. What is the Snow Wolf King? To put it bluntly, they are all losers who survive under the White Bear Country. Under the same conditions, could his wolf clan be more noble than them

The reason why the Snow Leopard King is so angry is because of his neighbors. He really knows what kind of person the king of the Snow Wolf Kingdom is. When he heard this, he almost saw the other party coming here and facing the silence. Yan would say something, no matter how good-tempered Silent Yan was, in that person's eyes, as long as he didn't follow his will, it would be an offense to him.

"Let me handle this matter." The Snow Leopard King couldn't imagine what unpleasant things the guy said to the VIPs. People stopped outside the city gate.

The ugly-looking Snow Leopard King left at the practice ground. After the matter did not require him to intervene, he began to focus on contacting the Tiger Clan.

Just as Duan Ze thought, if you want to use manpower, there is no more suitable free labor than the Tiger Clan. If you don't use resources, it is a waste. If you want to build a new stronghold in a short time, manpower is essential.

Because this incident involved the Leopard Clan, Silent Yan also contacted Lie Leopard Country.

It is impossible for him to supervise them here all the time, so the Leopard Kingdom, who is also the Leopard Clan, needs to borrow some high-level people to supervise, not to supervise the Snow Leopard Clan, but mainly to supervise most of the time. How peaceful tiger clan.

In fact, on this point, Silent Yan thought a little too much.

The Tiger Clan who received his order packed their luggage almost overnight, and could not wait to fly to the snowfield immediately. If they had to wait for the building materials that needed to be sent together, they would have arrived earlier than the Snow Wolf King.

The current state of the Tiger Nation is completely out of control. The people at the top are trying to suppress the people at the bottom, but when the Tiger Nation itself has become a subordinate of another person, the orders from the top start to become less absolute, and they It is impossible to privately deal with the low-level tiger clan who do not obey orders when Silent Yan is away.

This situation is just right for the low-level tiger clan. They began to clean up the open space in the square and turned it into a simple market, and the goods came from those low-level compatriots who were sent out on shifts every month. Not only did they find a job for them, but they also got connected with businessmen from the outside world, which meant that the low-level tiger clan could also conduct basic transactions with the outside world.

The items handmade by the low-level tiger clan are no longer handed over to the high-level, but entrusted to the low-level tiger clan who will be dispatched in the month to sell to outside merchants, because they found that the prices given by the merchants were much higher than their superiors. The price given to the senior management of the Tigers means that they have been doing cheap labor almost all the time.

After discovering this, no one is willing to do this anymore, and without the products handed in by the bottom, the long-term transactions between the high-level and external businessmen were forced to be interrupted, just because they could no longer hand over a large number of low-cost goods. .

The interests were damaged, but they could not make actual behavioral restraints. The eyes of the high-level tiger clan were blackened, while the middle-level tiger clan was caught between the two and was in a dilemma.

They originally belonged to the beneficiaries, but the benefits they received were far inferior to those of the real high-level tiger clan, and they could be said to be the most directly confronting the resistance of the bottom. far enough.

During this time, they almost wanted to pretend to be blind and deaf, so as not to be scorned by lower-level compatriots when working, and to be scolded by high-level people as incompetent in the palace.

Just as they were frowning, their new leader came with an order to send some people to the snowfields.

These middle-level tiger tribes have never been so active, and the number of people they need is limited. They simply fought in private. The group who finally won became the lucky ones who could get rid of the smoky atmosphere of the Tiger Country. The rest Dejected, thinking about why there are not so many more places.

After contacting the Tiger Kingdom and the Leopard Kingdom, Silent Yan looked at his system. The points for reviving the decaying kingdom were 3,000 at a time, but the points for plundering the Carnivorous Kingdom were 10,000 points. Such a difference in points made him almost want to be in the game. Waiting for the leopard clan and tiger clan to come to the white bear country.

It's just that he gave up this idea after a flash. The change of the ruler of a kingdom will have incalculable consequences for the kingdom. If it wasn't for the Tiger Kingdom's calculation on the Golden Lion Kingdom, Silent Yan would actually be the same for winning. A kingdom has little interest.

He is almost restraining himself from doing some actions that will have a serious impact on a world, as if he can use his current strength to kill the kings of weak kingdoms one by one, and control these kingdoms one by one. In this way, the points will naturally accumulate quickly, and when he wants to leave, he just needs to find a subordinate kingdom to be the king.

Just like this, when he leaves this world, what will this world be like? I'm afraid it will be a mess.

In the initial Silent Yan, I am afraid that he will not care about these things. He does not care about what will happen to people other than himself. How can a person who is too busy worry about the future of others, but he does not know when to start. In his spare time, he has more things to think about.

Although he doesn't know whether this is good or bad, he still chooses to follow his own thoughts, and there is no need to make other people's lives as bad as his own.

He looked at the other side of the system interface, where the reputation value was displayed, and taking down the Tiger Kingdom increased his reputation by a considerable amount, but because there were only a limited number of people who knew that the current ruler of the Tiger Kingdom was him, most of this value was From the Golden Lion Country, the Leopard Country and the Tiger Country itself.

The construction progress of the Hound Country has been increasing at an extremely stable trend. Obviously he has not done anything, but the happiness of the dogs has automatically increased from 65% to 85%. The increase also reached 57%, which is just a little short of the 60% pass line.

Just when he was about to contact the intelligence dealer to ask if there were any dealers interested in selling holy crystals, he happened to meet Bai Yun, who was squatting alone in the corner and crying.

Bai Yun didn't expect that he would be seen by others when he was hiding and crying by himself. He was so ashamed that he wanted to find a crack to dig in, but then he realized that the person didn't even look at him at all, and he suddenly didn't know why. Sad.

I don't know if it was because of tears in his eyes. Bai Yun only felt that his sight was illuminated as if he saw golden spots in the air. He rubbed his eyes and realized that it was not an illusion caused by blurred vision.

There were really some golden spots floating in the air.