Become Stronger

Chapter 392: Become Stronger in Another World (145)


Yi Tian had already put down the weapon in his hand when Shen Moyan came. He didn't show any mercy when he faced Yin Sihan before. He looked like a well-behaved child who saw his parents.

He briefly recounted what happened to the silent words, and at the same time he couldn't help but feel a little guilty. After all, he did it without discussing it with the silent words at all. Now it is hard to say that he will not cause trouble to the other party.

When Yi Tian was worried, Bai Yun popped his head out from behind him. He seemed to be defending him and immediately said, "He wants to help me because I don't want to leave."

At this moment, Bai Yun is no longer nervous when facing Silent Yan at the beginning. After the previous conversation, in Bai Yun's heart, he has narrowed the distance with Silent Yan, and the dog clan who saved him is the opponent's follower. , It can be said that he saved himself twice, and Bai Yun can even be said to have a sense of closeness to Silent Yan.

Even his request to follow Mr. Duan did not anger the other party, Bai Yun only felt that Silent Yan was really a very good-tempered and gentle person.

It was impossible for Silent Yan to punish Yi Tian. Although the dog tribes called him a mentor, but in himself, he and the dog tribe have never had any subordinate relationship, but more of a mutual benefit. Equal cooperation, and only pure dogs will tacitly acquiesce themselves to become followers of others.

After listening to Bai Yun's explanation, he turned his attention to Yin Sihan.

Of course, when he came, he had already seen the wolf clan who had been beaten up, and he just wanted to clarify things first, so he turned his attention to Yi Tian, who could obviously speak more clearly.

It's just that he didn't understand why, when he looked at Yin Sihan, the beaten-up protagonist looked a little pitiful, but why did he get better

Of course, Yin Sihan couldn't have wanted to be seen by Silent Yan in a state of embarrassment. After realizing that the other party's attention was on him, he straightened his back as much as possible so that he didn't look so bad.

It's just that when he wanted to rely on the weapon in his hand to prop up his body, he still grimaced because of the wound because of the pain. In order not to damage his image, Yin Sihan gave up and stood up again.

"Does Mr. Yin have any special reason to take Bai Yun away?"

Silent Yan asked this, Yin Sihan sensitively observed whether there was any change in his tone, and found that his tone and attitude when he asked himself was the same as before, and there was no change.

For a while, Yin Sihan couldn't tell whether he was happy or disappointed, he touched the wound he was punctured by the dog clan, and pretended to be sad: "Because I miss him, the king of the White Rabbit Kingdom is also very worried about Bai Yundi. Will there be any accident when I go out for a long time?"

Bai Yun hid behind Yi Tian, pinched the hem of the dog clan, and retorted in a low voice, "Father will never worry about me."

"There will be no parents in this world who don't worry about their children." Yin Sihan looked in Bai Yun's direction, trying to impress him with a love that he didn't even believe in himself, "Your Majesty is really worried about you, but it's just guilt that he didn't want to. know how to express it to you."

What Yin Sihan said was almost what Bai Yun had always hoped for, but his experience from childhood to adulthood made him rationally know that it was just some rhetoric, and he hung his head helplessly.

Yin Sihan's words seem to give them no reason to keep themselves. After all, Yin Sihan is the person that King White Rabbit values. Sometimes his words represent a little bit of the other party's meaning, even if Bai Yun knew that his father would not be like him at all. He thought of himself as he said.

Hearing Silent Yan did not seem to doubt the authenticity of the other party's words, Bai Yun's sadness and loss became stronger and stronger. He was ready to accept the fate of being brought back, and there was no need for anyone to fight against the royal family for him.

"Then I will be responsible for sending him back after the matter is over. Please ask the White Rabbit King for me so that he doesn't have to worry." Silent Yan said with a smile, "And Mr. Yin, if he is too clingy, he will be annoying. ."

"..." Yin Sihan obviously did not expect that he would express his refusal attitude so frankly.

However, in fact, Silent Yan didn't need his answer, he simply expressed his position, and then let people leave here with a still confused Bai Yun.

He himself stood in front of Yin Sihan and took out a hemostatic potion from his arms.

"Maybe Mr. Yin doesn't lack this, but please accept it." Silent Yan, in his own politeness, still didn't take Yin Sihan, who was injured by the dog, in his eyes, and handed out the potion as compensation.

Although Silent Yan did not give any low-level potions, it was indeed not lacking for Yin Sihan. This potion was not so much a compensation for his guilt, but was actually just taking care of his face on the bright side. , to deal with him.

Yin Sihan still took it.

"Thank you, this matter is also my fault, which will cause your people to misunderstand." He held the potion bottle in his hand from the other side, and said in a magnanimous tone, "I hope you don't mind."

Silent Yan curved the corners of his mouth and said, "How could it be."

Even if he didn't say much, and even sounded like he was following his own words politely, but Yin Sihan knew that this sentence was extremely frank, let alone caring, I'm afraid it would be totally unacceptable to him. Keep the little things in mind.

This is the first time that Yin Sihan has put his position in such a humble situation. It is not that others use brute force to force him, but that he recognizes it from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, Yin Sihan thought it well. Silent Yan did not take this matter seriously. He did not even hit Yin Sihan, who was obviously seriously injured and could not stand up, and was extremely perfunctory to maintain this superficial Courtesy peace.

He left Yin Sihan to those subordinates that Yin Sihan himself brought and left first.

After Shen Moyan left, Yin Sihan put the bottle of medicine in his hand into his arms, took out another medicine from the storage bag and drank it. , but waited until the wound on his body had healed a little before standing up on his own.

"Let's go back."

Bai Yun was grateful for Sihan Yan for helping him get rid of Yin Sihan easily. After discovering that Yin Sihan had really left the Snow Leopard Country with someone, he was truly relieved.

His feelings for Yin Sihan are very complicated. No one liked him since he was a child. It was the first time he met someone who liked him. It felt like a redemption rather than a first love. But when he found out that the other party didn't recognize him as he did, Bai Yun was just disappointed, but he didn't hate Yin Sihan because of him, because he was not likable in the first place, so it seemed normal that Yin Sihan didn't like him that much.

Until Yin Sihan just used his father as an excuse, Bai Yun was thinking about making himself better and more worthy of Yin Sihan's liking, so that equal feelings would make him like him more.

But Yin Sihan, who clearly knew his situation from childhood to adulthood, said that. He didn't worry about whether he would be hurt because of his only purpose from beginning to end, and that was to take him away, just to hide the one from himself. secret.

If it was the former Bai Yun, I am afraid that he will be slumped, but now he has a new goal, he thought, what would happen if such a thing happened to Mr. Duan? No matter what, it is impossible for him to be as weak as himself, and he must be able to cheer up soon, so he must cheer up!

If Yin Sihan was here, he would be surprised to see Bai Yun jumping up and down. In his impression, Bai Yun was always soft and introverted, not to mention bold and active around someone. Bai Yun had been together for a long time, and Bai Yun would be shy towards him.

It's a pity that Yin Sihan knew that it was hopeless to take Bai Yun away, so he left early with his hands, so he couldn't see Bai Yun following Duan Ze all day like a little tail.

Duan Ze has no special idea about this. He does whatever he should do every day. At the fifth rank, he has more than enough time to exercise the Snow Leopards. He can even answer some questions from Bai Yun distractedly. It would be better to have an extra talking pet rabbit.

The task that Silentyan gave him was to train the reflexes of the snow leopards, which was easy for him. These leopards who were working hard to deal with his assault did not know that their comfortable days were now, wait for Silentyan After taking over, for the person who always thinks actual combat is the best way to train, there is at least an 80% chance of throwing them directly into the intermediate area.

Having followed Duan Ze for a long time, Bai Yun was used to saying any questions on the spot, knowing that he would not disturb him. He recorded all Duan Ze's behavior and habits, hoping to learn something from it.

On this day, he was also holding his small notebook, squatting on the edge of the practice ground as if he were visiting, watching Duan Ze slaughter those Leopards who looked very powerful. Obviously, compared to these people, Mr. Duan is more powerful.

Bai Yun couldn't help but yearn and admired. He took the notebook and remembered something, so he quickly took the time to ask: "Mr. Duan, do you know what Mr. Shen likes? I want to give him a gift to thank him for helping me."

If it wasn't for Mr. Shen, he would have been forcibly taken away by Yin Sihan long ago. Bai Yun always wanted to find a chance to thank him, but although Mr. Shen looked gentle, he didn't seem to have any interest in talking to him, so he could only ask for help Yu and Mr. Shen have a better relationship with Mr. Duan.

Hearing this, Duan Ze said strangely: "You can just ask him if he is okay?"

As he spoke, he knocked down another leopard.

"I asked him." Bai Yun scratched his face a little embarrassedly, "I asked Mr. Shen what he liked, and he said he likes you."

After receiving the sudden contact from the players, Silent Yan stopped his work and was asking what happened, but before he could hear the words of the other players, he was rushed into the room by Duan Ze. Grabbed the collar.

Silent Yan sat, followed Duan Ze's strength to drag him and raised his head blankly to face the other's face, that face was shy and annoyed, but more of a habitual helplessness and anger.

"Don't say such embarrassing words to others casually, you bastard! Aren't you embarrassed!?"