Become Stronger

Chapter 396: Become Stronger in Another World (149)


The pointer has obviously absorbed enough energy, and it is extremely active at the moment. Even if it does nothing, Silent Yan can feel the energy it emits in the dark. Compared with before, it is obviously the original. is in a semi-sleep state.

"Since it's fully charged, how do I use it?" Duan Ze stood on the bed curiously, keeping his eyes level with them.

Silent Yan couldn't answer this point. Ordinary soul power couldn't manipulate this pointer, and it was useless to let Bai Yun try it. That pointer was like simply treating Bai Yun as food, and when Bai Yun touched it, it would be swallowed. power, let alone manipulate it.

Judging from its behavior of lying down on Silent Yan's body when it was full, it seems to have identified Silent Yan as the master, but Bai Yun was associated with its power.

"Could it be that it was controlled by voice?" Duan Ze made a bold guess.

Hearing this, Silent Yan tried to say, "Change him back."

The pocket watch in his hand was unmoved.

Just when Duan Ze thought he had guessed wrong, Silent Yan said calmly: "It's just a waste of space to carry things that can't be used."

He was just narrating a truth that everyone knew, but the pocket watch seemed to hear a huge threat. It buzzed like aggrieved. Seeing that it couldn't impress the person at all, it moved the pointer unwillingly. .

So after a short period of grief, Duan Ze found that he had changed back so easily.

Before he could be happy, he found himself still wearing the cartoon one-piece lion pajamas.

"So why can even clothes get bigger and smaller?!" Duan Ze simply wondered if there was something wrong with the system's description of the pointer, "Speaking of which, this is really voice-controlled???"

Bai Yun doesn't know if he has been with them for a long time, and has learned the bad problem of Silent Yan's inability to read the air. Now he seriously said to Duan Ze, "I think it's very cute! It suits you!"

This is called shooting himself in the foot. If he had chosen normal pajamas for Silent Yan, he wouldn't have been reduced to this point. In other words, wouldn't he be able to find the system to buy it again? Why did he change into the clothes that Silent Yan gave him so unknowingly!

Bai Yun's beast soul has just been activated at this moment. He is in an extremely excited state, and he has to use it from time to time. It seems that the absorption of the pointer has no effect on him.

Soon Bai Yun discovered that his soul qi could revive withered flowers and heal broken skin, so he excitedly ran to the two of them and informed them of this discovery.

Bai Yun thought he had the power to heal, but it wasn't, his power just acted according to his thoughts.

"You can also let the flowers wither and make people die." Silent Yan told him.

Duan Ze felt that he was teaching bad children, but Silent Yan felt that it was very important for Bai Yun to clearly understand what kind of abilities he possessed.

A few days later, Bai Yun came to find Silent Yan and said that he couldn't do what he said. He couldn't imagine how the thriving plant would lose its vitality in his hands. Whether Silent Yan could or not was different.

Duan Ze looked at Bai Yun's half-understood appearance, and had the illusion that he was watching his little friend bring a baby.

At this time, Silent Yan's affairs in the Snow Leopard Country have basically been settled. He has his own hunting method for middle-level alien beasts, and the dog clan he has already learned from his hunting methods adapts well. After entering the middle-level hunting grounds, the canines serve as assistants to teach them some points to pay attention to.

Snow leopards are also hunting animals in nature, and they are extremely comprehensible in this regard. In addition to some concerns about the risks behind such hunting, they learn quickly, and those concerns are quickly defeated by countless victories. Flattened.

The new address that Silent Yan chose for them was located at the junction of the low and intermediate areas of the snowfield, which not only allowed them to be close to the intermediate areas to facilitate hunting, but also facilitated the travel of low-level orcs from the low-level areas.

It's not that no one wants to do this, it's just that countries that are afraid of middle-level exotic beasts can't afford high-level holy crystals. Without holy crystals, it means that they will face the attack of exotic beasts in intermediate-level regions, and Silent Yan is helping the snow leopard country. solved this problem.

After negotiating with the Snow Wolf King, the Snow Leopard King agreed to join the Snow Wolf Clan. Of course, they would not let the Wolf Clan live in the same city as their own clan, but agreed to the Snow Wolf Clan on the premise of explaining the situation to the other party. Able to send people to participate in regular hunting activities.

They have a black-and-white contract with Shen Moyan, which has clear supply targets. The addition of the Snow Wolf Clan can help them reduce the burden. Even if the burden is not very heavy at first, who doesn't want to reduce the burden? Besides, living in the same snowy field, the Snow Leopard King didn't want to make trouble with his neighbors. Even if he wasn't afraid, he couldn't stand the other party's harassment from time to time. After a long time, he would feel annoyed even if he wasn't afraid.

With the snow leopards and snow wolves as the source of supply for the snowfield, Silent Yan also contacted some merchants who were interested in snowfield materials. This part of the income is not only used for the construction of the snow leopard country, but also There are some decaying countries that he needs to connect with next.

Snow Leopard Country no longer needs him to worry, so he is ready to leave with his hands. According to the original plan, he should have gone to White Bear Country, and Silent Yan has already obtained the information about White Bear Country, but now the player The situation there is more pressing.

When he and Duan Ze packed up and prepared to leave with the Dog Clan and Bai Yun, not only the Snow Leopard King who was helped, but also the Snow Wolf King who was beaten by him unexpectedly came to see him off.

The wolf king is obviously recovering well, and now he is full of energy again, he shouted at the silent words: "You remember this guy! You are the person I like! If someone wants to fight against you, my motherfucker. It's not over with him!"

Duan Ze twitched the corners of his mouth. He didn't know how to react to this wolf who seemed particularly irritable even when he said good things. He looked at Silent Yan, who was the client, and saw that he had already put on a business smile and faced the wolf king. Nodding his head, he turned his head and said goodbye to the Snow Leopard King without saying a word.

Just when he thought that the neglected irascible wolf king must be angry, he found that this guy just got a nod and smile and seemed to be satisfied, with a big tail and a little reluctance.

Duan Ze thinks that he should not keep a dog in the future. If he keeps a dog and the dog only likes his friends and doesn't like him, he will definitely be jealous.

Along the way, Bai Yun obviously looked more nervous as he got closer to the Hound Country. He didn't forget how much trouble he had caused before, and he typed the script in his mind over and over again on the way to avoid saying the wrong thing when he apologized.

The surrounding dog clans could see his nervousness, but it was not easy to comfort him, after all, they were not the parties concerned.

When they arrived in Hound Country, the dogs all gathered around one by one when they saw Silent Yan. The scene was really spectacular, and Duan Ze's original question was finally answered.

Good guy, even raised a country's dog.

Bai Yun also recognized Aqiu who had been tricked by him at a glance. After all, the other party was the only one who was willing to help him at that time. The rehearsal on the road was abandoned. Bai Yun stammered because he was nervous. The appearance made Aqiu, whose face turned a little bad after seeing him, relaxed instead.

In the end, Bai Yun's apology was accepted without incident. The dog family is a family that is very easy to trust others, let alone the other party's sincere apology.

After asking Bai Yun what he was going to do next, Bai Yun expressed his desire to return to the White Rabbit Country.

It was obvious that Yin Sihan kept a thorn in Bai Yun's heart for concealing that he was a wolf clan. He had to go back and tell his father and other family members that Bai Yun had not been taken seriously since he was a child, so he brought along a biography that could communicate with his family. There was no sound crystal either, and going back now would definitely be one step behind Yin Sihan.

Silent Yan didn't say anything. The location of the city where the White Rabbit Country and the players are located is not right on the road. If you go to the White Rabbit Country first, it will take several days plus the time to return, so the job of escorting Bai Yun to the White Rabbit Country will be done. Handed it over to the relatively clever Yi Tian, Yi Tian readily took over the task, and brought a few other dog clans to send Bai Yun back.

On the contrary, when Bai Yun heard the news, he seemed a little embarrassed for some reason, and whispered to Yi Tian, who had just followed them back to the Hound Dog Country, and didn't have time to rest.

Yi Tian waved his hand and didn't care.

Before he came to the Hound Country, he had always experienced the days of running around, and he was used to it.

Duan Ze saw Bai Yun standing in front of Yi Tian with his head down and blushing, and he suddenly realized that the protagonist of this world, Yin's son-in-law might be really green.

Bai Yun knew that Duan Ze could not follow him because he agreed, so he changed his itinerary to follow him to the White Rabbit Country. Although he was very reluctant, he still said goodbye to them in the Hound Country.

At the same time, Silent Yan did not delay in the hound country. After only two people were left, the journey became much faster. The hound country and the players were not too far away. There were no other factors on the road. I saw the walls built by the players.

On the other hand, there are orcs outside the city who want to enter but are blocked. They do not have a unified race. They are almost all races. At this moment, they all want to enter the city but cannot enter. Able to stare blankly outside the city.

With their ability, they can naturally invade the city by force, but originally they wanted a place where they could live in peace. Can the peace that they robbed with violence still count as peace? There are two kinds of things like this. After the first violent solution to the problem, any conflicts in the future will only be solved with violence, so they restrained each other and did not allow any one to act casually in this situation.

The players guarding the door are about to cry. Where have they seen this kind of battle? Even playing games in the past was just an ordinary holographic game. If you die, you will die. No, they are completely cold.

Damn, why is it their turn to guard the gate!