Become Stronger

Chapter 397: Become Stronger in Another World (150)


Just when he was completely silent and felt that his life was dull, he heard the sound of horse hooves in the distance, so his heart was ashes, and after thinking about it, more and more people came.

The orcs present are basically used to it, they don't care who is coming, they only care whether the person who comes can enter the city. You must know that the orcs who come here are basically divided into two types. One is those who will be stopped outside like them, and the other is who can easily pass their so-called exam and become a member of the other party.

They can only envy and hate this kind of person, but there is nothing they can do.

It's not that no one wants to arrest people before they enter the city and ask them clearly what the exam questions are, but as long as they get the exam papers, they are basically forcibly separated from the people outside. Can't catch anyone.

There are also people who arrest people before the new arrivals have started, but most of the arrested people are confused, and they can't tell whether it is true or false, and in the end they can only watch the incoming and outgoing people. Leave.

I saw that this time it was a man who was clearly on his way. He got off his horse. The black-haired man walking in front was obviously a leopard clan in terms of characteristics, and the man in the back covered himself with a hood. I can't see the face clearly, but I can tell from the tail behind me that it is a lion. After all, the tail of a lion is particularly recognizable.

This is not the place before, Duan Ze can only cover himself tightly, so many orcs of different races from various places are here, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be so many who will recognize him.

It's not easy being a celebrity, and it just so happens that he's been so famous in almost every world to begin with.

Duan Ze thought of having fun in the midst of suffering.

Compared with him, Silent Yan didn't have any troubles in this regard. He walked in the direction of the city gate, and the strange orcs around didn't stop him when they saw him, apparently thinking that he was also a homeless person who wanted to come here to try his luck. returnable person.

These orcs have also mastered the rules during this period of time. Almost all the people who can pass the exam and enter the city are some very fragile guys who look very fragile and gray, and like them who are used to wandering outside, It has already passed the most difficult stage at the beginning, and now it looks more decent than those people.

So they made a bold guess. The owner of this city will not only recruit people who are just starting to wander and have no ability to survive, right

Countless results have verified their thoughts, so when they saw Silent Yan and them, their first reaction was to look at the clothes of these two people. When they saw that the two were dressed better than them, it was obvious that they were outside. A little bit of ability has been quite good, and suddenly withdrew his eyes with a lack of interest.

An orc couldn't hold back, and said to them: "It's useless, this city doesn't accept self-protection ability, and it's a waste of time here."

He said that it was a beat late, and by the time he said that the late man had already reached the city gate.

When the player guarding the door was looking down and ready to take out the test paper, he raised his head to meet the face of the black-haired Leopard clan, and suddenly he was no longer drowsy.

"Woooooo, boss, you're finally here!" Most players are used to calling Silent Yan a boss, but this gatekeeper seems to be emotional. The silent thigh cried out.

So he didn't hand over the test paper, and just opened the city gate.

This development shocked the beasts who had been staring outside the city.

My mind is turning fast and I have understood it now. I squeezed out the crowd and tried to stop the black-haired leopards who were about to enter the city. Of course, he didn't stop it, when his hand was about to touch the other party. , and the cloaked Lion clan who had been beside the opponent beat him back with a whip.

Although the whip covered with fifth-order soul energy didn't hit him, it was enough to make the orc, who was extremely sensitive to danger, fear. The orc's eyes widened, obviously in disbelief. . It was not only him that this whip beat back, but also the other beastmen who were just around the corner.

what's going on? Did they read it right just now

Fifth-order soul energy!

It is self-evident what the fifth-order concept is in this continent. This represents the pinnacle of their power among orcs. No fifth-order powerhouse is ordinary.

But what's the situation now

A powerhouse with fifth-order strength, doing another person's sidekick

They don't even want to use words like chaperone to describe an existence with fifth-order strength, but when someone shoots at the opponent, they immediately use a protective attitude to stop it, and with a clear warning. Isn't it a follower

Even the followers are fifth-order, so how strong is the person who is willing to obey that fifth-order

For orcs, there is almost no such concept as bodyguards, and only mercenaries will collect money to protect others, but when the power reaches the fifth-order level, they no longer need to rely on this petty profit. All actions can only be done in accordance with the original heart, only if they are willing.

And for most people, especially carnivores like the Lions that advocate power, there is only one possibility to bow to another person, that person is stronger than him!

Duan Ze moved his hand, and Silent Yan knew what the group of people had misunderstood by looking at the atmosphere around him. He stopped, but felt that such an orderly situation was suitable for solving the current matter first.

So he clearly knew what these beasts wanted to say, but he still pretended not to know, and looked polite and gentle: "What are you doing here?"

The orcs present most wanted to hear him ask this question. The person in front of him clearly had a good status in the city. After that, he was even more unusual. But they really heard this question. No one dared to speak.

Just kidding, a fifth-order powerhouse is stopped here, and it is very likely that this person is also a fifth-order, who dares to talk nonsense with two fifth-orders in front of him

Seeing them like this, Silent Yan couldn't help thinking of what had happened since he came to this world. As his strength became stronger, he did start to have the right to speak in this world without doing anything, but there was something relatively unknown about it. It's always the same, these people have given the opportunity but can't always say what they need to say.

The orcs who were sensitive to other people's emotions saw that the Leopard man in front of him who had a good attitude towards them was about to lose his smile, and hurriedly said: "We are all here to join your kingdom! I just don't understand your selection criteria. …”

When he opened his mouth, he already acquiesced that the city belonged to the person in front of him. After speaking, he glanced at the orcs guarding the gate, only to see that the orcs did not react to his words, so he understood that he was right, this person is really the city lord .

There is no king in the taotie kingdom, so the person who has the right to manage the kingdom is naturally the city lord, that is to say, whether they can enter or not depends on the words of the person in front of them.

"The standard has always been clear." Silent Yan gestured to the test paper beside him, "This has not changed since the beginning."

Of course the orcs know this, and the recruitment notice they posted also states that they need to pass the test. If it is just a simple strength test or some survival skills, they will recognize it, but it is something they can't understand at all. They were very wrongly defeated.

At the beginning, the orcs speculated about various reasons for the other party to create the city. Among them, there were some conspiracy theories, but more of them believed that the other party wanted to give the displaced orcs a place to settle.

"Most of us can't read what's written on a piece of paper, can't we give us another chance?" Out of this, the orc decided to deal with the other party from an emotional point of view, if the other party was really right Homeless people have good intentions, and they should be shaken. "Each of us has rich experience in homelessness and can do many things. It will definitely help you!"

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, the black-haired man in front of him was hesitant and wavering.

The orc also wanted to see what the Leonine who almost killed him with a whip was thinking, but the other party was so tightly covered that he couldn't see the expression on his face at all, which made the orc somewhat regretful, and he didn't dare to Look more, even if this person is just another person's entourage now, but that is also a fifth-order existence, an existence that they simply cannot match.

Duan Ze is used to being in a high position, and the skill that can change the surrounding atmosphere with his hands has been pinched by Duan Ze long ago, and the golden-orange aura of the whip was naturally exposed to others on purpose, so as to prevent others from Being close to the scene can also make the scene quiet, and by the way, it can directly seize the right to speak, which is not too convenient.

However, Duan Ze is still very envious of Silent Yan, because after his observation, Silent Yan often only has a slight change in his expression, which is enough to make the people around him move in the direction he wants.

"This city is for those who meet my conditions. As you can see, the city's scope is limited. Even if we continue to follow up the construction, we are already very nervous to accommodate the current population." Silent sighed. In one breath, there seemed to be more helplessness in his tone than dissatisfaction with their request, "Maybe I can let you join us, but that would be unfair to others."

He said and glanced at the orcs outside the city. There were not a lot of them. Obviously, according to what he said, if a swarm of bees were sucked into the city, the land would not be enough to support that kind of demand.

His attitude has softened, and what he said really makes sense, it seems that those who are forcibly joining are like bandits who want to seize the territory.

But the orc still grasped the point of these words.

Although that person said that there was no way for them to join, but that was because there was not enough land, not because he was unwilling to let them join, right

With this in mind, the orc pursued the victory, as if he was afraid that he would change his tune temporarily, and said, "Then can we help with the construction? Expand the land on one side of the city, and we will be responsible for the construction of our own housing, so the scale of the gluttonous city. It can also be expanded, can't it?"

"This..." Silent Yan seemed to be very distressed, he looked at the others, "Even if you say that, are other people as willing as you are? It's very laborious to expand the territory at this stage."

The orc turned his head, and he couldn't say what other people thought. After all, they just happened to meet here, and they were not acquaintances. Everyone came here with their own ideas. Not so taken for granted.

As he expected, many people have opinions on this, and they all have their own opinions, and more people are afraid that they will be excluded altogether.

When they came here to bargain with each other, they were forcing them to accept themselves. If they encountered such a thing themselves, they would inevitably be separated from such a group of people, and these wandering orcs just want one In a place where they can live peacefully, if there is potential conflict between them because of such things, then they will be farther and farther away from the stable life they want.

"It's not an option to talk here. If you don't mind, come in and sit down and talk." Silent Yan made a gesture of invitation, seeing that the orcs were a little hesitant to enter the city without permission, he smiled and comforted, "Don't be afraid, I'm not as good as him, just an ordinary person."

Duan Ze, who was named, glanced at Silent Yan, and then looked at the beastman on the other side.

The orcs had disbelief written all over their faces.