Become Stronger

Chapter 399: Become Stronger in Another World (152)


It's not unexpected that the players can't help but go to Yin Sihan to settle accounts, but Silent Yan didn't expect to be so impulsive with the character of Zero Ten.

"Take me to see the book you mentioned first."

In fact, it was almost as expected by the player. When he finished saying this, the protest team organized by the players had arrived in the White Rabbit Country. They were not many but not many. At this time, they couldn't lose their temper He wanted to rush that Yin Sihan away, but his temper was not very good.

"Fuck him and it's over!" The leading players were going to go to the palace. Even if they didn't know where Yin Sihan was now, they were very clear about the fact that he had the White Rabbit Kingdom behind him.

On this matter, Zero Ten, who became a twenty-five boy, didn't say anything, and he also thought that it would be easier to start from the palace.

"Wait! Wait, you guys!" The second disease stopped them and asked in disbelief, "You just rushed like this? I tell you, you can't survive three chapters in the novel like this! There is no plan at all. Reckless?"

"Are you sick? Is it possible that the surnamed Yin himself should come out and confront us and let us fight?" The player will drive away the second sickness, "So why are you catching up? You don't want to stand still and do nothing. Thirty-six counts?"

"I'm worried about you guys!" Zhong Er was heartbroken, and before the player had time to be moved, he thought that this person had spoken a little bit, and he heard him continue, "You are all my little brothers, can I ignore you!"

The second disease was slapped away by a slap.

The soldiers guarding the city gate looked at their noisy and noisy, and had already noticed them. Seeing that a group of them were going to enter the city like this, they hurriedly stopped them.

In the past, when they checked their race and confirmed the purpose of entering the city, they would let people go, but seeing that this group of people obviously came from an abnormal purpose, the interrogation was more stringent, but the players did not intend to sneak into the city, and they were questioned. directly stated his intentions.

"We're looking for Yin Sihan! Call him out to me!"

The leading soldier was stunned when he heard the name. Of course, he had heard the name of Yin Sihan. This man is obviously a dog but he has considerable prestige in their White Rabbit Kingdom. Anyone who works in the palace knows him, even Many civilians also know this name.

"Why are you looking for him?" In the eyes of most rabbit tribes, Yin Sihan is an absolutely positive figure. He has helped them a lot. For them, Yin Sihan is not only a dog, but also a dog. like their fellow aliens.

The players looked at each other, and before anyone could say anything, Zero Ten said, "He owes me money and hasn't paid it back."

Not to mention the soldiers at the door, even the players were shocked after saying this, but Zero One Ten was calm as usual, he didn't lie, and counting the time in this world, Yin shi has not given any money for several months. He was paid, and he did not resign. Logically, the time in the game world that Yin's self-proclaimed was normal working hours.

The soldier at the door obviously didn't believe it. He asked, "How much does he owe you."

Zero and ten made a gesture: "This number."

Not a small amount.

It can be seen how good the Yin's treatment is.

The Rabbit Soldier took a deep breath, and felt that the person in front of him didn't look like he was lying. He hesitated to look at the other people behind Zero One Ten, so many people...

"Are you all owed money?"

Zero One Ten's behavior is like giving the players a head start. The players who are good at surfing the Internet and keeping up with current events have an idea, and soon someone stood up with a sad face: "It's not money, it's life. !"

The Rabbit Soldier was stunned and quickly asked, "What, what's going on?"

"This bastard Yin Sihan seduced my younger brother, and made my younger brother stubborn for him. Now he has taken away my family's ancestral secret treasure and ran away. I can't find anyone else. My younger brother is looking for life and death. Our family has no peace!"

"You're just a family, I'm a group of brothers!" The players got excited, and the angry expressions on their faces got a tenth without deliberately acting, "What do you mean to start a business! The bastard Yin Sihan, owes 350,000 The gold coins ran away with my sister-in-law! We can only sell the rest of the stockpiled goods at a low price, all two gold coins are only two gold coins! Do you know how much we lost and how many people could not survive!"

"What?! 350,000 gold coins?!" The Rabbit Soldier was shocked, and then he noticed another key, "Sister-in-law? Is Mr. Yin married?"

The player who said it smoothly shut up instantly, and the other player who didn't speak immediately added: "That's right! His sister-in-law is my cousin. Both my cousins came back some time ago, and they were heartbroken and said that the surname was Yin. I don't like women at all, I just stay with them to take advantage of them, woo woo sisters are so miserable!"

In this continent, it basically doesn’t matter what gender you like, it all depends on your personal preferences. Of course, there will always be situations where you always think you like girls but you like guys or vice versa, but listening to them, Yin Sihan Is this deliberately deceiving others' feelings? ?

This is too serious. Combined with what they heard before, the Rabbit Soldiers can't imagine that there are such people lurking around them.

Seeing that the timing was about the same, Zero Ten said, "It's also because we are too rash. We should be careful when we know that the other party is a wolf clan. The wolf clan is really cunning."

"Wolf? But he..."

The Rabbit who was watching the door paused for a moment, and finally came to his senses. He felt that the shock he suffered in this short period of time was too much to digest, and it was obvious that the severity of the incident had exceeded him. The range that can be managed must be reported.

That being said, but obviously they can't just let them in.

The Rabbit Clan felt guilty and wronged, and they waited outside the city for a while. He immediately went to inform the king, and there would be a response soon.

The players also know that they have made things like this, and if they are too impatient, it will make their situation appear to have no advantage, so the most irritable ones also suppressed their temper and agreed to wait here.

Yin Sihan in the palace was explaining the final situation of the Snow Wolf Kingdom to the White Rabbit King. He learned that the problem of the Sheep Clan had been resolved, and they did not have to send manpower to assist the Snow Wolf Clan. The White Rabbit King's mood became very good. .

"I knew it was okay to leave this to you!"

Yin Sihan smiled and thought about how to reveal his secret to the other party. Bai Yun would not be here earlier than him, so he had enough time to ask the question to Bai Yun before he revealed his secret. deal with it.

There's no better way to deal with this than if he'd taken the initiative to confess.

But before he could figure out how to start, a Rabbit guard knocked on the door from the outside. The other was one of the guards of the White Rabbit King, and he was always displeased with Yin Sihan, when he met his eyes. , Yin Sihan inexplicably felt a bad premonition.

The rabbit clan said something in the ears of the White Rabbit King, and the White Rabbit King's face changed instantly.

The Rabbit Race is an extremely honest race. It is difficult for them to control themselves and not speak their minds. Yin Sihan is not worried that he has no chance to resist. As long as the White Rabbit King tells what happened after a while, he will naturally There is a way to deal with it.

Sure enough, the White Rabbit King pointed at him and was about to speak, but was stopped by the Rabbit guards on the side.

"Your Majesty, call someone up first."

The White Rabbit King thought about it for a while. In the end, he still trusts his most capable subordinates. Compared with Yin Sihan, he is also a compatriot of the Rabbit clan. Even if there is any opinion, the White Rabbit King will listen to him.

"You're right, then let them confront each other!"

Yin Sihan stood firm in the White Rabbit Kingdom under the circumstance that the king had obvious prejudice against foreigners. Although he was very annoyed by the attitude of the White Rabbit King, he could not give up the rights he had acquired. No matter what happened, he At least one thing to know.

"Wang, what happened? What confrontation? With whom?"

The White Rabbit King snorted coldly: "And your creditor!"

Yin Sihan:

Silent Yan followed the player to the cave where they found the book with all the causes.

The cave was pitch-dark, and even though the animals had good night vision, Duan Ze couldn't help pulling Silent Yan's arm when the cave was reverberating from the wind, and then he felt the person he was pulling move. He started and clasped his hand in the palm of his hand. Duan Ze felt the temperature communicated by the palms of his hands, and the warmth flooded his face involuntarily.

How old are you, how can you still wiggle just because you hold hands!

When the painting style was completely different from the surrounding wall, the light in the cave suddenly lit up. Duan Ze wanted to let go of his hand but did not break free. A visibly embarrassed face.

It was not until the player took down the book on the stone pillar again without a sense of crisis and handed it to Silent Yan, he had to let go of his hand because he wanted to take the thing.

This book has been taken down by the second sickness before, so when players come here with silent words, they naturally have no psychological burden to take it down again. This book is about to be ripped by them, and there is no danger at all. of.

Silent Yan flipped through the contents of the book, and Duan Ze also leaned in, wondering if it really recorded so many contents that only those who knew the plot knew.

As a result, it didn't matter at first glance, Duan Ze was stunned after reading the first page.

The content recorded in this book is as detailed as a novel based on Yin Sihan. Obviously this book comes from this world, but it clearly records Yin Sihan's daily schedule before coming here. When it comes to what brand of toothpaste he is used to wearing and what price table.

Continue to scroll down, and the things recorded in it are basically the same as the plot they know.

"Wow, what's this? Script?" Duan Ze's brain was wide open. "Wouldn't every world have such a script? Everyone's behavior is fixed and can't be changed."

The player said with a smile: "How could it be? If this is the case, then we have found this book and went to Yin Sihan to trouble us, so wouldn't we have deviated from the original line of the script?"

"Oh yes."

When they were talking, Silent Yan had basically finished reading the general content of the book. This book is not exactly a book of prophecies, because he only recorded what had happened, and there were even traces of alterations. .

Silent Yan carefully identified the altered content. It was exactly what happened when he retrieved the abducted dog clan through the intelligence businessman. According to the original plot, it should be Yin Sihan who took the shot and rescued the dog clan to win. The whole favor of the Hound Country, but because of his intervention, the content of this part has changed and there is a new development.

Looking back, there are also obvious traces of a large number of alterations in the parts of the sheep clan and the snow wolf clan.

The last recorded content is not the ending of the story, but Yin Sihan's departure from the Snow Wolf Country and returned to the White Rabbit Country.

Therefore, this is a book that will automatically record the plot process and modify itself when changes occur. The way it appears here is no different from the pointer, although it is possible to rely on a book to directly observe all of Yin Sihan's behavior. , but if that's all it really is, it's pretty useless.