Become Stronger

Chapter 402: Become Stronger in Another World (155)


This scene looks like the end of the world.

Seeing the disaster scenes created by special effects through the screen is completely different from what you see with the naked eye in reality. It seems that a gap has opened between the heaven and the earth, and everything in the world instantly loses the natural laws that should be followed, and the river begins to flow upstream. Day and night were divided into two pieces in the sky, and it was impossible to tell whether it was day or night at a glance.

The first time a player saw this scene, his legs would go weak.

I know this is a different world, but no one has said that this is still a disaster scene? Or is this really a game world? Otherwise, how could such an outrageous vision happen.

When Silent Yan returned to the city, the players had already gathered in the center of the square, and there was a group of aborigines on the other side. At this time, there was no time to tell who and who was his own, and everyone was crowded. In a pile, there is no way to do anything about the situation in front of you.

When the players saw him, they seemed to see the backbone. Although they knew that the man in front of him was just an ordinary human being, there might not be anything to do in such a situation like a natural disaster, but the players still felt at ease because of his existence. .

Perhaps when most players fell into this world and faced despair, the person who reached out to them at the most critical and helpless moment was Silent Yan, so when faced with a similar dilemma, they also subconsciously trusted this person.

The aborigines found that these people who had lived in the city suddenly calmed down, and they couldn't help but also silenced. It was obvious that the whole world looked a mess, but here it was unexpectedly calm.

"What should we do next? Should we find a safe place to take refuge first?" A player asked first.

After he finished speaking, he felt that he was talking nonsense. Looking at the current situation here, you can see that there is no safe place here, the land will crack at any time, and it is very difficult to build a shelter.

Duan Ze wanted to say whether he should go to the system mall to find out if there is any equipment that can be used for emergency evacuation, so that players can have a safe place first.

He turned his head to ask Silent Yan's opinion, and saw that he took out the pocket watch from his arms that he wanted to step on earlier.

Everyone's eyes were almost focused on the black-haired leopard clan. It can be said that they put all their expectations and hopes on him for no reason. This heavy burden for ordinary people is too heavy for this man. It seems to have no effect.

I saw his fingertips tap the surface of the pocket watch lightly.

The pocket watch that Duan Ze thought was a voice-controlled pocket watch seemed to be able to read the owner's heart instantly at this time. The three hands on the dial turned in an extremely smooth manner, as if this was not a watch, but a piece of The compass is generally, and finally the three pointers are aligned in three different directions and stopped.

At the moment when the pointer paused, invisible fluctuations exploded in the air instantly. People standing there could feel as if something was piercing through them. At that moment, the air seemed to vibrate. In front of his eyes, it was as if he saw countless silhouettes constantly interlaced, and finally the picture in front of him returned to its original state.

"What, what's wrong?!"

"What was that just now?"

People were in shock. Their first reaction was to look at their bodies, for fear that something might happen to their bodies if they were not careful. After all, even the sky can crack, so it doesn't seem like a particularly strange thing for the body to crack.

After they found that there was no problem with their bodies, they realized that the surrounding situation seemed to be too quiet.

The ground, which had been shaking constantly, returned to calm. Except for the weird cracks in the sky and the strange state of being unable to distinguish between day and night, there seemed to be no more weirdness around them.

The square is not far from the city gate, and the players who saw it immediately noticed the situation outside the city gate.

"Look, it's still shaking outside!"

Everyone looked in the direction he was pointing, and it turned out that only the vibrations in their city disappeared, while the ground outside the city still looked crumbling, and there was even a loud noise from trees falling to the ground in the distance.

Damn, what kind of boss is this, this is a god at all!

Even if they don't know what happened, everyone can feel that their city seems to be safe. Just when they want to ask Silent Yan, who has accomplished this feat as if by magic, what should he do next, they see each other. Mounted on a horse, ready to go out of town.

Immediately, a player dared to block Silent Yan's path, and he said anxiously: "It's too dangerous outside, boss, stay here with us!"

After he said that, many people agreed.

The aborigines had already planned to join this kingdom, so naturally they did as the locals did. Originally, they only knew that the black-haired leopard might be the city lord here, but after seeing the hand just now, they were completely convinced. Thinking about it, it is no wonder that it is a person who can drive a fifth-order powerhouse. That kind of power is simply not something mortals can look down on.

If it is normal, I am afraid they should think more about what kind of power this is? Why can they do such outrageous things? Even the power of the fifth-order powerhouse is only limited to the range that everyone can understand. It is only the strength of the force value, but what the other party has done has far exceeded that of normal people. cognition.

But now the situation is special. The orcs present have never seen such a scene as if the world will be destroyed in the next moment. The world is like this, so it seems that other incomprehensible things appear not so strange, and it seems that there are They just feel safe around someone who can stop this.

Many of the players do not want Silent Yan to leave. On the one hand, it is of course dangerous outside, and on the other hand, it is also uneasy, and in the eyes of the aboriginal orcs, they have no reason to leave each other at all.

Speaking of danger, the other party has obviously demonstrated the ability to avoid danger, and if they say that they will be uneasy, but who stipulates that he must be responsible for their mental health

Compared to the players, the orcs were quieter.

Now that they are protected under the wings of the strong, they should no longer have any say.

Duan Ze is a little soft-hearted. Unlike those people who have systems that can at least protect their lives, these players are basically ordinary people. It is not easy to keep calm like now. Those disaster movies don’t all start in a crowd. A riot breaks out, and then the situation gets out of hand? I don't know how good things are now compared to that.

"Don't worry, we're just going to..."

Halfway through his explanation, Silent Yan cut off his words: "The stable state here won't last long, there's nowhere to escape, you won't be able to live by wasting time."

The remarks that were ruthless and did not even take into account their panic at the moment made everyone breathless.

"Can you let it go now?"

The player who stopped in front moved his footsteps subconsciously.

Duan Ze glanced at the obviously frightened players, and before he had time to say anything, he quickly rode his horse to catch up with Silent Yan, who had already left the city first.

Now he doesn't have the heart to ridicule the other party for being too fierce. Looking at the strange phenomenon in the sky, he can't help asking: "So what is this? The end of the world?"

"Probably not."

To Duan Ze's surprise, Silent Yan gave his response on this issue. Duan Ze hurriedly asked, Silent Yan took out the book that no longer recorded new content from his arms, and left the area where the player was and entered the forest. At this time, the speed of the horses had slowed down, and the ground kept shaking, allowing the road to move. becomes difficult to move forward.

"Bai Yun's wish broke the world, but a world won't disappear so easily." Silent Yan asked, "What if something is broken and can't be repaired?"

"Eh... Buy a new one?" Duan Ze wasn't quite sure. After speaking, he suddenly realized, "You mean, the world is resetting itself?"

At first, I saw that the plot recorded in the book was changed again and again, and then to the ending that seemed like the end of the whole play and the vision of the sky outside, Silent said that it was caused by too many changes in the plot. After all, Yin Sihan is a proud son of heaven. , After being imprisoned by the White Rabbit King, he completely lost the power accumulated in the other world. If this is a novel, then this will have a huge impact on the subsequent plot, and it is normal for the plot to fail to advance.

But he recalled countless worlds before. It can be said that the plot of no world follows the original route. The appearance of him and Duan Ze is destined to change the plot, and there is no world in which the plot has been changed. will be like here.

Of course, it can also be said that this world is extraordinarily special. After all, it is a special world that spans two worlds. Maybe its foundation is unstable, but Silent Yan also feels that this is very unreasonable.

And in the case of obviously having a more reasonable explanation, there is no need for him to prove the most unlikely possibility.

Bai Yun sincerely hopes that Yin Sihan is not such a bad person. Maybe for Bai Yun, if Yin Sihan is not a bad person, they can simply be together, and the future will be peaceful and happy, but this is not the case, Yin Sihan If John had a little more conscience, the game called "Other World" would never be released.

There is no such a culprit as "Another World" wearing a holographic game skin, Yin Sihan will not harm so many people who are trapped in another world and cannot go back, and the two worlds will not be caused by too many intersections. Separation, Yin Sihan will not fall into another world and can only survive here.

There are too many things that will change just because of the change of Yin Sihan's character. If Bai Yun just wants Yin Sihan to become a good person, then the rule is to change Yin Sihan's character according to his wishes. Yes, but Bai Yun was sad and regretful about what had happened, so when the world began to satisfy the children who were favored by the law, something irreversible happened.

This can be regarded as an indirect proof that the modern world and the other world where the orcs live are indeed two worlds. It is precisely because of Yin Sihan's influence in the modern era that the change in his character will cause the life trajectory of tens of thousands of people to change. Such changes have resulted in an extremely high load on the modern world.

The two world consciousnesses are competing with each other, but they cannot tell the difference. When both sides are overwhelmed, the easiest way appears, as long as everything is reset.

"Isn't this still about to destroy the world?!" Duan Ze was shocked, "And at what point in time is the reset going to be reset?"

If this is reset to when they haven't come to this world to perform their tasks, where will the two outsiders with the system be

Silent Yan shook his head: "I don't know, but it's a good opportunity."