Become Stronger

Chapter 406: Become Stronger in Another World (159)


Bai Yun couldn't understand their conversation at all from the very beginning. He always felt that what they said was like some kind of code to him, and he needed a specific combination and order to understand it. However, he found that even Yin Sihan could understand it. After hearing it clearly and joining their conversation smoothly, Bai Yun realized that the only person who was not in the state seemed to be himself.

"What do you mean by saying that from the beginning? No one will reject me, and also that if I make a wish, it will come true..." Bai Yun gathered up the courage to ask the question in his heart.

Duan Ze was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Bai Yun didn't have a clear understanding of his abilities until now. He thought that after this period of experience, he should have understood a little bit.

Without being silent, Duan Ze simply began to explain his confusion for him, from beginning to end, without omitting and concealing any details.

Bai Yun was dizzy, he didn't even understand why he could use the beast soul just like an ordinary person, and he would become a monster like Duan Ze's mouth that could change other people's thoughts anytime and anywhere according to his own thoughts.

He couldn't help wondering if this was a joke, but when he looked at the two in front of him, he could intuitively feel that the other party didn't mean to joke.

Bai Yun opened his mouth, but found that even his voice became a little trembling: "So my father would agree to take you to the dungeon, I broke into my father's meeting but no one stopped me... So the world is also screwed up by me? "

This is not a topic that can be avoided. No one present has thought about taking care of this fragile rabbit boy in front of him. When a person's ability is too strong, then he needs to become able to bear this power.

"It will become like this because you don't have control, and you will always use this power subconsciously, which will trigger the ability anytime and anywhere, but this is undoubtedly according to your wishes." Silent said. .

Bai Yun shook his head, he obviously couldn't listen to any comforting words, the continent was collapsing visibly to the naked eye, if it was all because of him, then even if he died 10,000 times, he would not be able to make up for such a mistake: "I didn't think about it. If I want to destroy the world, I will kill everyone..."

"It's the opposite. You did a good job in this matter." Duan Ze saw that he was about to die, and quickly added, "Actually, there is one thing you may not know, Yin Sihan is not from this world. A large part of the reason why the mainland has become what it is now is also because of this.”

Bai Yun was stuffed with a huge amount of information in a short period of time. He obviously didn't understand what "not from this world" meant until Duan Ze patiently explained it to him.

There are other worlds besides this world. Because the two worlds cannot be merged, it led to the first rejection of world consciousness, and the current situation is also because Bai Yun's wishes involve people from another world, which leads to The world had such a huge reaction.

"Although I can't see it, the world on the other side should be the same as here." Duan Ze touched Baiyun's head, "Many people who are trapped in this world want to go home, and you can help them. That's pretty amazing."

Bai Yun was appeased, but he still felt guilty for causing such a consequence because of his own fault. He cheered up and asked actively, "Then what should I do? Make a wish?"

After he finished speaking, he folded his hands and closed his eyes, and tried to make a wish according to what he heard before, but nothing changed after they had left the White Rabbit Country for a certain distance.

"Because it's something he hasn't seen with his own eyes and doesn't have a concept, so there's no way to sincerely generate wishes." Silent Yan concluded, "Equally, he hasn't been to modern times, so he can't make two people's wishes by his own will. The world is separated and returned to its original state."

"Do you wish to abide by the Basic Law?" Duan Ze felt a little regretful, "Then the holy crystal can't be allowed to fall from the sky."

Bai Yun was a little frustrated, but after hearing that there was something he could do, he rallied again.

They hurried non-stop, and the destination was the holy crystal mine located somewhere in the west of the Monkey Kingdom. At this time, the dog clan who received the news were also driven out from the Hound Dog Kingdom. It will be time.

The dog clan is almost familiar with Bai Yun, and they do not introduce too much.

"The output of holy crystals is very small. I'm afraid that after a few days and nights, there may not be a single one. If you are in a hurry, it would be better to buy it directly." Silent said, "Although Hound Nation doesn't have much money, if you are in a hurry to use it, you have saved a little during this time."

The mainland has become so turbulent, and staying in the city is actually only to reduce the chance of encountering uncertain dangers, but at this time, no place is absolutely safe, and collective action is more conducive to mutual protection, so after receiving After Silent Yan asked, even Ke Yi, who was the agent, came along.

This is the first time Duan Ze has seen this type of Corgi dog. He just thinks that the little one is really cute and looks like an adult. He couldn't help but take a second look.

"It doesn't matter, just dig it directly." Silent Yan did not receive financial assistance from the Hound Dog Country. To be honest, he is not very short of money. The entire Hound Dog Country may not have as much money as he has now, but he Very polite and will not ignore the atmosphere under the kindness of others.

The dog tribes trusted him very much, and seeing his insistence, no one said any other nonsense. They picked up the tools they brought and started to prepare for the excavation.

The ore veins of the holy crystal are not much better than other places. The caves that can be penetrated during the crazy shaking of the ground have almost collapsed. They can only dig from the top. This is a huge amount of work, but no one complained, and no one complained. Ask why you would do this at a time like this.

Bai Yun watched from the side, anxious because there was nothing he could do.

At this time, Silent Yan gave him an unused holy crystal in his hand.

Bai Yun took over the holy crystal, and was very familiar with this thing, because he had seen it from Silent Yan, and also got popular science about such a thing.

"Look, as long as they can dig enough of this, this continent will be saved." Silent Yan explained.

Bai Yun knew the preciousness of the thing in his hand, and immediately held it nervously. He also wanted to ask him if he could help, but before he could speak, he heard a movement from the dog clan over there.

"Eh... this is it?" The dog clan, holding a pickaxe, crouched down and squinted for a long time. The spot he had just chiseled was illuminated by the light and dazzled his eyes. After taking a closer look, I realized that something was not quite right.

He ripped apart the surrounding soil and found that there was actually a pure and innocent holy crystal buried inside!

"I dug up one!"

The dog clan immediately dug out the holy crystal, held it in his hands and wiped it clean. The other compatriots around were unbelievable when they saw that he had dug up. With Shengjing, he ran to Silent Yan.

"Teacher! Look!" He wagged his tail happily.

Silent Yan took over the holy crystal and praised with a smile, "It's amazing, the rest will continue to work hard for you."

"no problem!"

Duan Ze didn't know for a while whether he should complain about the dogs being too coaxing or whether the Baiyun brand wishing machine was too useful.

Ke Yibi, who did not know why, was shocked by everyone. He was also a well-informed dog. Naturally, he knew the value and scarcity of holy crystals. What was the concept of digging one out like this? If it's that easy, do they need to be so frugal? I've been mining here all day long to get rich!

It's a coincidence, it must be a coincidence.

But the next situation made him unable to continue to have any ideas. The scarce holy crystal is like an ordinary ore. Although it is not as fast as the first one, it has also been produced one after another.

"How much more do you need?" Ke Yi couldn't help asking when he saw that Silent Yan didn't want them to stop.

"The more the better." Silent replied.

At this point, he has no way to persuade Silent Yan to buy it if he needs it urgently. The way he looks at Silent Yan has changed, and it is true that after meeting each other, their hound country has also improved. He got up, and now this person can dig out holy crystals casually because he wants holy crystals.

... Could it be that this is the chosen child

Ke Yi has never understood so profoundly that beasts are not the same as beasts and cannot be generalized about what this sentence means. This is too different!

Bai Yun was not very confident in his ability at first, but seeing everyone was so shocked, it seemed that this thing was really difficult to dig. He gradually gained a little understanding of his ability, and after having the most basic trust After feeling this, he also began to try to actively use this power. Although he was still very unfamiliar with it, the efficiency of the dogs gradually increased slightly.

The ore vein was temporarily handed over to Bai Yun, and there would be no major problems with Ke Yi watching.

So Silent Yan put the next focus on finding the scepter gem. Of course, it is not feasible to randomly search without any clue, but at least some things can be tried first.

As we all know, Yin Sihan came to a different world through the plane scepter. The plane scepter is in a damaged state, so it can only be teleported in a direction. This is why Yin Sihan used the scepter several times to come to The reason for this Orc Continent.

The role of the pointer is not only to control time, it can locate coordinates, but even if the pointer can replace the coordinate space of different planes, it cannot open the door to the world and allow living people to travel freely.

So can these two props be used at the same time

This is also what Silent Yan thought at the beginning. He thought about whether they could locate their original world through the pointer after repairing the scepter, but now that the scepter has not been repaired, it can only open the door between the modern world and the orc world. , then assuming the thing they're looking for is somewhere in both worlds, isn't it possible to use the pointer to locate the coordinates to open the channel with the scepter

This is not a simple attempt, the success of this attempt means whether the original idea of silence is feasible.

Duan Ze didn't have any opinion after listening to it. In his words: "Try it and you won't lose a piece of meat. Besides, there is no direction. It's better than bumping around like a headless fly."

After consensus is reached, the last is practice.

On the one hand, the pointer can be used smoothly because Bai Yun has supplemented it with sufficient energy, and on the other hand, it has already recognized him as the master when Silent Yan got it, so after the energy is replenished, Silent Yan naturally mastered how to use it.

The situation of the scepter is different. According to the plot, this plane scepter took the initiative to find Yin Sihan. If he is the master of Yin Sihan, then there should be no Yin Sihan. To fully grasp its usage, you need to invite a bunch of professionals to study it, plus so many players come to this world because of the passive use of the power of the scepter, so does it mean that the scepter does not need a master

Silent Yan had dismantled Yin's game cabin, and he was a little confused about how the player could trigger the scepter's ability to enter another world. The method that Shi used to trigger its function turned out to be by passing an electric current.

He still has a ring in his hand made of a part of the scepter that was disassembled from the game cabin. In theory, as long as he turns the ring to generate static electricity, the function of the scepter can be triggered. The problem is how to put the scepter into place. Send location and pointer to contact.

Since the power transmitted by Bai Yun's beast soul can be used as the energy of the pointer, can the ordinary beast soul be used as a carrier to temporarily serve as a medium between the two props to connect the two

With this thought in mind, Silent Yan was ready to give it a try.

Then he thought of something, and said to Duan Ze who was waiting for his next move: "Hold me."

Duan Ze was at a loss: "What?"

Although Duan Ze asked in a conditioned reflex, he actually heard it.

Seeing that Silent Yan was about to repeat it a second time, Duan Ze recited in his heart, "What kind of bad thoughts can Silent Yan have? If there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, it must be because his thoughts are too dirty", and before he said it a second time, He closed his eyes and reached out to hug him.

After Duan Ze's wrist was wrapped around his neck, Silent Yan raised his hand and clasped his waist, using his own beast soul as a carrier to connect the two props. Neither of these two things could absorb ordinary beast souls. Power, but just as a carrier, it went smoothly without any obstacles.

The pointer is looking for the coordinates of that item according to the owner's wishes. For it, as long as this thing exists, it can be found no matter what time and space it is, and it is connected to another scepter, making it faster to find the right. The gem related to the rod.

Soon the pointer stopped at a certain position, and Silent Yan turned the ring. The static electricity generated by the ring immediately activated the ability of the scepter. The space was different from when Silent Yan simply used the ring to come to another world before. There was no time-space distortion and change process. It was almost an instant to another place.

Judging from the surrounding high-rise buildings, it is undoubtedly modern.

The modern world does not feel any tremors. The only thing that is different is that the sky above is divided into day and night like the orc world. Many people take pictures with their mobile phones on the road, but other than that, it does not seem to affect people's normal. Life.

"Why does this have to be a hot search?" Duan Ze murmured.

Not to mention the hot search, this is estimated to be reported in the news every day.

The two of them were quite conspicuous standing on the road. They were dressed in uniforms that were obviously not modern clothes. They looked handsome and had animal ears symbolizing animals on their heads. After a while, someone ran over to take a photo with them, thinking they were playing what cosplay.

Duan Ze didn't know until after some words, it turned out that in the modern world, after some people grew animal ears and disappeared, this matter became a big problem, but because time has passed, only a few Weibo are still discussing this matter. thing.

Passers-by only thought they were characters in some animalized works of cos, and reminded them to pay attention. After all, many people's family members disappeared after they grew animal ears. Now cos are a little too sensitive.

"Hurry up, where is the thing?" No matter how you look around, there are only roads and pedestrians. Duan Ze wondered if the pointer was misplaced.

The pointer seemed to hear the complaints in his heart, not to be outdone, exuding heat in the hands of silent words, making a protest that only silent words could feel.

It has been proved that with the pointer and the scepter, as long as the pointer understands his thoughts, he can determine the coordinates and let them go to another completely different world. This alone is very important, and the pointer that can do this. There is no reason to point to the wrong location, I think the gem should be near here.

Silent Yan looked at the pointer, the pointer in his hand seemed to understand his intention, and he adjusted all the pointers on the dial very obediently. The three pointers converged into one, and as he turned the direction and moved at the same time, it looked more and more like a compass.

Duan Ze also found the pointer's efforts, and finally stopped complaining, and instead followed to find their target location.

However, they turned around and found that no matter how they went, the pointer would point in their original direction.

"This thing is really broken!" Duan Ze couldn't help saying, completely forgetting the painful experience of being pitted by a pointer.

At this moment, Silent Yan seemed to feel something. He held the pointer and changed the angle. The angle of the pointer, which was slightly upturned on the dial, gradually softened until the pointer was parallel to the dial.

At this time, the pointer pointed to the full moon hanging in the sky.