Become Stronger

Chapter 407: Become Stronger in Another World (160)


Duan Ze looked in the direction pointed by the pointer. When he saw the full moon hanging in the sky, he was obviously stunned, and a subconscious swear word was stunned.

Is this some kind of new age joke?

"Want to pick the moon?" Duan Ze asked in disbelief, "Can this be picked?"

Even silent words can’t answer this question. After all, anyone with a bit of common sense knows that the size gap between the moon and a gem cannot be easily offset. Love words are just sweet words of people in love. If you really do this, let's not mention that the stars and the moon are not as beautiful as they look from such a distance. The size alone is enough to give people a headache.

After observing for a long time, Silent Yan judged: "That is not the moon."

"Huh?" Duan Ze raised his head again after hearing this.

Because the sky of the modern world is the same as the other world where the orcs live, it is divided into day and night by the sun and the moon, so when they first came here, they had no doubts about it at all, as if it was a matter of course.

But looking closer now, I found that the moon seemed to be a little different from the normal moon.

It is not like the moon that should hang quietly, but it is far more dazzling than the quiet moon, just like a searchlight that emits a fierce light. The surrounding sky was extremely dark, and the original color in the sky seemed to have been sucked in half. It should be in a state of darkness, but no nebulae could be seen.

Looking at the passers-by on the street, everyone seems to be accustomed to the abnormal changes in the sky, but Duan Ze is surprised that there are no astronomers who have discovered this strangeness that can be clearly distinguished with the naked eye?

Or is it that only people from another world like them can see through it at a glance?

"Then how do you take it off? Going to rent a helicopter?" Thinking that it might not be easy to rent a helicopter in the city, Duan Ze thought that it would be more convenient to go directly to the system to buy one, "Find an open space, It's more convenient for me to buy one directly."

Duan Ze just raised his head in a daze and crashed into Silent Yan's arms. He raised his hand in a conditioned reflex and just hugged him. The next second, the whole person instantly felt a severe sense of weightlessness.

He hurriedly held on to the silent words, ten thousand words of nonsense were in his mouth before he had time to say them. He only felt the strong wind whistling in his ears, and the high-rise buildings in the city below became extremely small, as if they were marked on the map. black spot.

Already in the same world and very close, the positioning of the pointer became very precise. After using the pointer and the scepter again to teleport, Silent Yan appeared in the air almost the next second. Before absorbing all the light and disguising itself as the jewel of the moon.

After seeing this gemstone up close with his own eyes, he understood how accurate Yin Sihan's description of it was. It was indeed a beauty that could not be simply described in words, and it was not something that would exist in the ordinary world. , no wonder Yin Sihan did not try to find it in the modern world.

He didn't have time to think about it, and when his eyes touched the gem, he immediately stretched out his hand, and the stone suspended in the air was clasped in his palm without hesitation.

Pointers and scepters can make them teleport, but they can't make them levitate in the air.

Just as Shen Moyan grabbed the gem, his body began to fall rapidly in line with gravity. Even if Duan Ze was not afraid of heights, he was shocked by the high-altitude bungee jumping without any psychological preparation. The most terrifying thing was that they had no safety measures. But the person who can control the situation is not himself.

Duan Ze watched helplessly as the buildings that were originally just black spots were getting bigger and bigger, and they were about to smash into the ground from the sky like a meteorite, and both of them died in love, and the falling trend did not change.

Until he felt like he was going to be embarrassed, and the next second they appeared in a forest.

It turned out that Silent Yan turned the ring in time to transfer the space again. They took back the gem and returned to the orc world.

When his feet landed on the ground again, Duan Ze suddenly felt a sense of the rest of his life. He strongly suspected that Silent Yan was deliberately slowing down! After all, with the other party's reaction ability, there should be enough operation time as early as the next second after getting the item, and there is no need to move until you are about to fall to death!

"Don't you mean to scare me!?"

"No." Silent Yan denied.

Duan Ze thinks about it too, and he is not a primary school student. His little friends don't have the bad taste of bullying the people they like.

"It's just a rare situation..." someone who was extremely candid and unwilling to lie to him honestly added, Silent Yan lowered his head slightly, and his eyes fell into his golden brown eyes, "I want to be hugged by you for a while."

Duan Ze was stunned for a while, and then a pink mushroom cloud exploded in his head in an instant.

He crashed for a long time before realizing that he hadn't let go until now, he let go abruptly, stuttering as he spoke: "You, you... No, I was almost scared to death! It doesn't matter that much. Just a little time, even if it's not a special situation, it's okay!"

After Duan Ze finished speaking, he saw that Silent Yan obviously did not believe it. In order to prove the credibility of his speech, he added: "Otherwise, you can hug whenever you want in the future! I promise not to object!"

"Okay." He nodded.

Duan Ze suddenly felt that he had been fooled.

After they took the gem in the sky of the modern world, although they didn't know what the sky of the modern world would look like and whether it would recover, inexplicably, the sky of the other world where the orcs were located returned to normal.

"Could it be that the changes in the sky of this world are actually mapped from the modern world?" Duan Ze guessed, but there is really no basis for such guesses. These things are very mysterious in themselves. The answer to all the strange explanations, I am afraid you have to find a professional in this field.

As for the professionals, Duan Ze thinks that the origin of these pointers and scepters may have such people. After all, according to what Silent said, these things all come from the "higher planes", and the people in that place should be concerned about this. This kind of thing is very understandable.

Both he and Shen Moyan felt that these things couldn't have come from this world.

In the modern world, the gem that absorbed half of the sky light was held in silent Yan's hand at this time. It still radiated extremely dazzling light, but it did not show any aggressiveness. For the convenience of carrying, he temporarily stored it in the in the ring.

This trip went very smoothly. It should have not taken much time, but when they returned to the dog clan, they were told that they had left for a full half a day.

The flow speed between different worlds is different, or the process of opening the gate of time and space to shuttle will consume a lot of time. Not only any of them, but this level of weirdness seems to be easily acceptable.

After Bai Yun's hard work and the continuous work of the dog clan under the shift of shifts, the final result was quite fruitful. The people who piled up the holy crystal like a hill on the ground were dazzled, even if the dog clan never thought of swallowing it, but Can't help but get excited about the value behind this.

I knew they had started the holy crystal mining business earlier.

The disappearance of the vision in the sky did not make the canines feel relieved. After all, the shaking of the ground had not stopped, and the sky suddenly returned to normal, which seemed to them more like a moment of tranquility before some kind of ominous approaching, so when they saw the silent words After they came back, they immediately sent the results up.

When they saw Silent Yan took out the gem that they had never seen before, everyone's expressions were stunned. Even Bai Yun, who had heard Yin Sihan's description long ago, couldn't hide the surprise on his face. If such a thing appears on the market, I am afraid that the value is far more than that of the Holy Crystal. It is better to say that it is not comparable to the Holy Crystal.

Silent Yan placed the gem on the top of the scepter, and the golden pattern spread on the scepter just wrapped the gem around and fixed it on the top, and when the gem was combined with the scepter, the scepter emitted a dazzling light. The damaged part of the researcher poured out thin gold powder like quicksand, and it looked as if the whole scepter was about to be melted.

Everyone dared not let the air out, for fear that the scepter would be blown away by saying one more sentence.

Those golden powders that fell to the ground seemed to have self-consciousness and found the unrelenting holy crystals stacked together. Compared with the golden light emitted by the scepter, the original dazzling holy crystals were somewhat inferior. At the same time, these holy crystals were smashed one by one, and turned into white gold powder and merged with the gold powder.

As Duan Ze assumed, the holy crystal was accepted by the scepter as a supplementary material. The whole process did not take too long and did not require any labor. This plane scepter seems to have the ability to repair itself. Fix it yourself.

Looking at the body of the stick, there were obvious traces of white gold on the original golden lines, and those were the parts that were repaired by the holy crystal.

Next comes the more troublesome part.

Bai Yun's wish is essentially to change the past and the future, and the world consciousness is also trying its best to help him fulfill this wish. This is the reason why the conflict between the two worlds is about to collapse, and it is precisely because the two worlds are extremely It is fragile, so it is convenient for him to correct it at this time.

The pointer also has a function of silent words that have not been used yet.

Opening the book named "Story" by the system, he checked the contents of the book, and the plane scepter in his hand obediently began to use his abilities according to his wishes.

Players who are far away in the gluttonous country holding a group to warm up and discussing the next situation, players who have not had time to return to the forest after condemning Yin Sihan, players who still follow Yin Sihan in the White Rabbit Country, scholars from the forest research base, and others The players scattered all over the continent who failed to recognize the large army disappeared almost at the same time, leaving no trace.

The gluttonous country instantly became more than half empty, and the aboriginal beasts who were still in the city stared at each other, panicking at the disappearance of so many people out of thin air.

Silent Yan turned a page here. After sending all the players back to the modern era, he seemed to be more and more comfortable with the use of the pointer. With the blessing of the scepter, he was just standing there, but he seemed to be able to see the pointer pointing. the coordinates of the screen.

The two worlds originally intersected because Yin Sihan let people in the modern world enter a different world, and what he has to do is to erase all these intersections. As long as there is no intersection, there will be no follow-up. The problem.

This was a big project, and he erased the traces of Yin Sihan in this world one by one according to the contents of the book.

Where the pointer pointed was traced back, the empty research base disappeared out of thin air, and the buildings built by the players gradually changed to their original appearance. In an instant, the traces of people in the modern world on the entire continent were no longer there. Can't find a cent.

The originally full book gradually appeared white pages, until only the first sentence remained [In the early morning, Yin Sihan woke up from a dream. ] Only this time he woke up and didn't see the scepter again, nor could he master the ability to cross to another world.

Although the pointer and the scepter can change many things, there is a clear primary and secondary relationship in "change". The orc world has not been regressed as a whole, so the memory of players who have experienced all things cannot be changed. Time was reversed, and the player was sent back to the day when Yin Sihan first got the plane scepter. The scepter was taken away from Yin Sihan's life, so many things would change dramatically. Players sent back this point in time to minimize this change as much as possible.

The connection between the modern world and the orc world has been basically cut off. Even if the silent words are too rude, but without the interference of another world, the world consciousness is enough to slowly repair it until everything is on the right track.

The remaining question is about Bai Yun's wish. Bai Yun's wish is the root cause of the huge entanglement between the two worlds. The easiest way is to make Bai Yun forget everything about Yin Sihan. …

The vibration of the world has obviously weakened. Bai Yunzheng and the dog clan were delighted by such a change. Silent Yan did not consciously pour cold water, and told the other party his thoughts truthfully.

Bai Yun was obviously stumped. He naturally knew how much suffering he had caused by his momentary thoughts. In theory, he should let himself forget Yin Sihan, so that he could ensure that the same thing would not happen to the two worlds again. .

But once that is forgotten, what can warn him not to make the same mistake?

Duan Ze has been paying attention to Silent Yan's actions. Naturally, he also saw the changes in the book. According to Silent Yan's thinking, he somewhat guessed what he did. Regarding Bai Yun's situation, he said: "There is no world consciousness now. No matter how strong the reaction is, it also shows that Bai Yun's desire has weakened, right?"

Up to now, he didn't think that Bai Yun would still want to insist on the idea that had arisen unintentionally at the beginning, but as expected, he saw Bai Yun nodded again and again after he finished speaking.

Silent Yan said: "That's because Yin Sihan is no longer in this world, and their connection with this world has been cut off. In theory, the consciousness of this world has no way to control people in the other world. Of course, if one day Bai Yun inadvertently moves After some thought, it is not surprising that the same thing happens again."

Duan Ze was not annoyed that the guess he had just finished was slapped in the face, and he began to think of other ways.

Bai Yun thought for a long time, and finally made up his mind: "Please take back my ability!"

After he finished speaking, he attracted the attention of the people around him. Although the dog clan did not know what Bai Yun was capable of, it was not difficult to see from their previous conversations that they were able to dig out so many holy crystals with him so smoothly. If you have the ability to dig out the holy crystal at any time, it would be too wasteful to leave it alone!

The dog clan collectively showed a look of pity.

Duan Ze was very surprised: "Are you sure? Don't you want to change yourself? This is your innate ability. If you can't control, you can learn to control. It's a pity to just give up."

It is true that Bai Yun's power may be a potential threat, but no one can say that this is not a life-saving medicine when the world may face danger in the future. Of course, it does not mean that Bai Yun must dedicate his strength to the world. From Duan Ze's point of view, it is too strange to just give up what belongs to him.

What's more, Bai Yun just doesn't know how to use it. As long as he is given a little time, he should be able to master how to actively use it, instead of having it triggered from time to time.

Bai Yun shook his head: "I want to change myself, this power will only make me rely more on its convenience, as if my father will like me as long as I think about it, and the people around me will no longer hate me, but then It's not that they really like me."

"I want to be worthy of being liked by others." Bai Yun said, "but as long as I have this ability, I am afraid that when I fail, I can't help but want to find shortcuts through it. I want others to express themselves. I like me in my heart, not influenced by any ability."

What Bai Yun said was a bit confusing, but Duan Ze understood it, and Silent Yan asked one last time: "Are you sure? Even if you can get the highest rights in the entire continent?"

"But I obviously can't do it." Bai Yun raised his head and said, "Everyone has been living a good life, the kings of every kingdom are smarter and more powerful than me, and they are the most suitable managers. people."

Duan Ze came up with the idea that Bai Yun deserves to be another protagonist in this world, and he is almost two extremes from Yin Sihan, who puts his interests first. The one acre and three-thirds of the land in front of him seems to be precisely because of this, so he knows what is the most important.

Bai Yun had never owned it before, so now I cherish it.

To take away Bai Yun's power is very simple, just take away his beast soul, or simply let the pointer or scepter absorb all the energy of his beast soul, then his beast soul will also be unbearable. Heavy burden loses the function of cultivating energy again. There are many ways to achieve this goal and ensure Bai Yun's survival, but Silent Yan does not intend to do so.

His thoughts are very close to Duan Ze's. Silent Yan feels that there is no power that can appear in a person for no reason. Bai Yun's ability will definitely have an effect in the future, so he did not take it away. His ability meant, but in order to reassure Bai Yun, he still did it.

Silent Yan injected his own power into Bai Yun's body as he did before when he opened the beast soul. This time, the power of the scepter was attached. The scepter carried extra holy crystal powder, surrounding Bai Yun. The ultimate white gold beast soul has been recreated with a new shell made of holy crystal powder.

So Bai Yun's beast soul still looks like a first-order white soul, and its power will not overflow again, but it has not really disappeared completely, but is temporarily locked.

Bai Yun didn't know it. He just thought that he had changed back to the waste state where he couldn't do anything at the beginning. He was happy and regretful at the same time, but he didn't want others to worry, so he quickly smiled again, expressing I am satisfied with the result.

And the matter here is over, Silent Yan is starting to work on another idea of ​​his.

He asked Duan Ze, "Are you going to come with me or go home?"

Yin Sihan, who had returned to the modern world, woke up and found that he was actually sleeping on the bed in his bedroom, and he abruptly rolled over from the bed.

He stayed in the other world for so long that he didn't remember the furniture and decoration of the original world home in detail. He just vaguely felt that the appearance of the house seemed a little wrong, but he couldn't figure out where it came from. The problem, because no matter how you look at it, this is indeed the private villa where he has lived for a long time.

He sat on the edge of the bed, holding his head, a little unsure of what was going on.

He should have been imprisoned in the dungeon of the White Rabbit Country before, so how come he has returned to the modern age? Thinking of the previous shaking of the ground and the apparent problem outside, Yin Sihan guessed whether the instability of the two worlds caused him to be sent back again.

If so, he was really lucky.

Yin Sihan couldn't say whether it was lucky or unfortunate that the plan about the other world failed. Unfortunately, he hardly got any benefits. Fortunately, he did not die after the failure.

He came out of the room, went to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water, and was about to pick up the remote control to watch today's news. After all, he came back, so everyone else should have come back too. Based on Yin's previous actions, I am afraid it has already caused After a huge sensation, he had to see if there was any room for recovery.

In this matter, as long as he insists that the Yin family also belongs to the victim's side, he can win a lot of favorable conditions. After all, it is not only those players who were injured in this incident, but also their own people, who traveled to another world. This kind of magical development could not be judged normally, and Yin's situation may not be very bad.

What's more, after such a thing happened, he was able to retreat back to this world as the mastermind behind the scenes. This alone is enough to attract the attention of many people who are interested in this area. He can win over these people, another world. It’s true, so are those players who have gone and never returned. It’s something everyone sees that the human body grows orc features. Even if they can’t study a single reason in a lifetime, Yin Sihan has enough. Confidence can fool those people.

While turning on the TV, he took out his mobile phone and opened the address book. He wanted to find the contact information of that person in it, and wanted to know if he had returned here like himself, but after repeatedly flipping through it twice None of the notes named Silent Words were found on it.

At the same time, this morning's morning news was broadcast on the TV. The host's professional and calm tone was the same as before, and the content of the news broadcast was the same as usual, all of which were common events that could be heard.

Yin Sihan began to feel that something was wrong. He focused his eyes on the phone again and glanced at the date, but found that not only the month, but even the year was not a year he was familiar with, but a few years ago!

Yin Sihan is a person with a good concept of time. He is very sensitive to the date, so that when he sees this date, he thinks of what happened before, and almost instantly associates the scepter with this date in his mind. It was only at this time that he realized that he had returned to the time when he first got the scepter.

He's back, what about the others?

Because the time went backwards, the number of the man named Silent Yan was no longer in his mobile phone.

After his thoughts were sorted out, Yin Sihan didn't feel how bad this development was. He went back a few years ago, so he had more time to grow than his normal peers or even his past self. At the same time, these few He is also very familiar with the development of the industry in recent years, which will only give him a more advantageous start.

Maybe God really likes him, but not necessarily.

Yin Sihan always felt that he was missing something, but he was really out of the modern business battle for too long. Not long ago, his mind was still full of the layout of the various territories in the different world continent. It is inevitable that it will be difficult to switch back now.

But he soon knew what he had overlooked.

Except for him, other people don't think about how to conquer the world every day in another world. Most of their minds are thinking about how to give Yin Sihan a villain, especially for those who are rejected for the first time in the world. Players who were thrown into another world without warning and died in the mouths of alien beasts, before these people died, apart from fear, they only had resentment towards Yin.

The game cabins sold by Yin's are expensive, and they are advertised as holographic games, so naturally some people buy them at high prices, and the first batch of people who use them are also in good family conditions, and they can even be said to be rich or expensive. Second generation.

Many of these people are the sons and daughters of Yin's business partners or mortal enemies. After experiencing the situation where they were almost killed, these wealthy children who have not suffered any grievances on weekdays naturally couldn't swallow this breath, although some did not understand why they did not Die, but the first thing after waking up is to trouble Yin Shi.

Netizens who didn't know what was going on found that Yin Shi suddenly became the public enemy of the industry overnight, and even companies and enterprises that could not compete with him Yin Shi's eight poles also contributed their efforts. They were like Some people think that this kind of behavior is very unfavorable to normal business competition on the Internet, but it will soon be madly sprayed by a group of people, and Yin has no idea where he offended so many netizens. Each of these netizens is like the Yin family who harmed their whole family.

Soon, anonymous netizens posted some unknown projects under the Yin Group, each of which was tested on the edge of crime, which made people stunned. It is hard to imagine that such a big company could have such a dirty side. .

The trend of public opinion on the Internet has changed in an instant, and only a very small number of people still try to be a reasonable person, but the effect is very small.

After another period of time, long after the Yin family had completely lost his voice, some netizens jointly made the game, and other netizens provided funds from crowdfunding. It took two years to make an independent game with a different world style. In it, players The level of the game is divided according to the level. In addition to the basic NPC favorability and the system of upgrading monsters, the most distinctive feature is that the player has a city and will play the game as the city owner.

The construction and management of the city has become a great highlight of this game. There are often netizens who post the construction layout of their city on the Internet, and the most popular among them is not the one with the best construction, but a mediocre looking one. Compared with the renderings released by others, it is even a rudimentary city, and the publisher named the city Taotie City.

A city that doesn't seem to be anything special, but many people like him. There are people leaving words such as Ye Qinghui everywhere in the comment area, and many super rich local tyrants spend a lot of money on this contribution, and continue to smash it. The money has kept it at the top of the forum, and its reward amount has always opened a huge gap with the second-ranked city.

These people are really in love.

Many people who eat melons think so, but over time this city name has become a well-known name among the players of this game, and many players will use this name from time to time when playing the game.

Someone sent a private message to the production team, wanting to say that this name should be changed to the default name of the player's city at the beginning of the game, but it was rejected by the production team, so more people began to be curious, this gluttonous city is for the publisher and those What's the special meaning of tyrants?

On the other hand, the situation of the orcs is much more complicated.

Silent Yan did not move back the time of the other world, so as not to overreact to this already sensitive and fragile world consciousness and cause unnecessary trouble, he just erased the traces of the player's existence in the other world.

But for the orcs in another world, the whole thing has become even more bizarre.

They watched the world fall apart with their own eyes, and they saw the people around them suddenly disappear, and some buildings were razed to the ground in an instant, but in the next second everything seemed to be restored, the sky returned to its original normal appearance, the gaps began to heal, and the land No more shaking, only those people and things that disappeared did not come back.

For a while, many orcs were frightened, for fear that the next person to disappear would be themselves, but as time passed, they slowly accepted the status quo, no one disappeared, and no strange phenomenon appeared again. It seems to have returned to calm.

The orcs who originally wanted to take refuge in the gluttonous kingdom suddenly had nowhere to go. They discussed with each other and did not disband in place, but started rebuilding the city built by the players.

Although most of the buildings built by the players have disappeared, many of them were built with the help of the helpers provided by the intelligence businessmen, so the entire city is not completely disappeared, and some foundations are still left.

The homeless orcs found the design blueprints scattered all over the place. These were provided by the intelligence dealers. The ones drawn by the players themselves have long since disappeared, but it is not a problem to rebuild them with their hands-on ability.

During the construction process, the orcs tacitly restored a lot of the original appearance of the city they had seen before, recreated the appearance they originally yearned for, and even rebuilt the building called "Three Missing One". Lou, it's just that the people who used to live here mean what playing cards and mahjong mean, they don't know.

"What is the game called Werewolf Killing, is it the activity of catching the wolves and slaughtering them?" one of the orcs asked.

The orc who was asked felt a little cruel, but after thinking about it, he nodded in agreement: "It's possible, fortunately there are no wolves among us."

On the other hand, Hound Nation got on the line with Uncle Chen, the intelligence businessman of Linghou Nation through the introduction of Silent Yan. Although Uncle Chen felt that he was not a bad person, he was not a bad person. What about all these dogs?

It can only be said that Silent Yan gave too much money.

At first, the Dog Clan rejected the people from the Monkey Kingdom, but it was so sad to see Chao Yi crying after hearing the news that Silent Yan had left and probably won't come back. They were sadder than anyone else when the news of leaving.

Chao Yi managed to complete the number of rewards that Silent Yan had set for him with his own strength, but before he had time to apprentice, the master was nowhere to be found, and there was nowhere to be sad. After discovering that he was crying, the group of dogs actually cried along with them. People with similar moods on both sides looked at each other, and the relationship was inexplicably closer.

Uncle Chen has never been this big before. He used to live a very Buddhist life, but when Silent Yan left, he was thrown not only a group of well-trained dogs, but also a contract with the Snow Leopard Kingdom. The Snow Leopard Congress has successively provided resources that need to be transferred by him. The profit from the sale is divided into three parts, the bulk of which is from the Snow Leopard Clan, and the other two from Uncle Chen and the Hound Dog Country.

It is difficult for Uncle Chen to describe how miserable the dogs were crying when he explained this to the canine clansmen. The big men cried out of breath, and it was almost impossible to say.

He suddenly understood why the other party was going to leave and he couldn't worry about these dogs. He wanted to find someone to take over. Remembering that Silent Yan did mention Chao Yi before he left, he planned to train this kid and let him be the spiritual leader. The linker of the Monkey Kingdom and the Hound Kingdom.

Just when he thought that everything had been arranged properly, he only needed to arrange regular bounties for the dog clan, deal with the resources sent by Xueyuan, and maintain the stability of the two parties. , The caravan of the Rabbit tribe arrived in the Monkey Kingdom, and the rabbit headed was very friendly and expressed that he and Shen Moyan had a cooperation on the Tiger Kingdom.

Only at this time did Uncle Chen realize that he had underestimated Silent Yan, he had never really known this person! If it weren't for the fact that he had to leave temporarily, would he have to hold the whole continent in his hands if he stayed for a while longer?

The cooperation with the Tiger Nation is about the low-level orcs of the Tiger Nation. If the situation in the Tiger Nation is very tense, the position of the king will basically be vacated, and there will be a huge contradiction between the high and the low level. This contradiction has evolved to the present and has become Out of control.

Because of the long-term cooperation, the low-level Tigers have the ability to be self-reliant, and no longer rely on the high-level, and the high-level people have hardly done any work before this. Without the low-level Tigers to provide a source of money, they started not long after. They were in a pinch. Originally, they only needed to take a few commissions like normal middle and high-level orcs, but they were so used to it that they didn't want to do such a thing at all.

Many low-level tiger tribes have left their kingdoms. They heard that there is a kingdom that accepts all stray orcs regardless of their race. Many people are moved by it. The Tiger Kingdom is in danger of being destroyed. Feeling a sense of crisis, they began to make concessions, and the situation in the Tiger Country was relieved for a while.

"Mr. Shen means that we will continue to conduct long-term transactions with the low-level residents of the Tiger Nation, but as a businessman, we still need to rely on your intelligence agents to understand the situation of the Tiger Nation. Mr. Shen said that you are very reliable, so this I have to trouble you."

The rabbit clan in front of him smiled politely. Uncle Chen couldn't help smoking a cigarette. He asked sullenly, "Why are you doing such troublesome work?"

"Because Mr. Shen gave enough money."

"… It's true."

Bai Yun left the White Rabbit Country not long after saying goodbye to Shen Mo. He no longer expected to be loved by people who didn't value him at all, but set his sights on people who were more worthy. He moved to the Hound Country with his luggage. , although he is not good at hunting and basically has no attack power, but compared with the dog clan, he is the best at cooking among them.

It didn't take long for the dogs to discover that although their daily meals had improved a lot because of Bai Yun's arrival, Yi Tian's meals were far more plentiful than theirs.

"Is this all treated differently?" Ke Yi couldn't believe it, "I'm the agent of the Hound Nation, Ah Tian, ​​I order you to hand over that piece of meat!"

Yi Tian heard the words and laughed: "Why? It's all prepared by Bai Yun. Eat your own and don't rob others."

"But isn't it too much for you to have five or six more yuan in your bowl than us!"

At this time, Bai Yun defended in a low voice, "A Tian's is bought by me with the money I saved from my part-time job."

"Damn, you eat soft rice, ah Tian!"

"Ah, don't talk nonsense!"

Seeing the noise at the dinner table, Bai Yun blushed and carefully touched the new chain with a small carrot hanging on his wrist.

This was quietly stuffed to him by Yi Tian two days ago. Obviously, this kind of behavior of giving gifts is very unaccustomed to the cheerful Yi Tian, ​​although the other party awkwardly said that he bought it when he saw it in the city. But Bai Yun was very familiar with the material used to carve the little carrot. It was the same material that he often saw on his brothers as accessories when he was a child. Since it would appear on his brothers who were princes, Then it won't be everywhere.

Bai Yun felt that his heart was full, and it was here for the first time that he experienced the feeling that he could get the same reward for giving kindness to others.

Very nice.