Become Stronger

Chapter 408: Become Stronger in the Empire (1)


"Do you want to come with me or go home?"

When he first heard this question, Duan Ze didn't react, and a look of confusion appeared on his face: "Ah"

This matter is not trivial, but even if it is an ordinary trivial matter, Silent Yan has enough patience when facing Duan Ze, and he slowly explained his thoughts to the other party carefully.

Both the modern world and the orc world here are recognized by the system as part of the mission area of this mission, and unauthorized use of some means outside the system to reach other worlds may not be recognized by the system.

On the one hand, the tasks in this world may not be able to be settled normally, and at the same time, there is no way for the other world system to arrange tasks according to regulations. If this is an ordinary machine, it should lead to program confusion, right? But considering that the system is not an ordinary thing, exceeding the predetermined behavior will not necessarily make it confusing, but more likely to lead to some default punishment measures.

It's not that Silent Yan didn't consider directly testing it himself, and then sending Duan Ze back to Interstellar after confirming that it is safe. This way, Duan Ze's safety can be guaranteed to the greatest extent, but it will definitely take a long time. During this period of time, Duan Ze will lose contact with him, although he can ensure his safety, but Silent Yan thinks he will be angry.

Still don't want to make him angry.

So in order not to make Duan Ze unhappy because of his self-talking behavior, Silent Yan gave those two choices after truthfully explaining the situation and concerns.

Follow him or go home.

"If you want to go home, I will send you back first to see if there will be further punishment in the system. If not, you can always stay in your own world." Silent said, "But the system should not Just remove it like this, the best case is that the system can't recognize the world that jumped in the middle, and it will be silent, so even if you are still tied to a system, it will not have any effect on your future life."

"In the worst case scenario, we can think of other solutions if something goes wrong."

Duan Ze was stunned as he watched Silent Yan speak a little more, and told him a bunch of situations he had expected. He couldn't help interrupting him in the middle: "Wait!"

The man opposite stopped as he wished and looked at him quietly.

"What do you mean I can stay in my own world all the time?" When he heard him say that, Silent Yan's expression was still as calm as before. This kind of calmness made Duan Zehuo unable to help himself. On that handsome face, "Are you going to dump me? Are you talking about breaking up?"

"No." Silent Yan let him pull, looked down at him without any resistance, "It's just that I still have things to do, it will probably take a long time, and you know that jumping between different worlds will depend on the flow rate. Different times produce different time differences, and this time is not easy to estimate.”

Although he seems to be well-mannered and even a bit well-behaved, Duan Ze will not be deceived by him: "I know what you are going to do, but why do you let me wait for you by default, can't we be together?"

Silent nodded: "So I said there is another option, you can follow me."

Duan Ze raised his brows at his innocent look of "I gave you two choices from the beginning, I didn't exclude you", and he said neatly: "There is only one choice from the beginning, of course I want to With you!"

After finishing speaking, he added less confidently: "Unless you don't want to."

Duan Ze knew exactly what Silent Yan was talking about, but to put it bluntly, it was not a glamorous thing. Although he personally really wanted to be with him all the way when he needed it, Duan Ze could not guarantee Silent Yan. Willing to let him intervene in this most embarrassing and painful past for him.

Silent Yan's nerves are not as delicate as Duan Ze thinks. He doesn't care about letting Duan Ze intervene in his own affairs. What he is worried about is the possible risks, but these are not comparable to Duan Ze's personal will, since he is willing to be with him Together, then Silent Yan can only do to protect him.

When Duan Ze heard the words, he looked left and right, trying hard to see if Silent Yan was fooling him, but after confirming that he really agreed with his decision, he couldn't help but feel happy. Duan Ze found that Silent Yan's greatest advantage might be that he was willing to respect him. His own thoughts will never do something he doesn't like for reasons such as being good for him.

Because of the cuteness he discovered suddenly, Duan Ze held his face and couldn't help but leaned in and gave him a quick sip. After kissing him, he quickly pulled away and pretended that nothing happened: "Let's go, let's go!"

Since I don't know if there is any unexpected danger, of course we have to face it together!

Otherwise, how can you be called a friend!

Silent Yan looked at Duan Ze who was in a state of high mood and was about to fight the boss in the next second, his eyes fell on his red ears, without piercing his shyness, he replied: "Well."

After dealing with some of the remaining problems in the orc world, they were finally ready to try to leave voluntarily for the first time.

The pointer will search for a precise coordinate according to what he wants in his heart, and this time, what he is looking for is a place that Silent Yan has always hidden deep in his heart, a place he is most familiar with. This kind of emotion is so strong that the pointer caught it in an instant, and quickly fixed the pointer.

The scepter that has been repaired has no specific restrictions. It lives up to expectations and opens up another new world of time and space. Silent Yan clenched the hand of the person beside him, so as not to lose the person in the process of time and space conversion.

Perhaps it was because this time the plane scepter opened a world it had never touched before. Silent Yan only felt that the vision in front of him disappeared for a moment, and even his thinking seemed to be silent with the effect of the scepter's power.

He suddenly woke up from this tendency to fall asleep forever, and when he came back to his senses and opened his eyes, he found that the surrounding environment had changed.

In the air was the bone-chilling cold that he was very familiar with, the cold and sturdy copper walls and iron walls, and what looked like a pool of rotten flesh in front of him, he couldn't tell what kind of corpse it was, and it was exuding a strong smell of blood.

Silent Yan stood there, holding a deformed piece of metal in his hand, and the blood on his hand seemed to have been soaked in blood.

He remembered where this was, this was the cell of the criminal who killed his sister, he found it before he was taken away by the system, handcuffed the man to the iron bed, cut his tongue, and used the small The metal iron sheet vented the anger in his heart.

The death of the criminal who had completely lost his breath was horrific. Silent Yan glanced over with a sullen face, but did not react to what he had done in the past. His eyes looked around, and there seemed to be something missing except him.

Duan Ze is not here.

He successfully came to this world through the pointer and scepter of the previous world, but the landing point was different from what he thought. Silent Yan was originally planning to let the pointer pass time and send him directly to nothing. When it happened, he did not expect a deviation in this matter, and he came to the time and place where he was sent away by the system.

The tail ring on the finger is still there, which means that the system has not disappeared, the same system has not responded to his actions, and the pointer and scepter are still in the tail ring. I don’t know if it is a special storage item. Sex is still due to the fact that the previous world did not have time to settle, and even the things he stored in the tail ring in the orc world did not disappear.

As long as the pointer is still there, it is not a big problem, and it is not impossible to resurrect the dead with the power of the pointer. Since he has reached a situation where everything seems to be irreversible, then he just starts from here and puts the back All the people involved in this matter were arrested, and none of these people would want to run away.

He had to get out of here first, then find the bodies of his family, and then figure out how this whole thing happened.

Originally, he was not old enough to be exposed to these things, and he didn't know the reason behind it until he ended up like that, but it was obvious that he was useful to some people.

Silent Yan remembered very clearly that he had received a note the night before he left this world, which reminded him that the monitoring and sensing of the prison would disappear at 2 am the next day, and attached a key. Card.

At that time, he had already encountered the system, and he had no desire to escape from prison at all. When he needed help most, no one was willing to lend a hand, and when he had lost everything he could, there was no one at all. Help was provided without warning, and at that time he felt powerless in addition to being ridiculous.

But now that I think about it, why isn't this weird

If you really wanted to help the Shen family, why did you delay it until now

Everyone in the Shen family was executed, and his only sister also lost his life. Those who want to help him can easily control the equipment of the most stringent prison in the empire to provide him with an environment to escape, and also provide the master key card of the prison. How could a person with this ability be completely incapable of what happened to the Shen family? As long as they do something in the middle, the execution of the Shen family will not be carried out so quickly.

Silent Yan will inevitably think that saving an orphan who knows nothing about everything and is full of hatred, what benefit will that person be to that person, is nothing more than gaining an extremely useful and controllable chess piece.

The people who provided him with the conditions to escape from the imperial prison must have a great connection with the events of the Shen family, and they want his loyalty or trust, I am afraid that these people need to use him to achieve certain goals.

Wanting to understand this, Silent Yan has some eyes on the next action. He only needs to follow the person's wishes and leave here when the monitoring and sensing are all invalid. There will naturally be someone outside to meet him, and he can easily approach. Those people will not have any suspicion of the other party. After all, all this is the other party's layout. He is just an ignorant prey who has been tricked into a trap.

The only question now is where will Duan Ze be

Silent Yan will return to his body, which seems to be a matter of course, after all, no matter which world he goes to, he will be "Silent Yan", and the "Silent Yan" here is either someone else or himself, but Duan Ze and him The difference is that he is someone else in every world, and only uses his own body when he returns to the interstellar space.

Suddenly Silent Yan remembered a name Duan Ze once mentioned to him in the supernatural world.

He Yi.